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Pyro's Final Flame : Twisted Iron MC

Page 10

by Liberty Parker

  “I want anyone involved in my parents’ murder to pay with their lives for what they’ve done,” Shara demands with conviction-laced words. I have to bite my tongue, praying that she doesn't give away her darkest desires and blood on her hands to him.

  “They’ll pay, I vow this to you here and now. I will make sure that no man who was involved is breathing when it’s all said and done.” I give her a petulant look, letting her know in no uncertain terms; that I’ll make sure she’s a part of it.

  “Then it’s settled.” She lets out a relieved breath and I nearly chuckle at the determination she’s said it with.

  “I don’t know about anyone else, but I could use a beer, or five,” Rogue says, getting up and heading to the refrigerator.

  “I could use one too.” Kolton rushes out as he stands up to go get his own.

  “It’s all gonna be okay, little savage. I promise,” I lean over as I say this and plant a kiss on the top of her head.

  “I hope you're right,” she huffs. “I just can’t believe this is my life.”

  “Our life,” I correct her fumbled words. “We do it all together. You’re my old lady, it means everything that happens, happens to both of us.”

  “I don’t want to live the rest of my life constantly looking over my shoulder, Pyro. I just want everything to go back to normal… the way it was a month ago.”

  “Nothing will change, Shara. Other than now, you’ll have a permanent shadow. Until these motherfuckers are dead and buried, you will have protection detail every time I’m not with you.”

  “How did I know you were going to say that. Fuck, I won’t ever get a moment’s peace with a prospect always knowing where I am and what I’m doing.” Her irritation is understandable, she’s an independent woman, but my commanded issue of protection is non-negotiable. “I’m more than capable of taking care of myself. Hell, I haven’t had protection detail up until now and all of this madness has been going on in the background. I mean, I’ve been safe up to this point with this lingering shadow I didn’t know existed.”

  “So was your dad, baby. But look at what happened to him. It never hurts to have back up at your disposal. Don’t make me live a life without you. I won’t allow it; I’ll be damned if I lose you to a rival club's political bullshit.”

  “Are the Death Destructorz really that bad Pyro?”

  “Worse, Shara. Way worse than you can ever imagine. They kill innocent women and children without flinching. They have zero humanity in them or within their club. They are a bunch of pigs. One of our allies over in Sundown, the Soul Shifterz MC, have been battling them for years. They severely beat one of their old ladies causing her to miscarry and now she can never have biological children of her own. They’re nasty excuses for humans.”

  “Fuck,” she hisses through clenched teeth.

  My sentiments exactly. She took the words right out of my mouth. “You can say that again.” I can’t get over the fact that she has blood ties, can’t believe that she’s biologically related to those pieces of shit stains. But I won’t think less of my woman, ever. I know her inside and out, and she’s nothing like them. Hell, she might get the dark side of her DNA from them, but she’s nothing at all like them. And I will never let them get their hands on her, that can be written on my tombstone.



  Unable to fall asleep, I find myself becoming restless in bed. Since Shara’s finally fallen into a deep, much needed sleep, I get up and walk out to my living room and turn the television down low in hopes not to wake Shara or Kolton.

  “Couldn’t sleep?” Kolton asks, coming down the hallway from the room he’s staying in. Guess I wasn’t as quiet as I’d hoped to be. But I need to have a chat with Kolton anyways, what better time than now.

  “Nope, not even close. All I manage to see when I close my eyes is what Shara went through that day. She’s gonna want to know all about her dad and mom. Everything you can recall; she’ll want you to share.”

  “I remember everything about them. It’ll be nice to be able to talk about them again.” He gets a faraway look as he says this. “Daniel was the best brother a man could ask for. Both by blood and club. He was a great leader, but the president who took over for him deserved the position.”

  Interesting that he used ‘deserved’ instead of ‘deserves’, which would imply past tense; but I’ll bite for now and play along. “Okay, you say that about the new president, but I have a question about that, Kolton. If my knowledge is correct, which I’m never wrong with these types of things; don’t the Steel Empire MC only allow blood from the Steel family lineage to take the throne so to speak?”

  “This is true, but I won’t be divulging those family secrets to you or anyone. Not even Shara, not yet anyways,” Kolton replies as he squirms in his seat.

