The Baby Deal

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by Jenika Snow

  The Baby Deal

  Sam Crescent

  Jenika Snow


  By Sam Crescent and Jenika Snow

  Copyright © June 2018 by Sam Crescent and Jenika Snow

  First E-book Publication: June 2018

  Editor: Kasi Alexander

  Cover Created by: Designs by Dana

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: The unauthorized reproduction, transmission, or distribution of any part of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  This literary work is fiction. Any name, places, characters and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or establishments is solely coincidental.

  Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights.

  The deal was simple.

  Alexis wanted a baby and so did Deacon. No dotted line to sign on, no lawyers involved. Just an agreement between two neighbors to get her knocked up and have the one thing they both desperately desired.

  A baby.

  And as easy as that sounded, how uncomplicated it should have all been, it was anything but.

  Alexis was in love with Deacon.

  Deacon was in love with Alexis.

  But both were too afraid to admit how they felt to the other ... until they weren’t.

  It should’ve been a simple agreement—a baby deal—but it turned out to be so much more.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18


  I. Excerpt: DILF

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Join the CSP Reader Group

  Also by Crescent Snow

  Where to find Sam

  Where to find Jenika


  Alexis watched Deacon work on his motorcycle, the sun beating down on his big, muscular body, his skin showing a light sheen of sweat. Her heart started racing, desire pumping through her veins. A few of his buddies were over helping him, music coming from the garage in a low rhythm, their deep, masculine laughter seeming to echo.

  “Dude, she’s gorgeous,” one of Deacon’s friends said.

  “She’s too reserved for my taste. Besides, no way she’d give you any,” another one of Deacon’s friends said as he tipped his beer bottle back and chugged it.

  They couldn’t see Alexis from her vantage point, with the shadows of the porch and lattice blocking her partially. She was focused on Deacon, though. He didn’t respond to his friends, just kept working on his motorcycle.

  She brought her cold glass of lemonade up and placed it on her neck, the chill from the liquid coming through the glass and cooling her overheated skin. It wasn’t even that hot outside, but looking at Deacon, watching him for far longer than was probably healthy or normal, always had her temperature rising.

  “I’m not into talking about that shit, and you know it.” Deacon tossed his wrench aside and looked over at his friends. “I’m also not into talking about women like they are nothing more than a piece of ass.”

  She glanced over at his friends once he was finished speaking and saw their expressions, although they didn’t seem shocked by his response.

  “Yeah, yeah. We know.” One of the guys held up his hands in surrender. “Dude, we know where you stand on all that. We are just shooting the shit.”

  “We know you’re waiting for the right one,” his other friend said and laughed, as if Deacon waiting for his soulmate was something funny. Deacon made this deep sound, which had both of them shutting up and sobering.

  “I just don’t think sticking you dick in anything that moves makes you a man. I’d much rather wait for the right one, show some respect, you know, shit like that.” Deacon sounded pissed.

  And although she knew she couldn’t be seen, Deacon glanced over at her house after he spoke. Alexis’ heart started pounding hard and fast, and she sat straighter in her chair. A breeze picked up and moved along her exposed arms, causing goosebumps to pop out over her flesh.

  At twenty-eight years old she was single, but she liked it that way, or at least she had. With only one boyfriend under her belt, one who had put a bad taste in her mouth years ago, she’d stayed away from men in general. Because of that messy breakup she steered away from being in relationships.

  And then five years ago Deacon had moved in next door, the townhouses she lived in giving her space, but also making it slightly intimate having him directly beside her. Even though she hadn’t been in a relationship for far longer than she was comfortable admitting, for the last five years Deacon was the only one she thought about, the only one who could make her feel desire again.

  It was that arousal that had her staying away though. She knew if she even brought it up she’d feel awkward, humiliated maybe.

  But it wasn’t just a relationship, sexual or platonic, that Alexis wanted with Deacon. She wanted him in her life. She wanted a baby.

  She had a stable career, a nice home, and money saved in the bank. What she didn’t have was a man in her life or the child she desperately wanted. She wasn’t getting any younger, and going to a sperm bank didn’t really appeal to her. She wanted the father of her baby to have a relationship with the child, to have a relationship with her.

  Alexis could’ve laughed at her thoughts. It was ridiculous to even want a relationship with Deacon, let alone want him as the father of her child. In the last five years since he’d been living next door to her they had just been on friendly terms. He had never shown any interest in her in a sexual way.

  What was she supposed to do, go up to him and tell him she wanted his baby in her? She did laugh at herself then, a little too loud, which had all three men glancing over at her. She felt her face heat, her focus right on Deacon. She swore he was staring right at her.

