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After Sundown: Redemption

Page 14

by Eden Robins

  Alyssa cleared her throat loudly.

  Christian looked exasperated, but continued.

  “I’m in charge of Ms. Edwards’ personal security. I’m with Sundown Security.”

  “Sundown Security? Yeah, I’ve heard about you guys. You’re good. Helped us out with some of our high priority cases. Were you involved with this incident, Mister…?”

  “Galiano. Yes, Ms. Edwards was under my protection when the stalker attacked.”

  Christian went on to tell the officer about the events that had occurred up to that night.

  “Do we have any of this on file?”

  “Yes. Ms. Edwards’ publicist as well as my boss, Vlad Maksimovitch, have helped to keep law enforcement up to date on the various incidents.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Galiano.”

  “Ms. Edwards, I still need to ask you some questions. Are you feeling up to it?”

  “Yes, go ahead.”

  The officer asked if she had ever met the man who had attacked her. She had avoided looking at him, but realized that she had to do so now. She glanced over to where he sat handcuffed at a table with another police officer. He wasn’t very tall, wirier, than muscular. His hair hung down in greasy strands around his neck. His face looked worn. He had black smudges and bags under his bloodshot eyes. As if he hadn’t slept for a long time. He was awake. His eyes caught and held her attention. He glared at Alyssa. The hatred in his eyes burned bright. As she met his eyes, Alyssa felt it like a physical attack.

  She looked away. Turned back to the policeman speaking with her.

  “I’ve never seen him before.”

  “Do you know why someone might be stalking you?”

  “No. As a therapist, I work with couples and families. Help them resolve issues. I’ve never had a problem with any of my patients.”

  Alyssa saw movement out of the corner of her eye. She turned in time to see the other police officer stand up with her attacker. As the man stood up, he kept his angry eyes burning into hers. Then he started yelling.

  “You bitch! You and that stupid book you wrote ruined my marriage. Made my wife leave me. You wrecked my life. I’d kill you right now if I could. Just like I tried to kill her for daring to walk out. If this cop wasn’t holding me back, I’d wrap my hands around your neck and squeeze—”

  Before he could finish ranting, the other police officer jerked him around and pulled him towards the door. The man didn’t resist. But he kept glaring back over his shoulder at Alyssa.

  Alyssa sat in shock. Each hateful word the man had spoken was like a physical blow. The next thing she saw was Christian’s back. He stepped in front of her, blocking her view. Then she heard him growl. Christian wasn’t a happy camper. His fists were clenched tightly at his side and his body was stiff and tense.

  She knew he was preparing to launch himself across the room at the man. Could see it in his body posture. Feel it in his mind. This would not be good. He could get into trouble with the police. Unable to think of anything else to divert his attention, she reached out and gave his behind a light squeeze, more like a caress.

  It worked. Christian swung around and looked down at her with an incredulous look on his face. She smiled sheepishly and shrugged. The transformation on his face would have been humorous, if it hadn’t singed every relevant body part she owned. His eyes turned hot and smoky, his lips parted into the sexiest smile she had ever seen.

  Alyssa’s mouth went dry. She imagined him as a tall, cool drink, the only thing able to quench her thirst. Then the image of him caressing her bottom shot into her mind. Except in this case her bottom was bare. And his hands were everywhere.

  She knew Christian had to be projecting this picture to her. She bit down on her bottom lip to keep from moaning with pleasure.

  With one last heated look, he turned back to the police officer.

  “Is there anything else you need to know?” Christian asked as he moved aside once more.

  Immediately, Alyssa noticed that her stalker was gone.

  “No. That’s it for now,” the officer responded, handing him back his belt. “But Ms. Edwards, I will need you to come down to the station tomorrow and fill out some additional paperwork.”

  “I’ll do that,” Alyssa agreed.

  After the officer left, Aunt Joyce joined them again.

  “Are you all right, Alyssa?”

