After Sundown: Redemption

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After Sundown: Redemption Page 10

by Eden Robins

  “Here, try these too. They’ll match perfectly.”

  The minute Alyssa put the ice blue, floor-length dress on and looked in the mirror, she knew she would buy it. It was soft and feminine, while being sleek and sexy at the same time. It hugged her shape with a fabric that looked and felt lighter than air. The scooped, cowl neckline layered softly down, barely showing the rise of her breasts, which were pushed slightly up by the cut of the bodice. The waistline of the dress cinched in, making it appear small, then flowed along her body’s curves all the way to the floor. And her aunt was right, the light blue shoes and chiffon scarf she had found later perfectly complimented the dress. She loved it.

  Her aunt dropped her off at home later and told Alyssa she would see her tonight at the Scottsdale Plaza Hotel. The women’s group she was speaking to had rented a banquet room at the luxury resort. The whole event would be a fundraiser for women’s shelters and assistance. Alyssa was not charging for her appearance tonight. It was a cause she believed in strongly.

  As she dressed that evening, her thoughts returned to Christian and the events of the previous night. She reminded herself of her resolutions. Concentrate on the goals. Get through the speeches. Let Christian protect her. That’s it. No more intimate and strange moments. Professional, professional, professional. She gave herself a final pep talk right before her doorbell rang. She was ready. She could handle this, could handle him. After a quick glance through the peephole, she saw Christian. Taking a deep breath, she put on a forced smile and opened the door.

  Her smile faltered and she sucked in her breath. Christian stood in the doorway wearing a tuxedo. Her gaze roamed hungrily over him. It stopped at his lips. Focused on them. Alyssa remembered the feel of them pressed against her skin. She shivered. But it wasn’t from being cold. Her insides went up in flames. One totally primitive thought entered her mind, negating every other.

  I Want Him Now.

  Chapter Seven

  Apples and sunshine.

  It was all he could think about when Alyssa answered the door in a sexy frothy blue dress that matched her eyes. He let his eyes travel the length of her, lingering on the low scoop neckline. Knowing how sweet she tasted made the sight of her exposed flesh an exquisite torture. The fact that her dress clung lovingly to her ample curves didn’t help.

  The soft color and material haloed her body, while the design fit her to perfection. Like its wearer, the dress was a mix of innocence and seduction. And he craved to explore both. He wanted to taste her innocence and plunder her until he found satisfaction. He looked at her face and groaned softly. She wore her hair up again. Tendrils curled around her delicate neck. A neck, he noticed, which was swathed in a sheer blue scarf the same shade as her dress.

  The dress enhanced Alyssa’s bright blue eyes, making them shine like jewels. But the slightly dazed way she was looking at him made him wonder if Bazhena was nearby. He opened himself to his surroundings but picked up nothing. No, it wasn’t Bazhena. Why did Alyssa look glassy-eyed?

  Christian grinned as he watched Alyssa slowly peruse him from head to toe. That was why. She was as affected by him as he was by her. After a minute or so, she raised her gaze to his. His smile widened when he saw the look in her eyes. She was hungry…hungry for him.

  He liked that.

  He moved forward, through the doorway. That broke her stupor. She took a step backwards. Her eyes widened in alarm.

  “I-uh-I forgot something. I’ll be right out. Please come in and have a seat.”

  Alyssa scrambled away into her room and slammed the door behind her.

  Keeping his eyes firmly on the seductive sway of her hips as she retreated, he closed the door and strode into her apartment.

  He felt too restless to sit. Instead he wandered around, looking at the pictures scattered about the place. But he didn’t really see them. His mind was still trying to process what he had learned over the last couple days. Since the woman at Twice Charmed had been human, he had managed to get a lot of information out of her. Currently she was a vampire groupie. She belonged to one of the vampires who frequented the club. Amy wanted to become immortal, but hadn’t been transformed yet.

  She knew all about Bazhena. Amy’s boyfriend was apparently very impressed with Christian’s creator and was acting as her “guide” through the city. It seemed Bazhena was searching for something having to do with a very old legend. She had found an ancient book during her travels around the world, which described how to transform into the most seductive woman on earth, completely irresistible to both humans and legendary creatures.

  The legend stated that whoever acquired three specific items and then recited the incantation, would become the most desirable creature on earth. No one would be able to resist her. Amy claimed that Bazhena was in Arizona looking for the third and last item. But she didn’t know what that was. The vampire Amy belonged to was very close-mouthed. The only thing he mentioned was that Bazhena was looking for The Light.

  Christian had no idea what The Light was. After Alyssa’s function tonight, he would speak to Vlad. Find out if he knew anything. Since Vlad was older than Bazhena, there was a chance he would know the legend. There were hundreds of stories circulating throughout the world about vampires. Some true, some not. When Christian had watched Ann Rice’s movie about vampires in Alyssa’s apartment last night, he had been awed and truly moved by the accuracy of her portrayals. Many had tried to show the vampire’s life, but Ms. Rice’s storytelling ability had been the most accurate he had seen thus far. She showed both the gentle and violent side of their lives.

