Book Read Free

Stone of Destiny

Page 11

by Laura Eno

  Sorcha delivered her wedding dress on this particular day and it was quite simply the most gorgeous thing Abbie had ever seen. Cut low in the front, the different panels of light and dark purple silks flowed from just under the bust line and swept down to the floor. The material swayed gracefully as she moved about for Katherine and Sorcha’s inspection. Abbie felt like a princess as she studied herself in the mirror.

  “Ye look magnificent, lass. I canna say that I’ve ever seen a more beautiful bride.” Katherine’s eyes grew misty as she looked at her.

  “I can’t tell you how happy I am. Thank you so much. It’s a gorgeous dress and a perfect fit. You have an incredible talent.” Abbie spoke warmly to Sorcha, hoping the depth of her feelings would come through the translation that Katherine provided.

  Sorcha nodded, looking pleased with the result. She hadn’t had to make any adjustments to the fit. Katherine took the dress from Abbie as she changed out of it, folding it inside a heavier cloth to keep it safe.

  “I will put this in the closet of the room ye first stayed in, to keep it away from Gavin’s eyes. Otherwise, he’ll be wanting to take a look at it.”

  Abbie soon found out her ring was now in Gavin’s possession, but he only let her glimpse it long enough to make sure it fit. The heavy gold band had intricate engraving on it and looked beautiful. When she’d tried to take a closer look at it though, Gavin smiled and put it away in his desk drawer in the study.

  “You can examine it more after I place it on your hand at the wedding.”

  He held her close and kissed her gently. Abbie leaned into him and lit the fire that always smoldered beneath the surface between them. Gavin kicked the door closed with one foot and slowly undressed her, planting kisses between her thighs and nipping at her breasts.

  “You are my beautiful enchantress, Abbie. I am under your spell, for now and always. I will love you beyond time itself.”

  This warrior had the soul of a poet, thrilling Abbie with his words. She basked in his adulation as he turned up the heat with his kisses. She reached for him, excited by the power she held over Gavin as he groaned from her touch.

  Gavin lifted her onto the edge of the desk and pushed inside her inviting warmth as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He rocked her toward him while caressing her splendid behind. Abbie raked her nails down his back as she came, causing an overload of sensation within him. This woman owned him, overpowering his senses like no one before her ever had. He came in an explosion of passion as she climaxed once again, clenching onto his cock with her inner muscles and driving him over the edge.

  “And I love you the same way, Gavin.”

  Her soft words filled his heart with exultation. He held her close for several moments before reluctantly releasing her so they could get dressed.

  “I saw Sorcha arrive earlier. Is your gown one that a queen would envy?”

  “Even more so. It’s exquisite.” Abbie threw her arms around Gavin and kissed him.

  “Do I get to see it?”

  Abbie snorted. Turnabout was fair play. “On the same day that I get to look at my ring.”

  “But you saw your ring…briefly.”

  “Yeah, with your fingers covering up half of it, since you were the one holding onto it. You’ll have to wait, just like you’re forcing me to do.”

  Gavin laughed, his heart full of love. He’d never be able to push his will on this one. She would always be ready to stand toe-to-toe with him. Life should be interesting, to say the least. He’d found a true mate in Abbie, an equal partner for all of life’s challenges and pleasures.

  “Are you ready for your riding lesson?”

  Abbie nodded, a big grin on her face. Gavin had managed to find the time to give her lessons every day. Walking the pony had been relatively easy, but learning to trot without damaging her tailbone in the process was more of a challenge.

  As they walked to the stable, Seonaidh, Gavin’s favorite deerhound, happily ran toward them. He'd taken on the role of lead while Abbie rode in circles around the yard each day. The dog was large enough for a small child to ride. When Abbie commented on that, Gavin agreed.

  “Aye, when I was a bairn I would ride his grandsire around the yard. That’s how I got my first pony; they didna want me riding the poor dog anymore.” He gave the hound an affectionate scratch through his wiry gray fur before helping Abbie up onto her pony.

