Into The Game- Dungeon Crawl Quest

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Into The Game- Dungeon Crawl Quest Page 12

by C A A Allen

  Mileena is really here, in DCQ. This is crazy. “Um,” I stammer. “Do you remember that game I like to play so much? Well, you’re inside of it.”

  “I’m inside of what?” She asks. “Really, what is this all about, Riff?”

  Wow. She’s handling this transition way better than I did.

  Slim stands with a smile and adjusts his hat. “Introduce me to your friend, Captain.”

  “Yeah, Riff,” Bella says, raising an eyebrow. “Introduce us.”

  I hold up a palm to Bella and Slim. “I only have five minutes to handle this, guys. There’s really no time for introductions.”

  Bella pushes my hand away and extends hers toward Mileena. “Sorry he’s so rude. I’m Bella. Welcome into the game.”

  “Riff, rude? Tell me something I don’t know.” Mileena shakes Bella’s hand. “Nice to meet you.” She looks at me. “Riff, please explain where I am and why. This isn’t funny.”

  I hold up the ring. “It’s about this.” I look my ex-girlfriend in the eye. I needed to do this right. “And the fact that I need to apologize to you for messing up our breakfast date. Not just that one, but many of our dates. The way I treated you was way wrong. I wasn’t a good boyfriend, and I’m sorry for that. It’s not an excuse or even a valid reason, but I just get too caught up in,”—I hold my arms out—“this game stuff.”

  Bella looks at me with a furrowed brow and turns away, peeking at her Grimoire.

  “It’s all good, Riff.” Mileena looks over the glistening gold grasshopper on the shoemaker’s shoulder and smiles. “I really wasn’t feelin’ you like that anyways.” She looks around the room. “If your game is always as enchanting as this, then, I really can’t blame you for being so deep into it. This whole place is amazing.” She looks herself over and runs fingers down the sides of her body. “And look at what it did for me. Not that I didn’t look good before, but this body is bangin’.”

  “You look great.” I say low.

  “I don’t mean to interrupt you two, but”—Bella taps her bare wrist several times—“it was a five minute countdown, right?”

  I take Mileena’s hand. “Will you release this ring to me? It’s a matter of life and dead-for-real-die death.”

  “Eww, did you fish that thing out of your nasty toilet?” Mileena pushes my hand away. “I don’t want that back. Not ever.”

  Was that a yes? A no? How detailed did the verbal confirmation need to be? “So, you release it to me? Officially?”

  “Yes.” She pats down her thighs. “Hey, where’s my phone?” A blue streak whisks around her feet and climbs upward. She raises a leg to step out of it, but her foot gets pulled back down as though tethered with a bungee cord. “What is happening?” she asks, sounding a little scared. “Am I going back home? Are you going to be all right? Do I get to keep these—” The swirl covers her head and she disappears in a snap.

  AN ITEMS STATUS HAS CHANGED: Your item ‘Gold Promise Ring’ (Soulbound to Mileena Tobias) has been released by Mileena Tobias and is no longer soul-bonded.

  The item can now be bought, sold, or traded by its holder.

  “You Compass-Keepers are something else.” Slim falls back down in his chair. “Really something else.”

  “I liked your friend, Riff.” Bella walks across the shop picking at nick-knacks. “She was cute.”

  “Drama.” Hans says. “Can you give the ring to the man already?”

  I hand the ring to Giles. “Let’s make this deal.”

  Giles once again holds the ring near the grasshopper’s antennae and listens closely to its noises. “Good. The bond is gone. I accept the trade.” Sir Thomas hops down to Slim’s shoulder and creates a melodic chirp by rubbing its hind leg.

  “Hey there, old friend,” Slim looks at the grasshopper fondly. “You want to make some music?”

  Giles drops the ring in a small upper vest pocket and pats it down twice. “Be wise with your usage of these boots.” He snaps a rag and spins it around a tin of black compound. “They only have one charge left in them.”

  “One charge?” This guy is trying to rip me off. I hold my left hand out and place the other on my sword. “I’m going to need that ring back. I need boots with at least five charges. One kick may not be enough for the door I got to bust down.”

