Book Read Free

Against the Rules

Page 12

by A. R. Barley

  “Not very historically accurate.”

  “And the neighbors would probably run me out of town on a rail.”

  “Fuck the neighbors.” Kelly laughed.

  “Not exactly who I’m interested in.” Ian nodded up the stairs. “This tour ever going to make it to your bedroom?”

  “It’s our next stop.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  The tension that had flooded Kelly’s body back at the club was gone. It had vanished sometime between telling Ian about his parents and showing him around the house.

  Ian had been kind. He’d been thoughtful. He hadn’t pushed and he hadn’t tried to wrap Kelly in layer after layer of gauze woven from filaments of pure pity.

  It felt good to tell someone about his parents without having to worry about seeing that look in his eyes: “Poor orphan, he never even saw it coming.” And then there was the other look, the one that said “I’m just glad it didn’t happen to me.”

  Taking the steps two at a time, Kelly led the way upstairs. The bedroom to the left of the second-floor landing had escaped the Great Remodel and still had most of the furniture he’d grown up with. There was a blue-and-orange-striped rug on the floor, a poster featuring a dark-haired heartthrob, and a random collection of schoolwork and action figures on his bureau.

  “You like comic books?” Ian nodded toward the organized collection on the far wall. Standing in the middle of Kelly’s childhood bedroom, he looked larger than life with his dark skin, sleek red shirt and tight leather pants that skimmed massive runner’s thighs.

  “I like science fiction,” Kelly corrected. “I think it allows authors to explore complicated themes in new and innovative ways.”

  “Plus, stuff explodes.”

  “Never a bad thing.”

  “But it’s not what you’re working on now?”

  The revival of Kane Beekman and his escape from Moldamp’s increasingly ferocious guards was a discussion for another time, one when Ian wasn’t poured into his leather pants.

  Kelly’s heart thudded against his ribs. The erection he’d had on the dance floor was back, rubbing awkwardly against his cotton briefs. He adjusted himself carefully, sticking his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. “I always fantasized about bringing a boy up to my room. My parents were supportive, but they had rules. No girls on the second floor. Then when I came out it switched to no boys.”

  “Clearly, you were a deprived teenager.”

  “Not quite. There is a rec room. I used to take guys there to show them my toys.”

  “I must have missed it on the tour.” Ian took a step closer to the bed with its slatted wooden headboard. “Does that mean I’d be the first man to sleep with you in this bed?”

  “Nick stayed over once or twice...back when my mom was sick. But we didn’t do anything.”

  “Good to know.” Strong white teeth flashed against dark skin. “I like knowing you still have some firsts left for us to explore together.”

  Kelly laughed. “Yeah, well, I’ve never been whipped either.”

  Silver eyes went wide. Nostrils flared. “That’s something we’ll definitely have to rectify.”

  Damn. Suddenly Kelly lost the ability to breathe. It had been a joke. He might like rough sex but there was a difference between being spanked until he came and feeling the kiss of a whip against his back. That was serious business.

  “Not tonight.”

  Kelly’s entire body relaxed, slumping forward like he was a puppet whose strings had been cut. Ian hadn’t broken his promise once. If he said they were going to do something—or they weren’t—then that was exactly what would happen. “What do you want to do tonight?”

  “Take off your clothes and get on the bed,” Ian ordered. “I’m going to poke around in your closet. I don’t have any supplies with me—”

  “Condoms and lube are in the bedside table.” Kelly had never brought anyone back to his room but—damn—he’d been hopeful.

  “Not those kind of supplies.” Ian turned around and opened the closet door. He stuck his head inside. “Are you taking off your clothes?”

  “Yes, sir.” Kelly’s undershirt flew off and landed on the bureau. The rest of the clothes came off quickly, ending up in a jumble on the far side of the bed. His bare ass landed on the quilt his aunt had made him when he graduated high school.

