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Here Comes Trouble

Page 22

by Donna Kauffman

  “Whoa, whoa. Where the hell is this coming from?” Brett was sincerely surprised, but also more than a little pissed off. “That was way out of line and you damn well know it.”

  Dan ducked his head, held his hands up, palms out. “You’re right.” He lifted his gaze. “I’m just frustrated. We make a great team. And I guess I thought, despite what you said, that when you left the tables for good…” He let it trail off.

  And Brett felt his heart squeeze hard inside his chest.

  He thought Dan had truly understood. Had he thought, all along, that Brett was really going to come work with him? Or was he just frustrated now that things weren’t going well? Because what Brett knew, what Dan had to know as well, though they’d never spoken of it, was that on the occasions when Brett went to work with Dan, between tournaments, or when he just needed a break from the tables…Dan’s ability to find folks who wanted to hire them tended to increase exponentially. Brett was well known throughout the world of poker, but nowhere was his fame as strong as it was in his own hometown. Word got out he was working with Dan, and well, folks liked to be associated with a winner. Some approached out of curiosity, but most just enjoyed whatever it was they got out of working with a recognizable “name.”

  Brett had never minded that. Though he’d never openly promoted himself or their partnership that way, lending what celebrity he had, to help Dan land the higher-end, more lucrative clients was about the only way he could share his good fortune with his childhood friend.

  But, as much as he wanted to do anything he could to help, he drew the line at giving up the dream to build his own future. Not when there were too many other ways he could help that didn’t require that kind of sacrifice. It hurt him to see his friend disappointed, and in trouble, but he was feeling a bit betrayed himself.

  Maybe it was the time he’d taken, or the distance he’d finally put between himself and the only life he’d ever known, but he could see more clearly now that not only did Dan not seem to have really gotten that Brett’s path was not his best buddy’s path, but he almost seemed…well, a little pissed off that Brett was going to go his own way.

  And yes, that hurt. It also pissed him off a little, too.

  “I’m sorry. You know I will do anything to help you out.” Brett pushed on when the mutinous expression crossed Dan’s face. “And don’t go blowing up on me, you know I don’t see it the way you do.”

  “I work for what I get. I make the right choices for my business, to keep it strong and growing. And that means not being an idiot and letting you walk away. That’s why I got on a plane. I’m not here for a handout, Brett. I will never take your money. But I will take your honest work, because it’s good for all of us.”

  Brett blew out a long breath and swore silently, but he didn’t look away from his one and only true friend. Dan deserved at least that much. “It’s not good for me.” He hated the pain that flashed through his friend’s eyes, but was bolstered by the anger he saw there, too. “There are other ways for me to help that allow us both to live the lives we want. If you won’t let me help you financially, there are other things I can do that are in line with your work ethic. I’m not trying to insult your pride or your integrity. But I can help you, goddammit. So let me. I can finance projects; I can do marketing for you. I’m not coming back to work for you, but there are so many other ways I can drive business your way. All of which I want to do.”

  Dan didn’t say anything, and the moment spun out until it felt pretty damn uncomfortable for both of them.

  Dan was the one who finally broke the silence. “You know, I never thought you had a problem. With gambling, with cards. You were more like some kind of professor of the game or something. It was all math and numbers and angles. Probably why you did so well in school. And took to building houses as well as you did.”

  “I don’t have a problem with gambling,” he said, confused by where Dan was going with this. What else was the guy he loved like a brother angry about?

  “Well, see, I kind of have to wonder about that. You won’t come back and help out a friend. But you’ll bring the card game to you. In fact, you’re bringing it all the way across the goddamn country.”

  “I’m not going back to the game.”

  Dan snorted. “Could have fooled me.”

  “This is a one-time thing. For charity.”

  “Is that her name, then?”

  Brett curled his fingers tightly inside his palms to keep from destroying anything else between them by planting his fist in Dan’s face. “I’m helping out a friend.” His gaze narrowed. “I’m like that.”

