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Breech's Fall

Page 3

by D. D. Galvani

  “I don’t know if I can, Breech. If I let myself fall for you and it doesn’t work…you would break my heart. I can’t risk it, I just can’t.” She tried to get away from me, but I only tightened my grip.

  I wrapped her hair around my fist to hold her still, ravenous for a taste of her. Her tongue slipped out, moistening her lips and leaving them glistening. Lifting her legs, I wrapped them around my waist, my hard cock nestled against the warmth of her pussy. Leaning down, I finally captured those luscious lips. I could feel her resistance, but I wouldn’t let up the pressure as I rotated my hips, rubbing my cock into her pussy.

  She moaned, opening her mouth, so I took advantage, plunging my tongue in and savoring her flavor. Her resistance faded steadily, and she grabbed hold of my biceps, digging her nails in and kissing me back. I angled her head, kissing her deeply. When she pushed her tits against my chest I could feel the full mounds rising and falling with her breathing. I filled my palm with her flesh, rolling her nipple between my fingers, pinching lightly. She arched her back, begging for more. Her hips moved against my dick, which was stone hard now. Either we needed to stop, or I was going to fuck her up against the wall. I broke the kiss, breathing hard.

  “Jiji, we’ve got to stop, or I will be balls-deep in you right here, right now.”

  She was breathing just as hard; her face was flushed, her lips plump and swollen. She licked those lips and I groaned. She pushed at my arms, unwrapping her legs from around my waist. I let her go. She paced away from me then turned back, her eyes flitting to the marks on my arms where her nails had dug in. Her blush deepened, but she bravely looked me in the eye, crossing her arms over her chest as if to shield herself from my influence on her.

  “I’m not a virgin, but I’ve had only two sexual partners and neither lasted long. I know you have a lot more experience than me, and I hope to God that what you feel for me is more than just lust, and maybe I’m being stupid…but I want to trust you.

  “But I’m begging you, Breech, after this trip if you don’t feel you want to continue seeing me, or that it was just an itch you had to scratch then please do me the favor of being honest and telling me. Don’t let me make a fool of myself or Fighter by chasing something that’s not there,” she pleaded.

  “I wouldn’t do that to you, Jiji. I won’t lead you on. Fighter is my best friend, as you pointed out. He would have the right to beat the shit out of me for disrespecting you that way—and I would let him. I don’t know what you’ve heard about me, but I don’t treat women like toys to be used and thrown away. If you’re willing to give me a chance, I’m taking it.”

  A voice inside my head told me that once or twice would never be enough with this woman. Once I got my dick inside her there would be no going back. I don’t know how I knew but I did.

  “We can use this trip as a starting point. Let’s talk to Sandra, see how much time off she’s giving you. If we take the bike it would be a two-day trip, one-way.”

  “I don’t think I can do two days on your bike, Breech. It’s been a long time since I did more than a short ride between the house and the job.”

  I smiled. “Doll, I have more than one ride; we’ll take the touring bike, it’s fully dressed, made for going long distances—I promise, you’ll be comfortable.”

  She smiled at me, resting a hand on my chest for balance as she stretched up on her tiptoes to place a chaste kiss on my lips. “I’m trusting you, Breech—don’t let me down.” She sank down to her feet and, turning, she walked out the door.


  Holy shit, what did I just get myself into? Reaching into my pants pocket, I pulled out my cell, dialing Tish’s number.

  She answered on the second ring. “This better be good Jiji, I was just about to take a nap with my husband on my honeymoon, and just in case you didn’t get it, a nap was code for having wild monkey sex.”

  I laughed before I replied, “Bitch, how many times I gotta tell you TMI when it comes to my bro, you, and a certain piece of his anatomy.”

  I heard him bellowing in the background, “Get off the fuckin’ phone, Jiji, I wanna fuck my wife.”

  “Eww, shut up Jameson. Go have a smoke or something and cool your jets.”

  I heard him grumble to Tish, “Hurry up, babe, I’m horny, been watching you strut around in that bikini all day.”

