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Absolution: A Dominion Novel

Page 23

by Lissa Kasey

  I heard Con take a deep breath and glanced his way. He was staring at me through sleepy eyes. After a moment he got up and went to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of ice water. There was almost no food in the fridge, just a few condiments in the door.

  I leaned against the kitchen counter and stared at him. Con was the sort of beautiful a man with a lot of ink should be, all lean lines and bright colors. His ears were pierced and gauged, dark hair trimmed short on the sides and left long enough on top to tangle in his eyelashes. The ink covering him was more about hiding scars than elaborate storylines, and that was okay. I knew some of the stories, small things he’d been willing to share over our months together, and would listen each time he needed to open up about another one. Sometimes the internal demons just needed to bleed, he often told me. I agreed, but was glad he was using tattoos instead of cutting to get that feeling.

  He actually had a new wash of color that decorated his back with wings. Not one giant set like an angel, but dozens of birds. Birds of various colors, flying outward forming a tree-of-life type shape. There was no rainbow, more variation from the birds of prey, eagles, falcons, ravens, and hawks. I reached out to touch it, running my fingers across a raven or two, detailed despite the black outline.

  “Was this inspired by your change?”

  “Yes. Seiran actually drew it for me a while back. I asked him for lots of birds, but told him it needed to be more badass than just a bunch of black winged shapes.” He shivered under my fingers. “We’re all connected through the earth, so that’s why it’s the tree. Birds land in the tree, rest, and nest in a tree. Earth and water make the tree grow. Fire burns it down to make way for new growth. It’s a balance. Took five sessions to complete. Burned for a long time, but you were in the ground and the pain made me think of you. It kept me from cutting again.”

  “Sorry,” I said and withdrew my hand. I never wanted to hurt him.

  “Don’t be.” He turned and stepped close. “I like you touching me.”

  “Even though I’m a vampire?”

  “I think that’s more your hang-up than mine. I don’t want to be bitten, but I don’t mind that you’re a vampire. You’re still just you.”

  “With fangs,” I pointed out thinking about the whole revenant thing. There was an edge of that inside still, wasn’t there? I could feel it waiting, just like all the energy from Seiran, Kelly, and now Galloway. Was that part of being the siphon? I glanced at the bookshelf again. Stupid books. “I hate reading,” I said, “but I have so many questions.”

  Con laughed. “Unless it’s a video game.” He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug.

  “I do like video games. Too bad there’s not a video game that teaches me all this vampire shit for real,” I agreed, sighing as his body pressed against mine. This was nice. I’d fallen asleep on the couch with him before and tried really hard not to focus on how nice it had been to be there. “Is this real? You and me?”


  “And you’re okay with Luca?”

  Con snorted. “He’s hot. I wanted to hate him, you know? ‘Cause you’d talk about him when you guys were chatting online. You liked him. He made you smile sometimes with silly things that he said. And I tried to be happy for you. Thought that it was good that you could like the guy you’d have to feed from. And maybe you’d find out you loved him. But man did that piss me off.”

  “Sorry,” I said.

  “Don’t be. That was me, not you. I was jealous. Wanted you to want me.”

  “I did…do want you.” Fuck, had since the moment we’d been thrown together as haphazard victims of Kelly’s white-knight syndrome. “I just don’t want to lose our friendship.” Con was part of what kept me feeling human, real. He grounded me in a way I feared I’d lose without him.

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Even if Luca sticks around?” I had to admit the guy was really growing on me.

  He sighed and pressed a light kiss to my lips, which I accepted and returned. “I’m not the badass you are.” He rested his forehead against mine, leaning down, and stared into my eyes.


  “I’m a little needy.”


  “You were gone a few weeks, and he was around a lot. Making passes and playing games with me. We talked about you at first. He’s nice. Smart. I wanted to hate him, but I really like him. He gets me in a lot of ways. And yet is so different that I find him fascinating. Then it just sort of happened. He kissed me and we made out…which led to other things. You were still gone. Sometimes we’d sit together at your grave and play card games to pass the time. Thought you could maybe hear our voices. I kissed him there once. Hoped you’d wake up because you were so mad. Are you mad?”