  “Why? If he’s her family, doesn’t she have a right to know him? There’s a lot of damn secrets running around this, and I’m not comfortable with any of it.” There’s an uneasiness surrounding Kolton with those words said, and I’m damn determined to get to the fucking bottom of this one way or another. But, if I’m patient enough, he might continue to slip up enough to where I can start questioning him on it. “Kolton, I don’t know what to protect her from, or who to trust, if you don’t confide in me.” There are so many unanswered questions running rampant in my head that I’m having a hard time keeping my vault closed that’s full of inquiry. I need answers, and if he’s not willing to provide them to me, I’ll have to get Shadow to dig deep into both clubs and blood ties.

  “I wish I could, Pyro, but there are some things he deserves to know first. I can’t deprive him of that, it’s his life that’s going to irrevocably change. He’s barely dealing with learning where he comes from, I want to give him time before I throw more onto his shoulders.”

  Now, this makes no sense at all. Why would a grown ass man presumably in his fifties just now be inquiring where he comes from? I mean, I guess Shara’s a grown woman who’s only now learning about her past, but something still isn’t quite piecing together here. “Then you’ve been in contact with him?” I probe, trying to get him to lay out a trail of breadcrumbs for me.

  “No, not him. But I still have my own contacts within the MC. There are only a trusted handful of men who know where Shara and I have been, they are my line of up-to-date intel. They help keep me informed, advised, and knowledgeable in regard to the Death Destructorz and their activity.”

  “But I thought you had an inside man for that?” He’s talking in circles and it’s beginning to piss me the fuck off now as my patience is paper thin. “You keep contradicting yourself, Kolton. This is more confusing than informing.”

  “I’m sorry, Pyro. That’s all I can tell you for now. One day, I hope you’ll understand where I’m coming from,” he says as he stands up, stretches and leaves the room without anything else said. Looking at my watch, I see that it’s a little past midnight, but I don’t feel this can wait any longer. Rogue needs to get Shadow on this A-S-motherfucking-P.

  Dialing his number from my favorites list on my phone, he picks up with a scratchy voice. Guess I did wake him. “What’s up, Pyro?”

  “Something’s not sitting right with me, Pres. I have a feeling in my gut that we need to figure out the missing pieces sooner rather than later.”

  “Talk to me.” I can hear the rustling of his sheets as he climbs out of bed, and the murmurs of Bella, or Balleria as she’s formally known in the background. Standing up, not wanting to be overheard, I walk out to my back porch, sit on my chair and light up a smoke.

  “Kolton’s not being forthcoming on a lot of details. He’s holding some stuff back, things I feel can blowback on not only Shara, but possibly the club. I’m thinking we need to get Shadow to do his thing.”

  “Tell me what has you the most concerned and we’ll get him to start there,” Rogue demands, as I hear him heavily pull in a deep breath, then exhale not soon afterward. It’s sounding like we’re both in
need of some nicotine in our systems to make it through this conversation.

  “The biggest thing running through my mind is the connection to Shara and the new Pres of the Steel Empire MC. Next up would be the man undercover for them. These are her family members, and I need to know if she’s covered by them; or could be potential pawns in a game to take down the Death Destructorz once and for all.” My hands clench into tight fists as I share my concerns with Rogue. My gut feelings are never wrong, and this is what has me up this late at night with worry. I wish my brain would jump on board and compute with what my intuition is trying to say.


  The sun is beaming through the windows, stirring me from my peaceful slumber. Reaching out my arm, I brush against Pyro’s warm skin. Turning over to face him, I scoot over and lay my head on his chest. His heartbeat is soothing, lulling me into a sense of security. I know there’s still a lot we need to learn about my parents and uncle, but right now, all I want to do is push it to the side. I need my man to help me get lost into a blissful morning and state of mind. His breathing is even, so I know he’s in a deep sleep and won’t wake until I get my hands and mouth around my final destination. I begin scooting my body down the bed and length of his body. He slightly stirs, then mumbles something, falling back to sleep. My lips twitch as I look up at him. Even in sleep he’s the hottest guy my eyes have ever seen. He’s got a five o’clock shadow lining his face, giving him a rugged, delectable, entrancing look. I never get my fill of drinking in his body and features. This man came into my life when I wasn’t looking and stole my heart. Without him, I’d still be walking around, lost in my life and the darkness that surrounds it.