  Alexis stood, her fingers tightly wrapped around the glass, and headed inside. She’d already made a fool out of herself, no point in trying to prolong that. Hiding away from Deacon was what she was good at anyway. Hell, she’d been running from him and her emotions for a long time.

  She walked over to the side window and glanced at it, still able to see the three men.

  “Dude, your neighbor is hot as fuck. She looks like a girl next door. Bet she’d give you some deep dicking,” one of the friends said.

  Alexis felt her eyes narrow at his crude and vulgar description of her.

  “Say that again,” said Deacon, his voice aggressive, pissed. She saw the way his friend’s eyes widened. “Say it again and I’ll lay you flat on your fucking face.” And then Deacon was standing in front of the friend who’d spoken, his hands balled into tight fists at his sides. “You don’t talk about Alexis that way. Hell, don’t even fucking look at her.”

  She moved away from the window and leaned against the wall, her hand on her chest as her heart thundered beneath it. God, he was such a man, defending her when he could have easily jumped in and joined their crude conversation.

  Then again, that’s
probably one of the reasons that she’d fallen in love with him.

  Yes, she loved Deacon, but was too much of a coward to say anything.

  Her life was pretty much straight out of a romance novel at this point.


  “What is with you, man? You nearly knocked Neil out on the fucking yard and you know he’s only blowing shit up your ass. He needs to get laid and riling you up is what he does.”

  Deacon ignored Rust, or at least tried to. He was sick of this shit with Neil. Whenever he came around he was always saying stuff about Alexis and Deacon was tired of it.

  Sure, he got that she was hot but that didn’t mean she had to have his friends talking crap like that. She didn’t look like the kind of girl who would appreciate shit being said about her.

  “Are you even listening to me?” Rust asked.

  “Yeah, I’m listening. Just not paying attention.” He opened up his fridge, pulling out a cold beer, handing one to Rust.

  “You know the others are going to want one.”

  He grabbed a couple more and pulled the cap off one, moving toward the window to look out. Neil was out there laughing and joking with one of the other guys who’d just shown up, probably about another woman he’d fucked. Damn it. Why hadn’t Neil grown the fuck up already? They were not teenagers anymore.

  Hell, even when I was a teenager I wasn’t like that.

  There’s no way in hell that Alexis hadn’t heard all the crap Neil was saying. He’d heard her beautiful laugh, so it was easy to assume that she’d have heard him. What would she think of him now? Not that he should really be worried about that kind of thing. He’d been living next door to her for five years and in all that time, he recalled a handful of words spoken.



  Nice weather.

  I have your mail.

  All small words and then of course there’d be the lingering glances that wouldn’t get awkward at all. Who was he fucking kidding? He couldn’t seem to look away from her. There had been many a night he’d lain awake thinking about her. He just couldn’t bring himself to actually take that next step and ask her out.

  And in those five years no other woman had interested him. In those five years since first meeting Alexis he hadn’t wanted anyone but her.

  She was a sexy woman, but smart as hell too. Neil was right about her, and it hit too close to home, the stuff he’d said.

  Deacon had lost count of the number of times he’d lain awake, imagining her in his bed, fucking her hard, taking her. Claiming her as his. He envisioned hearing her scream his name, echoing off the walls. Still, when the opportunity had opened up, or when he thought it had, he’d not done anything. He’d stood there, watching her, and then made excuses to himself on why he should stay away.

  Being the silent guy wasn’t in his nature but when it came to Alexis, words failed him, especially when she smiled.

  It wasn’t just her smile though. She was nice, friendly, and he recalled last summer standing in his bedroom, watching as she’d been in her yard, mowing her lawn. She’d been wearing shorts a little too cutoff for his taste, ones that showed off her legs and a little of her underass. He didn’t want anyone looking at her. He was possessive, territorial of her even. As the music had played she’d been swaying her hips and her tits had bounced. Every part of her had looked sexy as fuck as she danced to the music.

  And then like a dirty bastard he’d taken his dick out, stroking himself just from watching her. It was like she was putting a show on for him. He came as she bent down, wriggling her body, showing off her curvy ass.

  Masturbating to his neighbor wasn’t exactly something to be proud of.

  Now he was losing his shit with his friends.

  “Earth to Deacon.”


  Rust tutted. “Dude, Neil is right. You need to get laid or deal with whatever shit you’ve got going on. If you don’t take care of your dick, it’ll drop off through lack of use.”

  He rolled his eyes and made his way back outside. If they only knew he hadn’t been with a woman in five years, since first seeing Alexis.

