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The Baby Deal

Page 7

by Jenika Snow

  That would have to wait.

  “You’re amazing, you know that?” she said.

  “Yes, I’m the most perfect guy in the world.”

  Alexis cupped his face, her gaze falling to his lips and his cock went from flaccid to rock hard within seconds. “You really are.”

  “I will order some food for us.” He dropped a kiss to her forehead, showing her that he was the perfect gentleman.

  She moved away and he watched her go, feeling like an even bigger dick for watching her ass as she walked away.

  Getting his head out of sex and Alexis’s body wrapped around his, he went over to her phone, where several takeout leaflets were. He picked up the one for pizza and ordered several. He was starving and the only way to keep his need in check was to eat like a whole lot.

  Alexis was finished within ten minutes. Her hair was still wet and she wore a pair of shorts and a snug T-shirt that showed she wasn’t wearing a bra. She looked so fucking hot.

  “What did you order?” she asked, smiling.

  “Some pizza.”

  “If you want to go and get a shower, you’re welcome to do so. Just put your pants in the empty laundry basket. You know, the grease and shit.” Alexis smiled.

  “Come on, some chicks dig the grease.”

  “And I totally do, like right now but not when I’m trying to get the stains out of my jeans.” She chuckled and cupped his cheeks again and kissed his lips. “Please.”

  “I already planned on it.” He kissed her once again and then pulled himself away.

  Making his way toward her bathroom, he stepped inside. The room smelled like her and he was starting to feel a little bit like a freak with how obsessed he was becoming with this woman. Especially as for so long, they’d not spoken or even found the chance to converse more than two words.

  Now he was taking a shower in her home and possibly putting his baby in her belly. It was all a little surreal and so fucking good. Right now, though, she didn’t need an asshole in her home but someone who cared.

  Stripping down naked, he climbed into the shower, and turned the water to cold. Gritting his teeth, he tried to ignore the need that pulsed through him but every second was getting a lot harder to do.

  He wanted her more than anything and the past week had been a nightmare for him.

  His cock showed no signs of disappearing. He was so hard and nothing he could think about seemed to be working. Wrapping his fingers around his length, he started to work up and down his shaft, which felt so good. Closing his eyes, he kept on massaging his dick, thinking about Alexis, of how perfect she felt wrapped around him.

  The image changed and he thought about her completely full, swollen with his kid, her belly rounded, her tits full. His orgasm took him completely by surprise. Gritting his teeth, he tried to contain his moan but that didn’t work as pulse after pulse spilled his release down the drain.

  With one hand pressed against the wall of the bathroom, he tried to focus.

  There was a sudden knock on the door.

  “Deacon, pizza’s here.”

  “I’ll be right out.” He had to get his shit together now.

  Finishing up in the shower, he climbed out, double checked that his clothes were in the empty laundry basket. Once that was all done, he realized he didn’t have any clothes on.

  Wrapping his towel around his waist, he glanced around to make sure everything was in its place before he left the bathroom.

  Alexis sat on the sofa, three pizza boxes already open and she was eating a slice. Some tomato sauce was on her lip as she looked up at him. He watched her lick it off and he knew how good her lips would feel wrapped around his dick taking him in deep.

  “I don’t have any clothes.”

  “You look fine like that.”

  He chuckled. “I’m starving.”

  He took a seat beside her, aware of her gaze on him the whole time. He didn’t have a problem with her watching him. He liked it, a whole lot.

  “I’m sorry I freaked out,” she said.

  “With the whole baby thing?”

  “Yes. I want a baby, I really do. With everything I just felt overwhelmed.”

  He took a bite of pizza and turned to look at her. She nibbled her lip, looking nervous as hell. “We don’t have to talk about this now. We’ll talk in the morning. I’m here for you, Alexis, and I’m not going anywhere.”


  Several weeks later

  Alexis couldn’t breathe, couldn’t even think straight right now. She was sweating, her heart racing, her hands shaking and her belly twisted up something fierce. Holding the small paper bag even tighter, her heart pounded and beads of sweat lined the valley between her breasts. This was like some kind of dream, some kind of crazy.

  The sound of paper crunching in her hand filled her head and she loosened the hold on the bag. God, she was feeling like she might pass out, like the entire world was tipping, about to split open and swallow her whole.

  Taking out each box, she set them on the counter. All of the pregnancy tests were different brands, the four of them lined up and staring at her ominously.

  Her throat dried, tightened and all she could see when she stared at those four boxes was her future, which was not what she’d planned.

  Taking the first test out of the box, Alexis held it in her hands, saw her fingers shake uncontrollably as she held the stick, and then swallowed her nerves down. The results only took a few minutes, but God, that felt like a lifetime.

  She took the other three out and did her business on all four, then stared at the wall and tried to think of something else to help pass the time. After what seemed like long enough, she swallowed the lump in her throat and looked over at the tests.

  The world stopped, her breath stalled, and everything around her vanished. Blinking several times, Alexis really stared at each one, making sure she was reading them correctly.

