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After Sundown: Redemption

Page 17

by Eden Robins

  Alyssa spent most of the day seeing patients and returning calls. When lunchtime came, she snacked on soy nuts, raisins and diet soda while driving to the police station to give her statement. Luckily, Vlad had already informed the police about most of the incidents, so Alyssa confirmed what they already knew and added information that was missing. It wasn’t a pleasant way to spend her lunch hour, but luckily it didn’t last long. Soon she was back at her office. She peeked her head in the door and waved to Tom when she returned, but they didn’t get to talk until the end of the day.

  Alyssa called her aunt to let her know she would be home late. Aunt Joyce was so protective normally that she knew she would be even doubly so now. If she didn’t call, her aunt would worry. And after the fiasco the other night at The Plaza, she didn’t want to put her through any more stress than necessary. Even though she was tough as nails, Aunt Joyce was no spring chicken. And as each year passed, Alyssa kept a closer eye on her.

  Alyssa had meant to see her doctor today about her head injury, but between running down to the police station and seeing a few extra patients who couldn’t wait to see her, she didn’t have time. Luckily the cut hadn’t bothered her all day. It was close to eight o’clock before she finished with her last appointment. There were more calls to make, but since she had already returned the most urgent ones, she decided the rest could wait until tomorrow. Some of her friends had left very pointed messages about her failure to call them and their worry over her last public attack. She felt bad about not speaking to any of them, but things were just too hectic. After tomorrow night, hopefully she would be able to get her life back to a normal routine again and go out with her friends.

  As her office door closed, she leaned her head back against her chair and sighed with relief. Her door opened again. She looked up as Tom walked in.

  “See what happens when you get famous?” Tom teased. “May I have your autograph now or later?”

  “Ha, Ha. Very funny.” Alyssa’s voice dripped with sarcasm, but her smile was genuine as she stood up and gave Tom a hug.

  “How are you really? I heard about the attack last night. Are you okay?” Tom released her and sat down in the chair opposite her desk.

  “I’m fine. I tripped over my own clumsy feet and bumped my head. Other than that, I’m just glad they finally caught the guy,” Alyssa explained as she sat back down.

  “So am I.”

  “How were things while I was gone?”

  “A little hectic. I offered to see a couple of your patients like you suggested, but most of them declined. They knew I tend to specialize in children, so I think many of the adults felt I just couldn’t deal with their issues.”

  “If they only realized how serious and dangerous some of those children’s issues are, I think they would change their opinion pretty fast. You really do an amazing job, Tom. I’ve seen you change children’s lives.”

  “Thanks. You’re not so shabby yourself, sister.” Tom did his best Humphrey Bogart impression.

  Alyssa laughed. Tom liked to do impressions and he was pretty good. But the way he scrunched up his face when he did this one, always looked so funny.

  “Is Stella gone?” Alyssa asked after she finally got her laughter under control.

  “Of course. You know Stella. If she doesn’t get home by six, she says Bernie throws a fit.”

  Stella and Bernie had been married since high school. They were the type of couple who complained about their spouse to everyone, but who couldn’t live without each other. When people saw them together, they knew the two of them were still deeply in love, even after being together for so long. Alyssa admired their relationship, because she knew how rare it was.

  “Are you done for the day?” Alyssa asked.

  “Pretty much. I have some notes I’d like transcribed, but it can wait. How about you?”

  “Let’s see. I’ve been gone almost six weeks. What do you think?” Alyssa said with a wry smile.

  She knew she needed to stay and transcribe notes as well, but she couldn’t seem to keep her attention where it belonged. Alyssa had been so busy today that fleeting thoughts of Christian had only briefly skittered across her mind from time to time. But ever since sundown, the image of his face leaning close to hers as they made love last night kept popping up. His intense stare and sexy mouth called to her.

  “I think you need to slow down.” Tom suggested. “You just started back to work and you have one more speaking engagement tomorrow night. Give yourself time to adjust. You can’t do everything in a day. Start fresh tomorrow.”

