Steps to Submission Volume 1: Virgin Lesbian Erotic Romance (Steps to Submission Bundles)

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Steps to Submission Volume 1: Virgin Lesbian Erotic Romance (Steps to Submission Bundles) Page 11

by Lexie X

  "More people than you'd suspect," a voice offered behind them.

  They turned to find that they'd been addressed by a tattooed girl with shoulder-length black hair wearing a loose green-and-black plaid camisole.

  Caught off guard, Piper bit her lip, hoping Jessie would notice her alarm.

  "I'd recommend this brand for you two newbies," Jessie continued, moving forward and picking up a plastic package. "Simple, but effective. You can't fuck it up."

  "Then that's the one," Isabella said, her tone decisive. "Thanks." She picked up a blue version and headed for the front desk.

  Piper hung back, her heart thumping in her chest and her cheeks red. "You work here?" she whispered fervently.

  "Yeah, I love it," Jessie replied, eyeing Isabella's backside as she walked away. "That's why you haven't texted me? Jesus Christ. I get it." She raised her hands and gave a surprised self-mocking laugh. "I can't even compete with that."

  Seeing her staring just a little too long, Piper lightly pushed her. "Hey! That's my…" she faltered. "Roommate…"

  "Ohhh, shit," Jessie replied, her expression humorous. "It's never that simple, is it?"

  A million thoughts and feelings welled up in Piper at that moment, ready to burst forth, but she just shook her head.

  "Look," Jessie whispered, stepping closer. "We should still meet for a drink. Clearly, you're in over your head. Maybe we can talk it over, figure it out."

  "Yeah?" Piper asked, blinking. "You'd help me? Even after I flaked?"

  "Yeah, girls like us gotta stick together."

  "Girls like us?"

  Jessie raised one eyebrow and gave her a humored incredulous look.

  Piper gulped, hesitated, and then nodded, thankful for any help. "Ok, I'll text you."

  Jessie stepped back, gave a very slight curtsy, and watched her with a curious smile as she hurried off after Isabella.

  They reached home at a reasonable hour, but Isabella collapsed into bed, apparently exhausted. Using just enough effort to shove the toy in her nightstand drawer, she groaned, rolled over, and passed out.

  Piper sat on her own bed, stared at the nightstand drawer for a moment, and then proceeded to get ready for sleep. She hadn't really expected to use the toy immediately, but the prospect excited her and tormented her dreams with half-fulfilled fantasies that left her rather aroused by morning.

  Unfortunately, Isabella was already off at class.

  For some reason, she didn't feel right about getting off without her roommate's involvement. She held some vague notion that Isabella wouldn't like that, as if it would be defying her control somehow to masturbate alone. For two weeks, she'd gotten the blonde off two or three times a day, going down on her with ever increasing skill. Her own orgasms—sometimes during the act, usually after—were getting better and better, too, taking her to heights she'd never imagined.

  But this was the first time she'd actually had sexual energy left over after all the fooling around. She paced about the room, eyeing the nightstand drawer. Was it wrong or taboo somehow to use that vibrator on herself if she was going to use it on Isabella later? For a time, she rationalized testing it out and all sorts of other half-baked excuses—until, driving herself crazy, she realized she had an out.

  Jessie responded to her text almost immediately.

  Between classes a few hours later, Piper found herself back at that familiar coffee shop and glancing in passing at the bathroom where she'd practically attacked Julie a few weeks before. The redhead still hadn't responded to her text after even though she'd doubtless had a great orgasm. Now that she'd had more experience, Piper was certain she'd gotten Julie off pretty intensely. That thought made her smile just as she caught sight of Jessie.

  Sitting at a table sipping coffee, the black-haired girl seemed already amused. She waited calmly while Piper got a drink and joined her at the table.

  "So what's the story?"

  Piper made a sheepish face and then did her best to tactfully explain everything she'd been through.

  Jessie listened with various expressions—understanding, humor, surprise, and even a little obvious arousal at the more intimate details. Finally, at the story's conclusion, she sighed. "Wow, quite a rollercoaster for you. Might be worth it for a girl that hot."

