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The Priestess and the Thief: Kindred Tales 30

Page 16

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Welcome to another Bathing Day, my fellow Tenebrians,” the Crown Prince said, lifting his voice so that it echoed through the high-ceilinged grotto. “A rather auspicious Bathing Day at that, for today our new Royal Zorel Entrancer made great strides in taming my brute of a zorel, Demon. Please everyone—let’s acknowledge the brilliance of Lady Ellilah!”

  Elli felt her cheeks get hot as the attention of the entire Bathing Grotto was suddenly transferred from the Crown Prince to herself. Every eye was on her as the Tenebrian nobles clapped and called out congratulations.

  “Jolly good show!”

  “Well done, you!”

  “Most excellent!” were some of the shouts directed her way.

  “Thank you.” She nodded her head, which was the only thing visible above the milky blue surface of the pool, since she had sunk down to hide her breasts. “Uh, thank you so much.”

  Luckily for her, the Crown Prince couldn’t bear not to be the center of attention for long. After a full minute of applause for Elli, he cleared his throat and spoke again.

  “Now then, let the bathing commence! Lady Carloota, my dear, would you be kind enough to wash my chest?”

  “With pleasure, Your Majesty,” purred the noblewoman beside him. Reaching towards the side of the tub, she picked up a small round pot of cream and scooped some out to rub on the monarch’s narrow chest.

  “Um…I guess we’d, uh, better start Mirroring,” Elli said rather breathlessly, looking up at Roke.

  “Be my guest, sweetheart. You won’t hear me complaining.” The big warrior spread his arms and leaned back against the side of the pool, giving Elli a mocking, one-sided grin. “If you dare, that is.”

  “Of course, I dare!” Elli exclaimed. Determination overcame her shyness and she reached for the small pot of bathing cream which was located beside their own pool and got a double fingerful of the stuff. Rubbing it between her hands, she waded over to Roke and began rubbing it over his chest. It was broad and muscular and mostly smooth except for a little patch of dark curls between the flat copper disks of his nipples, which led down in a thin trail over his abs and down towards his…

  Elli pushed that thought aside and tried to concentrate on washing the big warrior thoroughly.

  “Mmm, your soft hands feel good on me, little priestess,” Roke rumbled, looking down at her with half-lidded eyes.

  “Be quiet!” Elli pinched one of his flat nipples sharply, making him jump.

  “Hey, now—none of that!” he growled, frowning at her.

  “Well, stop trying to distract me with your dirty talk!” Elli demanded, still scrubbing for all she was worth. “We need to be better than we were last night and not…not give into temptation again.”

  “If I recall right, you were the one giving in to temptation,” Roke reminded her, still frowning. “Not that I blame you,” he added in a low voice. “And you shouldn’t blame yourself either, little priestess. It’s natural to want to explore and pleasure yourself.”

  “Quiet!” Elli exclaimed, pinching his other nipple fiercely and making him yelp. “I don’t want to talk about that!”

  “All right—all right!” Roke held up his hands in a “don’t shoot” gesture. “Forgive me for mentioning it, my Lady!”

  “Just behave yourself,” Elli lectured him sternly. “And remember we’re only doing what we have to do in order to prevent giving offense. We—”

  “Now, switch,” the Crown Prince’s fruity voice interrupted her words. “My dear Lady Carloota, pray, allow me to return the favor by washing your lovely breasts.”

  “Oh, uh…” Elli watched, her cheeks flaming, as the Crown Prince scooped some cream out of the jar and began rubbing it on the noblewoman’s bare breasts. She moaned and cooed in pleasure, thrusting her breasts eagerly into her monarch’s hands as though she couldn’t get enough of the pleasure he was giving her.

  “You were saying?” Roke said dryly.

  “Um…” Elli dragged her attention away from the scene in the royal pool to the big warrior. Somehow she had drifted away from him and was now at the opposite side of the pool.

  “I believe you were talking about doing whatever we have to in order to avoid giving offense?” he rumbled, cocking an eyebrow at her.

  “Yes, well…” Elli swallowed hard, wishing her body wasn’t so eager for the big warrior’s touch. “I guess we’d better…better do what…what everyone else is doing.”