  His breath was coming faster. A dozen small reminders of the child he’d once been filled his gaze. A wave of pain and regret hit him, almost bowling him over onto the floor, but none of it mattered. Not while he could still focus on the lean lines of Ian’s powerful body.

  When Ian turned around he was holding a colorful assortment of fabric. “I think you’ve got more ties than I do.”

  “Only the best for university fundraisers,” Kelly said. “You can have them.” He wouldn’t need them anymore. Not unless he took the job at the university. His brow furrowed. He should probably keep one or two. “Are we going to do blindfolds again? Because I really would like to see you.”

  “Don’t worry.” Ian chuckled. “Lie down and put your hands over your head.”

  Kelly did as he was told, smiling as long strips of fabric were tied neatly around his wrists. A moment later he was bound firmly to the bed’s long headboard. The knots were solidly formed and elegant. He tugged at them curiously. They were also strong. “Were you a Boy Scout?”

  “Just a kinky motherfucker.”

  “Good to know. I’d hate to think I was corrupting someone physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.”

  “Now that makes you sound like a Boy Scout.”

  “Back when the university still sponsored a chapter.” Kelly’s hips bucked as he tried to shimmy over into a more comfortable position. He should be feeling more uncomfortable, tied to his bed naked in front of a fully clothed man, but there was something about Ian...He sighed. “Are you going to join me? Or do you just like watching me wriggle?”

  “I like watching you wriggle.”

  Of course he did. Kelly rolled his eyes. He thought about objecting, but there was something kind of hot about being tied up for Ian’s pleasure. He could feel heat staining his chest as his blush grew. His erection twitched eagerly. “I trust you.”

  Ian dropped a quick kiss on his lips before moving around to the foot of the bed. “Keep your legs still or they’ll get tied up too.” He tugged his shirt off over his head, revealing all that warm skin rippling over firm muscles. His dark nipples were hard against his cinnamon skin, and Kelly licked his lips, eager to tease those hard nubs with his tongue.

  A hand dipped down to skim against the waist of those supple leather pants, undoing the fly and shoving them over powerful hips and thighs. Underneath Ian was wearing a pair of sleek green briefs that looked like they were made out of the same fabric as his shirt. Free of the confining leather, his erection jutted out thick and proud.

  Fuck, Kelly’s throat went dry. There was no music. No pounding beat and no flashing lights. It was still the sexiest striptease he’d ever seen. His arms tugged at their bindings again. He wanted to run his fingers over all that flesh, to worship it with his hands and his tongue, but all he could do was watch in stunned amazement as Ian knelt down on the bed between his legs.

  Strong hands pinned Kelly’s hips to the mattress, and Ian’s head dipped down to nuzzle against the cleft where his hip met his torso. A soft tongue traced a line down his pelvis, followed by a sudden scrape of teeth on flesh that had Kelly gasping for air.

  Damn. He was glad he hadn’t made biting one of his limits.

  Ian reached up and tweaked one of Kelly’s rock-hard nipples, the sudden burst of pain making him tug against the improvised bondage.

  “You like that.” It wasn’t a question. “You ever think about getting these pierced?” Ian’s
mouth lowered slightly to skim against Kelly’s cock, the heat from his breath creating a fresh burst of pleasure.

  Oh, damn. Lush lips spread apart to welcome Kelly’s cock into his mouth. Moist heat surrounded him, and then his eyes rolled back into his head as he felt a steady suction against his shaft. The world was spinning wildly out of control and then—

  Ian pulled away leaving him gasping for more. “You never answered my question.”


  “Your nipples.” Callused fingers flicked across the protuberances in question. “Have you considered piercing them?”

  Metal bars that could tug at his flesh underneath respectable clothes, a constant reminder of the wanton creature hidden underneath. Small hoops that Ian could play with in bed, tugging and teasing, alternating between using his fingers and his tongue as he brought Kelly to the edge of oblivion.

  Oh, damn. Kelly’s hips bucked upward, seeking the pressure and friction that would give him some sort of relief. “No, I—I never thought about it before.”