  Blushing at hearing her coffee companion openly express attraction to another girl, Piper shrugged.

  "Well a couple things are obvious," Jessie continued, leaning over her coffee to speak lower. "I've seen your type before. All submissive like. To a certain extent, you get off on being used and humiliated."

  Going through a range of reactions from stammering denial to surprised agreement, Piper finally managed to utter a disbelieving response. "So that's… a thing?"

  "Yeah," Jessie laughed. "You're not the only girl—or guy—in the world to enjoy the role. But us lesbians can switch it up, be pretty much anything if we want."

  Her face burning red, Piper curled her toes hard as she heard that particular label thrown around so casually. She decided not to challenge it directly. "I mean, it makes sense… even before this, I had a real thing for these…" She leaned in and lowered her voice to a barely audible whisper. "…gangbang videos, where the girl is like… seriously… mistreated."

  Jessie snorted, her eyes alight with humor. "Mistreated? Never heard that word for it before."

  "But, so, I'm not weird? Or crazy?"

  "Nope," the black-haired girl reassured her. "You even felt a little of the other half the spectrum when you, ah—" She smirked and glanced over at the bathroom, indicating what she'd done to Julie.

  "God, I can't believe I told you that," Piper breathed, her eyes wide.

  "It's fine, really. I've done some pretty crazy things in my time. Sometimes you can't help it. You just want to—" Jessie held out her hand and curled her fingers. "Like, touch a girl so bad and squeeze her—"

  Piper nodded emphatically. "Like you can't ever get close enough. You just want to do everything to those… those damn soft curves… and the way she moves… the way she commands her sexuality, and knows it… and god, the way she tastes…" She let her words linger, and then looked up, finding Jessie staring at her.

  The black-haired girl let out a held breath, her expression awed and hungry. "I wish you weren't so hung up on this girl. Do you have any idea how hot you are? I'd fuck you so hard right now."

  Embarrassed and complimented at the same time, Piper sat taller and fought a heated blush. "Sorry, I didn't mean to—"

  "Don't apologize," Jessie cut her off. "Own it. You like what you like, and nobody can judge."

  Piper nodded, liking that statement very much.

  Jessie took a moment to recover her breath. "Anyway, relationship advice is always the same no matter who you are or what you like. You have to communicate and figure out what you both want. This girl is either a selfish manipulative bitch who will get what she wants at any cost, or she's on the opposite end of the spectrum from you—the dominant end—and she's just as new to this and confused as you."

  Thinking back, Piper found herself unsure. She certainly wanted to believe the second case, but Isabella had sure done some things that hinted the other way.

  "Talk to her," Jessie insisted. "If you can't talk to her without ruining something intangible, the whole thing is doomed anyway. It's just a lie waiting to implode."

  "You're right," she breathed, feeling much more focused and in control. "I've been avoiding asking questions because I didn't want to ruin it. She keeps insisting that we're just roommates helping each other out."

  "You just bought a sex toy together," Jessie said, as if compassionately delivering bad news. "You two are way beyond the 'roommates' excuse."

  Noticing her tone, Piper narrowed her eyes. "The 'roommates' excuse? Is that like a thing?"

  "You hear that one all the time in our circles," Jessie replied. "You hang out a lot, get comfortable, maybe cuddle sometimes, because why not? Cuddling is awesome. And then you're sleeping in t
he same bed sometimes, get even more comfortable; you make a habit of it, and then somebody drinks a little too much one night—boom, you're licking each other's pussies."

  Caught off guard by the surprise ending, Piper almost spilled her coffee. She glanced around nervously, but nobody had heard. "That's, um, awfully specific."

  "That's how I got my first girlfriend," Jessie laughed.

  That image stayed with her as she sat through her next few classes, keeping her attention elsewhere right up through the end of the day. Walking home in a daze, she considered everything Jessie had told her. That advice about communication and figuring things out had all been spot on, but her thoughts remained fixated on how easy it had seemed for Jessie and her first girlfriend. They'd just kind of fallen into it? That was so unfair.

