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Pyro's Final Flame : Twisted Iron MC

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by Liberty Parker

  Pyro’s Final Flame

  Twisted Iron MC

  Kayce Kyle

  Liberty Parker



  Character Bible


  1. Pyro

  2. Shara

  3. Shara

  4. Pyro

  5. Pyro

  6. Shara

  7. Pyro

  8. Pyro

  9. Shara

  10. Shara

  11. Pyro

  12. Shara

  13. Pyro

  14. Shara

  15. Shara

  16. Shara

  17. Shara

  18. Pyro



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  It goes without saying that my name alone reveals what my favorite past time consists of. I am the son of a deceased original member of Twisted Iron MC. It’s hard to say exactly when my obsession with fire began, but I can tell you I was a small child. There’s just something I find extraordinary in what it takes to create something so deadly, yet so beautiful at the same time. Besides my club, flames, and my bike, I’d never been more passionate about anything; until I met my other half, Shara. Our bond was instant and now we’re inseparable. She’s my old lady by day, and my partner in crime by night; only we harbor a secret. One that is already under the town’s microscope. Will we be able to continue prowling the nights unscathed? Or will one or both of us succumb to the pressure not only the law is putting on us, but my own club?


  Pyro was everything I should’ve steered clear from. But the intensity of our connection was magnetic, and soon after getting to know him, I knew why. My past consists of some extremely dark times that I hide from even my best friend, Novalee. Things that would and could possibly have her view me in an extremely different light. You see, my darkness has always yearned for company, and in Pyro, I finally found just that. His own demons dance and meld perfectly with mine as they seek the comfort of one another. What started out as a bond only he and I share, has now become something that could abruptly come to an end. Will my dark past be exposed to those closest to me? And if it is, what will it cost me? Or worse, what price will the only person who’s ever understood and accepted me on this level have to pay?

  Pyro’s Final Flame

  Twisted Iron MC

  Copyright © Liberty Parker & Kayce Kyle 2020

  Published by Liberty Parker & Kayce Kyle

  Cover by: Dark Water Covers

  Model: Justin Michaels

  Photographer: Golden Czermak with FuriousFotog

  Editor: Darlene Tallman

  Formatter: Liberty Parker

  This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person or use proper retail channels to lend a copy. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of these authors. To obtain permission to excerpt portions of the text please contact:

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All the characters in this book are fiction and figments of the authors’ imaginations. No part of this story is based on

  any true events or anyone’s life. If any MC names are used by any real, or true person, it is coincidental and in no way based on them or any real-life human being, living or not.

  Character Bible

  MC Members














  Harlow (Bane)

  Harmony - Outlaw (Mercenary)

  Aria (Sandman)

  Talia (Edge)

  Novalee (Fox)

  Shara (Pyro)


  Pee Wee






  Another day, club meeting, and another day spent looking and acting clueless as to what’s been going on around my brothers. My never-ending thirst for revenge and blood fuels me. But at the rate everything’s unfolding within the walls of the club, I know my time and fun with this particular mission is limited.

  Walking through the door of my house, I’m greeted with the sight of my woman sitting valiantly on top of the kitchen counter completely engrossed in whatever it is she’s reading. So much that she doesn’t even look in my direction when I enter. Stopping, I toss my keys on the wooden table in the entryway. Not even the clinking of my keys making contact as they land grab her attention. I find this both disturbing and intriguing. Pausing, I feel my head tilt as I relish in the enigma otherwise known as Shara. She’s wearing one of my T-shirts, her golden skin glowing as her crossed legs dangle; leaving my mind racing with curiosity on whether or not she’s wearing panties. My mouth waters at the thoughts and possibilities as I trace her from toe to head with my eyes. Her dark hair is tousled and she’s got her reading glasses on and an apple in her free hand. I can hear my own gulp as I swallow down my desire. She draws that shiny red fruit to her mouth and I watch as she wraps her mouth around it before sinking her teeth into it; causing my dick to ache and twitch inside my denim. Damn, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone or anything besides my bike look more sexy and inviting.


  Damn, I never used to be much of a reader, but this book has sunk its claws into me, holding me hostage. I overheard Aria and Novalee discussing some fictional romance motorcycle club books they’d been reading and thought I’d give it a try. Nova let me borrow her paperback and was extremely specific in how I am to handle such a possession. I can almost feel my eyes roll again at how much emphasis she put on it. All of that aside, holy hell this shit is hot! I can see what the fuss was about now. Far too romanticized for how things really are in this life; but the escape into this reality is nice. Don’t get me wrong, the sex Pyro and I have puts any of this to shame, but reading about it has me aching and wet between the thighs with need for him to be inside me. Stupid meetings. I wish the fucker would hurry and come home.

