Steps to Submission Volume 1: Virgin Lesbian Erotic Romance (Steps to Submission Bundles)

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Steps to Submission Volume 1: Virgin Lesbian Erotic Romance (Steps to Submission Bundles) Page 12

by Lexie X

  "So fucking beautiful," she breathed aloud, feeling too powerful to be embarrassed.

  Isabella stared hungrily at her, bracing against the tiled wall and pushing her lower body forward instinctively.

  Gripping her thigh with one hand, Piper found the toy with the other and lifted it from its resting spot on her towel. Feeling Isabella's intense arousal with the edge of her hand, she knew the blonde was ready. Moving close to control their rhythm, Piper leaned over her roommate and gently slid the toy between slick folds.

  Trembling, Isabella gasped, her full lips brushing Piper's close face. She closed her eyes and focused on the presence inside her.

  Captivated by how responsive Isabella's body was to the penetration, and fascinated by how much of it she could feel through the toy, she slowly moved it back and forth, going deeper with each return.

  "Not bad at all, is it?" she found herself whispering.

  Isabella nodded emphatically against her neck, forcing out words between desperate breaths. "Such… a… good idea…"

  Reading the blonde's body language, Piper realized she had another opportunity. Leaning in, she kissed her again as she thrust harder with her hand—and Isabella kissed her back more than eagerly.

  Burning with passion, Piper grinned. If this was the next step in their strange relationship, she wanted it, and badly.

  Moving down, she fell to her knees under the shower, intent on giving Isabella reason to open up like this again in the future. Watching the blue toy slide in and out of gripping, wide, and pink lips, she took a moment to appreciate the sheer beauty of her roommate's sex again—and then dove in, using her tongue on the blonde's exposed clit to complement the toy's thrusting.

  "God, god, just like that," Isabella panted, her breathing ragged. "Just like that!" She arched forward to emphasize her point. "Fuck me!"

  More than willing to oblige, Piper thrust the toy as fast and as hard as she could, running her tongue up and down the blonde's little knob with all the strength of her neck.

  Isabella arched up hard, her whole body straining.

  Moving with her, Piper kept her pace, expertly building Isabella's pleasure. She knew just how to work her to keep her from going over too soon, and she pushed it further than ever before, bringing the blonde to a level of stimulation that seemed almost painful. She finally brought Isabella over the edge only when it seemed like she couldn't take any more.

  Forgetting herself, Isabella screamed, her face scrunched up and her limbs out straight as she shuddered to an intense orgasm. Too caught up to care if anyone heard them, Piper kept with it, keeping her roommate rolling high for as long as she could.

  Finally, Isabella seemed more pained than pleasured, and they broke.

  Slumping, the blonde slid down to the small ledge next to the towel.

  Still holding the toy, her face slick with juices and her clothes soaked to their core by the shower, Piper decided on one last thing she wanted while her strength of will lasted.

  Moving up, she leaned over Isabella, going in for one last kiss.

  Post-orgasmic, utterly satisfied, and warmly compliant, the blonde kissed back deeply. Piper thrust her tongue between those full lips, making sure Isabella tasted herself on her mouth; they made out for a good minute, both coming down from the experience until the weight of Piper's soaked clothing began making her awkward position impossible.

  Slowly withdrawing, she slumped on the floor of the shower itself, lower than her roommate. For a time, the droning shower was the only sound.

  Somewhat recovered, Isabella finally stood, turned off the shower, and took the towel to cover her nakedness. She picked up her clothes and they both walked back to their room in a drunken daze.

  Too out of it to care if anyone saw her soaked and bedraggled, Piper walked through the halls alongside her roommate and entered her room, unsure what to think. Isabella slammed the door behind them.

  Stripping her wet clothes off, Piper grabbed another towel while Isabella fell abruptly in bed.

  Even with her pajamas, she still felt freezing, and she shivered as she dressed.