  “Yes, just a little tired. I think I’m ready to go home.”

  “I understand, sweetie. There’s just one problem. The press seems to have gotten wind of this incident. They’re waiting for you outside.”

  “The press? How did they hear about this so quickly?”

  “I don’t know, but somehow they did.”

  “I’ll get Alyssa home safely. Without encountering the media,” Christian said.

  Alyssa knew without a doubt that he would do just that. She wasn’t sure about her emotions, but when it came to her physical well-being, she trusted him completely.

  “I’ll go with Christian, but what about you, Aunt Joyce? Are you going to be okay?”

  “Me? Of course— I have a perfectly capable companion who’ll get me home in a flash,” Joyce said, looking behind her at a handsome elderly man standing nearby. “You just worry about you and let Mr. Galiano keep you safe. I know you’re in good hands.”

  She gave Alyssa a hug and Christian a meaningful look over her shoulder.

  “I’ll plan on seeing you bright and early tomorrow morning, Alyssa. But if you need anything before then, please call me.”

  “I will. Thanks.”

  Christian took Alyssa’s hand and led her to the double doors leading out of the reception room. Then, instead of taking the elevator down to the parking garage, he led her back to her backstage room.

  “Why are we here?”

  “I’m taking you home.”

  Christian slid a chair across the room and opened the second story window. He took a quick look outside.

  “Good. This window faces the back of the building. No one will see us.”

  “See us do what?” Alyssa asked, totally confused.

  Christian climbed onto the chair and held out his hand to her.

  “Come up here. We don’t have much time. I hear voices in the hallway getting closer.”

  The light bulb suddenly went on in Alyssa’s head. She slowly shook her head and started backing away from the window.

  “I don’t think so.”

  Christian frowned down at her.

  “You trust me with your life, remember? Don’t make me come down there and get you.”

  Her eyes widened at his threat. Then she folded her arms across her chest and lifted her chin stubbornly.

  “There is no way I’m going out that window, Christian.”

  His eyes narrowed dangerously. He stepped off of the chair. But didn’t come close to her.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I’m sure.” She met his gaze squarely.

  In the blink of an eye, Christian stood inches from her. Her head snapped up to look at him. He gave her that knowing smile that rubbed her the wrong way. It should have warned her. Before she could say a word, he picked her up as if she was as light as a feather and threw her over his shoulders. Though he did it gently, the breath was momentarily knocked out of her body and she saw stars.

  She eventually regained her breath, but the stars remained. She looked around her in shock and amazement. She was flying through the night sky! Clouds floated above them. The moon lit up everything. Alyssa enjoyed the wind brushing over her in a sweet summer caress. She knew she should be scared to death, but she wasn’t. Instead she felt peaceful and free, like she was floating in a wonderful dream.

  She could see the lights below her marking each structure. She saw Scottsdale Road. Busy as ever despite it being summertime. The cars driving back and forth along it looked like toys. She saw the lake at McCormick Ranch reflecting the moon off its smooth surface. And the swans, white and shining like beacons
in the darkness. Some taking flight and rising into the air.

  She couldn’t look around fast enough. The action made her cringe in pain from her head injury. She had completely forgotten about it. It all came back as dizziness assailed her. She closed her eyes, wrapped her arms tightly around Christian’s back and held on for dear life. This was no dream. She was flying through the air!

  “It’s all right, palomita. I won’t let you fall.” The amusement in his voice was unmistakable.

  She kept her eyes tightly shut. Anger replaced some of the fear Alyssa was finally feeling.

  “I don’t find this funny, Christian. I’m flying through the sky on your back. This doesn’t happen to me everyday.”

  “Here. Let me make it better by taking your mind off of it. Remember that image of me rubbing your sweet backside?”

  Alyssa lost her breath again as Christian’s hand slid up the back of her leg, under her dress and rested on her bottom. Her panties were not much of a barrier. Though he was only laying his open palm on her, his touch made her skin tingle with pleasure.