  All of them said the same result.


  Alexis closed the toilet seat lid and sat down, this insane, surreal feeling consuming her. She started laughing, this nervous but elated sensation filling her.

  A baby.

  She placed her hand on her belly and smiled.

  Resting her back against the tank of the toilet, she stared at the ceiling. She started counting the little balls that made up the popcorn ceiling, distracting herself from the reality of her life now.

  Why she was surprised she was pregnant was a mystery. They’d made the deal, hadn’t used protection, and she’d gotten knocked up.

  She closed her eyes, covering her belly with a hand, and breathed out. When she opened her eyes again she turned and looked at the tests once more.

  Looking at the tests lined up again, Alexis saw each of them said the same thing.

  Two pink lines.

  “PREGNANT” spelled out digitally.

  Two blue lines.

  The word “POSITIVE” staring back at her.

  She was pregnant with Deacon’s baby.

  “A baby,” she said with this tightness in her voice but this happiness filling her heart.

  She set the tests on the counter and stood on shaky legs. The mirror showed a woman who was wide eyed. Her gaze traveled down to her belly and she gripped the edge of her shirt, slowly lifting it up. Although she could only be a little over a month along, her breasts had been swollen and sensitive and she’d started to feel a little queasy. She hadn’t thought she’d get pregnant so fast, but apparently things had fallen right into place.

  The very idea that there was a tiny life growing inside of her, a little piece of Deacon, was surreal.

  She let her shirt fall back in place. She was pregnant and now it was time to let Deacon know he was going to be a father.

  Oh God. There was so much to do, and she didn’t even know where to start.

  But God, was the happiness intoxicating.

  She grabbed the tests and put them in the paper bag, then stared at herself in the mirror
once more. Her cheeks were pink, her chest rising and falling as she breathed hard and fast. Excitement and anxiety waged war inside of her.

  “You can do this,” she whispered to her reflection. She left the bathroom, the bag of tests in hand, not sure if she was going to toss them and just tell Deacon, or show him the pregnancy sticks and take it from there.

  The sound of a car pulling in next door had her heart jumping to her throat. She walked over to the kitchen window and looked out, seeing Deacon’s truck as he pulled into the driveway. He was coming over for dinner tonight, an almost nightly thing they’d started doing after they professed their love for each other.

  It was nice having him at her place a lot, spending the nights together, not just having sex but talking, really getting to know each other. He’d hold her and whisper sweet things to her, make her feel like his love for her was pure, genuine.

  And it was. She knew that. Alexis felt it in her bones.

  Tonight she’d bring it up over dinner, and although she was nervous as hell over it all, Alexis couldn’t wait to share the good news with the man she loved.


  When Deacon got the call from Alexis to come to her place tonight, he didn’t know what to think. She wouldn’t give him any details over the phone and she sounded a little shook up.

  Staring at his reflection, he changed his shirt for the fourth time. He didn’t know what he was trying to be. A respectable dad, or something, he didn’t know. He paused. Could she have gotten the tests?

  Was she pregnant?

  He took a deep breath.

  Whatever the outcome, he would be there for her because he loved her. There was nothing else between them. He wanted to be a father to her baby and to love her. On the counter of the drawers, he saw the velvet box that contained the engagement ring he’d purchased. Yes, he wanted to marry her, to make this thing between them official. This was far more than a baby deal. He wanted to share his life with her. Opening the lid, he stared at the simple diamond ring. He couldn’t afford anything expensive but he wanted his feelings for her to show in this ring. Closing the box, he placed it back in its place until he needed it. Tonight, he would ask her or when the time was right he would.

  “I can do this.”

  He didn’t see a reason to prolong his torture anymore. Running fingers through his hair, he made his way toward her front door.

  Lifting his hand in the air, he knocked, and waited.

  “Hi,” she said, opening the door.

  Searching her face for any of his answers was impossible.


  “I’m so pleased that you came.” She grabbed his hands, pulling him into her home.

  “Is everything okay?” he asked. Cupping her cheek, he tilted her head back so that he could look into her eyes.

  “Yes, everything is fine.”

  “I’ve been so worried.”

  “I’m pregnant,” she said.

  He wasn’t sure he’d heard her right.


  “I’m pregnant, Deacon.” She grabbed his hand and placed it over her stomach. “You and I, we’re going to have a baby.”

  He stared at her stomach and he just couldn’t believe it. “You’re sure?”

  “Yes, both of us are going to have a baby.”

  Going to his knees before her, he placed a kiss against her stomach. “Hello, little guy or gal, you hear that? I’m going to be your daddy. I’m going to do everything I can to make sure you have everything your heart desires.” He kissed her stomach again and stood up. “I’m not going to let you go.”


  “I love you, Alexis. I want this more than anything else in the world and I know you think it’s strange and that I shouldn’t but I do. I want to have babies with you.” He caressed her stomach. “Not just this one. I want a whole flock of them.”

  She chucked. “You make them sound like farm animals.”