  Isabella turned over in bed and saw her trembling from the chill. Wordlessly, she lifted her blanket. Too tired, drunk, and confused to be surprised, Piper turned off the light and clambered in with her. Cuddling up close for warmth, she put one arm under the pillow and the other around her warm roommate. After a few quiet minutes of adjustment and settling in, Isabella was the first to break their dazed silence.

  "I'm going to be a lot worse after this," the blonde whispered. "I'm gonna be really mean. I don't know for how long."

  Piper gulped, and then nodded in the dark. She understood. It wasn't going to be easy, but she understood. Impulsively, she moved up on one elbow and leaned forward.

  Isabella turned her head closer; their lips moved together for a few moments in darkness, their tongues touching lightly. Then, the blonde turned away.

  Settling in for a night of sleep that promised to be both amazing and torturous, Piper ran through each moment in her head, desperate to remember every detail. Above all, she knew she was going to have to keep in mind that this had really happened—and that Isabella's whispered warning meant so much more than either of them had said.

  She kept that thought close, knowing it might be her only source of consolation for quite some time.


  Chapter 12

  "What are you doing?" Isabella groaned, shoving weakly at her. "Get out of my bed!"

  Startled awake, Piper practically fell out of her roommate's bed, surprised and hurt. She'd seen Isabella react this way to their increasing intimacy more than once, and the previous night's whispered warning told her Isabella knew this about herself, too. Standing, she watched the blonde begin to recall everything that had happened the night before.

  The fear on her face grew tangible before quickly being masked by anger. "Why are you staring at me? Go away!"

  Nodding, Piper turned and moved to her own bed, slipping in between chilly empty sheets to endure her hangover alone.

  "I'm going out," Isabella declared a few minutes later, stumbling out of her blankets and dressing in a clumsy daze.

  Piper watched unhappily, noticing the blonde's bloodshot eyes avoiding her at every turn. In short order, Isabella stomped out and the door slammed behind her.

  She was alone, left to stew in her thoughts. Strangely, she felt calm.

  Whatever the tumultuous result of her questions might have been, she now had her answer. There was more between them, and she was starting to understand Isabella. If enduring her erratic reaction to their growing intimacy was what was necessary, well, that was what she was going to do. She called to mind that gentle, genuine kiss in the dark just before they slept; that had been real, more than anything else in her life, and she had to believe it would be there on the other end of Isabella's freakout.

  The blonde must have had a tempest raging inside her, full of confusion, doubt, and fear—just like she herself had endured these past few weeks.

  As the pieces fell together, she also put together a certain revelation about herself.

  "That all sounds intense," Jessie said, sipping on her coffee. "So what's wrong? It's written all over your face."

  Leaning on her hand, trying to think through her intense hangover while nursing her coffee, Piper glanced up sheepishly at the far more experienced girl across the table. "I think… I'm in love with her."

  Jessie laughed. "Okay. She's precocious, self-entitled, manipulative, and reacts to real intimacy by lashing out, and you love that piece of work?"

  "It's not like that," Piper muttered. "I mean, in some ways, it is, but… she's beautiful, and I don't just mean the way she looks. I get her. And nobody else does. And she's been so great sometimes, like telling people off and defending me, or taking me out to make friends when I don't know anyone… and the bad parts, I get… I get it. I do."

  "Wow, alright." The black-haired girl sipped, shook her head
, sipped some more, and opened her mouth, but then thought better of saying anything.

  "What?" Piper asked.

  "It's not my place."

  "No, seriously! What?"

  Jessie shrugged. "Seen this before, too. Every girl, every first time with another girl… they joke about lesbians bringing moving trucks on the first date for a reason. It's easy to get in over your head. And your first first time to boot? You only feel so intensely because it's your first real relationship ever."

  "I've dated before…"

  "Yeah, but that was with guys, and you never really 'got' any of them like you do her, now did you?"

  Piper stared down at her drink, unable to really deny it.

  Jessie shrugged again. "Just seen it before, that's all."

  "I'm gonna stick it out," she said calmly. "I don't care what she does, I'll know why she's doing it, and the storm will pass."

  "Alright. I wish you luck, I really do. And you text me if she goes too far—I'll kick her ass."

  "Hah, thanks."

