Book Read Free

Tempting Rowan

Page 14

by Micalea Smeltzer

  She set the plate down on the counter, not in front of Tristan.

  “This is my house,” she seethed, the stench of her breath threatening to knock me down, “and the food in it belongs to me. I’ll eat whatever the hell I want.”

  “I bought that food and I made it,” I pointed to my chest. “You have no right—”

  My head snapped to the side with the impact of her hand landing against my cheek. My teeth had bitten down on the sensitive inside of my mouth and I tasted blood.

  Tristan began to cry, and when I looked at Ivy her mouth hung open in shock.

  “You ungrateful brat!” She screamed at me, hatred filling her eyes.

  I wasn’t going to let her think that a slap would silence me anymore. I was done being passive. My mouth filled with blood and I wondered if it was possible to need stitches in your mouth. I really hoped not. “You’ve taken everything from me!” I couldn’t seem to stop shouting. “I’m not your little bitch anymore! I’m not going to sit back and let you rule me! I’m done!”

  She seemed shocked at my comeback. I always took her shit and never fought back, but she had done one too many things to me in the past, and I had finally snapped.

  She didn’t seem to have a comeback, so she grabbed the plate of food, glaring at me, and marched back into her bedroom. She slammed the door closed hard enough to rattle the whole house.

  “Tristan,” I whispered, bending down to take his small face in my hands. His cheeks were wet with tears and I hated that I’d been part of the cause for them. “It’s okay, Tristan.”

  “You-you-you,” he hiccupped, “bleedin’.”

  I reached up to my mouth and my fingers came away with a slight red mark. It wasn’t bad, but to Tristan it seemed like the end of the world.

  “I’m fine,” I assured him.

  He shook his head, his sandy hair falling into his eyes. “Not okay. You’re bleedin’.”

  I took him into my arms, rocking him back and forth as he cried. No kid should have to witness what went down between my mom and I. Tristan was probably wondering when she was going to hit him and when I’d yell at him. I had to get them out of here. I just had to.

  When Tristan’s cries had stopped, I slid my plate towards him. “Here, eat mine.”

  He was hesitant at first, but eventually hunger won out and he started eating what was left of my food.

  Now that the adrenaline was wearing off my cheek stung and the inside of my mouth was throbbing. I needed some Advil.

  I went to the sink and filled a cup with water. I used it to swish out the lingering blood coating my mouth. The day had barely begun, and I already wished it were over.


  Let’s go to Griffin’s. I’ll pick you up in an hour.

  The text was from Trent. A part of me felt like responding to him and telling him that I couldn’t. My cheek and mouth were still sore, and I had a headache that didn’t seem to want to leave—one that not even my prescription medicine could relieve. After I took the kids to school, I’d come back home and shut up in my bedroom with the curtains drawn. I wanted to block out the world. Leave it to Trent to make that impossible.

  K.I typed back.

  A moment later he sent a smiley face. I hadn’t done anything after the showdown with my mom, so I knew I looked horrible. I took the quickest shower of my life, towel-dried my hair, and applied more make-up than I normally would to hide the red mark on my cheek.

  He said he’d pick me up in thirty minutes, so I tugged on a pair of worn jeans and gray sweater. It had dropped into the teens, so I grabbed my warmest coat, black mittens, and my infinity scarf with the words BAM! and POW! on it with drawings of superheroes. I knew Trent would like it.

  The door to my mom’s room was closed. I didn’t bother telling her where I was going or checking on her. I didn’t care. I’d stopped caring a long time ago.

  When I reached the front of the house and looked out the windows Trent’s black car was parked by the mailbox. I hurried outside to him, excitement filling my belly. A short amount of time surrounded by Trent was turning me into a completely different person.

  I opened the car door and slid onto the warm leather seat. When I looked over at him and saw him watching me, my heart skipped a beat, just like they always talked about in romance books. The sound of my breathing filled the car and I couldn’t be bothered to be embarrassed by it. Our eyes connected and neither of us moved. The silence swirled around us and I found myself desperate to shatter it.