  That train of thought brought her around to wondering exactly what she wanted from Isabella. What they were doing was definitely working for both of them—working very well—but it wasn't a full relationship, was it? It wasn't sex.

  Some part of her still recoiled dramatically at those heavy words being thrown around. Those words came with a ton of implications; real implications that could not be kept private or contained to the realm of private fantasy.

  She arrived back at the room to find Isabella already there getting ready.

  The blonde handed her a shot glass filled to the brim with clear liquid. She moved close and looked her right in the eye. "Drink up. It's Friday. We're getting trashed as hell tonight."

  Instantly enlivened by the subtle unspoken promise in her roommate's manner, Piper felt all her worries and confusion vanish. She grabbed the shot glass. "Yes ma'am!"

  They stumbled back into the room together several hours later and crashed inside gracelessly. Piper tried to gently close the door behind them but ended up slamming it shut with a painfully loud crash. After wincing and laughing, she turned to find Isabella drunkenly fumbling at her nightstand drawer. "Hell yes!" she said, falling to her knees next to the blonde.

  Isabella pulled the plastic package out and tore at it fruitlessly for nearly a minute. "Why the fuck do they make these things so hard to open?"

  Piper glanced around the room for scissors, but decided it best that they not handle sharp objects in their current state. Taking the package, she gripped what felt like weak sections of the painfully sharp plastic and pulled at it with all her strength. A shocked moment later, Piper opened her eyes to find Isabella grasping her hand and examining a large scrape.

  "Does it hurt?" the blonde asked, wavering in place as she sat studying the injury.

  A dull burning managed to reach her through the drunken blanket on her senses. "Yeah," she admitted, barely noticing the pain over her roommate's face near hers.

  "That was so cool," Isabella slurred, glancing over at the ruptured plastic. She turned back, still holding her injured hand, and they just looked at each other for a long moment.

  Her head running with everything Jessie had told her, Piper felt her heart thump painfully hard in her chest. It felt like now or never, though she was so terribly afraid. "I want to kiss you so bad…"

  Isabella remained in place, still holding her hand, her drunken gaze moving up and down her face for a moment. Finally, she held direct eye contact—no easy feat with so many shots running through her. "I know."

  Feeling a painful knot twist up in her stomach at that answer, Piper pushed the issue nonetheless. "Can I?"

  The blonde shook her head gently, her delicate features genuinely compassionate despite her visible intoxication. "No…"

  Piper felt her face screw up despite her best efforts. It wasn't oncoming tears, not exactly, but her voice still trembled. "Then what are we doing?"

  Isabella turned away, gazing at nothing for a long, quiet moment. She looked down at their touching hands, and then back up at her eyes. A terrible realization seemed to creep across her face. "Do we have to wash this thing first?"

  They both looked at the blue toy that had fallen on the carpet next to them.

  "Oh damnit, we do!" Piper exclaimed, relieved to escape that tense and horrible moment. They both looked at the door, neither relishing the potential trek all the way to the dorm bathrooms, not to mention: how would they clean a sex toy there? The public sinks were right out.

  Her head half-filled with terrible embarrassment and confusion over their incomplete conversation, Piper prepared for her role in their impromptu plan. Wrapping the toy in a towel, she headed for the floor's bathroom by herself, making like she was heading in to take a shower.

  Finding nobody in the bathroom at all, she wondered what time it was. She'd lost track during all the drinking. In any case, relieved, she headed for the farthest shower alcove, pulled the curtain shut, and turned the shower on, immediately soaking all her clothes by accident.

  Chilled and shocked out of her drunken haze for a minute, she stood back, soggily trying to wash the toy under the stream. "Oh, this is fucking ridiculous."

  The curtain slid open and Isabella entered, fully clothed and lacking the towel she was supposed to have according to their drunken plan. "You taking a shower in your clothes?"

  Piper glared at her roommate, put the toy down in her towel, and grumbled. "You know, I could have just brought it back to the room after I washed it. We didn't both have to sneak over here."

  Isabella wavered where she stood, one hand in the air before her, her index finger up to indicate that she was preparing to speak at some point. "Just."