  "You think I'm kidding?"

  Feeling slightly better after eating some lunch, she wandered back to their room, finding a familiar face inside.

  "Um, hey," Julie said, surprised to see her.

  Isabella stood suddenly. "We were just leaving."

  "You're hanging out with Julie again?" Piper asked, fearful for more than one reason.

  The two girls hurried and left without answering her—or even looking at her.

  Feeling down, Piper moved to her bed and tried to entertain herself on her laptop for several hours, but it didn't feel the same without Isabella around to show things to and laugh about. As the time passed and her hangover faded completely, she realized she'd never gotten off after the previous night's intense passion. Her body was more than willing to go; still, it didn't feel right without Isabella around.

  But this time, the urge was too much to resist, especially when she was just sitting around the room in a funk. Her hand worked itself lower over time almost of its own accord until she was massaging herself over her panties idly and squirming against her own urges. Just as she thought about giving in, the door burst open and Isabella stormed through, followed by a rather concerned-looking Julie.

  "You and Julie?" Isabella demanded, towering over her.

  Taken aback, Piper quickly climbed out of bed to feel less vulnerable. Stumbling back away from the blonde's glaring anger, she glanced past her at Julie. "You told her?"

  The redhead grimaced. "Sorry."

  "You don't talk to her," Isabella said, furious. "You talk to me. Fucking two weeks ago? What, did you fucking go down on her and then come to the library like nothing happened? Why would you even do that? She was so horrible to you and I told her off for you! I told off my best friend for you!"

  Horrified and embarrassed, Piper shook her head. "You never… you went on dates! You kept saying…" She searched for the right word. "We weren't… exclusive!"

  "Well we're certainly not now!" Isabella practically shrieked.

  "No," Piper said quietly, shaking her head. She could feel her face scrunch up as tears began brimming in her eyes.

  Isabella widened her eyes. "No?" she asked emphatically. "Like you can just say no and it goes away just like that?"

  At a loss for words, desperate to tell Isabella how she felt, but wary of Julie being in the room, she could only stammer a simple response without crying. "Can it go away? I want it to go away. I didn't do it to hurt you. I didn't know what I was doing then."

  "And you do now?" Isabella asked sarcastically.

  She nodded weakly. "Yes."

  Isabella hesitated, and her anger seemed to dull slightly. "What does that mean exactly?"

  Glancing past her at Julie again, Piper gave the best answer she could. "I want it go away. I don't want it to be a problem between us. I'll do anything to make things right."

  Isabella's hot fury seemed to deflate into cold anger. "Julie, close the door."


  She turned back and glared. "Close the door!"

  The redhead finally processed the request and closed the room door softly, giving the three of them privacy from the hallway.

  Isabella glared at the floor, thinking.

  After a minute, she looked up, seized by an idea. "Alright. I guess I'm pissed because you didn't tell me, and because you did it without me there. I don't know what I thought, but it certainly wasn't that you were running around tackling other girls."

  Calmed by hesitant hope, Piper waited anxiously. "So what can I do to make it up to you?"

  "I guess you can do it with me here."

  That was certainly not the answer she'd been expecting. "What like—again? And in front of you?"

  Isabella seemed momentarily uncomfortable, but then seized control again. "No, like—both of us."

  Blood rushing to her ears, Piper lowered the angle of her gaze in disbelief. "Both of you? You want me to do both of you?"

  Isabella nodded. "Yeah. Yes." She took a deep breath. "Then it's a thing we do together. Then it's kind of hot. And, really, I couldn't be mad about it if I'm included. And Julie and I can still be friends if there's no drama between any of us."

  Suspicious, but more or less convinced Isabella was being genuine, Piper let her guard drop. "Alright…"

  Julie made a confused noise. "I don't think this is such a good idea."

  "Sit down, Julie," Isabella said flatly.

  The redhead made a gesture of surrender and moved to sit on the edge of her bed.

  Isabella sat next to her. "I guess like this is good."