  After her lesson, there was just enough time for a quick wash before dinner was served. Abbie bounced down the stairs, skidding to a stop when she noticed the strangers in the room. Katherine gave her a small smile and enquired about Gavin’s whereabouts.

  “I’m here,” Gavin replied as he walked into the room. Introductions were made in Gaelic, then repeated in English for Abbie’s benefit.

  “I could use some help with the dishes, lass.” Katherine jerked her head toward the kitchen, with Abbie gladly following.

  “Who are those men?”

  Katherine shrugged. “They said they had business with the Laird, probably dealing for cattle. Typical of the type, inviting themselves for dinner.” She handed Abbie the extra plates as she muttered imprecations under her breath.

  During the meal, Abbie had a chance to listen beneath the conversation, since she didn’t understand the words spoken. One of the men, the one with the shifty eyes, had a menacing undertone to his voice. He also had the bad manners to keep staring at her boobs; his eyes locked on them every time Abbie glanced up.

  Gavin gave no indication at all that he noticed anything amiss. His relaxed manner and tone of voice relayed his usual pleasant personality. Only his smile, set a little too rigid, belied his easygoing stance.

  Abbie excused herself, going up to the library to wait for the men to leave. She couldn’t stand to sit there for another minute around them. Hopefully they wouldn’t be staying for supper too. She chewed on her lip, wondering if she could pretend to be ill when suppertime came around.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  While Abbie waited in the library, she amused herself by setting up a chess set and playing both sides.

  “Who’s winning?” Gavin walked in the room and smiled when he saw what she was doing.

  “I am.” Abbie rose and gave him a kiss, glad to see he was alone.

  Gavin got right to the point. “What bothered you about those men?”

  Was he angry that she hadn’t stayed and played hostess or something? No, she decided after looking at him, he seemed more curious than anything else.

  “The one sounded menacing, had shifty eyes and kept staring at my breasts.”

  “Aye, I saw that.” Gavin gazed at her thoughtfully. “But I wasna aware of any of it until I saw you shifting uncomfortably. On the surface, their words were sincere enough. Your reaction made me listen deeper and I thank you.”

  Abbie beamed with satisfaction as Gavin held her close.

  “I think I’ll go have a talk with the guard about keeping a closer watch on the herd.”

  “Are they gone yet?”

  “Aye, they’re gone and a wee bit disappointed. It’s hard to say who’s really behind them, but we’ll be ready for anything they try.” His grin was full of malice.

  Abbie walked outside with Gavin as he tracked down Thomas to explain the situation.

  “Increase the guard watching the valley. I dinna know who sent those men but they're trouble.” Gavin lapsed into Gaelic as he continued speaking to Thomas so Abbie didn’t know what the rest of the conversation was about.


  In the hills above them, unseen amongst the trees, two men on horseback discussed their plans.

  “Ye better tell Campbell to move fast.”

  “Do ye think the lass is the one who killed Bryce?”

  “Nae, she didna kill him. The Laird did.”

  “That’s nae what I was told. Still, I’d like to bed her before making her pay for his death.” His shifty eyes slanted like a cat as he smiled.

  “Haud yer wheesht! Ye will
na go near her. Our job is done. Now move.” He kicked his horse and headed down the hill. The other followed reluctantly, glancing one last time at the lass standing in the field far below.


  Abbie pulled her woolen cloak more tightly about her, feeling the moisture build in the air. The wind picked up as they stood in the yard and clouds streamed by overhead. Any minute now the rain was going to start coming down and she would prefer to be inside when that happened. Being drizzled on was one thing; being soaked through quite another in her book.

  “I’m going to go check on supper…inside where it’s dry.” Abbie started walking, noticing that the men were still deep in conversation.

  The first bolt of lightning struck just as she opened the door. She stood there watching the display as the sky broke open, forcing Gavin and Thomas to sprint as they finally realized the weather had changed. By the time they made it inside, both were drenched.