  He started drawing slow circles. They got bigger and bigger, until he slid his fingers over the edge of her underwear. He ran his fingers along the elastic band and delved underneath. Alyssa’s breath caught in her throat as he caressed her skin. She forgot about the stars. She forgot about the night sky. She forgot about flying through the air. Christian’s touch. It was all she knew. All that mattered in that moment. He began tracing the crease of her behind. She stopped breathing altogether until he removed his hand and laid it back on her thigh.

  The next thing she knew, Christian slid her off his shoulder, down the front of his body, until her feet touched the ground. The ground? Her eyes flew open. Alyssa held onto Christian’s shoulders for support. She looked around her in amazement. They were standing right behind her apartment complex. She glared up at him.

  “That wasn’t fair fighting, Christian.”

  “I know. Unfair, but extremely effective and enjoyable.”

  He chuckled softly. The low, sexy sound sent tingles throughout her body. She ignored it, but the tingles returned when he took her hand in his.

  He led her to the front of her building. She went with him, but knew this discussion was far from over. She had flown through the sky! Looking above her, she still couldn’t believe it.

  They took the elevator up to her apartment. Christian released her hand to press the floor button. Alyssa was glad because she couldn’t help remembering what had happened between her and Christian the last time they were in the elevator. She struggled to think of something else as her body grew warm. She stared at everything but him. Neither of them spoke on the ride up to her floor.

  The elevator bounced as it came to a stop. The jarring action brought Alyssa’s headache roaring back to life. Without a word, Christian placed his hand at her elbow as they walked down the hallway. It was such an old fashioned gesture that Alyssa was too surprised to comment. Pulling out her keys, she opened the apartment door. Once inside, Christian released her elbow. Dizziness and fatigue overwhelmed her. The events of the evening were catching up to her. She walked over to her couch and sat down. Closing her eyes, she laid her head back and exhaled loudly.

  Her eyes flew open again when she heard Christian close and bolt her door. He walked over to where she sat. Helplessly her eyes stayed glued to him. The man had a way of moving that drew her attention no matter how awful she felt. He sat down beside her.

  “Didn’t the paramedics give you something for your headache?”

  The concern in his voice warmed her.

  “Yes, but I forgot all about it. They told me to take these pain relievers as soon as possible. The pills are in my pocket.”

  Alyssa pulled out the packet. Christian walked into her kitchen.

  “I’ll get you a glass of water.”


  She opened the packet. When Christian returned with the water she popped both pills into her mouth, sipped the liquid and swallowed with a grimace. Then she laid her head back and closed her eyes again.

  “I don’t like taking medicine unless it’s absolutely necessary.”

  “Why not?”

  Alyssa opened her eyes again and stared up at the ceiling.

  “I guess I’ve seen too many patients who’ve had doctors prescribe medication too quickly, when it really didn’t address the issue that person was having. These people finally come to me when they realize that the medicine they’re taking is just a bandage that masks the real issue. Sometimes my patients just need someone to talk to. Someone to give them constructive, workable ways to handle the events of their lives.”

  “You enjoy helping people.”

  “Yes. But I don’t try to tell them how to live. I help them develop tools to live a happier life.”

  “Like that man’s wife?”

  Christian asked the question gently, softly. But it got her attention. She lifted her head and stared at him. She knew immediately who he was referring to. Her attacker. He had mentioned his wife leaving him.

  “Yes,” Alyssa admitted. “I don’t know his wife personally, but obviously she read my book and decided to take action. That’s one of things I talk about in Balance. The need to, not only acknowledge the reality of your situation, but to also do something about it. If that man’s actions tonight are any indicator of what he’s like, I have a feeling he was verbally and physically abusing her. I could feel the anger emanating from him in waves. Each one felt like a punch to the stomach. He not only wanted to kill me, he wanted to do it in such a way that caused me immense pain.”