  Soggy, freezing, and unhappy, Piper maintained her glare. "Just?"

  Isabella raised her other hand and tested the water stream, which was just now managing to warm up. "Just for tonight…"

  Seized by a sudden notion, Piper remained in place, not daring to speak or move.

  The blonde shook her index finger as if to emphasize the point. "Just for tonight. And never again. I'm serious. And you can't tell anyone. It's just because we're celebrating." Her pointed finger turned down, indicating the blue toy. "And because I am—" She threw her hands out to the sides. "—so wasted."

  Not daring to hope, Piper still remained rooted, a soul-filling thrill building at the edges of her awareness.

  Isabella took a step forward around the shower stream, blinking slowly. "And if you're gonna do it, you're gonna do it right. Do it like… like a man. Yeah." She raised one eyebrow half-way, unable to really lift it well with the alcohol impairing her abilities. "I guess you do deserve one shot, after all your hard work."

  "That's only fair," Piper said hesitantly, testing her.

  Isabella held her arms wide and high, slurring her challenge. "Alright then, let's see it."

  Everything fell away.

  The drunken blanket on her thoughts lifted, burned away temporarily by sudden energy. The heaviness in her limbs surged away too, fought back by adrenaline. She forgot about her wet clothes. She forgot about her insecurities, her concerns, and her worries. She'd been in this mental state once before, with Julie, and she remembered how it felt. Pulling all of that strength and attitude close, she saw right through Isabella's display and challenge. In her own way, the blonde was communicating what she wanted.

  Suddenly fierce, Piper stepped through the shower, ignoring the soaking water. Using both hands, she pulled the shoulders of her roommate's loose blouse down around her arms, bringing it quickly to her midriff. In another motion, she gripped the blonde by the waist and pulled her close.

  Eyes wide, bra bared, Isabella seemed completely surprised.

  In an instant, Piper pulled that soft body forward—but instead of kissing her directly, she brought her face to Isabella's luscious neck, playing her firm tongue and warm breath across sensitive skin. Pushing the blonde against the tiled wall, she ran her hands along soft sides as she kissed upward. Gently sucking on the corners of her ears, taking care not to put too much pressure on her earrings, Piper took the experiences she'd been fantasizing about and finally made them real.

  "Oh, fuck," Isabella breathed,
leaning her head back.

  Sensing the change in body language, Piper kissed higher, confident that Isabella would—yes, there it was. The blonde lowered her face, coming in desperately for the kiss that she'd earlier refused.

  Amazingly soft lips met hers. Drinking in every detail of the warm experience and every sensation of Isabella's tongue moving against hers, Piper gripped her roommate's surprisingly light body as hard as she could, urged on by the arms curling around her back to pull her even closer. Both soaked by the shower's warm water, they made out for nearly a minute, exchanging tongues, heavy breathing, and deep kisses. Already skilled at reading each other, they found the perfect rhythm quickly and ground against one another as their shared energy intensified.

  One of Isabella's legs went up and curled around her.

  Ecstatic, and thrilled that she finally knew what kissing Isabella felt like and finally got to have those moments in her memory, an intense need in Piper drained away, satisfied—but there was no lingering on the experience now. Kissing her way down, intent on taking another experience she'd been longing for, she tugged at her roommate's bra.

  The bra fell away, exposing those gorgeous, round, and perfect breasts; Isabella clenched her hands on her back, anticipating the feeling.

  Bringing her hands to bare flesh, Piper curled her fingers around the undersides, squeezing gently. In moments, her kisses reached those perfect pink nipples she'd admired so many times. Amazed to have one under her lips, she flicked her tongue, surprised by it hardening in her mouth.

  More responsive than ever, Isabella panted hard and writhed under her ministrations.

  Squeezing, sucking, and kneading, Piper memorized as much of the experience as she could, an unfamiliar but powerful instinct telling her to keep the passion growing. Wishing she could linger and play longer with those firm breasts, she forced herself to move on.

  Moving back to pull her roommate's wet shorts and underwear off, she followed the contours of those smooth legs to leave the blonde completely naked, her bare body glistening with shower mist.


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