  Noticing the letter addressed to his neighbor, he gritted his teeth. It was a piece of junk mail, but he’d been holding on to it for the perfect moment to give it to her, to prolong a possible conversation. But that hadn’t happened, and now he was going on a week of having the damn thing.

  Just give it to her.

  Dirty thoughts ran through his head, imagining her naked, spread out before him as he drove his cock into her pussy, as she told him she was his, only his.

  Pushing those thoughts aside, feeling just as bad as Neil, he grabbed the letter. He was better than the guy who hoarded mail just to give it to her.

  “Man, what the fuck are you doing?” Neil asked.

  Ignoring his friends, he walked next door, knocking before he could talk himself out of it.

  He didn’t have to wait long before she opened the door. Her blond hair fell around her in waves and her wide blue eyes looked startled.

  “Deacon,” she said.

  “Alexis.” He stared down at the letter. “This came for you the other day. I was meaning to give it to you but I completely forgot.”

  She took the envelope from him, and the tip of her fingers touched his hand. Did she feel that instant hit of heat?

  He was losing his mind. Poetry, romance, that wasn’t his deal. No, that was some guy out of a book or a movie.

  “Thank you.”

  “I don’t know if you heard my loser friends but they didn’t mean anything bad by it.”

  “You mean about me being hot as fuck and needing a good dicking?” she asked, brow raised.


  She’d heard and now she was fucking angry. He couldn’t blame her though.

  “I’m so sorry. I can go and beat the shit out of Neil. He doesn’t mean anything by it. Honestly, he’s harmless.”

  She chuckled. “You don’t have to panic. It’s fine.”

  It wasn’t, though, and he wanted her to know that he wasn’t like that. That he didn’t think that.

  You do.

  Shit, this guy wasn’t him.

  He’d never been nervous around a woman. He was known for taking whatever the hell he wanted without question.

  Alexis was different though.

  She made him feel more than just arousal. There was something primal, possessive inside him that was getting harder to control. He wanted to claim, consume, and fucking devour her, to mark her as his so no other man ever touched her.

  Of course she was fucking different.

  In his mind, Alexis already belonged to him.


  Alexis unloaded the groceries and set them on the counter. She lifted the wine bottle and stared at the label. Although she wasn’t much of a drinker, she did enjoy a glass of white wine with her meals on occasion. And if she were really feeling brave she’d have a drink when she went out. But right now this wine called to her because she knew it would give her that liquid courage she needed to finally tell Deacon how she felt.

  But she shook her head and scoffed at her thoughts. Heck, she’d been holding on to these feelings for years. Did she really think she’d be able to finally tell him?

  The sound of hammering brought her out of her thoughts and had her walking over to the kitchen window, peering out. She couldn’t see anything or anyone at first, but then Deacon’s big body came into view.

  He had his pickup truck parked in the driveway, and was tossing bags in the back. He wore a white T-shirt, the material stretched over his muscular back and arms. Even from where she stood she could see the outline of his sinew and tendons moving, bunching underneath the fabric as he lifted his arms.

  Alexis was just about to turn around and finish her task, trying to put the thought of him behind her, at least for right now, when the box he was carrying crashed to the ground. Tools scattered everywhere and his loud curse rang through. She found herself w
alking outside and heading toward him.

  He was on his haunches picking up the tools and tossing them in the back in the box. She stopped behind him, her shadow partially covering him. He turned his head and looked up, lifting his hand to block out the sun.

  First there was confusion in his expression, but then he grinned, flashing straight white teeth. It was the sight of that smile that had her stomach clenching and butterflies moving around.

  “Alexis.” He said her name in his deep, slightly husky voice. Despite the heat outside, goosebumps moved along her arms and legs and she refrained from shivering.

  “I saw and heard you drop the box and figured I’d come over here and help.” She got down on her haunches as well, her shorts riding up even more.

  She started picking up the tools and putting them in the box, but she felt his gaze on her. Alexis glanced over and saw he watched her. Gone was the smile and in its place was this intense look. “I didn’t just overstep the bounds by coming over here, did I?” Although it was a silly question, because who wouldn’t want help? “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have assumed you wanted help.” She tossed in the tool she couldn’t even name and started to stand. But Deacon reached out and wrapped his long, strong fingers around her wrist, stopping her.

  “No, stay. Please.”

  She felt her face heat and glanced away. Alexis thought about when he had come over and given her the piece of junk mail. She’d been focused on him, only him, of Deacon being so close, of inhaling his masculine scent, taking in the very essence of him. She felt foolish and on edge around him, but strangely enough she liked that. She wanted to be off kilter where he was concerned.


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