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100 Reasons Why Sex Must Wait Until Marriage

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by D K Olukoya

  100 Reasons Why Sex Must Wait Until Marriage

  © 2012 DR. D. K. OLUKOYA

  eISBN: 978-978-920-017-7

  A publication of

  Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries

  International Headquarters, Lagos Nigeria.

  All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted into any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  All scripture quotations are from the King lames Version of the Bible. Unless otherwise stated.

  Cover page illustration by Pastor (Mrs.) Shade Olukoya


  I would like to appreciate the

  effort of my dear wife,

  Postor (Mrs.)

  Shade Olukoya,

  and her support and positive

  contribution. She has been a

  pillar, and work behind the

  scenes for the success of the

  ministry. thanks for being there

  all the time,

  I Love You!


  If I claim to be your friend, then I must tell you this truth. The Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries is not a cosmetic church and I am not a cosmetician. I am a surgeon and the job of a surgeon is to look at what is not good and then cut it out, no matter how hard it is. In the past, to relieve injury from glass fragment piercing one's foot, a very hot knife doused in palm oil is applied on the injury. Of course, it is a very painful process which may make the sufferer scream and cry, but at the end of the day, the injury is healed. That is what happens in life sometimes as well. What helps you may be very painful but it heals you at the end.

  I have been born again for years and I have been in the ministerial work for years. One area the enemy has used to paralyze, not only marital lives but also destinies, is the area I have explored in this book.

  Sex is a mystery, and unfortunately majority of those who engage in it do not fully understand the mystery behind it. The only thing most people understand about it is the pleasure derived from it and the procreation that can result from it. Many do not understand that when sex is not done within the scripturally prescribed confines of marriage, the temporary pleasure derived can lead to eternal pressure.

  There are a lot of people today at the Prayer City and almost all branches of MFM all over the world that are undergoing the deliverance which they would not have needed, if they had waited for marriage before having sex. The reason why a lot of stubborn problems in many lives have refused to yield ground to aggressive prayers is because such lives have been sexually defiled. As a result, instead of their prayers to attract mercy from heaven, it attracts anger. That is why I have taken time to unlock some of the mysteries of sex in this book. Considerable attention has also been given to the after-effects of premarital sex which go to show why you should wait until marriage before engaging in it. Some of these consequences are medical, so I have drawn from my training as a microbiologist to explain a good number of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and their symptoms. Steps are also listed on how you can stay pure and avoid sex until marriage. Sex outside marriage is a killer and it has successfully destroyed millions of destinies. Do not let yours be next! It is the focus of this book, therefore, to show the need to wait until marriage before having sex.

  The Lord Jesus Christ shall give you the grace to abide by His words, in the name of Jesus.

  Your friend,

  Dr. Daniel Olukoya


  Title Page

  Copyright & Permissions



  Chapter One: Sex What a Mystery! APPLYING THE RIGHT THERAPY


  Chapter Two: When Sex Becomes Deadly: Reasons Strong ...

  Chapter Three: The After Effects Of Premarital Sex; Sexually Transmitted Diseases TYPES OF HEPATITIS

  Chapter Four: The Conquering Tactics HANDS OFF. CLOTHES ON.







  Books for Singles by Dr. D. K. Olukoya

  Other Books by Dr. D. K. Olukoya YORUBA PUBLICATIONS




  The fact is that sex was designed by God. Just

  like every other thing He created, it was very

  good and is still very good as long as you follow

  His commandments on it.


  Sex goes beyond the physical. It is also emotional and majorly spiritual in nature.

  There is still a lot of ignorance about the spiritual aspect of sex...further compounded because the world today, in the name of modernity and civilization, has changed its values on sex.




  ONE OF THE MYSTERIES which humanity as a whole is very ignorant of today is sex. While a lot of research has been done on the physiology of sex, that is, sexual organs and hormones among others, there is still a lot of ignorance about the spiritual aspect of sex. Yes, sex goes beyond the physical. It is also emotional and majorly spiritual in nature. This ignorance has been further compounded because the world today, in the name of modernity and civilization, has changed its values on sex. The Word of God is no longer the standard upon which sexual values are defined. This is one of the signs of the end times and it has been predicted in the Bible.