  Hesitant, Piper wasn't sure how to proceed. When it had just been her and Isabella, things had been so easy and natural, but this felt much more official and cold. Was she supposed to just get down there and work them both? She wanted to refuse, but her body was definitely warming to the idea. Her urges loved the extra-humiliating setup, making her uncomfortably wet as she thought more about it.

  Julie glanced awkwardly over at Isabella.

  The blonde pulled down her shorts and underwear, then indicated that her friend should do the same. Julie followed suit, and both girls spread their legs over the edge of the bed.

  "Look, you don't have to do this," Julie said, visibly uncomfortable.

  "She doesn't have to," Isabella said. "But she wants to. Don't you?"

  Nodding despite her best resistance, Piper felt herself dragged to her knees by her urges. She'd never even imagined doing two girls at once! Her embarrassment at being watched in full light by both of them fueled her arousal like never before.

  Her gaze fell on Isabella's perfect bare slit, and then on Julie's larger lips and triangle of red hair—and she knew she was lost.

  Isabella handed her the blue toy.

  A very small part of her thought that it was awfully convenient that this toy had come around just in time to help her work two girls at once—but, even if Isabella was somehow that manipulative and horrible, the thought only filled her with even more intense lust. She moved closer, rubbing each girl's warm mound gently. She felt her own thighs quiver as she made contact with both, her body responding to the sheer taboo of what she was doing. With one finger, she turned on the toy, and then brought the vibrator to Julie's mound. With her other hand, she began more insistently rubbing Isabella, massaging her lips the way she liked.

  "She's actually doing it!" Julie breathed, adjusting her position.

  "Of course," Isabella said calmly, closing her eyes for a moment to enjoy her servicer's touch.

  Turned on by the two girls talking about her like she wasn't there, Piper felt juices soak through her panties and begin rolling down her leg. Aroused beyond rational thought, she gave in and decided to enjoy herself, already tensing her thighs in anticipation of a rather incredible touchless orgasm. Spreading Isabella's lips with parted fingers, she went in for a few deep licks, looking up sidelong at Julie's amazed expression as she did so. Smiling, she brought the vibrator closer to
the redhead's clit, enjoying her look of surprise and pleasure.

  Lapping intently, Piper went to her task with no delays. She wasn't sure she had the endurance to get both of them off the old-fashioned way, so it sure was lucky she had the vibrator; switching for a moment, she brought the vibrator to Isabella's slit while taking her tongue over to part Julie's larger lips and taste her musky complexity for the second time.

  "She's even better than last time," Julie commented, squirming as a tongue worked her clit expertly.

  "Lots of practice," Isabella replied, arching.

  Filled with warmth, her mind sinking fully into her task, Piper licked and sucked, fingered with her free hand, and moved the vibrator around with her other. In short order, she had both girls writhing and gripping the edge of the bed, and her own pleasure was growing more intense the more successful she became. The touchless pleasure she'd had trouble with at times now seemed to come easily, made simple by so much practice and so much arousal. Excited, she realized that, this time, it felt strong enough to possibly reach more than once.

  Switching again, she returned her mouth to Isabella's sex, eager to get off with her tongue buried in the slick folds she knew so well. Lapping hungrily, she tensed her thighs repeatedly, building, building, building—and there it was, flooding her body with ecstasy as she licked. Fighting through the mind-numbing pleasure to keep up her efforts, she couldn't help but moan once or twice.

  "She's really enjoying herself…"

  "Yeah, she's great like that."

  "Is she actually getting off?!"

  "Mm-hmm," Isabella replied proudly, unable to speak any further.

  Coming down from her orgasm, Piper pushed Isabella up toward her own, sucking and flicking her tongue across her clit just the way she liked. The blonde practically thrashed under her, her knuckles white on the edge of the bed. A few moans escaped her lips as she rode the high with tightly shut eyes.

  Isabella's beautiful orgasm sparked Piper's inner warmth again, and she excitedly began managing her inner pleasure with clenches of her tummy and thighs. It was harder than the first, but it was definitely there; moving to Julie, she brought the vibrator to the top of the redhead's hood, holding it close as she sucked on her larger clit.


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