  “Ahem,” the familiar sound of his voice booms throughout the kitchen, pulling me from my thoughts. Hastily setting the book down on the counter alongside my apple, my eyes shift to greet him. “So, what has my little savage so enthralled she isn’t even alerted to the sound of someone entering our home?” he asks me as his gaze lowers to the book. “Oh hell, I see the others have finally sucked you into their world of fairytale MC books,” he mocks before stepping between my thighs, parting them with the presence of his large body.

  Cupping his face, I reply, “Maybe to some,” I say in a whisper, leaning in, my lips brushing against his, “but this, what we have? That’s the real fairytale,” I finish, before firmly pressing my lips to his. My lips part as his tongue swipes over them, silently requesting entrance. As he allows it, his strong hands and arms wrap around my waist, pulling me closer to him causing me to moan into his mouth. After a moment, I pull away. “When do we get to, you know, play aga
in at the warehouse?” I inquire, sinking my teeth into my lower lip, hoping Rogue hasn’t put an end to it all; at least not yet.

  His caramel eyes darken. “Soon. But first, it’s my turn to play,” he replies, lifting me up from underneath my arms as my legs naturally wrap themselves around his waist and he carries me off into the bedroom.



  Fresh out of the shower, the moment I go to relax after having wrecked that tight, wet pussy of Shara’s, my phone pings.

  Rogue: It’s time, Pyro. Got a new batch coming in soon so dispose of the waste.

  Me: On it.

  Towel drying her hair, still butt ass naked, Shara steps from the bathroom. “What’s going on, DP?” That is what she’s shortened dark prince to. “Anything I should know about?” She drops the towel and her eyes light up as bright as all the stars in the night sky. “Shall I get ready for a small road trip?” She wiggles her eyebrows excitedly.

  God I love how enthusiastic her thirst for blood is, equally matching mine. I can feel the side of my mouth curl upward into a side smirk as I reveal, “Yes, you shall, my little savage.” Excitedly she jumps up and down and my head bobs along with the sight of her breasts as they bounce. “Go put some fucking clothes on before I have no choice but to bend you over this bed and have my way with you again.” Her lips form into a pouty frown. “No need for that, woman. Before the night’s over, I will definitely be sinking my cock back into that pussy, rest assured.”

  The gold flecks in her hazel eyes seem to glow almost the second those words leave my lips. She saunters her way toward me, lifts up onto the tip of her toes as the heat of her words brush against my lips, “Now that’s what I call a nightcap, DP.” She quickly pecks my lips before turning on her heel, leaving me to watch the sway of her hips and ass as she goes to put clothes on.

  On our way to the warehouse, we stop at Dar’s Diner as we always do before the fun begins and grab a quick bite to eat. Not only do our bodies need fuel for the night’s activity, but they will need enough to keep us going once we’re done. Fuck, my dick throbs in anticipation for all the ways I know we’re gonna celebrate. Once we’re done, I pay the bill and watch as my woman eagerly makes her way to my bike, all but throwing her helmet on top of her head, tightening the straps.

  “Come on, my DP. Why does it seem like you’re dragging ass here?” she bellows out.

  “Calm your fucking tits, woman,” I command, as I smack her behind. “Or I’ll take those beautiful but smartass lips of yours back home and you can sit this one out,” I finish, as I climb onto my bike and feel her slide on behind me. Her arms wrap firmly around my chest as I start my bike, revving her engine, showing off the gorgeous sound she purrs. Shara does her best to dig her nails into my chest cavity. Speaking over my shoulder and the roar of my engine, I respond to her physical tantrum, “You’re only making me wanna take you to the backside of this building, and wear your pussy out before I take you home. I suggest you save the kinky gestures for the bedroom, Savage.”

  “Fine,” I hear her cooperation hollered sassily from behind as she heeds my warning.

  Once we arrive at the warehouse, Shara all but hops off my bike and begins to merrily skip toward the entrance. I blow out a loud whistle, causing her to stop and look back at me. “You, wait,” I order as I point in her direction.

  She tosses her hands up into the air while giving me a look of frustration. “What now?”

  Taking my sweet ass time, I place my helmet on my bike, fidget around as if I’m searching for my pack of smokes. Once I find them, I casually remove one, place it between my lips, and light it. Glancing up at her briefly I can see the agitation as it grows upon her face and she crosses her arms over her breasts; accentuating them. But, I don’t let myself get lost in that, at least not right now. I have a point to prove to her, and she needs to always understand and respect my commands; they are for her own good. I lift my cigarette to my lips, closing my eyes as I inhale a long and deep drag.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake, Pyro.” I can hear the disdain carried in the tone of her words. As I reopen my eyes and make contact with hers, she continues, “So, what? You can’t smoke in the building now?” I watch as she visually searches the outside of the building as if she’s looking for something. “Nope. I see not one single sign saying suddenly you cannot smoke in there.” As much as I desire to bend her over my knee right now, I hold my tongue as I know she’s only searching for a reaction from me. “Fine, fine. I see what you’re doing here and I refuse to play your little game. You win.”

