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Out of the Ashes (Trust Book 2)

Page 8

by A M Raulerson

  “Now, we need to talk about your transgressions. Your language earlier. You used profanity, and you spoke to me in a tone that I will not permit. You may use any language you wish, but remember that each transgression will be paid for in here. Do you understand, Boy?” I saw him nod before quickly correcting himself.

  “Yes, Patron. I understand.”

  “Aha, you weren’t quick enough with that. You answered by nodding your head, and tried to correct your behavior. In this room that’s not allowed. Do you understand? You must answer me when I ask something. I will not tolerate anything else.”

  “Yes, I understand, Patron.”

  I could hear the desire and need entering his voice. He was turned on by the idea of his punishments. It was a good thing, because I loved punishment. I knew there would be many times in our future that I would have him writhing in the pleasure that came from the pain of his punishments. I loved to torment and pleasure using texture, position and sensory deprivation, like the blindfold or ear plugs. These things heightened every other sense. Take away one and they all stood at attention.


  The sound made my Boy jump. I hadn’t touched him, but the sound alone made him clench and pull at his arms, stretching and pulling the muscles all over his body.

  “Do you see now, Boy? I don’t even need to touch you for you to feel pleasure. You will learn that when I take away one of your senses, all the others will become more focused. I didn’t even touch you.”

  I gently ran my hand from his neck to his ass over and over, to settle him again.


  This time I used my hand to slap hard enough to leave a bright red handprint. My left hand was still on his back, so I felt the pull and shudder of his muscles. I gently shushed him, running my hand softly from neck to ass again.

  “Now, that was for the tone of your voice in the office. It was a smaller transgression because we hadn’t ironed out the rules yet. You will thank me for your punishment, Boy.

  “Thank you, Patron. I’m sorry.”

  He was still trying to hold himself together, but that wouldn’t last long. He was already running the edge now.

  I picked up the crop with my right hand, leaving my left to rub up and down his back. I shushed and comforted even while I punished him with my right hand. There would be a lot of punishments, but I needed him to know that there was always love in the punishments too. Running the crop over his ass checks I tapped the plug in his ass. Another mini jump. Not expecting it, he hissed in his breath, tightening up again.

  “Now, one of your bigger transgressions. You spoke disrespectfully to me. That’s not acceptable. You will always know what you’re being punished for. Speaking to me in anything but a respectful tone will earn you punishments from now on. There were two different times that you pushed too far, Boy. Can you tell me when they were?” He was quiet for a moment.

  “When we were at the department I spoke rudely to you and questioned what you were doing.”

  “Yes. That was the first, but do you remember the second?”

  I gave him a minute to think, but I knew his mind wasn’t completely with him because he shook his head again.

  “What did I tell you about answering me?”



  “I’m sorry, Patron. I was trying to think, but it’s hard.” His voice held the plea I was looking for.

  I had him now.

  “Would you like me to tell you?”

  “Yes please, Patron. I don’t want to disappoint you, but I can’t remember.”

  “You spoke harshly to me when we were in your old apartment. You jumped to the conclusion that I would expect you to leave your roommates with the extra rent to cover. You were more than disrespectful to me.”

  I felt the hitch in his breathing through my left hand as it continued to rub his back.




  “What do you say, Boy?”

  “I’m sorry, Patron. I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions or spoken like that to you. I’m sorry.” He was running over his answers now. Pleasure flowed through his brain and body.


  Feeling the jolt and shudder excited me more.

  “That is not the correct answer. You will be punished again, but I expect the right answer after.”




  I tried to make sure not to hit too low on his thighs and to evenly distribute the hits from the crop. I never wanted to hit the same spot twice.

  “Now, what are you supposed to say, Boy.”

  “Thank you. Thank you, Patron. I’m sorry.”

  It was said softly, but I heard him.

  “One more punishment, Boy. I want you to hear me, and to answer correctly after your punishment.”





  “What do you say, Boy? Can you tell me what that punishment was for?”

  I waited to see if he could pull himself together long enough to answer. I felt a shudder pass through his body when he finally remembered the answer.

  “Thank you, Patron. I’m sorry I used foul language. I shouldn’t have. I’m sorry, Patron. Thank you.”

  His words were all trying to get out of his mouth at the same time. It made me smile that he had been so relieved at remembering. I could feel it. Putting down the crop, I stepped behind my Boy. Still running my hand up and down his back as far as I could reach, I wanted to pull him back from the edge, just a little. He needed to be reminded of the rules, but I also wanted to make sure he knew I would always protect him.