  “No.” And I wasn’t. I had no right to demand anything of either of them. If they found comfort in each other, who was I to judge? Well, and quite frankly, the thought of the two of them together was really hot. “Do you want me to find someone else to feed on?” Did he want Luca instead of me?

  “No. I want all of us to work this out. Fuck the Western view of monogamy. I’ve never been good at having just one lover. I thought maybe with the two of you…we could find something that works. If you’re open to it.”

  “Uh, since we all had sex several times already today, or yesterday now I guess, I think that means I’m on board.”

  “But I don’t want to always be all of us,” Con said as he wrapped his hands around my face and pulled me close for an intense kiss. This was no glancing touch of the lips, but a full onslaught on my mouth, lips, teeth, tongue. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the taste of him. He pressed his hips to mine and I felt his erection. When he finally let the kiss end, we were both breathing hard. “Sometimes I want it to just be me and you. Is that okay?”

  “Sure,” I promised him, turning us to press him into the counter and grind my hips against his. “I’m all for that. Same goes if you just want Luca sometimes too.”

  “You too,” Con said. “He gives amazing head.” Con closed his eyes like the memory was enough to get him off. “Never thought a blow job could be that good until I met Luca.”

  “Wow, I have some standards to live up to then, eh?” I teased.

  Con smiled. “Maybe. Your blow job in the shower was good. Might have to try it again to compare…”

  “Jerk,” I said. “You’re supposed to say I’m better. I was a little nervous about the fangs. Luca probably has more practice too.”

  “No favorites,” Con said. “No competition. I want it to just be Zen with us. We all get what we need.”

  That sounded too good to be true, but wasn’t I the one who wanted to live again? Experience life for real this time, even if I was undead? “Okay. I’m willing to try.”

  Con kissed me lightly again. “Yeah, that’s a good start.”

  I wallowed in his kiss for a moment, enjoying the slow, sensual break of it. Nothing rushed or rough like most of my life had been. It was sad how I’d been conditioned by those things. Rough turned me on, and that was okay, but I was happy that it wasn’t just the hardcore that turned me on. I reached down and rubbed Con through his jeans. “Can I jerk you off?” ‘Cause how hot was that?

  He laughed lightly. “You don’t need permission for that.”

  “Good,” I kissed him again and unbuttoned his jeans to reach my hand in. His cock was thick and not overly long, but I liked the weight of him in my grip. He sighed into my lips, eyes closing in ecstasy. I found a rhythm that had him hitching his breath and my hips humping his legs in time to it. We ate at each other’s mouth. Not the fierce devouring I always found myself lost in with Luca, but a delicious exploration of sensations.

  We swallowed each other’s little sounds, both gasping and moaning, leaning into each other. My grip on him quickened. I rolled my fist over him, then thumbed the head to tickle his slit. He was so sensitive.

  “Fuck,” he cried as he let go and painted my fist with his
come. I groaned and let myself go. The pleasure pinged through me with the energy of a lightning bolt, stinging, and empowering all at once. Since we stood next to the sink I reached over, rinsed my hand, dried it on a towel and then tucked his spent cock back into his pants. Con wrapped his arms around me, and we stood there together for a few minutes. Not talking. I wasn’t even really thinking, which was a nice break. Though I needed clean underwear. Maybe Luca had something I could borrow.

  “Fuck,” I groaned to Con.

  Con nodded his agreement. “I, however, need food. Apparently that’s a foreign concept in this house.”

  “I never eat here,” Luca grumbled from the bed. “Always ate out or with you.”

  “Yeah, well it sounds like we have a new haunt,” I told them. “I’m sure the witch will cook for you both.”

  “We’re going to stay with Seiran?” Con asked.

  “You don’t want to?”

  “I don’t know. Seems like someone is always out to fuck with him.”