  “You should,” Ian said, and then—like a blessing from the heavens—he resumed giving Kelly the best blowjob of his life, alternating heat and pressure before finally taking him deep into his throat and humming to create a pressure unlike anything he’d ever felt before.

  Oh, hell! Pleasure took him, but it wasn’t enough to feel the sensation. He needed to see Ian, to know exactly who it was with his mouth against him. His eyes popped open and his head levered up slightly to give him a better view.

  Lusty dark eyes were fixed on Kelly’s face as Ian worked, his cheeks hollowing out to add an extra burst of pleasure. He hadn’t even touched his own cock, but the look on his face couldn’t be happier.

  Fuck. Kelly sucked in a breath. How had he gotten so lucky? Damn, he wanted to reach down and draw Ian up into his embrace, but with his body tied to the bed all he could do was wait. The decisions had been taken away from him, and what he felt was

  His breath was coming faster. His heart was slamming into his ribs. Bright lights and colors flickered in front of his gaze. He was a second away from coming, and then Ian’s mouth pulled away from his erection.


  “Don’t worry, you’ll get to come later. I’ve got plans.” Ian shifted slightly, stretching up until his body was covering Kelly’s. “You’re moving more than I thought you would. I don’t want you hurting yourself.” Their hips ground against each other as he checked on the knots, the sudden friction making Kelly groan happily. “It doesn’t look like you’re losing circulation.”

  “Good to know.”

  “You might lose a few ties though—it looks like I’m going to have to cut you free.”

  “I don’t give a damn about the ties.”

  “Right.” Ian kissed him hard, capturing his mouth and devouring him like a predator who’d just found his lunch. Making it clear that by the end of the night no inch of his body would be unscathed.

  Ian reached out and opened the drawer next to the bed, dipping inside and pulling out the half-empty bottle of lube and untouched box of condoms Kelly knew he’d find inside. The snick of the bottle opening was audible, and then a slicked hand reached down between their bodies.

  Kelly braced himself, waiting to feel one of those long fingers breaching his hole, but nothing happened.

  Fabric rustled as it was moved out of the way. The body on top of him shifted position until it was straddling him. Knuckles nudged against Kelly’s shaft, but Ian’s fingers were busy elsewhere. He let out a soft moan.

  “Oh, fuck.” Kelly’s head jerked as he struggled to look down at Ian prepping himself, stretching his hole around those capable fingers. The angle was wrong. He groaned in frustration. “I want to see.” More than see. He wanted to help. He wanted to slick his fingers and slip them inside, finding the bundle of nerves deep inside him that would bring him to pleasure.

  “Let me.” It had been over a year since he’d topped but suddenly he couldn’t imagine anything better than being balls deep in Ian’s taut ass. He wanted to roll on top of him and press him into the firm mattress, to take his time stroking his tight hole, prepping him slowly until he was begging for more, but all he could do was lie here in submission as his lover prepared himself. Damn it. “Please.”

  “I love it when you beg,” Ian said before grabbing one of the foil-wrapped packages from the box on the bedside table. He ripped it open with his teeth, rolling the latex onto Kelly’s hard erection in one practiced move. “Tell me, when you fucked that little twink back at the club, who was in charge?”

  Chi-Chi? Kelly frowned, searching for the memory. They’d only been together one night. “I was.”

  “That’s not what’s going to happen here.” Ian lifted up and reached for Kelly’s cock, lining it up with his slicked hole.

  Kelly groaned in amazement as the tight ring of muscle captured the head of his cock and Ian slid slowly—achingly slowly—down his hard shaft.

  “Next time I’m going to bring my cuffs,” Ian said conversationally. “Then you can struggle as much as you want. I’ll cuff your wrists and your ankles so tight you can’t even squirm.” His hands dropped down to splay out across Kelly’s chest. “You won’t be able to move.” He started to rise up, slowly, so slowly. “You won’t be able to thrust. You’ll just lie there while I pleasure myself on your hard cock.”