  Dan did have the grace to look slightly abashed, but he was already too far gone to rein himself completely in. “Well, looks to me like you’ve traded a lifelong friend for one who can scratch a certain itch. No worries. You’re not the first one to get lead around by his—”

  Brett stepped in closer, but didn’t touch him. “You’re going to want to think very hard about the words spouting out of your mouth right now. You, your dad, and Vanetta are the only family I’ve really had. It’s because of you that I even know the meaning of the word family. Of what it means to love.”

  “Are you saying you think you’re in love with this woman? Jesus, Brett, you just got out here. She must be one amazing f—”

  “She is amazing,” Brett said, using every bit of willpower he had to keep his voice level. “In every sense, she is exactly that. But you’re missing my point. I love you all, you, and Vanetta, everyone back home. And I will always do whatever I can to be there for you. You know that. But, beyond that, I want something different than you do. Our goals are different. If our friendship, our life history, means anything to you, then you’d want me to achieve those goals the same way I want you to achieve yours.”

  “What the hell does that have to do with some chick you’re shacking up with?”

  Brett might have snarled. “She’s one of mine, now, too. And I take care of what’s mine. But then, you should already know that.” Brett turned and stalked back toward his bike before he said or did anything else to further unravel a situation that had already gotten so far out of hand, he wasn’t entirely sure how they were going to patch it up. He felt blindsided. A not a little sick.

  “Brett, wait.”

  He paused, but he didn’t turn around.

  “Look.” He heard Dan blow out a long, deep sigh. Then, “I’m sorry, okay? I—I guess I’m not used to anyone else mattering to you. No one else ever has.”

  Brett turned to face him.

  “Even you have to admit that’s a new side of you. You’ll have to cut me some slack for not getting it right off. But I do now.” His mouth curved just a little then, but he was shaking his head as it did. “I guess it’s only strange that it hasn’t happened sooner.”

  “To be honest, I don’t know what this is. Or where it will go,” Brett said, putting voice to at least some of the thoughts that had been rattling through his mind all day. “I just know that I want the chance to find out. About Kirby. About myself. About what’s next. On all fronts.” He faced his friend squarely. “It would mean a great deal to me if you understood that. I mean really understood it.”

  Dan held his gaze just as squarely. “I want to. That’s about the best I can give you, because I’ve never been where you’re standing. I just know where I’m standing. And what I see as the best possible future for us both. Your education, skill, your name, matched with my background, the history of my company, can take it to whole new heights. Your vision, the foundation I’ve built in the community. It can’t miss. You’re the one telling me to think bigger, see a better future. And when I do, that’s what I see. So, no, I don’t really understand. You say you want to build your own future, but you don’t even know what the hell it is. And now, out of nowhere, you want to just jump into some new life thousands of miles away, with a woman you’ve just met. I mean, come on, Brett. It would be odd if I wasn’t a bit mystified, and yes, pissed off, about that.
It’s going to take some time, I guess, to get used to. I can try.”

  “I can’t ask for more than that.” Then Brett was quiet for a moment, trying, as best he could, to hear what his friend was saying, to see it from Dan’s point of view. After all, fair was fair.

  The tension eased up, but only a little. Finally, Dan turned and gestured to the hotel. “You got rooms here?”

  Brett nodded. Even though he was booked in with Kirby, the resort had comped him a suite here as well while they were working on the event. He’d slept alone in the huge king-size bed more times the past few weeks than he’d have preferred. “Nice suite, top floor.” He pulled his wallet from his pocket and slid one of his card keys out. “Here, I’m not using it.” At least he wasn’t planning to that night. “Unless you already made other arrangements.”

  “You staying down in town, then? At—what’s her name again, Kirby? At her place?”

  He nodded, then tried a smile. “I’m kind of burned out on the whole luxury suite thing.”