  Christian glanced at Alyssa’s coffee table. The videos were gone. Alyssa must have returned them. He wondered what she had been feeling when she watched the movies. Fear? Disdain? Had the taking of blood completely repulsed her?

  Last night’s events came back to him in a rush, the taste of Alyssa, the feel of her beneath his fingers, her abandoned reaction to his touch. It hit him like a punch to the stomach. He struggled to tamp down a wave of desire. Looking around for something to take his mind off the pressure in his pants, he spotted a picture he hadn’t noticed before. He calmed down almost immediately and a wide grin curled the corner of his lips upward. It was one of Alyssa’s childhood pictures.

  The photo was of Alyssa as a teenager and another woman, who must be her mother. The similarities in physical appearance were obvious. But what caught his attention was Alyssa’s smile. She had the same smile today, carefree and warm. The kind that made a person want to share in its brightness and smile right back.

  Alyssa leaned her head back against her closed bedroom door. She needed to get a grip. Yes, Christian was hot. But so were a lot of other guys. The vampire thing. It must be the vampire allure. She had read about it and seen it in the movies she had rented. Vampires had the power to control others with their mind. Christian was manipulating her. That was all. That was why she had such strong reactions to him. She just needed to remember that what she was feeling wasn’t real, not truly. She ignored the little voice inside her that whispered otherwise, the one that told her that her feelings meant something more than she wanted to admit.

  She took several deep breaths to calm down. When she felt ready, she moved away from the door and opened it. She walked back into the other room and stopped in her tracks. Christian really did look incredible in that tux. Some people wore tuxedos and they just didn’t seem to fit. He looked like he was born to wear one. His actions, the graceful way he moved. It all fit in with the image he presented tonight—suave and debonair and very, very sexy.

  Her quick perusal ended abruptly when Alyssa noticed that Christian was holding a picture of her and her mother. It was one of the few pictures that had survived over time.

  He studied it intently.

  Alyssa felt her face flush with embarrassment. That picture showed her as the plump tomboy she had once been. Her hair was scraggly and she had the type of childish carefree grin that showed practically every tooth in her mouth
. What was he thinking as he looked so closely at it?

  “Ready to go?” she asked.

  “You have your mother’s eyes and her mouth. She’s a very beautiful woman.”

  Alyssa didn’t want to hear that. She didn’t want to hear how similar she was to her mother. Not now. Not with everything going on between her and Christian.

  “My mother is dead.”

  Alyssa wasn’t sure why she told him that. It just popped out of her mouth before she could stop it.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. It was a long time ago.”

  Her voice came out cold and unfeeling. She couldn’t help it. Her mother was a topic she didn’t share easily.

  Alyssa walked to the door and opened it wide. She turned back to Christian and pasted a smile on her face.

  “Shall we go?”

  Christian froze. A small knife was stuck into the outside of the door and there was an envelope attached to it. Alyssa hadn’t seen it yet. How had someone managed to put that there without him hearing? His senses should have picked up something.

  Instead they had been focused on Alyssa. Her smell, the way she looked and the way she moved. He was so involved in her that he was neglecting the real reason he was there. To protect her from harm.

  He strode towards her, his long legs eating up the distance between them. He could see the fear in her eyes, but that couldn’t be helped. He needed to get her away from that envelope as quickly as possible. He finally reached her and without a word, picked her up and placed her directly behind him.

  “Go into your room and don’t come out until I tell you,” he commanded.

  “What? Wait a minute. I—”

  Christian swung around and pinned her with his sharp gaze.

  “Your life is in my hands, remember? Do what I say now, or I’ll take you to your bedroom myself. And I don’t think you’ll like the consequences, Alyssa.”

  Alyssa’s eyes widened in surprise, yet she still looked like she was about to argue. Then her gaze finally found the knife. Her mouth formed into a perfect O. She took an involuntary step back.

  “Go, Alyssa.” The quiet warning in his voice was obvious.

  She tore her stare from the door and fixed it on him.

  “I’ll go, Christian. But I expect you to tell me the truth about what’s in that envelope.”

  “Agreed.” He nodded his head towards her bedroom. “Now go.”

  Alyssa took one last look at the door and then went into her room.

  Christian studied the envelope and the small knife. He feared there might be some sort of explosive, or chemical inside, but he couldn’t sense anything unusual. Walking into Alyssa’s kitchen, he grabbed a dishtowel. Placing it over the handle of the knife, he carefully pulled it out. He wrapped it up and placed it on the table by the door. The police would have to be notified and the knife checked for fingerprints.

  The envelope fell to the ground. Not wanting to get his own fingerprints on the document, he got a paper towel, then picked it up and turned it over. The flap had not been sealed. He lifted it slowly. Nothing happened. Good. He pulled the sheet of paper out and scanned the letters that had been clipped from the newspaper. The words didn’t surprise him. He had seen this type of letter before—threatening, but not specific. It read—



  YOU arE DeaD.

  YOu WiLl PaY.

  Her stalker had found out where she lived. He had taken the next step. The danger to Alyssa was now doubled. And it was his fault for not catching it. He needed to focus on protecting her. That was his job.

  He would bring the knife and the letter down to the police station for them to analyze. He knew this was going to upset her, but he agreed to be up front with her about everything. He would keep his word.