  2 Timothy 4:3-4

  "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables."

  It is sad to say that some church denominations have joined the compromise on some of these values and teach all forms of heresy with regards to sex. However, Jesus will never change and cannot be modernized; he remains the same.

  Hebrews 13:8

  "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever."

  The fact is that sex was designed by God. Just like every other thing He created, it was very good and is still very good as long as you follow His commandments on it. Man had no problem with God until He disobeyed the command not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The same thing applies to sex. Unfortunately, a lot of people think that sex was the fruit which God asked man not to eat. This has led to sex being referred to as the 'forbidden fruit' in popular culture. This is however not true.


  It is not everything that yields to prayer. Some things don't yield to prayer; they yield to repentance. Some people also think everything is all about deliverance. Certain things do not require deliverance; they only submit to character re-arrangement. The same thing goes for fasting. Some problems cannot be solved by fasting; they can only be resolved by application of the Word of God. Faith is also not a panacea. There are times you need to pray enquiry prayers to know why you are in a situation and not just using blind faith, believing that you have got out, whereas you are free, whereas you are still in the enemy's cage.

  1 Corinthians 6:18-20

  "Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body;
but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body. What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your Spirit, which are God's."

  For other sins in the Bible; the formula given is to resist them. For example, it says, "Resist the devil and he will flee from you." But in this case, the Bible makes it clear that you should not even bother to resist or confront it; simply flee! If that confuses you, it means run as fast as your feet can carry you and as far away as you can go. If Samson had fled from Delilah, we will not be reading a bad history about him today. I pray for you that you will not have a bad history, in the name of Jesus. Another lesson we can derive from this verse is that every other sin is outside your own body. But fornication is a sin against your own body.

  It is not everything that yields to prayer. Some things don't yield to prayer; they yield to repentance... Certain things do not require deliverance; they only submit to character rearrangement. The same thing goes for fasting.

  Right from the beginning of Scripture to this time, God has never worked with majority. But minority with God is a winner. Majority without God is a loser. The whole world was destroyed in the days of Noah and only a few people: eight souls entered the ark. A lot of people left Egypt to go to the Promised Land but only two out of three million got there. Jesus had five hundred disciples, but in the Upper Room, only one hundred and twenty were found there. So all through history, we find that God has always t1ealt with minority and the fact that the majority are doing a thing does not mean that thing is right. The largeness of the number of people traveling on the wrong road does not make it the right road.

  A large number of people who are still single today could have been happily married now if they practiced sex after marriage. A lot of people do not realize that there are some covenants attached to them that prevent marriage after premarital sex. If they had kept themselves and not engaged in sexual intercourse, their relationship would have resulted in marriage. But the moment they allowed their partner to sleep with them, the prospect of marriage vanished into thin air.

  When you release yourself sexually to somebody, it blocks your vision, removes you from the power of the Almighty and brings a lot of deep bondage to your life. I am telling you the truth from my heart. If I do not tell you this, I will be subjecting myself to God's judgment and it shall also be a waste of your time. There are some things that require peculiar methods which we must sit down and look at thoroughly.

  I must have prayed for over ten thousand ladies that pushed themselves into such bondages that result from unlawful sexual act. They just allowed someone to sleep with them and as a result, lost their marriage. The enemy who knows your future and your destiny will always organize somebody to sleep with you outside marriage, in order to gain a foothold in your life. Once he successfully does that, he pushes you into the arena where there will be no connection with the Most High. And then to get answers to prayers for marriage becomes very hard, if not impossible.

  God has never worked With majority. But minority with God is a winner. Majority without God is a loser. The whole world was destroyed in the days of Noah and only a few people: eight souls entered the ark.