  “Marry me,” he said.

  He saw that he’d surprised her.

  “Deacon, we don’t have to do that.”

  “I know we don’t have to. I want to. I want you to belong to me.” He took her hand where his ring would lay. “You’re mine just as I’m yours. The moment you asked me to be your kid’s dad, you pretty much made yourself mine. I don’t share and I have no intention of ever sharing you, ever. I love you. I want you. I will always want you.” He pushed some of her hair back from her shoulders. “I intended to ask you to marry me some time ago.”

  “Why didn’t you?”

  “Nerves.” He smiled. “I don’t know what happens when I’m with you but I can’t get my thoughts together. You haven’t answered me.”

  She giggled. “Nervous?”


  “Good, because that’s how you make me feel. Yes, Deacon, I will marry you.”

  He sunk his fingers into her hair, tilting her head back as he kissed her lips. She tasted so sweet, he couldn’t get enough of her.

  “I have the ring back at my place,” he said.

  “I can live without a ring for a few hours.” She chuckled.

  He gripped her ass, lifting her up. “Good, because now I want to make love to you, wife-to-be.”

  He walked upstairs as she wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him close. He fucking loved her so damn much. In fact, there were no words to describe his feelings for her. Dropping her to the bed, he moved between her thighs, taking her hands, and pressing them either side of her head.

  “I love you,” he said. “For now and forever.”

  “You’re not upset by the news.” She nibbled her lip.

  He shook his head. “There’s no way I could ever be sad about this news. I want more with you, Alexis. I want this to be the first of many.”

  “An entire flock?” Her brow rose and he smiled down at her. She was so damn cute and charming.


  “Shut up and kiss me.”

  Not only did he shut up, but he made her scream his name as he teased her sweet pussy, drawing pleasure out of her before sliding into her hard and deep. He hadn’t known what to expect when he visited tonight. Pulling out of her tight heat, he stared into her eyes, loving her even more. They were meant to be together.


  One year later

  Alexis stared at Deacon and felt her love for him grow. Life had a funny way of making the most unpredictable things work out. Over the last year things had certainly changed in their lives. They were the parents of a gorgeous little boy. Jax was the spitting image of Deacon, even if he was only a couple months old. But right down to the tuft of dark hair on his little hair reminded Alexis of Deacon.

  She was a mother, and even now that she thought about it this all seemed so surreal in the best of ways.

  Alexis looked down at her engagement ring, one that she’d worn every day since the moment he’d given it to her. Although they hadn’t gotten married yet, they’d decided to move in together. But with both of their places copy images of each other and far too small for a growing family, they’d gotten a house to share, one that they could make a home.

  Deacon glanced at her just as Jax started getting fussy. He stood and handed the baby off to her and she started nursing him, running her finger through his hair and smiling down at him.

  She glanced up and looked at Deacon. God, she loved him. But she wasn’t in a rush to get married, even if they didn’t need to wait. She wanted their wedding to be perfect, to be everything that they both deserved.

  Once the baby was finished and sound asleep, she got up and put him in the bassinet. Deacon was waiting for her, his arms open, his smile in place. He pulled her close, leaned down to bury his face in the crook of her neck, and inhaled deeply. “Your smell … it’s intoxicating.” His voice was deep, having her heart jump. “I want you as my wife so fucking badly.”

  She wanted that, too.

  “Maybe we should start planning that now that I’m not huge with your baby,
swollen, and I’m not a crabby ass.”

  He chuckled. “Baby, you weren’t any of those, but if you were I still would have gladly married you then and a hundred times again.” He kissed her temple. “Because there’s nothing in this world that’s more important than you or the children you give me.”

  She shivered from the intensity those words evoked in her. Leaning back, she looked up at his face, reached her hand up and brushed his short dark hair off of his forehead.

  He made this low, growly noise. “I can’t wait to marry you, can’t wait to have this all legal.” She smiled up at him and cupped his face. “You’re mine with or without that piece of paper, but the very thought of you carrying my last name makes me feel all territorial and primal.”

  Her heart skipped a beat at the low, desire-laced tone of his voice. He cupped her cheek with his hand.

  “I’ve never wanted anything more than for you to be mine, my woman, my wife, and the mother of my children.” He leaned down and captured her lips with his. “Say you’re mine.”

  “I’m yours … only yours,” she said and smiled against his lips. “You’re stuck with me.”

  He pulled her in for a hug, holding her tight. “And you won’t regret it, baby. We were meant to be together.”

  Yes, yes they were. Alexis knew without a doubt that there wasn’t anything better in this world than the love of a good man and the laughter of their child filling her ears.

  Three years later

  Shit, he was going to come before she got off again.

  Six weeks was a long fucking time to wait to be with the woman he loved, but fuck, he would have waited an eternity if it meant Alexis was his always.

  And she was.

  His wife.

  The mother of his two children.

  His everything.

  “So good, baby,” Deacon grunted against her neck, his need to come riding him so hard he was going to get off before this was fully started.


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