  “Alyssa, you can come out now.”

  Alyssa stopped pacing the length of her room when she heard Christian’s voice. It was about time! She needed to know what was going on. It wasn’t everyday that she had a knife stuck in her door. It frightened her, but at the same time it left her angry that once again someone had violated her personal space.

  She noticed the opened letter in Christian’s hand immediately. Walking up to him she attempted to take it from him. He held it high above his head. Just out of reach. She felt like stomping her feet in frustration. But never got the chance as Christian’s soft touch scattered almost all thoughts from her mind.

  “Before reading this, I want you to know something, Alyssa.” Christian placed his free hand under her chin and tilted her face up to his. His eyes were intense as they stared into hers.

  “This letter changes nothing. I am still here to protect you and I will do that. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  Alyssa squirmed under the intensity of his gaze, but silently nodded in agreement.

  “Yes, now please let me see the letter, Christian.”

  He brought it down to her level. Careful to touch the paper towel, not the paper, she took the document from his hand and read it. The words impacted her like a punch to the stomach. Her hands began to shake as she felt fear run up and down her spine. Christian was wrong. Things had changed. It was no longer a matter of someone trying to invade her privacy. Someone wanted her dead.

  He took the letter out of her hand without a word and placed it back in the envelope before putting it next to something wrapped in one of her kitchen dishtowels. She knew it was the knife. Christian walked her to her couch and sat her down beside him. She stared across the room at the dishtowel, as if waiting for it to move and come flying at her on its own.

  Someone wanted her dead. But who? Why?

  “Look at me, palomita.”

  Something in Christian’s voice cut through the shock she was feeling. It drew her eyes to his. Once there, she couldn’t look away.

  “No harm will come to you. I promise this,” he vowed. “But maybe you should cancel tonight’s speech.”

  “I can’t. These are my aunt’s friends. I can’t let her down.”

  “I think she would understand, considering the circumstances.”

  Alyssa frowned and lifted her chin stubbornly.

  “I’m going, Christian. You said you would protect me. I believe you.”

  Christian looked like he was about to argue, but then stood up and walked to the door.

  “Very well. Let’s go.”

  The drive to The Plaza was tense. Alyssa’s thoughts kept returning to the stalker’s note. Christian wasn’t talking much either. In fact he barely said anything. His silence was making her nervous.

  She tried to make small talk to ease the tension.

  “I’m glad my aunt spoke to Vlad about this function tonight. I hope you don’t mind getting dressed in formal clothes.”

  “It’s fine.”

  “We don’t have to stay long at the reception. I wouldn’t even attend the party afterwards, but my aunt asked me to. Belonging to this organization for the past twenty years, she is very involved in it. My aunt can be very persuasive when she wants to be. She doesn’t give up easily. She’s a fighter.”

  “Is that where you get it?”

  Alyssa was confused.

  “Get what?”

  “Being a fighter. Is that where you get it, from you aunt? Or from your parents?”

  Alyssa tensed. Mention of her parents always did that to her. Even as a grown woman, her parents still affected her. Christian’s voice sounded casual, but she detected something. He was asking about more than her aunt. He wanted to know about her parents.

  “I never really thought about it. I am who I am.”

  “What was your father like?”

  How had this conversation gone from impersonal and light to personal so quickly? Alyssa was uncomfortable, until she remembered that it was too late to go back to polite conversation. The man had drunk her blood! You can’t get much more personal than that. Well, maybe you can, but Alyssa so didn’t want to go there ri
ght now. She quelled the image of them in a hot embrace.

  The drive to The Plaza would take about twenty more minutes. Plenty of time to get down and dirty personal. She made her decision. She would answer his questions, then he better answer some of hers.

  “My father was a drill sergeant in the marines. He’s a pretty tough nut. You know the type. Doesn’t show much emotion, very strong-willed and controlling. Was he a fighter? I’d have to say yes and no.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Alyssa took a deep breath. Ready—set—go.

  “As I said, my father was a tough nut. And he liked to control everything in his life. That included my mother and me. My mother was not a fighter. She was a codependent. Everything my father told her to do, be, wear, think, she did without an argument. Her life revolved completely around him and his needs. Even after I was born, every decision was based on what Daddy wanted, what Daddy told us we should do, what Daddy liked. As a child, I would wonder why my mother never did what she wanted to do. And as I got older I couldn’t imagine her existing without my father. He was her world. He made her who she was. And she gladly accepted that. “

  Alyssa took another deep breath and released it before continuing.

  “When my mother died, I realized that everything was not what it seemed. Yes, my mother depended on my father, but my father also depended on my mother. He needed that worship, that compliance, that complete devotion to be happy. Without it he was lost. He didn’t know what to do with himself, or me. Though I was devastated by my mother’s death, my father couldn’t break out of his own shell of shock and grief to comfort me. I guess he didn’t know what to do with a daughter who refused to revolve her existence around him. Who wanted to live her life in her own way and be an independent person. So my father did nothing. He chose not to fight for me, his own daughter. He chose not to fight for our relationship. So in that sense, I’d have to say he was not a fighter.”


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