  Alyssa knew Tom was right. She had purposely not scheduled any appointments for tomorrow, because she wanted to relax before her last speaking engagement. Maybe she would use that free time to catch up on her notes. She knew her brain wasn’t going to cooperate tonight. Christian’s presence in her mind was getting stronger, more demanding. She had to find a way to see him.

  “I guess you’re right. Maybe I will call it a night and play catch up tomorrow.” Alyssa stood up and stretched. Her body ached from sitting so long.

  “Good. Let me get my things together and I’ll walk you to your car.”

  She heard the bell ring on the front door and wondered who it was. Neither of them had any more appointments for the day.

  “I’ll get it. You finish packing up.”

  She could just make out Tom’s voice as he spoke to their visitor, but couldn’t hear what he was saying. Then everything was quiet. Alyssa gathered her paperwork. She had enough cases to keep her busy well into the afternoon tomorrow. Stuffing her briefcase until it bulged, she managed to get everything in. She shut the light off in her office and went to find Tom. He had less to take home than her. What was taking him so long?

  She walked down the hall towards his office. Had someone turned the air conditioning on ultrahigh? It felt like she was walking in a giant freezer. As she reached Tom’s closed door, the hair on the back of her neck stood on end.

  Suddenly she didn’t want to open Tom’s door. Something horrible was behind that door. She didn’t know how she knew that. But she did. It was the same feeling she had as a teenager before she walked into the bathroom and found her mother lying dead in a pool of blood. A struggle ensued inside her. It pulled her in two different directions. Danger. Her friend. Her body and mind were screaming for her to back away from the door. She took a couple of involuntary steps backwards. Then she stopped. Tom. She couldn’t leave him. She had to go inside and help him.

  Go back. Open the door. Tom needs you. It would be okay. Everything would be okay. Don’t be afraid. There’s nothing to be afraid of.

  The soothing voice in her mind was strong. Yet it calmed her. Helped her move forward towards the door once again, to save her friend. Yes. She needed to save her friend. She placed her hand on the doorknob.

  The other voice in her head was yelling at her to stop. It was screaming in her mind.



  Don’t move.

  It even sounded like Christian’s voice. She hesitated.

  Open the door. Tom needs you.

  Don’t go inside. It’s dangerous.

  Alyssa tried to clear her mind, but it was impossible. Her thoughts were filled with these two opposing voices. She took her hand off the knob and covered her ears. Trying to block out the sound. But it was no use. The voices were inside. She couldn’t stop them.

  Suddenly, Tom’s image came to mind, his kind, smiling face. How could she leave him in danger?

  Before any other thoughts filled her head, she reached down, twisted the doorknob and pushed open the door. The sight that greeted her almost brought her to her knees. Tom. Lying on the ground. A deep gash slashed across one side of his neck. Blood pumped out of it at a dangerous rate. It spilled to the floor and started to pool around him. What happened? Alyssa felt like she was about to pass out. She pinched her arm as hard as possible. The pain helped her dizziness fade.

  Tom needed her now. She h
ad to help him. Moving forward, she sank down to her knees behind Tom’s head. Lifting him up so that his neck was above his heart, she rested his head against her chest.

  Removing her suit jacket she bunched it up and pressed it to the gash on his neck. She had to stop the blood from flowing out so quickly. If it didn’t stop soon, she knew he would die. No one lost that much blood and lived. She spied the phone on Tom’s desk. She would have to move with him to the phone so she could call an ambulance. Why hadn’t she done that first?

  She knew why. She had to stop the blood. She remembered how the doctors told her father that if someone had found her mother earlier and stopped her from losing so much blood, she might have lived. One more thing Alyssa felt guilty about. She wasn’t about to let the same thing happen to Tom. She would just have to slide his body along the floor on her lap and get the phone. There was no other way.

  But before she could start to move, the office door slammed and a familiar voice from behind her spoke.

  “Well, aren’t you the good friend? Poor Tom. I guess he just couldn’t take my, uh, ravenous attention.” Bazhena’s mocking tone made Alyssa’s heart speed out of control in fear.