  “What do you mean, you felt it?”

  Christian looked very interested. Alert. Carefully waiting for her response. Did she share this with him or not? Her ability to pick up on other’s feelings was something she didn’t talk about to many people. She searched his face and decided she was ready to tell him. After all, he was a vampire. You couldn’t get much more off-the-wall than that.

  “Whenever I do my speeches, or whenever I see a patient who has very strong emotions, I can feel what they’re feeling. During my speeches, I think, because there are just too many people, I can’t help but pick up on it, especially if many of them are feeling the same thing. And some of my patients, because often their emotions have been bottled up for so long, they just come pouring out of them like a damn bursting.”

  “I see. So you’re an extremely sensitive empathic.” Christian’s voice sounded serious, thoughtful.

  Alyssa thought about that for a minute. Sensitive empathic. Is that what she was? She had never given a name to it before, but that sounded about right.

  “I guess you could say that, yes.”

  Jonathan jumped up onto the couch, surprising Alyssa, and her thoughts scattered. He sauntered over to her, climbed onto her lap and began purring. Alyssa smiled and began petting him. She scratched under his chin. He lifted his head so she could scratch more and closed his eyes. His purring grew even louder.

  “I take it this is your cat?”

  She saw a bemused grin curl Christian’s lips as he watched Jonathan.

  “Yes. This is Jonathan.”

  “Is he always so demanding?”

  Alyssa returned his smile with her own wry grin.

  “Jonathan lets me know when he needs attention. He’s not shy about it. And he is such a lazy lap cat,” she said affectionately. Jonathan lowered his head and she scratched between his ears. That was a particular favorite of his. “He’d lay with me the whole day, if he could.”

  “I can understand why.”

  Christian said the words quietly, but they hit her hard.

  Alyssa’s gaze flew to his. The desire and longing in his eyes burned her.

  He stood up abruptly and held his hand out to her.

  “Alyssa, it’s time.”

  Chapter Ten

  Christian held his hand out to Alyssa.

  “Time?” she asked.

  He heard the que
stion, the vulnerability and the desire in her voice. He wanted to answer the question and reassure the vulnerability. Most of all he wanted to satisfy the desire. But now was not the time. She had just experienced a frightening evening and had a good-sized cut on her head to prove it.

  “Yes. It’s time for you to get some sleep. As I promised your aunt, I’ll stay with you tonight and make sure you’re okay. If you need me for anything, I’ll be out here on the couch. I’ll leave before dawn. Your aunt should be here shortly after that to see you. And don’t forget to see your regular doctor tomorrow.”

  He saw the heat in Alyssa’s eyes fade and he cursed himself a hundred different ways. Another time, another place and she would be his right now. But he would not risk her health. That was more important than anything else.

  Alyssa gave him one last searching gaze, then put Jonathan down on the couch. She stood up without taking Christian’s hand. Anger replaced the desire in her eyes.

  Her voice sounded clipped and tight.

  “I can manage going to bed on my own, Christian. It really isn’t necessary for you to stay the night either. I feel fine. And now, thanks to you, the stalker has been caught. I don’t have to worry about that any longer.”

  “I hope you’re right. I hope the threat to you is over. But as far as your head injury, remember what the paramedics said. You need to be watched overnight. To make sure there are no further complications. So I’m staying. I made a promise. And I honor my promises, always, Alyssa. Keep that in mind.”

  She lifted her chin proudly and held his gaze.

  “How could I forget that, Christian? You wear your honor wrapped around you like a knight’s armor.”

  She walked around him and headed into her bedroom.

  “Good night. I hope your honor is a comfort to you tonight,” she muttered angrily under her breath right before closing her bedroom door.

  Staring at the door with a grim smile, he wondered the same thing.

  The door opened again. Without a word, Alyssa threw a pillow and light blanket at him. He caught it. But before he could thank her, she slammed the door.

  No, she was not happy at the moment.


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