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Moon Vowed (Mirror Lake Wolves Book 8)

Page 10

by Jennifer Snyder

  Tonight was going to be fun. Even so, I couldn’t wait for tomorrow. Hearing Mina finally say I do was going to be the best.


  White lights were strung through the bare branches of the trees, creating a path from the trailer park to the exact spot where I’d proposed to Mina. I stood near the lake, waiting for her. My heart thumped wildly against my chest and my wolf paced relentlessly. My tux was uncomfortable, the pants a little too snug, but I hadn’t had the heart to say so to my mom. She’d worked so hard to make them fit.

  “You look like you’re going to puke,” Tate said from beside me. His voice was low, but I knew everyone could hear him. My thought was confirmed by Dorian’s chuckle. “Just whatever you do, please don’t do it on my shoes.”

  “I’m not going to puke, but if I did, that’s exactly what I’d aim for,” I said as I dipped my gaze to them.

  They were ugly. White leather with a gray stripe. Mina had wanted me in a different color tux than the guys. They wore muted gray suits that left my blue one standing out.

  Tate nudged my shoulder. Everyone grew still, and I knew it was because Mina had come into view. I could feel her nearness.

  She stood on the pathway lined by white lights, gripping her father’s arm. Her dress was long and white with delicate blue flowers that matched my suit like she’d said. Fur was draped over her shoulders, protecting them from the cold. Her hair had been twisted into an intricate half up do with white flowers and soft curls. When my gaze reached her face, my heart skipped a beat.

  She was breathtaking.

  Plump pink lips and hazel eyes that shined just for me.

  She blinked and the corner of her lips twisted into a smirk. She was ready for this. So was I. My teeth skimmed over my bottom lip as I stared at her. She walked toward me, her eyes never wavering from mine. When she was steps away, she mouthed the words I love you, and I mouthed them right back.

  When she finally reached me, it took everything in my power not to crush my lips to hers.

  Gracie took her bouquet, and then I was finally able to touch her. Our hands came together and our fingers laced. Warmth spread through me as my heart rate evened out.

  Frank cleared his throat and then began speaking the words that had been said a million times between lovers. My eyes didn’t move from Mina’s, even though I was still shocked at the fact Frank—Mr. Polka dot headband—was an ordained minister.

  Our vows were short and simple, heartfelt and memorable. When we both recited them, my world shifted but in the best of ways. Warmth spread through my body as my smile widened.

  Mina had said yes to marrying me and now she’d just said I do.

  This was the best day of my life.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife,” Frank said. “You may kiss the bride.”

  I cradled Mina’s face between my palms and leaned in to kiss her tenderly, adoringly, and gratefully. Everyone burst into applause and released whistles into the night. Happiness ensued us all. I continued to work my lips over Mina’s until Frank cleared his throat.

  “Okay, you two lovebirds. We still have a reception to get to. The honeymoon hasn’t started yet,” he said.

  Mina’s eyes flashed at the mention of our honeymoon, and my grin widened.

  “Oh, you are in so much trouble tonight, Mrs. Vargas,” I whispered, loving the sound.

  I’d rented us a cabin deep in the woods two towns over. It was going to be magical.

  “I’m betting on it.” She winked.

  We faced our family and friends. They grew louder in their excitement. I wasn’t a fan of being the center of attention, but this moment was nice. It would be tattooed on my soul forever.

  My mom was the first to reach me. She pulled me in for a hug, tears streaming down her face. Mina was swept away by her family the instant our hands unlocked.

  “That was so beautiful,” Mom said. “I’m so happy for you two.”

  “Thanks, Mom.” I returned her hug.

  My youngest brothers hugged me next. Then Tate. Dorian. Sabin. The list continued until I’d made my way through the pack. Then came Julian and his family, minus Roman. He didn’t want to upset my mother by attending. She still thought I’d returned that damn check he’d given her. Rowena and her family were next. Then Ridley and Benji, Becca and her new guy, Alec and his girlfriend. By the time I’d made it through the entire crowd, my cheeks hurt from smiling and all I wanted was to be with Mina.

  When I found her again, I refused to let her go for a second time. My hand remained latched onto hers as we made our way through the woods to the party building. It was decorated as beautiful as the woods. The pace of the evening seemed to slow to something more manageable when we stepped through the doors. I was grateful. Everyone spread out to chat and enjoy the music. Some ate and some gazed at the lovely cake Pamela at Rosemary’s had made for us.

  Everything was perfect.

  As I held Mina close to me for our final dance of the night, I whispered in her ear, “Was it everything you hoped?”

  “Marrying you? It was even better.” She brushed her lips across mine for the briefest of moments. “What about you?”

  “It was perfect. I’m the happiest man alive.” I pulled her closer and felt my wolf step to the farthest corner inside me, allowing me to have time with my wife as nothing but a man.

  We were going to live happily ever after. Well, as happily ever after as we could while being part of the supernatural world that is.

  “I love you, Mina Vargas,” I whispered.

  She grinned. It was obvious she enjoyed the sound of her new last name as much as I enjoyed saying it. “And I love you.”

  Mine, I thought to myself as I continued to hold her close, this woman is all mine. Forever and always. Finally.

  Thank You

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  About the Author

  Jennifer Snyder lives in North Carolina where she spends most of her time writing New Adult and Young Adult Fiction, reading, and struggling to stay on top of housework. She is a tea lover with an obsession for Post-it notes and smooth writing pens. Jennifer lives with her husband and two children, who endure listening to songs that spur inspiration on repeat and tolerate her love for all paranormal, teenage-targeted TV shows.

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