  “Easy, Captain.” Slim plucks a beautiful melody on the lute. “The only way you’re going to acquire a pair of boots loaded that high, if you can find another pair at all, is with a teetering stack of genuine gold coins.”

  I guess I will just have to make the one charge count. “If you throw in that guitar,” I say, “we have a deal.”

  “You want that old lute?” Giles buffs the leather on the Bombardment Boots and looks at Slim. “We have a deal. The instrument is yours. You know Mr. Slim can mesmerize with those licks. I’ve seen him perform many times.”

  I take the boots and stuff them in my pack. “You do play well, Slim. I got some skills on the guitar too, you know.”

  ADD POSSESSION: Bombardment Boots + (1) Charge. Bombardment.

  Damage: 0-1.

  Range: N/A.

  Frequency: Rare.

  Quality: Poor.

  Melee Weapon Attack: Bludgeoning damage.

  Bombardment: Strike with a verbal “Bomb” to cast one or more of its ‘Bombardment’ charges. Use to kick down the sturdiest of door.

  Slim stands and holds the lute my way. “You’ve just acquired a charming instrument, Captain. You know I’d rather play than thieve, but no one wants to provide the correct pay to a musician. The troubadour’s guild just isn’t what it used to be.”

  I take the lute and look over the front. “Nice. I like it.”

  ADD POSSESSION: Lute + (7) Charge. Charm person.

  Damage: 1-2.

  Range: N/A.

  Frequency: Uncommon.

  Quality: Average.

  Melee Weapon Attack: Bludgeoning damage.

  Charm: Play instrument with a verbal “Charm” to cast one or more of its ‘Charm Person’ charges. Makes a humanoid you can see a trusted friend for five minutes.

  Soulbound to ‘Jareth Goblinmasher’ - Item cannot be traded or sold.

  A plucked string musical instrument.

  “Real nice.” This lute not only plays music, it also has spell power. I strum through all six strings with an upstroke. “And it’s in tune.” Wait, where am I going to carry this thing?

  Slim shakes Giles hand. “I’m going to need a new pair of boots soon myself. The leather on mine is getting a bit stiff.”

  I look at Slim’s boots. The leather is made up of small triangular scales. “Are those gators?”

  “Gators? I would never wear any ugly-ass gators.” Slim rests a foot on a square chest and twists his ankle. “Look at the symmetry in the pattern. These are dragon scale.”

  “Real dragon scales?” I look close at the shoes. “Those are really nice. You got a cool sense of style, Slim. But what I really need to know is where can I get a hat like yours?”

  Slim tilts his brim even lower over one eye. “I already gave you my connection for boots. The Mad Milliner’s hatworks is a completely different thing. Maybe when your pockets are fatter, I’ll introduce you.”

  Hans kicks the chest out from under Slim’s boot causing him to stumble. “Enough about hats and gators already. It’s time to go.”

  I set the lute against the wall where Slim found it. “Giles, if you don’t mind, I need to leave this here until I can afford a suitable carrying case. It’s soulbound to me, so take good care of her.”

  Giles rolls a hand in a circular spiral and bows. “It was a true pleasure trading with you.”

  We leave the store and make our way to the roundabout. Several civilians line the road watching a party of eight questers make their way to the East gate.

  Slim eyeballs two underdressed ladies in black leather across the road. They both gaze in a shop window and point at various articles of clothing. “See that,” he mumbles. “Those two just
sitting on their butts watchin’ the questers go by, when they need to be tappin’ their toes on them roads to get this gold.” He tugs his tunic down, brushes off the shoulders, takes a deep breath, and exhales. “This is where I leave you, Captain. I wish you all great success in your quest to open the expansion.” He steps onto the road and looks back. “Beef up on your defenses against the undead before you go West. There are some real weird walking corpses out there. Oh, and, Bella.” He points at me. “Watch out for this guy. I think he has eyes for you.”

  Bella smiles. “Bye, Slim.”

  “Good riddance.” Hans sneers.

  “Travel safe, Slim, and good luck with helping your business associate.” I watch him strut across the street, sneak up behind the two girls, and surprise them from behind. I really need a hat like that.