  And indeed, the Duke and Duchess beside them were already at it with the Duke rubbing and fondling his wife’s breasts while she moaned her pleasure. All the other Tenebrian nobles were as well, leaving only Elli and Roke who weren’t “Mirroring” the Crown Prince.

  “Don’t worry, little priestess—you know I’ll be gentle,” Roke murmured, scooping out some of the cream and rubbing it between his long fingers. He beckoned to her. “Come here now, sweetheart, and let me wash you.”

  Feeling as though she was drawn by an invisible magnet, Elli found herself going to him. She even stood taller, so that her breasts were above the surface of the water and watched as the big warrior cupped her full globes.

  “Mmm, so soft and ripe,” he growled softly, as he caressed her breasts and plucked gently at the tight tips of her nipples. “Gods, I love the way your breasts fill my palms, little priestess!”

  Elli tried not to make a noise but she couldn’t help moaning as sparks of pleasure shot through her entire body—especially to the secret spot between her legs. As Roke continued to “wash” her, she pressed her thighs together tightly, trying to control the ache she felt growing there in response to his gentle touch.

  Just when she felt she couldn’t stand it anymore, she heard the Crown Prince speaking again.

  “My dear Lady Carloota,” he remarked, smiling at the noblewoman whose breasts he had been caressing. “You seem to enjoy being bathed very much. It makes me think you must be a very…dirty…girl.”

  He growled the last words, looking into her eyes and Lady Carloota giggled and blushed.

  “Maybe I am, Your Majesty,” she murmured, fluttering her long white eyelashes at him. “Maybe I need to be washed all over.”

  The Crown Prince’s pale, bulging eyes narrowed with lust.

  “You naughty girl! Get up on the side of the tub so that I can wash you where you need it most!”

  “Yes, Your Majesty!” Giggling, the Tenebrian noblewoman scrambled out of the tub and sat on the edge with her legs spread wide. Clearly, she knew exactly what her monarch wanted and she was eager to give it to him.

  “Oh my Goddess,” Elli whispered as the Crown Prince began caressing Lady Carloota’s pale, inner thighs. “He’s not really going to…to wash her there, is he?”

  “You mean is he going to wash her pussy?” Roke growled behind her. “I think it’s obvious he is, sweetheart.”

  As he spoke, the Crown Prince dipped his fingers into the jar of cream and then dipped them into Lady Carloota. As she gasped and moaned, he thrust them vigorously deep inside her. And all around them, the other Tenebrian nobles were following suit.

  “Oh my Goddess,” Elli whispered again. “Roke, we can’t.”

  “I’m afraid we’ll have to if we don’t want to offend anyone,” he said grimly. Then he lowered his voice and looked into her eyes. “But don’t worry, little priestess—I promise you I’ll be gentle. I won’t even penetrate you if you don’t want me to.”

  “You…you won’t?” Elli asked him breathlessly.

  He shook his head.

  “Not unless you ask me to. I can just caress and ‘wash’ your sweet inner folds. No one should be the wiser—they’re all too preoccupied with their own ‘washing’ to notice what we do, I would think.”

  “All right then…” Shaking—though with fear or desire she wasn’t sure which—Elli climbed out of the pool and sat on the edge. Then, like every other woman in the room was doing, she spread her thighs, baring her pussy to the big warrior shamelessly.

  “Mmm, such a swe
et little pussy,” he rumbled. Brushing the fronds of her bathing costume aside, he revealed the tiny patch of blond curls at the apex of her sex and the pink outer lips which looked shamefully swollen with desire—at least to Elli.

  “You…you really think so?” she asked, biting her lip.

  “Gods, yes! The sweetest I’ve ever seen,” Roke assured her. “Now I’m just going to wash the outside of your sex first, little priestess. You tell me if you want me to continue and wash your inner folds as well.”

  Elli bit her lip even harder. Her heart was thumping in her chest and she had never felt so exposed…or so hot. But she knew she ought to try and resist the carnal urges she was feeling.

  “Just…just the outside, then, please Roke,” she made herself say.

  Roke nodded.