  “Would you be a good lass and find us some towels.” Gavin grinned at her as he wrung the water out of his hair. “Otherwise, Katherine might complain that we’re dripping on the food.”

  Abbie snorted at the request but found the towels, handing one to Thomas. She held the other as bait until Gavin gave her a kiss for it. By the time he released her, Abbie needed a towel of her own.

  Supper was served amidst the cracks of thunder as the rain continued to fall in sheets.

  “Nice night to curl up in front of the fire, don’t you think?” Abbie leaned over and whispered the words in Gavin’s ear.

  “Aye, I could use a bit of warming.” He reached over and lifted a stray curl away from her face.

  They excused themselves and ran up the stairs, lighting a fire the moment they entered the room. Gavin stripped off her clothes quickly and then made short work of his own. He held her at arm’s length, admiring her beauty.

  Abbie sank to the fur rug in front of the fire and stretched out, beckoning for Gavin to join her. Dropping down, he spread his body on top of her, pinning her arms above her head.

  “Tell me, Abbie, that you belong to me. Tell me the words I want to hear.”

  Abbie smiled. She would never tire of telling this man how she felt about him. “I belong to you and no one else. I love you with all my heart.”

  “You are my heart, lass. It beats only for you. You are mine and mine, alone. Dinna forget that, ever.”

  He kissed her slowly, so slowly that Abbie felt herself being absorbed by that kiss. The emotion behind it overwhelmed her senses. She struggled against her bondage, wanting to run her hands along his body, but his grip was like an iron chain. The chain binding her soul to this man was even stronger.

  His low laughter echoed in her ear as he kissed her neck. “Why do you struggle, enchantress? Do you desire more from me? Do you wish to have me stroking inside you, bringing you pleasure?” He saw Abbie’s eyes flashed silver in the firelight.

  “Yes, I want to feel you take me until you’re no longer able to stand the pleasure for another moment,” she replied.

  Her words ignited the lust he’d been fighting to keep at bay. “Aye, I’ll give you pleasure.”

  He let go of her hands and she ran her nails over his buttocks as he lifted her legs over his shoulders and entered her hard. Abbie arched up to meet his strokes, delight causing her body to tremor. She quickly climaxed, rising again as Gavin continued to rock against her.

  He spoke to her in his native tongue, the melodic sound cascading over her and pushing Abbie to come once again. She could feel the magic of his love weaving the chains ever stronger.

  Gavin held her tightly as he released within her, wondering again at his good fortune to have her in his possession. Picking her up, he carried her over to the bed and gently placed her underneath the coverings before loving her some more. Much later, after they’d both been sated, they fell asleep in each other’s arms.


  Shilanna stood up. “I need to get back. I have some plans for the Laird and his new love.”

  “But you just got here. Stay with me for a while.” Midir tried to pull her back down next to him in the sand.

  “You know how swiftly their time moves. If I stay any longer months will have passed and that won’t do at all.”

  “That’s why I don’t understand your fascination with mortals, Shilanna. A year spent here equals a century of their time. It’s not worth the effort of even becoming acquainted with them. Besides that, they are such inferior creatures.”

  “I told you, they amuse me. Now, you’ve delayed me long enough.” She stepped into the other dimension and was gone.

  Midir shook his head. It was like trying to reason with a child. She would come to understand in time, he supposed. She was young, only two or three thousand years old. Little more than a babe herself.

  He stretched back out on the sand to wait for her. She'd be back sooner or later. The time would pass in the blink of an eye for him, while Shilanna's new amusement would wither with age and turn to dust.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  The rain stopped sometime during the night and the sun was shining when Abbie woke up. Gavin wasn’t in the room. Apparently she’d been so sound asleep she hadn’t even noticed his departure.

  The door pushed open slowly and Gavin entered with a tray piled high with food.

  “Good morning, love. Are you hungry?” His eyes sparkled with happiness as he looked at her.