  “Now, Boy. We have to discuss some details. I know that you’re tested every three months as a member of Darkfall. I am as well, but I want you to know that I haven’t done anything since I was last tested to put you in any kind of danger. If you’d feel more comfortable I’ll wear a condom until I can be tested again.”

  “No, Patron. I trust you. I haven’t done anything either. I always wear a condom, or make sure the person I’m with does.”

  “That’s a good boy.”

  I began to push the plug in and then pulled it out gently. The position he was in would make the plug, and my cock, pull at him. I would need to push and pull until he was comfortable with the stretch. I watched his back muscles clamp and release as I pulled and pushed harder. His head was now up and it arched back with my movements.

  “I want you to let go, Boy. When I tell you, I want you to push and let it go.” I shivered as I heard a very quiet, ‘Yes, Patron.’

  “Now, Boy.”

  Pulling harder, I slipped the plug out, caressing his back and ass. It had been a tight fit, but adding the position he was in, it had been even tighter than he was used to. I watched him shiver in relief when it finally left his ass.

  “Good boy.”

  Grabbing the lube from a convenient shelf I used my fingers to push the lube into his ass. It would be just as hard and an even tighter fit for me. I listened to him moan softly as his head rested on his arms. Covering my cock in extra lube I ran the head up and over his hole, pushing just enough to pull the muscles firmly up. Then, moving over, I let him feel just how much I wanted him. I teased him for another moment, loving the frustrated little moaning pleas.

  Finally, having had enough of my own teasing, I pushed in gently. The angle made it so much tighter, almost painfully so. He arched his back as much as he could and I heard the whimper he made when I was finally balls deep. Pleasure and pain caused shudders to run through my Boy’s body. Gently shushing him I held still, needing the moment just as much as my Boy did. I felt the muscles at his entrance pull at me.

  “You are not to come until I tell you, Boy. Do you understand?”

  I knew he was barely holding on, but the truth was so was I.

  “Yes, Patron.”

  His voice shook with the tension that holding back from the edge caused.

  “I’m going to release your arms, Boy. You are to stay in position but put your hands behind your back.”

  I pressed a button on the side of the bench and the cords holding his hands went lax, allowing him to follow my order. Clipping his cuffs together behind his back, I attached another small cord to the cuffs and pulled it taut, bowing his back to give him tension to use. That way he could use his arms as well as his back and thighs to stay in position.

  Reaching up, I ran my fingers through his hair, comforting him as he tried to hold still. He was desperate for me to move.

  “Such a good boy, you’ve done so well with your first punishments. Your Patron is pleased that you did so well. Now, there’s one more rule for you to learn. I own your orgasms. Every. Last. One. I will decide when you may cum, and you do not want the punishment for the transgression if you cum without permission. I own them and will give them to you. You also may not touch what is mine unless I tell you you can. I own you now, and I protect what I own. Even from yourself. Do you understand, Boy?”

  “Yes, Patron. You own me, you own my orgasms. You own me.”

  I could hear the pleasure in his voice, the awe. He’d never been in this type of relationship, I had to remember that. The joy and pleasure in those words, and, at this very moment, pleased me.

  Slowly pulling back and forth, I knew I wouldn't be able to edge along how I liked. I had finally taken what I wanted. I had finally got Alexi. Not only that, he’d agreed to be mine. The pleasure of the final capture flooded my system and I knew I wouldn’t be able to hold on much longer.

  That didn’t mean I wouldn’t hold on as long as I could. Pushing in further, I felt the moan coming from deep in his chest. The pain from the stretch was beyond pleasurable.

  “I will take the cock ring off now. But Boy, what did I say?”

  “You own my orgasms. I cannot cum until you tell me to.”

  His voice was nothing but a whisper, but I did hear him.

  I knew he was trying hard not to disappoint me. He was probably trying to think of anything that wasn’t sexy.

  As I slowly unsnapped the leather ring, I felt his cock jump at the attention causing a moan to come from deep in my Boy’s chest. He was fighting it, but he wouldn’t last too long. Luckily for him, neither would I.

  Rubbing my right hand over his chest, I pulled gently on his nipple. It was tender still from the clamps and running my finger gently over it made him moan louder and clench down on my cock in his ass. It was wonderful, but the torture was getting to both of us.

  “You may not cum until I say, Boy.”

  I began thrusting gently, but that only frustrated both of us.

  Running both hands over the dermal piercings along his Adonis lines I thrust harder, pumping in and out with a strong thrust and a longer withdrawal and hitting his prostate with an uneven pattern that only egged him on. Not a regular pattern to push him over the edge but just enough to pull him along it.