  I can feel the smirk envelop my face as she attempts to use another tactic to get me to finally speak and praise her so we can hurry inside. Casually, I stand there, enjoying my smoke as if it’s the last one I’ll ever have. Hell, might even have another one after this if she says one more word. She narrows her eyes at me when she still doesn’t receive a response before turning around, and walking directly up to the building before she plants her back against the old bricks. She then proceeds to kick one foot up against it, and finds her own cigarette, proceeding to light it up. Quickly I drop mine to the ground and smash it out with my boot. “Okay, let’s go,” I tell her as I make my way toward the entrance of the building. “Oh, and there’s no smoking inside.”

  “Since when?” she questions my authority.

  Looking at her square in those gorgeous eyes of hers, I reply, “Since now.”

  She stomps hers out with her own boot as she mumbles profanities beneath her breath.

  “Save the lip service for later, my little savage,” I tell her, grabbing hold of my cock. “We have other business inside that needs taking care of right now.”

  She lets out a loud huff in aggravation. “At this point I’d rather bite it clean off,” she spits out.

  “Ah, a woman after my own heart. I do love it when you get all sassy and begin talking dirty.” I clutch dramatically at my chest.


  Smug bastard he is, but he’s my smug bastard and as much as he can get on my very last nerve; I wouldn’t change a hair on his head.

  Eagerly, I follow behind him waiting to see exactly who it is we’re taking out tonight. This place has been made into a prison, only the rooms are more fitting of that of an insane asylum. Each room is padded, soundproof, and has a window that we can view our victims from. Pyro walks up to room number two and grabs the file that hangs on the wall next to it containing all the necessary information.

  “Yup. We’ve had so many come through here these past few weeks I just wanted to double check,” he says as he thumbs through the manilla file. “Joseph Billings. Old timer. Once friend to the club and an informant, turned rat. Rogue wants him gone sooner rather than later.”

  I’m carefully hanging onto each word my man’s saying as I unfold the soft velvety case that holds some of my favorite torturing devices. As each one of them hold a dear place in my heart, this scalpel sure is calling out to me tonight. As I pick it up, the cold steel against my fingers, I ask through a slighted pout, “Oh, DP, please tell me this isn’t a complete waste and I get to at least have some more fun with this Billings fucker before you end him?” I’m allowed to partake in everything torture-related, but never in the actual taking of life. Pyro’s made that part crystal clear from the day we started this. Says it’s for my own good, but all I take from it is that he wants to have all the fun.

  He places the file back and walks over to me, and begins caressing my back. “What do you take me for? Of course. We’re both going to have some fun before I have to do what’s necessary. You know I will always include you,” he finishes, planting a kiss on my forehead. “I see you’ve chosen the scalpel for tonight?” A sly grin grows on his face. “Not quite Halloween or pumpkin carving season, but I do know how you love to get creative.” His hand grabs the cheek of my ass and he squeezes before he lets go and smacks me on it; forcing a yelp out of me. I can feel my clit begin to ache with need at the thought of him bending me over this ve
ry table after the last time we ended a session. There’s something about sharing this secret between us that has formed a deep bond.

  There’s always been this sinister side to me that I’ve been able to keep safely tucked away, until I met my perfect match. Something about his infectious dark side invited mine to dance triumphantly with his. Together, we’re able to fully be our true selves without the risk of being judged or scaring the other one off. It’s twisted bliss and I wouldn’t change what we have for anything.

  “Oh, now DP, you know carving season is year-round,” I reply, stroking the side of his cheek gently with the opposite side of the blade ensuring I don’t accidentally wreck that gorgeous face of his.

  Grabbing my wrist, scalpel still in hand, he uses the strength of his body to push me up against the wall, taking my other wrist into his hand holding me captive. Looking down at me, our foreheads touching, I can feel the heat of his glare combined with his words as they leave his lips, “Where have you been all my life?” He gently applies some pressure with his teeth as he sinks them into my lower lip before tugging at it. Leaning forward, my mouth begs for his and I can feel the wetness begin to soak my panties as this little round of foreplay has lit a fire inside of me. Momentarily, he pulls back, but not too far to where my lips can’t meet his. It’s a game, and I love to play it. The moment our mouths collide, our tongues waste no time finding one another as they begin to wrestle for control over the kiss. But, before there is a unanimous victor, he frees himself from me, pulling the air from my lungs with him; leaving me gasping. Releasing the unarmed wrist, he cups his hand firmly between my thighs and through my jeans. “I hope this pussy knows what I have in store for her tonight, so she better be nice and ready.” I’m throbbing, aching with lust and desire so much that I am ready to feel him inside of me now. “Now, go play with Mr. Billings while I handle two other rooms.” I can feel the formation of a frown enveloping on my face. “Don’t start. Rooms four and six. You’ve already had your fun with them. Remember? You got to practice minor surgery and stitching up on four. And six you practiced your beauty school skills on.” I stare blankly at him as I’m trying to remember. “The Lowry woman? You gave her that face mask thing?”


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