  “As my Lady wishes,” he growled. And then he was caressing the swollen outer lips of her pussy with his long, slippery fingers, rubbing the cream into her inner thighs and outer lips with firm but gentle strokes.

  Of course the problem was, that once he started rubbing her outer pussy, her lips started to part and open to show her slippery pink inner folds. Elli bit back a moan as she felt her secret spot throbbing—almost begging for attention, as Roke went on carefully stroking and massaging only her outer pussy, even though her sex had now bloomed like a flower begging for the sun.

  “Roke,” she heard herself saying, though she knew she shouldn’t. “Maybe…maybe we’d better do a little more. I mean, we wouldn’t want anyone to…to say we weren’t Mirroring correctly and get offended, right?”

  “If you think it’s necessary, sweetheart.” He looked up at her, his dark eyes half-lidded. “Would you like me to wash your inner folds as well?”

  “Yes,” Elli whispered. “Maybe…maybe you should.”

  “As my Lady wishes,” he said again and then his long, clever fingers were slipping into her swollen inner folds and circling around and around her secret spot—just where Elli longed to feel him touching her.

  “Oh!” she moaned, throwing her head back and bucking her hips with pleasure. “Oh, Roke! That feels so good. Please…keep washing me!”

  “Of course, little priestess,” he rumbled. “I’ll keep washing your soft little cunt as long as you want me to.”

  As he spoke, he was circling her secret spot—her “Goddess pearl” as he had called it earlier. Around and around he stroked, sliding delicately over her most sensitive area and sending shockwaves of pure pleasure through Elli’s entire body.

  Had she thought that touching herself felt good? Well, it felt even better to let Roke touch her. Maybe it was because of the element of surprise—she didn’t know where or how he would touch her next—she only knew it would feel incredible.

  “Roke,” she moaned, bucking her hips. “Oh Goddess, Roke!”

  Just then she felt something new. As he circled her aching secret spot with his fingertips, two other fingers had found the entrance to her honey well and were pressing inward lightly.

  Elli looked down at him uncertainly.

  “Roke?” she asked, making his name a question.

  “Do you wish me to wash inside you, little priestess?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at her. “Just the once—so you can feel what it’s like to be filled?”

  “Oh…” Elli nibbled her lower lip. “I…I don’t know if we should.”

  “The Crown Prince and his bathing companion are,” he pointed out. “But if you’d rather I didn’t—”

  He started to withdraw his other hand but Elli stopped him with a hand on his wrist.

  “No, wait! I…” She swallowed hard. “I suppose it couldn’t hurt to try it just…just the once. As long as you promise to stop if I ask you to?”

  “Of course.” Roke gave her a gentle smile. “I’ll never hurt you, sweetheart—never do anything you don’t want me to do.”

  “All right, then.” Elli nodded. “Then do it, Roke. Wash…wash inside me.”

  “As my Lady wishes,” he growled for a third time. And then Elli felt two long, thick fingers sliding deeply into her tight virgin well.

  “Oh!” she moaned, throwing her head back at the surprising sensation. “Oh, Roke, it feels…it feels good.”

  “You like to be filled, sweetheart?” he murmured as his long fingers touched bottom inside her. “You like the feeling of your little pussy being so full?”

  “I…I do,” Elli admitted breathlessly. “I probably shouldn’t but it feels…feels really good, Roke.” She was leaning back on her elbows now, head thrown back in pleasure as she reveled in the feeling of being filled for the very first time.

  “Of course it feels good, sweetheart. I told you the Goddess built this part of you for pleasure.” He stroked gently in and out of her with his long fingers while he continued to circle her secret spot with his thumb.

  “Oh…oh!” Elli moaned. She was writhing all over the place, bucking her hips, helpless to stop the pleasure that was building inside her. The wire in her belly was back, twisting tighter and tighter, ready to snap at any moment…

  “And now I believe we ought to switch, my dear,” the Crown Prince remarked, his voice breaking through her building pleasure.

  Panting, Elli looked up to see that the noblewoman the Prince had been pleasuring was slipping back into the steaming water and His Majesty was taking her place on the edge of the pool.