  Which was why I planned on sticking with him. He didn’t make himself a target. He’d been born one. Just like me. He was a powerful earth witch in a world that didn’t believe a man should have that power. I was some sort of power siphon and amplifier. Not something either of us had asked for. And how was that fucking fair? “Someone is always out to fuck with me too,” I pointed out.

  Luca crawled out of bed and to our sides where he wrapped the both of us in a warm hug. “Probably won’t stop either since you killed Galloway. Vamps will come after you just to prove they are better or more dangerous than you.”

  “That’s stupid,” Con said.

  “Yes,” I agreed, but knew it was true. “The siphon thing made me a target before I even knew what I could do.” Matthew had known. Somehow through his insanity he’d sensed it and used it. Roman had done everything he could to exploit my power for his own gain. I had no delusions about people leaving me alone now. Galloway’s attempt to control me had been another grab for my power. Only my power had turned on him, ate him down, and destroyed him. It made me worry about Max. He wouldn’t be so easily beaten. But I also had yet to see him actually try to use magic for his own gain.

  And what if I went revenant again? Who would protect the world from me? I had no doubt that Seiran could have ordered the earth to take me back, a true death. Instead he’d asked for help to save me. If I got lost again and he had no choice? He could be ruthless, right? He’d killed before to save himself and the people he loved. I hoped he could save Luca and Con if I ever turned again. Yeah, staying close to the most powerful witch in the world was a good idea.

  “How do you feel about it, Luca?” I asked him.

  He shrugged. “I’m not really attached to places. Moved a lot my whole life following my dad’s business stuff. I don’t care where I sleep as long as it’s with you guys. ‘Sides, the witch is probably as safe a bet as any. If I’ve learned anything about being the kid of a vampire over the years, it’s that powerful allies are important. And he cooks.” Luca patted his stomach. “Man, I love that guy’s food. Hope he has good Wi-Fi. I work from home a lot when my dad is traveling. Lots of phone work.”

  I groaned.

  “Yeah, we’ll have to work on your bullshitting,” Luca patted my cheek. “You gotta say pretty things to people even when you hate their guts. That’s how business works.”

  “I hate this already,” I told him.

  “Nah,” Luca said. “I think you’ll be great. You’re a bit of a shark like Max. Put up with no one’s bullshit. He’s sort of the master of calling people on it while still sounding like he’s the most intelligent and nicest person in the room. I aspire to such greatness someday.”

  “I’m glad I work at the bar. Hope I don’t lose that job when Gabe isn’t around anymore,” Con said.

  “Sounds like Mike has been running it anyway,” I reminded him. “But we’ll worry about that bridge when we cross it.”

  “Max could buy the bar. If Gabe goes to ground all his assets will be Seiran’s since Seiran is his Focus. It’s part of the official filing of a Focus with the Tri-Mega,” Luca said.

  I shook my head. “Seiran loves that bar.”

  “Sure, but he’s got bigger problems than that.”

  And that was true. I sighed. More problems I didn’t want to think about. “Okay, let’s get your stuff packed up then.” I shifted my hips. “Maybe I can borrow a pair of clean undies?”

  Luca laughed lightly. “That was hot.”

  “Coming in my pants is not hot.”

  “It was from my place on the bed.”

  “Jerk,” I said. He grinned. Con laughed. Luca finally pulled away to dig in another hidden wall cupboard for clothing.

  He held out a pair of undies for me. “Here you go, princess,” he teased. “Or, I mean, you badass bitch.”

  I snarled at him, let Con go and crossed the room to swipe them from his grasp.

  “We should bring the books,” Con said from his place by the counter. “I’m sure there’s room. Sam doesn’t like to read, but I do, and I know Seiran does. Maybe we can get the whole lot of us up to speed.”

  “I’ve read most of them,” Luca said. He squinted at the bookcase. “Once or twice. I don’t have great recall or anything, though. So I’d have to look stuff up. I think the book Seiran took with him had info about siphons.”

  Con tapped his forehead. “My recall is excellent. My sister’s was too. It was one of the reason’s Roman wanted control of her. She could see a spell once and memorize it.”