  Dan chuckled, and things finally felt at least something resembling normal. “Never did understand how anyone could get tired of that, but if it’s just sitting there unused…” He reached out and took the card.

  Brett knew even taking that much was hard for him, so he joked, “Well, there are a few other benefits to staying down in town that the resort doesn’t provide.”

  Dan’s grin was knowing. “Now that’s more like it.” He slid the card in his back pocket. “You gonna tell me something about this mystery woman who’s already got you whipped?”

  Brett let that one go. “I’ll do better than that. I’d like you to meet her.” If nothing else, he thought, maybe Dan would at least understand why Brett was sticking in Vermont for a while. He didn’t think his friend would behave as obnoxiously in person. At least he hoped not. It had been an interesting conversation so far. Regardless, he thought, Kirby could hold her own. It was yet another reason why he was anxious to get back to the inn.

  He checked his watch. “Speaking of which, I need to get in touch with her, anyway.” His forgotten dinner plans resurfaced, but though he regretted having to put them off—again—it was important to him that Kirby meet Dan as well. “How long are you planning to stay?”

  “Well, since I’m out here, I thought I’d watch you play. Been a while since I’ve done that.”

  “Because you work too hard.”

  Dan grinned. “No such thing, brother.”

  “At the very least, you have to admit you need to get out and play more.”

  “I’m here, aren’t I? Hell, if I had a clue how to play the damn game, I’d sit in on a few hands.”

  Brett didn’t mention that the buy-in was ten thousand dollars. “I’ve told you many times, I’d be more than happy to teach you. I hear there’s a vacant seat at the tables back in Vegas.”

  Dan shook his head. “It’ll take bigger britches than mine to fill your seat.”

  “So, if you’re out here, who’s minding the store?”

  “I’m handling things, don’t you worry. That’s what cell phones and laptops are for. Everything is under control.” When Brett continued to look dubious, Dan added, “Wasn’t it you who told me to delegate? See? I do listen to you.”

  Brett smiled, but privately he wondered just how bad things were for Dan. The one way he was just like his old man was in his work ethic. Neither of the Bradley men put much stock in leisure time. In fact, Brett was still stunned that when Dan senior had retired to Palm Springs, he hadn’t been back in Vegas before the month was out. Either that or had started his own new company out there. But, as far as Brett knew, the elder Bradley was happily playing golf and being the much-sought-after companion to any number of retired widows and divorcées.

  He also wondered if Dan senior had any idea of how bad things were.

  Brett didn’t give voice to any of that. If he wasn’t willing to be a partner in his friend’s business, then he had no right to tell him how to run it. Still, that wouldn’t keep him from worrying.

  “Well,” he said, at length, “at least something of what I said is penetrating that thick head of yours. Why don’t you head on up and relax a bit. I’m going to head back to the inn, talk with Kirby, find out what’s on tap. I’ll give you a ring so we can meet up later? I would like her to get the chance to meet you.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” Dan shot a glance over his shoulder, in the direction of the lobby that was anything but calm and relaxed.

  He caught Brett looking at him as he glanced back and replied to the unasked question. “Maksimov’s here. I spotted him in the lobby. He was looking for you. Have you two talked?”

  Brett shook his head. “Not yet. In fact, that was what I was on my way back here to do. I had a message someone was waiting to see me; I assumed it was him.”

  “Well, we both know why he’s here.”

  Brett shrugged. “Won’t net him anything. He wants to waste a plane ticket, nothing I can do about that.”

  “So…you’re not thinking about—”

  “No,” Brett said flatly, not even letting Dan finish the thought. “I told you, this is a one and done.”

  “Charity, right. Speaking of which, when you get back at the tables, it’s like I said when we were on the phone, you know they’re all going to come begging.” He laughed, but there was no warmth in it. “Hell, they’ll probably all line up some kind of ‘very special’ charity for you to play for, if that’s what it takes. You know it’s going to start things up all over again.”