  “Why are we going to Griffin’s?”

  Jesus, Rowan, of all the things you could ask him, that’s what comes out of your mouth? Brilliant.

  He grinned, his eyes crinkling at the corners with amusement. “I’m not telling. You’ll see soon enough.”

  He turned the radio up and Goodbye by Glenn Morrison sounded through the speakers.

  We didn’t really talk along the way. We didn’t need to. That was something else I liked about being with Trent. There was no awkward silence, only comfort.

  He parked across the street from Griffin’s and hopped out to put change in the parking meter.

  He opened my door for me and held out a hand for me to take. I stared at it with unease.

  “It’s just a hand, Row,” he said, “you can let go as soon as you get out if you want. There’s no obligation for you to hold my hand.”

  I placed my hand in his and he closed his fingers over mine. He helped me onto the curb, and went to release my hand, but I tightened my hold. He glanced down at me in surprise. I smiled up at him and he grinned in response, a dimple popping out in his cheek. I liked that dimple. A lot. I itched to stand on my tiptoes and press my lips to the indent, but I didn’t. I wasn’t brave enough yet. I’d take it one step at a time, starting with handholding.

  Traffic zoomed by and we waited for the crosswalk to flash our turn. I itched to pull my hand away from his, but I forced myself to keep it where it was. There was nothing wrong with this.

  When it was our turn we jogged across the street, our breath fogging the cold air. The sky was gray with the promise of snow.

  Trent held the door to Griffin’s open for me and I stepped inside. It was packed and I was taken aback by all the people.

  “Come on,” Trent took my hand again, reaching up to adjust his maroon colored beanie with the other, “back here.”

  He pushed through the crowd and I didn’t know how he got his body to fit through such small spaces.

  In the back area of Griffin’s there was a stage where musicians could perform. Someone was up there now.

  A hand shot up, waving us towards a table.

  I was trapped behind Trenton and couldn’t see who it was.

  It turned out to be Trace and Olivia. Trace was grinning from ear to ear, and Olivia bounced Dean on her lap.

  “I’m so happy you guys could make it,” she smiled, her cheeks flushed a rosy pink. There was a nervousness to her demeanor as she bit down on her bottom lip and glanced nervously at Trace.

  “Are you okay?” I asked her, pulling off my black mittens and shrugging out of my coat.

  She nodded. “I always get nervous before I sing.” She began chewing on the side of her fingernail. Trace grabbed her hand, pulling it away from her mouth, and twining his fingers with hers. He looked at her with so much love that even I couldn’t help but be affected…especially when I’d seen Trent look at me in a similar way.

  “You’re singing?” I asked her, a bit surprised.

  “We’re singing together,” Trace clarified as Olivia tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, then proceeded to cover the top of Dean’s head with kisses. She looked like she was going to be ill, poor girl.

  “Do you sing?” I turned to Trent, who’d taken the seat beside me.

  “No,” he replied quickly. “I’ll leave the singing to those two.”

  “Are you bad?” I asked.

  His brows furrowed together. “I don’t know. I’ve never actually tried to sing

  “Maybe you should try,” I pointed to the stage.

  “Um, yeah, no. If I ever sing, the first time will not be on a stage in front of a bunch of people,” he shook his head rapidly. “No way.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction. “Would you guys mind watching Dean while we sing?” Olivia asked, holding tightly to the toddler.

  “Isn’t that why you asked me to come?” Trent retorted.

  “Well, yeah,” Olivia shrugged. “We have to use you while you’re home. Dean doesn’t like to be left with anyone else, but you. Not even your mom or my mom.”

  “That’s because Dean has good taste in people,” Trent joked.

  Griffin appeared by our table, asking if we wanted to order anything. Trent asked for a beer, and I asked for water. This was seriously the weirdest coffee house around. I mean, how many coffee shops have menus like a restaurant, a stage, and they serve beer? I think Griffin strove for uniqueness.

  “They’re calling our names. Oh God,” Olivia mumbled, looking like she might throw up.