  NEW TASK: Assemble a party at Cittadella.

  Assemble a party of six adventurers in order to enter the valley.

  I clear the message with a shake of my head. “We need to hire a new thief in order to leave Cittadella.” And all I’ve got is chump change to pay someone. “Let’s meet up with the rest of our party before they get overly intoxicated.”

  Bella, Hans, and I go back to The Pub on the Left. We step through a rickety wooden door into a small establishment barely lit by flickering candles and the low light from the open windows. The walls are lined with various nooks and crannies perfect for shady dealings. There are a few tables in the center, and a bar that stretches across the back.

  A stubby, pointy eared man with a brown cloak and pointed cone hat stumbles into me as he crosses the floor. He has two frothy mugs of beer in each hand. “Merry New Birthday to you all,” he says in a slurred British accent. “I have been named Sir Abbott—hiccup—Wychwood, and I am the only Boggarf in Cittadella. I am at your service on all promising quests to the—”

  He pauses and slurps from one mug, then lowers it and chugs from another. “To the East Dungeon. Yes, the East Dungeon is where a Boggart-Dwarf does his best work. Destructive, skilled at household chores, and handy I am for sure—hiccup—in a tuss.” He covers his mouth with a mug and emits a bubbling belch. “Be at the bar, I will—hiccup. To talk any and all business dealings with you.” He continues into a dark booth and passes out across its bench.

  Well, this is a pleasingly gloomy place. Perfect for a booze-up. No wonder Biff likes it.

  A young man in pristine leather armor approaches from the bar. “I am Castel Franco, The Master of Cittadella. And you, questing captain Jareth Goblinmasher, are a thief short of an official party. May I suggest The Snatch near the East gate. All hirelings there are members of the Thieves Guild and will serve you well. You’re on your own hiring in places like this.” He heads to the door. “See you at the gate.”

  “Hey, Jareth.” Biff stands and waves to us from the bar. “It’s three pints for a penny in this truly colossal establishment. Come join me.”

  “Wait, Jareth.” Salo approaches from a snug corner with a petite person wearing a dark robe and a shield strapped to his back. “I have befriended a thief for hire.”

  The figure pulls back its hood. “I am William Thomas Flukermayne the third,” he says in a squeaky voice. “But you can call me WTF Mayne. I am a thief extraordinaire, specializing in impossible chests and unlockable locks. I have a short sword to fight and am the holder of this.” He pulls a dark wood dowel from his belt. “A fully charged staff of immortuos. With this I can strike down any undead entity my party encounters.”

  Okay, let’s get straight down to business with this one. “We would like to hire you as our thief, but for little compensation.”

  “Tis a nay.” William lowers the dowel into its sheath. “You are the luckiest captain in Cittadella today. If my acquaintance, Salo here, did not introduce us, I would slit your throat for uttering the words ‘little compensation’ to a master thief like WTF Mayne.”

  “I said little compensation, not no compensation.” Looks like I am going to have to step up my hiring tactics with this guy. “It just so happens we are on our way to The Snatch to start our hiring process. Are you a member of the Thieves Guild?”

  Williams face scrunches. “The Whore’s Snatch is the worst place to find a thief and they are not fond of you Compass-Keeper types. Salo tells me you are running on a budget of sorts. This I understand. Make me a fair offer I can’t refuse.”

  “We will give you a fair deal,” Bella says. “Three gold, a ten percent share, and no artifacts.”

  William squints with an open mouth. “Thieves, on average, demand more than fighters, and I know how much you are compensating Salo. Thirty gold, twenty cut, and I always get artifact privileges.”

  “No.” Bella shakes her head. “Five gold, a twenty-five percent share, and no artifact. That’s the most we’ll go.”

  William sneers. “I need more up front. Word is you all have had horrible luck with the looting.”

  He’s trying to drive a hard bargain, but the fact he’s considering our offer at all tells me he wants a quest. Maybe even needs one. So, I hold my ground. “Take it or leave it, William.” Anyone hanging out in a bar like this can’t be worth that much gold. “We are on our way to The Snatch.” I turn toward the bar.