  “I was well aware of that, so I made certain everyone knew, from the first conference call, that this was a one-time thing. They can come after me all they want, but I won’t be taking their calls or scheduling any meetings. Besides, I’m almost an entire country away from there now.” He saw the pain flash through Dan’s eyes and felt a twinge. But he remained resolute. “This is, for all intents, my turf. I’ve invited them here as my guests, handed opportunities to the few who I wanted to handle things.”

  “There will be return invites, you have to know that. They’ll sweeten the deals whatever way it takes and you’re handing them the charity angle. They’ll make you feel guilty for not using your celebrity to fix everything from third world hunger to saving the humpback whale if it will get your name back headlining their event marquee. Buy-ins are down since you left, and that’s not changing anytime soon. Takes time to groom new superstars and no one is going to match your record for a very long time. As long as you’re breathing, you’re live bait.”

  “If they want to waste their breath, fine. Hopefully the dead silence they get in return will give them a clue. And not being around town won’t hurt. Out of sight, out of mind.”

  Dan snorted. “Right. And if it helps you sleep at night, then sure, you’ll be yesterday’s news any day now.”

  “Trust me, when they realize that I’m not coming out of retirement, they will move along quickly to latch on to the new up-and-comers. Even if it’s not something to make bank today or tomorrow, they have to move on. It’s just good business. And they’re nothing if not good businessmen.”

  Something flashed through Dan’s eyes, and once again, Brett felt the nick of guilt pinch his heart.

  After a beat, Dan said, “So, you coming in to break Maksimov’s heart?”

  Brett shook his head. “Later. You go on up. Don’t let him sideline you trying to get to me.”

  Dan just shrugged it off. “Give me a little credit here.”

  “Okay, just trying to save you the grief.”

  “I can take care of myself.”

  But Brett didn’t miss the second glance at the lobby. He thought about changing his plans, heading inside now to deal with Maksimov. But he was already going to lose dinner alone with Kirby, he wasn’t about to give the rest of his time away to the annoying Russian. “Okay. I’ll call you in a little bit. Dinner at the inn tonight.”

  “I hope she’s a better cook than you.”

smiled. He wasn’t about to throw Kirby under any bus. Besides, he thought he made a pretty damn good chicken marsala. “You won’t leave hungry.”

  Dan smiled back, but Brett could still see the underlying tension. He knew he should resist the urge to call Vanetta. He didn’t want her worrying. But she was his only other source. Woman knew every damn thing that went on in that town. Possibly because she’d lived there longer than anyone still alive. Brett didn’t know for sure; he’d never questioned her sources or how she kept track of so much flotsam and jetsam while simultaneously and almost singlehandedly keeping the boarding house running. She probably new more about Dan’s business than Dan did. And his, for that matter. So…he’d make the call.

  There was more than one way to help out a friend.

  Chapter 15

  Kirby pushed her glasses up on top of her head and rubbed her eyes. She’d been going over the revised business plan her accountant had dropped off a few hours ago after his meeting with the bank. She was satisfied with the outcome, but her eyes were crossing at this point. She needed a break.

  Naturally, her thoughts strayed directly to Brett. He’d been a guest of her inn now going on three weeks, but most of the last two he’d spent at the resort. Working to help her out, she knew, but that didn’t mean she selfishly didn’t miss his presence here. They’d had a few meals together and a couple of well-timed, very steamy, shower interludes, but most of the former had been spent talking about the charity event planning and the latter had been spent…well, not talking much at all.

  She’d told herself time and again that it was for the best, their keeping things light, casual, and spontaneous. She was already far more invested in him emotionally than was healthy, knowing, as she did, that he’d move on after the event was over. She was forever grateful for the leg up he was offering her, the chance to keep her business afloat…so it was really wrong of her to want more. To want it all, frankly. She knew that.

  But it didn’t seem to stop her from wanting anyway. Dammit.


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