  Tish put her hand over the speaker so I didn’t hear what she said to him, but she came back quickly. “What’s up, babe, what’s got you so spooked, Jiji?”

  “How’d you know?” I asked her.

  “Sweets, I know you! No way you would call me on my honeymoon unless something dire happened. So, spill it, chica.”

  “Tish, it’s Breech.”

  “Oh, crap! What’s he done now?” she asked.

  “It’s not what he’s done, it’s what we are about to do.” I took a deep breath then laid it out for her. She listened without interrupting ‘til I finished.

  “Jiji, listen to me. If I hadn’t given Jameson a chance, we wouldn’t be where we are right now: in bed on our honeymoon. I know that Jameson and all the guys in the Devil’s Wind are rough around the edges, but they have good hearts. I think you know that. Don’t ask me what you should do because I can’t answer that. Only you can make that decision. Whatever you decide, I’m right behind you, supporting you, loving you. I’ll be there if you crash and burn, and I will hold your hand while you cry. But if you find the love of your life I’ll be the one holding your bouquet at the end of the aisle at the wedding just like you held mine for me. Go find your man and see where the road will lead. Love you, Jiji.”

  “Love you more, Tish.” I hung up. Pocketing my cell, I went in search of Sandra.

  She was in the lab going over Tink’s bloodwork. I grabbed some slides and placed them under an adjoining microscope.

  “I told Breech he could go with me upstate, Sandra, but I need to know how long you can spare me here. He says it’s a two-day ride to get there so I’ll need a least a week to get to the farm, look at the animals, and get the house stuff done for the closing.”

  “No problem, Jiji, I have an intern coming from the college to shadow me for his surgical rotation; he’ll be here for two weeks, so take your time and do what you have to do. Are you going to ask Tish if she wants you to get some of her things from her old house while you’re up there?”

  “Damn, I should have asked her that, shouldn’t I? Duh, Jiji,” I said.

  She cracked up laughing. “I’ve got things covered here, so go, have fun, take a break from school and work for a bit.”

  I threw my arms around her, hugging her hard. “Thanks so much, Sandra.” Now that it’s here, I realized I could really use the break. Between all the shit that went down with my mom and Aden, then Tish and Fighter’s wedding, finishing the semester and volunteering, I really haven’t had any downtime. “I think I’m ready to go there with Breech. I need to grow a pair.”

  She chuckled. “Jiji, the Devil’s Wind is full of all good men; Opry had to do some tap dancing to get me to agree to go out with him. He had that country boy charm turned all the way up that night. He was on his best behavior because he knew he was only getting one chance. I gave in to temptation and came out the other side with the love of my life. Even now the girls swarm around him like bees to honey, but he doesn’t give then a second look. He’s a hard man, but loyal to a fault. He protects me, and I love him for it.

  “It’s very important that you understand one important thing, Jiji. Babe, you have to be all the way in if you get involved with Breech; there is no halfway with these guys, you understand?”

  “Tish told me the same thing, Sandra; all I know is I have to try, I have to see where it goes. I want my happily ever after. If it comes wrapped up in that yummy package, then hooray for me.”

  “Yummy, am I?”

oking up, I saw that Breech was leaning against the doorway to the exam room. He winked and I could feel my face heat up.

  “Christ, Breech, don’t you know it’s not nice to eavesdrop!” I said.

  “It might not be nice,” he replied, “but it’s effective. You blush real cute, doll!”

  “Shut up, Breech,” I grumbled. Tink yowled from the table. “Poor baby, are you feeling any better?” I cooed. “Rest now, darlin’, Sandra will take care of you ‘til I get back,” I said, rubbing behind her ears.

  She laid her head down on the blanket, closing her eyes. She butted her head against my arm like she understood what I said.

  Looking at her watch, Sandra said, “It’s still early; you two should hit the road.”

  Breech replied, “You don’t have to tell me twice.” He kissed Sandra on the cheek. “Thanks for letting her go, Sandra. Say goodbye to Sandra, Jiji,” Breech said.