  “Wait.” William steps in front of me. “Add artifact privileges and your terms will be accepted.”

  “Hmmm.” I can’t believe he’s going for this deal. “Okay. You got your artifact privileges.”

  “Terms accepted, then.” William looks at Salo and shakes his head. “Barely accepted.”

  An icon of William’s face appears beneath Salo’s with three transparent squares.

  ADD: William Thomas Flukermayne III, Thief. (-5 Gold/-25% Share/+Artifact Privileges)

  Thief: Trained in the arts of stealing and sneaking. May only use light to mid-weight weaponry and armor. Primary abilities: Agility.

  AGE: 22

  LEVEL: 3



  WEAPONS: Shortsword: Melee Weapon Attack: Piercing damage.

  Staff of Immortuos: Expend one or more of its charges to cast ‘Undead to Dead’. Use to kill low-level undead monsters.

  SUBTRACT: 5 gold coins to William T. Flukermayne III. New gold coin balance: 0

  TASK COMPLETE: Assemble a party at Cittadella.

  For completing the task you earned 50 experience points! Complete additional tasks and kill monsters to earn more.

  “Meet us at the North Gate,” I say.

  “Welcome to the party, WTF.” Biff stumbles with a cup in hand and latches onto Salo’s shoulder. “See you at the West Gate after I quench.”

  “North Gate, Biff.” I say. “How many have you had?”

  Bella looks at me with slanted eyebrows. “We will meet the three of you at the North Gate within the hour. The sooner the better.”

  Biff upturns the cup and takes in the last drop. “Quench complete. North Gate it will be. Sooner and better.”

  Salo puts his arm around Biff. “The three of us will meet you all there.” He leads Biff to the door with William following.

  “Misfit NPCs.” Hans shakes his head. “You have assembled a motley crew.”

  Bella looks down and rubs the scar on her leg. “At least we have upgraded to a thief that will fight with us.”

  “A quick drink for luck.” I step to the bar and slam down a penny.

  SUBTRACT: 1 silver penny to Leanan Graham. New silver penny balance: 13

  “Three hydromels please.” I put a hand each on Hans’s and Bellas’ shoulders. “Let’s drink to finding the Taguban. Map point number two awaits us.”


  12:00:00 hours until DCQ server shut down.

  Bella, Hans, and I walk down the center of the road toward the North Gate, as groups of men, women, and children point at us from various storefronts along the way.

  Hans slides the side of his boot in the dirt and kicks rubble up at the closest onlookers. “What are you looking at?” Th
en to me he grumbles, “These wandering NPCs make me sick. I should clobber a few just for kicks.”

  “We are a questing team, Hans,” I say. “We’re like heroes to these people. You should be flattered.” How did he even get into DCQ? He seemed to hate so much about it.

  “They’re just sizing us up to make bets.” He pulls out his shillelagh, flipping and catching it in one hand. “I really want to clobber a few.”

  Ahead, an arch crosses between two gate towers with barely visible words etched into the crumbling stone. “North Gate – Here There Be Caves,” it says.

  Biff, Salo, and William fall in line behind us from a side street.

  “You’re right on time, guys.” I grin, the excitement building again. “The North Gate Arch will lead us to the most quested area of the game.”

  “I rarely quest The North Caves,” Hans says. “Real pros stick to the East Dungeon.”

  Castel breaks away from a circle of men-at-arms and greets us with a smile. “Gentlemen, one beautiful lady, and you, William.” He holds out a hand. “Paperwork, please.”

  I open my Grimoire, touch the red dot, and put it in his hand.

  He looks at the screen. “Party of six with a thief confirmed.” He focuses in closer and his smile widens. “Oh-ho, and a map plus three.” He looks at me, then at William, then back at me. “Accredited you are.”

  We walk under the arch and over the moat bridge. The road meanders slightly to the right and then ahead between a gently flowing river on the left, and lush forestry on the right.

  “It’s breathtaking.” Bella beams at the view in front of us. “Haworth’s river valley at high noon is truly a sight to see.”

  Hans continues forward. “Don’t take it all in for too long. High noon means we only have twelve hours until the server shuts down.”



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