  “Now then, my dear—wash me,” he told her, pulling his loincloth to one side to reveal a stubby, dark blue member which looked more like a grubby finger than a shaft—at least to Elli’s untrained eyes.

  Roke had stopped touching her and had withdrawn his hands. Now he looked at her with eyebrows raised.

  “Ellilah?” he asked, making her name a question. “Do you want to—”

  “I…I don’t think we have any choice.” Elli swallowed hard and slipped back into the steaming pool, her whole body throbbing with unfinished pleasure. “Go ahead,” she told Roke. “Sit on the edge of the pool.”

  He did as she asked, sitting with thighs spread and his legs dangling down into the milky blue water of the pool. Carefully, he lifted the sodden loincloth aside, revealing a massive shaft.

  Elli’s eyes went wide when she saw it. She’d felt it against her when it was covered by his trousers, but she’d never expected it to be this big!

  “Ever seen one of these before?” Roke asked, raising an eyebrow at her as she came slowly to stand between his muscular thighs.

  “I mean, I’ve seen the zorels mating and my brothers used to have peeing contests when they thought I wasn’t looking but not…not really up close,” Elli admitted. She licked her lips nervously. “I, uh, guess I should start…start washing you.”

  “Only if you want to,” Roke rumbled. “Not that I mind feeling your soft little hands on me, but I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”

  “I…I’m not uncomfortable,” Elli denied. “And anyway we’re just…just doing what we have to, right?”

  As she spoke, she reached for the pot of bathing cream and got a good amount on her fingers. Rubbing it over her palms, she began caressing the thick, throbbing length of the big warrior’s shaft, exactly as she saw the Duchess doing with the Duke in the pool beside them.

  Roke groaned low in his throat and tilted his head back, his eyes tight-shut. He held completely still as Elli stroked him, but she could feel the tension in his big body, as though it was taking every ounce of determination he had to keep from thrusting up into her hands.

  After the first moment of uncertainty, she found she liked touching the big warrior so intimately. The skin of his shaft was petal soft, though beneath he was as hot and hard as an iron bar heating in a forge. His scent was stronger here, too—the dark spice that made her want to get closer to him. The scent that would have been his Bonding Scent if he’d actually wanted to bond her to him, Elli thought as she stroked up and down his thick length, her hands slippery with the bathing cream.

  “Gods, little priestess!” Roke’s
voice was ragged with lust. “Your soft little hands feel so fucking good on me!”

  “Your hands felt good on me, too,” Elli admitted softly, as she continued to stroke. She couldn’t fit her fingers all the way around his thickness, but she kept stroking anyway, using both hands on the throbbing pole of flesh that stuck straight up against his flat belly.

  “I could tell,” he murmured, looking down to catch her eyes. “By the way you were moaning and crying while I fingerfucked your soft little pussy.”

  “Is that what you call it—the, uh, penetration with your fingers?” Elli asked, feeling her cheeks get hot.

  He nodded.

  “Mmm-hmm. Did you enjoy it?”

  “Yes,” Elli admitted. “I…I probably shouldn’t have but, well, it felt good.”

  “What you’re doing to me feels good too,” Roke growled. “Stroking me off with your soft little hands. You’d best be careful, though—I’m fucking close to coming, sweetheart.”

  “What happens when you come?” Elli asked curiously. “Will your seed shoot out here?” She touched the small slit at the tip of the broad, plum-shaped head of his shaft curiously and Roke groaned.

  “Yes, exactly,” he told her. “And it can make a fucking mess so if you don’t want it all over your hands, you’d better take things slowly.”

  “What if I don’t mind if it gets on my hands?” Elli asked, looking up at him from under her lashes. “What if I want to make you come, Roke?”

  “Gods, you’re so fucking tempting, little priestess.” He was gazing at her with half-lidded eyes. “If you want to make me come, go ahead then. Just keep stroking and you’ll see what happens.”

  “You’re awfully big and thick,” Elli remarked, still stroking, as he had said to do. “I mean, you’re much bigger than the Crown Prince,” she added softly, mindful that someone else might be listening, though at the moment the entire Tenebrian Court seemed to be rather preoccupied with Mirroring His Majesty’s erotic actions.


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