  “It’ll be fine,” Trace assured her. “You’ll be fine,” he reinforced, taking her face between his hands and giving her a kiss that shouldn’t be legal in public. I found myself turning away, feeling like I was witnessing something that was best kept private.

  Trace stood, as did Olivia, who reluctantly handed Dean to Trent as they headed for the stage.

  “Row?” Dean asked, finally spotting me. His arms reached out for me as he tried to climb out of Trent’s hold. I took the baby into my arms and he smiled goofily up at me.

  I held Dean in my arms as I looked towards the stage. Trace picked up a guitar and sat down on a stool, scooting the microphone towards him. Olivia grabbed another stool and sat down. Her eyes were closed and she was taking deep breaths.

  Trace said something into the microphone, no doubt charming the crowd, but I couldn’t pay attention because Dean had grabbed a strand of my hair and was currently yanking on it as he tried to shove it in his mouth.

  Trent noticed and began to laugh, but he was quick to help untangle me from the tight hold. I’m pretty sure Dean ripped out a few hairs.

  “That’s not nice,” Trent scolded, tapping Dean on the nose.

  My heart surged with an emotion I couldn’t begin to describe. Seeing Trent with Dean…it was amazing and heartbreaking all at the same time.

  Dean held his arms out for Trent and then proceeded to yank Trent’s beanie off his head.

  “He’s about to hit the terrible twos,” Trent explained. “Trace and Olivia are in for it with this monster,” he tickled Dean’s stomach.

  I laughed, ruffling the baby’s hair.

  My ears finally seemed to register that Trace and Olivia were singing. Both of their voices were incredible, but together they sounded phenomenal. My mouth dropped open in surprise as they covered Everything Has Changed by Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran.

  “Wow,” I gasped. “They’re unbelievable.”

  “I know, right,” Trent grinned, wrangling a squirming Dean.

  I listened closely to the song and watched their interactions, how they sang to each other and not the crowd. It was a beautiful thing to watch. I was in awe, and I wasn’t afraid to show it. When they finished and sat down across from us once more, I bit down on my tongue to keep from gushing. I didn’t want to embarrass them or myself.

  Trace took Dean and deposited the squirming child in his lap. I began to laugh when I realized the father and son were wearing matching blue plaid shirts. I wondered how they’d ever found a child’s shirt to match.

  “Mew Mew,” Dean protested, reaching for Trent.

  “That’s Uncle Trent. Mew Mew isn’t here,” Trace told his son. “They don’t let carpet sharks run around restaurants.”

  I spat out my water. Thank God none of it landed on Olivia. It just splattered on the table.

  “Carpet shark?” I asked.

  “That’s what he calls Bartholomew,” Trent explained. “He thinks he’s so clever.”

  “I am clever,” Trace grinned, “among other things, like the most amazing kisser in the universe, and the best sex you’ll never have.”

  I blushed, but the stain in my cheeks in no way compared to the one infusing Olivia’s.

  “Ow,” Trace groaned, and I figured Olivia had punched him in the leg.

  “We’re going to head out now,” Olivia said, standing and pulling on her camel colored leather coat. “Now that my husband has made me feel thoroughly uncomfortable, that’s the cue that it’s time to go home.”

  “Shit,” Trace mumbled. “I’m in trouble.”

  “Oh, yes, you are,” Olivia stared him down.

  It was funny though, because despite her obvious mortification, I didn’t think she was actually really that mad at him, and more that she was putting on a show to scare him into never doing it again.

  They grabbed up their stuff and disappeared into the crowd, but not before saying goodbye. I really liked those two, and they were cute together. I also felt that given time I could end up being friends with Olivia.

  “Do you want to stay? Or head out?” Trent asked.

  I thought for a moment. “I’m ready to leave, but I don’t want to go home yet.”

  He grinned at my words, clearly pleased with them. He finished his beer and slapped some bills on the table.

  “Let’s go.”

  It took me a moment to get my coat buttoned and pull my mittens on. Trent grabbed my hand again and we made our way outside.