  She swung her head around. Bazhena’s evil leer was smeared with blood.

  “He’s quite tasty, I must say. A good year, I think.” Bazhena smacked her lips in appreciation. “Don’t bother trying to save him, Alyssa. I really don’t think he’s going to make it.”

  The nonchalance in Bazhena’s voice horrified Alyssa. This creature had no compassion and no regard for human life.

  “Now that I’ve had my snack, how about some dinner? That’s you of course, my sweet little thing,” Bazhena said as she slowly stalked forward. “Let’s find out what Cristobal finds so wonderful about you.”

  “Why do you want me?” Alyssa lifted her chin proudly, even though she knew it was quivering with fear. She needed to stall Bazhena in the hopes that she could stop Tom’s bleeding. She felt blood soaking through the material even as they spoke.

  Bazhena stopped moving forward while she considered her question. She looked surprised by it. Alyssa tried not to show her immense relief.

  “You? Why do I want you? Because of The Light, my dear.”

  “The Light?”

  “Yes. The Light is the last puzzle piece I need to solve the legend and gain immeasurable power. Once I have it, the world will be mine. I must join The Light and The Dark together with the various other pieces I’ve acquired around the world. Then the spell will be complete.”

  “What do you mean the world will be yours? In what way?”

  “Curious little human, aren’t you? I’ll answer your questions. Then, once I satisfy your hunger for knowledge, you will satisfy my hunger for you,” Bazhena said with an evil leer. The sharp points of her teeth shone in the light of the room. Making them look even more deadly.

  Alyssa tried to keep her face bland, but her whole body shook with fear.

  “I found some old scrolls a year or so back during my travels through Egypt. I’ve traveled the world many times, but that particular area holds a special place in my heart. Anyway, I found these scrolls in an old decrepit shop in Cairo and read though them. They contained the one prize I have always wanted, always dreamed about.”

  Bazhena’s eyes became glazed with some far off memory.

  “What prize?”

  Bazhena didn’t answer right away. Her eyes grew sad, as she got lost in her thoughts. Then she shook her head, as if to clear it.

  “The best prize of all. Becoming the most desirable being on the face of the earth. To have creatures of every ilk want to do my bidding. Crave to stay with me forever. Die in their effort to please me. No one would be able to resist me. I’ve had a taste of that as a vampire, but it’s not enough. Never enough. I want more. I need more. No one will ever turn me away again. That is true power. Once I have that, I will rule the world.”

  Alyssa was shocked. Could there actually be such a legend? Could someone hold that much power? Alyssa knew that if Bazhena accomplished her evil plan, the world would not be a better place. She shuddered at the thought of what it could become.

  “There you are, human. I’ve shared my secrets with you. Unfortunately you won’t be around to see the world once I rule. Because I’m going to suck every last drop of blood from your body while you scream in agony and ask for mercy. I won’t give you any, of course. Only when I hear that last beat of your heart, will I be satisfied.”

  Bazhena stalked forward.

  Alyssa gently set Tom’s head down, leaving her jacket pressed against his neck. She hated leaving him there, but her own life was in serious danger. Scooting backwards on her bottom, she saw Bazhena transform before her eyes. A moment before, she was a beautiful, but evil-looking woman. But now, her face lost all expression. Her teeth elongated and protruded sharply out of her mouth. Eyes that moments before held evil amusement, turned cold and predatory.

  “Usually I like to give my victims pleasure as I eat them, but not you. You I will eat the old-fashioned way. I think your blood will taste best while you’re screaming out in pain. Yes, that would be perfect.” Bazhena practically purred out those last words as she drew closer.

  Alyssa scooted back until she hit the wall behind her. She had nowhere else to go. Then her hand encountered something. As she felt around, Alyssa realized it was Tom’s miniature Zen sand garden. She had given it to him for Christmas last year. He hadn’t been overly impressed with it, but nevertheless kept it in his office so her feelings wouldn’t be hurt.