  Sex is actually very potent and the power contained in it can be compared with atomic energy. Atomic energy is very useful and contains immense power, but when used towards a negative end, it becomes a destructive weapon. The same atomic energy that can generate enough electricity to power a city can also destroy a city when it is used as a bomb. The terrible thing about it is that it eliminates and wipes out lives completely. The same thing also applies to sex. Sex is a powerful force created by God for many beneficial reasons. But at the same time it can destroy, if not used properly. As pointed out earlier, sex is not only a physical thing; it is also a spiritual thing. Immediately you complete the act of sexual intercourse with someone, you have a bonding with the person: whether you know him or her or not, like him or her or not: it does not really matter. There is a bond already in existence and it can cause the transfer and exchange of both curses and blessings. So as a young lady, if you are still a virgin and someone you are not married to is saying 'I want to sleep with you'; what he/she is really saying is that 'I want to destroy your life'. It brings curses. It can bring barriers, death, and prevent marriage.

  There was a boy who lived in Victoria Island, an affluent community in Lagos, a cosmopolitan city and the commercial hub of Nigeria. The parents just noticed that he was always unwilling to let anyone see his nakedness, either male or female. While in the bathroom he locked the door securely and while in bed he wore his pyjamas top with his gene trousers. As a result, his mother began to watch him closely. One day she entered his room without any warning and discovered his problem. He had grown a second penis! His parents did not know that he has been sleeping with their demonic housemaid who has caused this problem. Sex can destroy!

  Sex is very potent and the power contained in it can be compared with atomic energy...The same atomic energy that can generate enough electricity to power a city can also destroy a city

  Many years ago, another lady had a prophecy from the Lord that she was going to take the gospel around the world. She was holding on to the prophecy and was walking accordingly until some of her friends began to make fun of her. They teased her about the flatness of her breasts tying it to the fact that it was because she was still a virgin and had not had sexual intercourse with anybody. They said all sorts of rubbish into her ears and unfortunately, she listened. She then met a strange man and went ahead to sleep with him. Now, she is at the MFM headquarters every morning praying, because after sleeping with that man, her vagina closed.

  So if you claim to be a child of God and you are still sleeping with anybody before marriage, you are losing so many blessings. Even if you claim that you are doing it because you are about to get married, it is still regarded as a sin in the sight of the Almighty. And to tell you the truth, sex cannot tie down a man. Any man who is truly serious about marriage will not be in a hurry to have sex; he will be willing to wait until after marriage.

  God created sex and He had a purpose in mind when He created it. He made it for procreation and companionship in marriage. When sex is had within the confines of marriage, it attracts His blessings, but when done outside it, it brings plenty of problems, woes, tragedy and even death to those involved. It has been said and it is true that "When the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable."

  The crisis that a lot of people have found themselves in is owing to the fact that they abused sex as a result of their ignorance of the mysteries attached to it.

  It is good for a man not to touch a woman.

  Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every

  man have his own wife, and let every women

  have her own husband.


  The first Person who deflowers you is a very important person because there is a very powerful blood covenant formed.

  If a lady gets pregnant for man and a result marries the man, it does not mean the marriage will work. In fact, must marriages contracted because of unexpected pregnancy have problems originating from distrust.






  GOD HIMSELF CREATED AND DESIGNED SEX for marriage alone. As the creator, he has the master plan for all his creations and He can perfectly fix up whatever is lacking in them physically, spiritually and even emotionally. God knows what every living thing He has created needs for their survival; hence He made adequate provisions for them without any omission. One of those things God created to give balance to the institution of marriage is sex. This is
obvious by looking at the male and female anatomy. Sex was already factored into God's design for man from the very beginning. And so, it was included among the things that He looked at and said was 'very good'. We see confirmation of the intentions of God for sex within marriage in 1Cor.7.1-5

  "Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman. Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband. The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife. Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency."

  You can see how importantly God placed sex. It was made to fill a big gap, for the avoidance of fornication. That goes to show that sex is basically created for purity. If God had not intended for us to have sexual relationships, He could have created us as androgynous beings (neither feminine nor masculine) which reproduce by an asexual process. But He didn't do that. God instead created us male and female with a strong desire to use and enjoy our sexuality. Despite this, His intention is for us to have access to sex, only by marriage. Any other platform for sex, apart from marriage becomes a divine misplacement which is deadly.


  The oneness is not just physical; it is also emotional and spiritual in nature. There is a transfer between both parties: good or bad moves from the person to you and then from you to the person. In essence, you have made yourself one flesh with that person.


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