  “Breakfast in bed, huh? What’s the occasion?”

  “Just another magnificent morning, waking up next to you. I wanted you to sleep, since you had such a rough night.” His grin turned wicked as he spoke.

  “There’s enough food there for half the household. I hope you’re joining me.”

  “Aye, I am and I’m famished.” Gavin set the tray down on the bed beside her and lifted a bannock to her lips.

  “You must eat to keep up your strength for later.”

  The promises of more heated sex caused Abbie to flush with desire. Gavin had a way of keeping her in a permanent state of erotic awareness. Breakfast turned into a leisurely affair as they fed each other tidbits while sharing soft kisses. At last they reluctantly parted, with Abbie spending the remainder of the morning studying herbal medicine with Katherine while Gavin trained with his guards.

  They had just finished eating dinner when Thomas rushed through the door. “Reivers.”

  He had a grin on his face and looked like a man ready to fight. Abbie glanced at Gavin and saw his eyes narrow as his mouth curved into a predatory smile that matched the one his captain wore. Abbie shivered as she witnessed the transformation.

  “What are reivers?” she asked.

  “Cattle thieves.”

  Gavin kissed her hard then ran outside with Thomas. Minutes later most of the guards had left, leaving only a few to watch over the castle inhabitants. Abbie turned to Katherine.

  “What happens now?”

  “Now we wait. It could take a couple of days before they return. But dinna worry, lass, we’re well protected.”

  Abbie wasn’t worried about that part, but the waiting would be difficult. Well, she’d better get used to it. It was a way of life here.


  The cattle were still close by, thanks to the immediate response by the guard in sounding the alarm. Gavin and his men charged down the ridge, catching the thieves unaware. A fierce battle ensued but it ended quickly, with five dead Campbell lying at their feet and another eight scattering in retreat with various wounds to show for their efforts.

  Gavin grunted in satisfaction as he rolled one dead body over. The man was the one Abbie had mentioned as having shifty eyes. The vermin wouldn’t be bothering her anymore.

  His own guards were in high spirits, the bloodlust still thrumming through their veins. Only minor wounds were in evidence as they quickly herded the purloined cattle back to their rightful place. Gavin figured one night spent out in the open and they should be back home in time for supper tomorrow.


  The waiting stretched into the next day as Abbie tried to block the worried thoughts from her head. Katherine offered her a cup of tea and a sympathetic ear.

  “I wonder if I’ll ever get to the point where I don’t worry so much about him.”

  “Nae, ye’ll always worry, but that’s why it’s important to talk it through with people who care about ye.”

  Katherine was right. Abbie did feel better after speaking with her for a while.

  “Thank you for listening to me. I needed to talk things out. I realize now that in my former life I didn’t cultivate any friends to speak of, although there were people willing to share their lives with me.”

  Kristen had gone out of her way to try and include her in plans with friends, but Abbie always had an excuse ready to avoid socializing. Her neighbor, Mrs. Fitzsimmons, was another one. The sweet older woman had tried to fill in the gap after her parents died, but Abbie had held her off at a cordial arm’s length instead of welcoming her advice and friendship.

  “It’s important to have others to talk with, lass. That’s what makes the living worthwhile.”

  “Maybe I could start meeting some of the women in the village and get to know them?”

  “Aye, I was only waiting for ye to ask. They’ve been curious about ye and wanting to meet.”

  “I need to learn Gaelic too. Will you help me with that? Everybody speaks English for my benefit, and I appreciate that, but I’ll never learn that way.”

  Katherine laughed. “Sorry, lass. We’ve all been using ye to practice our English, especially as ye speak so differently from what we were taught. I’ll set that to rights. Come help me set out the food for dinner.”

  Dinner was a normal enough affair, with no one else at the table experiencing any anxiety, so Abbie soon relaxed enough to join in the conversation and enjoy the food. Everyone took the time to teach her a few Gaelic words as they talked, pleased to see her interest in learning.


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