  I folded her into my arms, whispering into her ear, “Love your face, Sandra.”

  She squeezed me briefly. “Shoo now,” she said, making the motion with her hands. “I will text you the information on the foals with the directions to the farm. Text me back when you get there, Jiji. Safe travels, you two.”

  Breech dropped an arm around my shoulder, leading me away to start this escapade. I just hoped I was making the right decision. I loved my girls and I believed both of them were telling me the truth. I trusted my own instincts. I was right about that bastard Aden, and I was right about Tish and Fighter. I was betting my future that I was right about Breech. He could break my heart, shatter it into a million pieces or he could be my one. Please, Lord let me be right and he is my one.

  I’d searched my soul about giving in to my feelings for Breech, acknowledging that my worst fear was that things wouldn’t work out and it would cause conflict between Fighter and Breech. They were closer than brothers, and I refused to be the thing that tore them apart. I admitted as much to Breech, so he knew where I stood.

  Squaring my shoulders, I let the doubts slide away, choosing to look at the positive—and it all started with Breech.


  After dropping Jiji off at the house so she could pack, I went to the clubhouse garage to get my cruiser out of storage. I kept all my bikes in tip-top condition, making sure all of them would be ready at a moment’s notice. This bike was fully dressed, making it comfortable for this long-distance ride.

  Pulling my cell out, I speed-dialed the first entry and waited. “Yo Breech, what’s up, man?” I heard Fighter ask through the earpiece.

  “Fighter, I know Jiji spoke to Tish today, but I wanted you to hear this from me, man. I’m taking Jiji to Florida this weekend. She’s giving me a chance, brother, and I’m taking it.”

  I heard silence for a few beats, and then Fighter said, “I knew this was coming, and I appreciate the heads-up, brother, but understand, I will fuck you up if you hurt that girl. You’re closer to me than any man on this earth, but she’s my blood and I will defend her to my last breath.”

  “I wouldn’t expect anything less, Fighter. She’s conflicted enough about getting involved with me because of the relationship between us. I’ll tell you the same thing I told her: You could beat me to a bloody pulp, but that wouldn’t stop me from being with her. We have a connection and we both want to see where it leads.”

  Fighter took an audible breath. “Tish basically said the same thing. She reminded me that we wouldn’t be where we are today if she hadn’t given me a chance. I love my sister and I want her to be happy; if she chooses you and you’re asking for my blessing… Understand this: Fuck up and you’ll answer to me. Love you, brother.” Then he hung up.

  Smiling, I stuck the phone back in my pocket, started up the cruiser, and went to get my woman.

  Jiji was in her bedroom, bent over in her closet pulling out shoes. Her luscious ass was in the air, swaying as she moved. Walking up to her, I landed a solid whack to both cheeks. She jumped, dropping both hands to cover her bruised posterior. “Damn it, Breech, you scared the shit out of me, and ouch that hurt,” she said, all in one breath.

  Grinning, I said, “You stick it out there and I’m going to smack it, doll.”

  Rubbing her butt, she turned to face me. “How much can I take with me, Breech?”

  I held out a bag that looked like a backpack. “There are two more packs on the bike, but this will be your main bag, doll.”

  Making a face, she took the bag, opening it and laying it on the bed. “It’s kinda small but I’ll make it work.” She had some space bag type things that she had packed and slid into the pack. Going into the closet, she returned with a pair of Nikes and flip-flops, which she added to the bag. She went into the bathroom, returning with her toiletries bag, adding it to the pile.

  “I’ll be in my room; I’ve got a few things I need to pack too, Jiji. Meet me in the living room when you’re done, doll.” Walking over to her, I pulled her body against me, tipping her face up to kiss her. “Thank you for giving us a chance, Jiji. This trip is just the beginning for us.” Turning, I walked out before I threw her down on that bed and fucked her ‘til she came. The only thing stopping me was that we were facing a two-day ride and she was going to be sore enough when we were done, let alone if I had my way with her beforehand.