  Sweat created a warm sheen on Kelly’s body. His mouth was open now as he gasped for air, struggling against the slick heat. He didn’t want to come. Not yet. Not without Ian.

  “But tonight I want you to move.” One of Ian’s hands lifted up, coming back down in a sharp slap against Kelly’s chest that made him shudder and groan. “I want to ride you like a bucking bronco.”

  “Trust me, I’m not going to last.”

  “Don’t worry, baby, neither will I. All it takes is eight seconds to make the gate.”

  Kelly’s hips began to rock back and forth as he thrust up into Ian. He might be on the verge of coming—his entire body stretched raw like one exposed nerve—but he’d last a hell of a lot longer than eight seconds. He concentrated on moving his hips back and forth, up and down, trying to reach that place inside Ian he knew would make him scream.

  Ian’s breath was coming faster now. Desperate noises escaped his full lips. The scent of leather and whiskey was thick in the air. The world narrowed down to a single point, a single place, a single moment in time. Ian. Kelly. This bed.

  Another thrust and Ian cried out in pleasure. That was the angle Kelly had been looking for. He started to move faster now, pounding against his lover’s prostate until Ian flew apart on top of him and warm cream splattered against Kelly. Muscles tensed and squeezed, dragging him over the edge.

  “Damn.” Kelly’s body went limp. He lost himself in the golden afterglow as Ian lifted off him, disposing of the condom and then disappearing somewhere else in the house.

  Time passed. Snick. Kelly watched scissors work at the ties knotted around his wrists.

  “Sorry I had to leave. It’s not exactly best practice.”

  “‘S okay,” Kelly slurred happily as he lowered his arms. His shoulders would be sore in the morning, but for now he was just happy to be there. “Thanks for taking me out,” he murmured as Ian climbed into bed beside him, maneuvering their bodies until they were lying underneath the covers. “Sorry we couldn’t dance longer.”

  “Dancing’s overrated.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Ian didn’t think he’d ever get tired of waking up next to Kelly, even if it was on comic book hero sheets. His lover was a secret snuggler, losing the prickly spines and hard mask he wore during the day and transforming into a happy starfish. It was fucking adorable.

  In a perfect world Ian would stay entwined in those warm limbs and so
ft sighs for days, but light was streaming in through the window and his bladder was reminding him that he had things he needed to do. It took him a few minutes to disentangle himself from his lover’s embrace, but then it was quick work to rummage through the dresser for a pair of gray flannel pajama bottoms and a white cotton T-shirt.

  Perfect. He pulled the stolen clothes on, tying the drawstring snugly over his hips and padding out onto the landing. There was a bathroom downstairs in the hallway off the kitchen. But he’d rather use one on the second floor where he could steal some of Kelly’s toothpaste.

  On the other side of the landing he found two large guest bedrooms, a staircase up to what he presumed was attic space and then—

  A master bedroom with delicate floral wallpaper and pink curtains that fluttered in the gentle breeze coming through the windows. The room was arranged to accommodate a king-size bed, but it had been taken out somewhere along the line and replaced with a narrow hospital bed complete with IV stand. Medical equipment was stacked against the far wall. A straight-backed chair was placed beside the bed, completing the tableau.

  Everything was clean, dusted and completely untouched. Ian didn’t look away—he didn’t even blink—afraid that it might summon the room’s occupants.

  “She wanted to die at home,” Kelly explained, stepping up behind him. Strong arms wrapped around Ian’s waist and a head nestled against his shoulders. “The doctors said she only had a few weeks left. It was...” His voice shook as he swallowed back his tears. “It was her last wish to die at home—in this house—with her loved ones surrounding her. And I made it happen. When the end came I was here. I...I watched her take her last breath and I held her hand.”

  “What about your father?”

  “The bastard got off easy.” Kelly’s voice hardened. “He went out drinking one night at the beginning of the summer. One last hurrah with his buddies at the Roadhouse. It was raining, and he was driving too fast. He never even saw the tree coming.”


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