  Reaching up his chest to where the nipple clamp was still attached, I only released some of the pressure, leaving it on, but letting it throb a little as the blood tried to flood back to it. Listening to his moans, sharp inhales and little whimpers thrilled me.

  He was mine now, and I protect what is mine, but that didn’t mean I wouldn’t torture my Boy a bit. Holding on to the chain attached to the nipple clamp, I began thrusting in a rhythm that had us both quickly at the edge.

  “Now, Boy!”

  I shouted as I began to cum, and pulled the clamp off his nipple.

  With him clamped down so hard on my cock, I tried to thrust in rhythm, but as he came my Boy bucked back hard. His short scream at having the blood rush back to that extremely sensitive nipple, turned into moans which became soft whimpers as we bucked against each other wildly. I don’t think I’d ever cum this hard, I flung my head back and moaned as my orgasm flowed through me.

  Cuddling my Boy close, I rubbed his back, arms and legs trying to comfort him.



  I didn’t think I had ever cum that hard. He’d made me fly so high I think I might have passed out. I could feel him caressing me, running his hands over me, holding me tight. I heard the words he was saying, but they really didn’t make sense yet. I had the feeling he wasn’t really saying anything at all, he was so focused on taking care of me he was speaking whatever soft words came to mind.

  “Okay, Bebe`. I need you to drink this water, it’s nice and cold.”

  I didn’t want to come back yet, but I knew I had to. Pulling my head together I reached for the bottle, but he held it with me. Probably smart, because my hands were still shaking.

  As soon as I swallowed that first cold sip I realized just how thirsty I really was. I tried to drink it as fast as I could, but Lucas pulled the bottle away gently.

  “I don’t want you to get brain freeze. Drink it slowly.”

  He was laughing at me a little, but I didn’t mind. I was feeling so good I didn’t care what he did. He had me wrapped in a blanket cocoon, practically lying on top of me. But he was taking care of me and that’s all that mattered right now. So I drank slowly like he told me to.

  “I hate to rush you, but we have a meeting to go to.”

  I really didn’t know how I felt about the meeting. I didn’t mean the talk about what was happening. I was worried about Lucas and Chase being in the same room together. Quickly sitting up, I worried as I worked my way out of the cocoon.

  “Hey what’s wrong? What’s that frown about?”

  Lucas turned my face towards him and rubbed at the frown lines on my forehead.

  “What are you going to do? I’m afraid of you getting into a fight with Chase.” I said it softly.

  Lucas sat back and looked at me.

  “Do you still want him? Is that what this is? You need to tell me now, because this won’t work if you do. I won’t play second fiddle here.”

  He almost sounded angry, and for a minute I was shocked. Looking in his eyes, though, I saw pain and fear. Fear that I wouldn’t choose him. I leaned forward, pressing my entire body to his, and looked him in the eye.

  “No, Patron. I choose you. I’m worried that you’ll get in a fight and get hurt. I’m yours, fully and completely. I’m not worried about Chase, Patron. I’m worried about you.”

  Sighing, Lucas slowly relaxed. Smiling a little self consciously, he ran his hand through my hair, and cradled the back of my head.

  “There is nothing to worry about Bebe`. But I will have my say. This… this hurting each other stops now.”

  The rumble in his chest sent goose bumps over my body, and I shivered a little at the possessiveness in his voice. Lucas pulled the blanket back over my shoulders, thinking I was cold. I smiled at the consideration he was showing me, but I was still worried.

  “It’s not worth it to start a fight. It’s over, and I’d rather we just let it go.”

  Lucas didn’t look cross so much as… agitated.

  “Boy, you’re telling me what to do again. You’re saying it sweetly, and trying to talk me out of what I’ve said I’m going to do. I won’t argue with you anymore. It’s no longer up to you. You are My Boy. You do as I say. Understood?”

  Ducking my head down, I muttered an apology. I hadn’t meant to make him mad, I was just worried. His fingers pressed against my chin tilting it up until I was looking him in the eyes again. The kindness in his eyes surprised me.

  “You just have to remember that I will listen to you, but I make the final decisions and when I say that's it? What do you think that means, Boy?”

  “That’s it, Patron.” I said firmly, knowing exactly what he meant.

  “Good Boy. Now up you get. We have a meeting to go through.”

  He slapped my ass playfully, and I couldn’t help the giggle that slipped out. Getting up and gathering my clothes I couldn’t help but smile.




  Darkfall was Ch
ase Hamilton's Private club. The outside definitely didn’t look like a kink club. It was originally a warehouse, and still had the look of one on the outside. It had two entrances in the front and two on the side, depending on where you wanted to go.


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