  Packing quickly, I walked out and stowed everything I’d need away in the bike storage bags, cocking my head when I heard the screen door slam. Christ, she was going to kill me. Dressed in tight jeans, biker boots, and a short swingy top that molded to her breasts lovingly, topped off with a cropped black leather jacket, a pair of round shades, and her hair hanging down her back in a braid, she was gorgeous.

  I was instantly sporting a hard-on. Damn it, riding was going to be a bitch ‘til it went down. The object of my obsession was oblivious to my discomfort; she was presently bitching about not having enough space to bring her favorite pair of boots.

  Stopping next to the bike, she handed over her pack. Pulling her glasses down her nose, she looked over the top and said, “Breech, I brought an extra charging cable; does the thing have a USB plug?”

  Handing her a helmet, I replied, “You can unplug for a couple hours, Jiji; it won’t kill you.” She grumbled but pulled on the helmet.

  Getting on the bike, I kicked back the stand before duck-walking the bike backward and stopping in the street for Jiji to get on. She swung her leg over the bike, grabbing on to my shoulders for balance.

  The bike had a King and Queen seat, totally plush but higher than the driver which meant her pussy wouldn’t be snuggled up to my ass, helpful for making my erection go down.

  “Ready to ride, doll?” I asked, and her answer sounded in my helmet.

  “Lead on, Macduff!”

  Laughing, I rolled out.

  Nine hours later, neither of us were laughing. Pulling into the motel parking lot, I stopped outside the office. Jiji climbed off the bike, pulled off her helmet, and, hanging it off her wrist, we walked into the office together.

  The bored clerk looked over at us, dragged a clipboard over, and plunked it down in front of me, handing me a pen. “Cash or card?” she asked.

  I handed over my card, finished the form, and took the key she handed me.

  “Go outside, drive down to the end of this row, last room on this side. The maid was late today; the sheets have just been changed and the room aired. Have a good night.”

  Leaving the office, Jiji groaned. “Nope, not doing it, I’ll walk down to the end and meet you there,” she said. “I need to stretch anyway.” Grinning, I mounted the bike and drove down to our room. When she finally dragged herself inside, I had already unstrapped the backpacks and put them on the table. “Dibs on the shower,” Jiji said, stripping off her jacket and laying it over the back of a chair. She moved around the room, turning on lights and checking out the bathroom. Grabbi
ng her pack and toiletries bag from the table, she disappeared into the bathroom.

  Flipping on the TV, I sat down on the side of the bed. Flipping through some channels, I saw a commercial for a local pizza joint, noted the number, and muted the TV. Knocking on the bathroom door, I called out to Jiji; she didn’t answer, so I knocked again, this time a little louder. Still no response.

  Opening the door, steam billowed out, streaking past the glass walls of the stall and distorting the view from the condensation and steam. “Jiji,” I said loudly, and she looked up, her arms flying up to cover her breasts. “I’m sorry to disturb you, but I thought I’d order a pizza; do you want anything on it?”

  She shook her head. “No, just cheese and a diet Pepsi, please,” she said.

  Backing out of the small room, I closed the door behind me. Yep, she was going to kill me, no doubt about it. I wasn’t a peeper; I hadn’t gone in there to look, but my dick didn’t seem to care. I could see glimpses of her nude body through the fogged-up glass, smell the apple scent of her shampoo; I wanted a taste of her. I forced myself back to the living room and made the call to the local pizza joint. I placed the order, gave them the address for delivery, and hung up. I turned around when the bathroom door opened and Jiji walked out.

  My mind froze; she was wearing a pair of old gym shorts and a tank top that had seen better days. Her feet were bare, and her hair was wet; she dragged a brush through the shoulder-length tresses, and she was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen. Screw the pizza—I was starving for something, but food wasn’t it.

  She looked up, and the brush stopped mid-stroke, her eyes widening as she looked at me. Instinctively she backed up a step as I started towards her; she knew she was being stalked, so she stopped and held her ground ‘til I reached her. Putting a hand on my chest, she said, “I’m scared, Breech.”


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