  Bazhena was almost on her. Alyssa did the first thing that came to mind. Grabbing a handful of sand, she threw it in the vampire’s face. Bazhena recoiled with a shriek and tried to claw the sand from her eyes. Seeing this as her only chance at escape, Alyssa stood up, opened the door and ran out. She sprinted down the hallway, but glanced back when she heard a deafening roar.

  “You will pay for that, human!”

  Alyssa turned back around. Keep moving. Don’t stop. She couldn’t let fear overwhelm her. She had to find help. She had to get away.

  She didn’t see the figure standing in the hallway until she ran straight into him. It felt like she smashed into a solid brick wall. She fell backwards and hit the floor, hard.

  Dizziness assailed her, before everything went black.

  Chapter Twelve

  Christian barely had enough time to move Alyssa out of the way before Bazhena launched herself at them. He turned sideways. She slammed into the wall. Her head punched through the other side. She shrieked in rage, trying to pull it out, but couldn’t.

  Christian pulled a metal stake out of his jacket and approached Bazhena. He twisted her body so that she was facing up instead of down. She screamed out in pain as the jagged edges of the wall cut into her neck. Blood streamed out of the deep wounds. Christian pushed her down so that her body was held back against the wall. This would have broken the neck of a human. Snapped it and killed them instantly. But Bazhena was no human. And she was still alive. Injured, yes, but far from dead.

  “Now you’ll die, Bazhena,” Christian growled. “Your real death is long past due. You’re an abomination, even to our kind. It’s time you left this world.”

  He raised the stake. Prepared to sink it deep into her heart, to finally rid the world of her evil. Then he made a mistake. He hesitated. His time spent with Vlad had made him loath to kill unless absolutely necessary. His hesitation lasted only a few seconds. But it was enough. One minute Bazhena was there, the next she was fog, slipping through his fingers.

  Christian roared his outrage as she drifted away into the night. Her mocking laughter filled his head. He was amazed that she had the strength to transform in her condition. Vlad had been right. Bazhena was more powerful than he imagined. He should go after her. He knew she would be vulnerable. Weak from her injury, blood loss and the energy it took to transform. But Alyssa needed him right now.

  He turned and lifted Alyssa into his arms, then car
ried her to her office. Gently laying her down on the couch, he felt her pulse. It was strong and steady. She would be okay. He walked to Tom’s office. When he studied the unconscious, bleeding man, he wasn’t too sure about Alyssa’s friend.

  Her friend. Christian knelt down beside Tom and began his repair. First things first, he ran his tongue over the man’s wound, healing it with his saliva. Tom’s blood flow immediately slowed as it coagulated. Almost gagging, Christian spat out the taste of Bazhena that still remained on the man’s skin. It reeked of evil, decay and death.

  Next, Christian made a small slit in his arm with his nail. He carefully lifted Tom’s head and brought his mouth to the now bleeding cut. He sent a mental suggestion and the man immediately latched onto his arm. He drank until Christian felt it was enough to replenish the blood loss and then he urged Tom to stop drinking and sleep. Alyssa’s friend immediately obeyed, falling into a deep slumber, as Christian gently lifted him and laid him down on his couch. He ran his tongue over his own wound. It would be healed before morning, as would Tom’s bite.

  Christian implanted the idea into Tom’s mind that he had fallen asleep at the office, erasing all memory of Bazhena. Tom would remember saying goodnight to Alyssa, staying late at the office and falling asleep on the couch. That would be it. He would remember nothing more.

  Yet there was so much more. Once a human drinks from a vampire, his or her physiology changed. What Alyssa’s friend might wonder about is why he suddenly can read without his reading glasses, why he’s slightly stronger than before and why he will end up living to almost one hundred years old. Tom would also have one other special trait. He would live the rest of his life as Christian’s human slave, if he should decide to make use of him. That meant that if Christian called to the human, he would have no other choice but to obey him, completely. He found this last detail abhorrent and would never make use of it, unless it came down to a life or death situation.

  Next Christian considered how to cover up what had really happened. Damage control was one aspect of their business that Vlad insisted upon and had taught all the employees of Sundown Security. Eliminate all incriminating evidence.


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