  I’d grown hot in Griffin’s and the cool air felt like heaven against my heated skin.

  “It’s snowing!” I exclaimed, smiling at the large snowflakes falling from the sky.

  I spread my arms out wide and stuck my tongue out in the hopes of catching one.

  “Rowan, what are you doing?” Trent laughed as he watched me act like a little kid.

  I continued to spin around, marveling at the sound escaping me. I was giggling. I don’t know if I’d ever giggled in my entire life.

  “I’m living,” I finally answered as the snow swirled around us. I had never allowed myself to let go and be so free. I was finding that I really liked it. I felt like a weight was being lifted from my shoulders as I danced down the street, the snow falling into my hair, and sticking to my clothes. The cold didn’t touch me though. I was oddly warm, Trenton’s gaze heating my body.

  I wasn’t paying attention to what I was doing and suddenly I started to fall right into the street, straight into oncoming traffic. Trent darted forward, wrapping a solid hand around my arm and yanking me against his chest before I could go splat. My body thudded against his with the impact and we stumbled back.

  “Whoa,” he said, one hand on my waist, trying to balance us and keep us from falling. I clasped the soft fabric of his coat in my hands. I looked into his eyes and I was overcome by the one emotion I fought so hard to keep dormant—desire.


  I didn’t think. I didn’t hesitate. I took what I wanted. I was tall, but Trenton was taller, so I brought myself up to my tiptoes and crashed my lips against his. My heart raced in my chest at the intensity. The hand that was at my waist came up to cup the nape of my neck, his fingers gathering my long hair in its grasp. He lightly bit my bottom lip and growled against my lips, “I can’t deny this much longer. I want your legs wrapped around my waist, and I want to bury myself deep inside you.”

  I gasped at his words. Boldly, I leaned up and whispered in his ear, “Then do it.”

  “Fuck,” he groaned, his fingers digging into my hip. His eyes scanned my face, searching for something. A shiver passed over his body and he closed his eyes. Opening them, he bit his lip, and it had to be the sexiest thing I had ever seen. “Are you sure?”

  “Do you even need to ask?” I gasped, looking up at him as snowflakes stuck to my lashes.

  He didn’t answer. Instead, he took my face between his two large hands and kissed me until I forgot about everyth
ing except him. My cheeks warmed from the heat of his hands and my lips moved against his like they had a mind of their own.

  This was it.

  This was our now.


  I had thought maybe Trent was going to stand on the sidewalk and kiss me in the snow all day. Finally though, he’d torn his lips away and pressed his forehead against mine. His chest rose and fell with unsteady breaths. Kissing the end of my nose, he’d asked, “Come home with me?”

  I hadn’t hesitated to take what I wanted and said yes.

  He opened the garage door, parking outside since a sleek black motorcycle occupied the space. As soon as I was out of his car I found my back pressed up against it with his lips assaulting mine.

  My legs wrapped around his waist and he gripped me just below my butt. His hips pressed against mine and my lips wrenched from his as I gasped.

  He carried me into the garage, hitting a button to close the door. He fumbled for the keys to unlock the door that led into his house. I placed my hand over his to steady him.

  He finally got the door open and we burst inside. He kicked the door closed with his booted foot.

  My mouth never left his as he carried me up two flights of steps and into the master bedroom. All the while we were tearing each other’s coats off.

  He sat down on the end of the bed with me straddling his lap. His stubbled cheeks rubbed against the palms of my hands. I kissed him deeply—with every ounce of passion that possessed my body. I had to show him with my actions how I felt, because words could never compare.

  My hair was slightly damp from the snow melting in it and he brushed the strands away from my face as he rained kisses down my arched neck. I was sure, even with the only the slight pressure of his lips, he had to feel how fast my heart was beating.

  He tugged my sweater off and tossed it behind me. Scooting farther back on the bed he pulled me with him.

  I placed my hands flat against his chest and gave him a slight push. He toppled onto his back and I lowered over him, kissing him deeply as my hair fell forward to create a shield.


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