  No wonder he’d brought me a handful of spells written on scratch pieces of paper. I hadn’t yet searched through the books I had stashed for them, but if Max was right and spells were individual, then I wasn’t sure it mattered much.

  I headed to the bathroom to wash up and change. We needed a plan. Something to stop the vampire’s insanity, put Gabe to sleep, and maybe take out Tresler. However, I was not the brains of the operation. New adventures and enterprising ideas had a way of backfiring when I did them. But I wasn’t alone anymore. Con and Luca chatted as they packed up his clothes into a suitcase he’d dug out from somewhere. I had a dhampir, an air witch, two very powerful earth witches, a water witch, and a master vampire on my side. It sounded like the start to a great RPG video game. But time would tell.

  Chapter 22

  I sent Seiran a text asking him if it was okay to bring the guys to the house. He said it was fine. There was only another two or so hours before dawn. He wanted me at the house as soon as possible because he had a long list of wards he wanted to create and thought that my ability could strength them. I agreed, and let him know we were on the way. Instead of taking a cab, Luca said he would drive and led us down to an underground garage and a giant black Hummer.

  “Holy fuck,” Con said.

  “It’s my dad’s,” Luca said. “Built like a tank. I wanted something more practical, he insisted on this.” He put his suitcase in the back, and I added the box of books we’d decided were essential.

  “For all your smack talk about your dad, he really cares about you,” I commented.

  He side-eyed me. “Just because he gives me stuff, doesn’t mean he cares.”

  Did he really have no idea? Maybe being linked to Max gave me a different point of view. The empire he built, had trained Luca to command, the loft, the car, and now me, a powerful vampire to watch over him, was all just to take care of Luca. “Was it just Galloway who wanted you and me involved?”

  “No,” Luca said. “Max brought you up first. Since I’ve helped other vampires, I thought it was just that he didn’t think anyone else could tame you at the time.”

  “Tame?” I squinted at him.

  “Your bloodlust. My blood is a bit supercharged and not all cibos are. Most are just human, and the few who are hybrids like me aren’t nearly as powerful as I am. Probably because my dad is so powerful. I’m also older than most other cibos, so I have more experience in redirecting hunger.”

nbsp; That all made sense. “So your dad said, ‘Hey, feed this almost feral vampire?’”

  Luca blushed. “I sort of have a thing for Asian guys…”

  Con snorted. “You have a thing for all guys.”

  “True,” Luca agreed. “But lots of fantasies…So my dad pointed you out, knowing my kink. Asian, rough, tough, and a little snarky.”

  “A little?” Con asked.

  “Asshole,” I threw back at him.

  “Exactly that,” Con replied.

  “Anyway, after we talked online the first time, I knew we would click in person. My dad made the arrangements for me to move here and still have a large part of his business.”

  I smiled at Luca.

  “Don’t be creepy,” Luca told me. “Did he tell you something?”

  “Just to take care of you,” I assured him.

  “And he gives you a cushy loft and a fancy super car? Makes sure you have a good job?” Con teased. “All housed in a building with heavy security?” He pointed toward the guard station which was manned with big guys with guns.

  Luca frowned as he got in the driver’s seat. I got in the passenger seat and Con jumped into the back. “He’s never said anything. Always says his emotions don’t work right.”

  His emotions worked just fine. I think he’d just had far too long learning to ignore them. “Maybe you should talk to him about it sometime. Though not right now. He sort of has someone over…” In that moment I realized who it had been in his lap. Kenrick, the guy from the club.


  Didn’t Luca say he got jealous of his dad being with people? That was a blood thing, right? Territorial or something? He froze, staring at his hands. And I wondered if I’d made a mistake. Would he freak?

  After a minute he shook himself and started the car.

  “You okay,” I asked.

  “Yeah. Thought the jealousy would rise up like it always does. But it didn’t.” He looked at me, and for a second his eyes seemed to glow, a bit of the vampire in him coming out. “It’s you I need now.”


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