  When the sheet and comforter cover my head, my hand reaches out and I’m ecstatic to find him bared in nothing but his birthday suit. My finger barely touches his skin, skimming along his waistline. Pebbles begin to form as his hips twist from my subtle touch alone. He once again mumbles something in his sleep, but being buried beneath the blanket, I can’t decipher what it is he said. Moving my head over his cock, I exhale my hot breath over his member. It was already semi-hard, but now it’s standing at full attention. Sticking out my tongue, I lick the slit of his dick’s head, he shuffles around in his sleep, legs scissoring, but he’s still lost in his land of dreams. Opening my mouth wide, I swallow his head. His taste bursts on my tongue and I swipe it from bottom to top. In one steady motion, I swallow him whole.

  His hands reach out and tangle into my long hair. His grip is fierce as he pushes his hips upright. “Shara, my little savage… fuck,” he hisses as he begins to pump his hips up and down, shoving his cock further into my throat. Opening up my muscles, his entrance becomes easier as I breathe in and out through my nose. His pace becomes frantic as I cup my hand around his balls. I begin to massage them as he furiously fucks my mouth. This is what makes me feel in control, gives me a sense of empowerment that I don’t get in my everyday life. The only other time I feel this to the depths of my soul is when I make the trash pay for their crimes. His hands leave my hair and grab me under my armpits. “Need you to ride my cock. When I come, it’s gonna be in that pussy of mine between your legs.” His words make me wetter than I already was, and I allow him to pull me up and away easily.

  “What if I want you to ride me?” I rasp out, not giving a damn how we fuck, as long as he’s inside of me… soon.

  “Oh, little savage, you will ride me. Then, I’ll flip you over onto your hands and knees, and plow into you. You will be feeling me for days between your legs. Every time you move, you’ll remember this morning. You woke the beast, now, you need to tame him down by riding my cock into submission.”

  “Whatever you say, sir.” When I call him this, I see his pupils dilate as he grips my hips, pulling me directly over his, my pussy is lined up directly and perfectly over his dick. In one quick movement, he pulls me down as he pushes up. I cry out his name as his width stretches me to my limits; the pain and pleasure of this one motion rolled into one.

  “Fucking tight,” he grits out through his teeth as he holds us in place. Both of us needing a second. Me to accommodate and open up to him more, and for him to get his bearings. “Move Shara, I need you to move now.”

  “As you wish,” I pant between each word as I begin to lift my midsection and pounce back down. Up and down on his shaft I begin a steady pace. His fingers embed themselves into my skin, his legs lift up as he places his feet flatly on the bed. I’m leaning on his thighs as he helps me with the movements. Leaning forward, I brace my hands on his pecs as I swivel my hips in tiny, methodical circles. Repeating this pattern, his teeth grit and he tries to set a pattern to his liking. But this, it’s my time. I want to be in control, I need it. Taking his hands with mine, I push them over his head. “Not yet,” I command and see a flash of heat enter his eyes.

  “For now,” he states, letting me know he’ll only give me a tiny sliver of time to be the one in charge. I continue slamming myself up and down on his shaft, taking him deep before lifting up, leaving only the head of his cock at my entrance; letting gravity take over as I glide back down. Having finally had enough, Pyro lifts me up and I immediately take the aforementioned position. As he gets behind me, I spread my legs wider to make things easier for his entrance. His fingers open up my lips as he positions himself for impact. His first thrust, my arms give out and my face plants into the mattress. He pushes in and out of me, capturing my hips in his hands once again. He pulls me back as he pushes forward mercilessly. “Love my pussy,” he declares, never once losing his pattern of strokes along the inside of my walls as he says this to me. He hits that bundle of nerves deep inside of me with each forward thrust. I begin to pant as my sex-induced fog takes hold. “Put your fingers on your clit, little savage.” Doing as told, I take my fingers and begin circling my protruding nub. As he plants his dick inside of me, my fingers graze his shaft. He lifts up my right leg to where it’s barely touching the bed as he switches positions for a deeper entry.

  “Fuck, Pyro! I’m there.” As those words leave my mouth, an orgasm takes hold of me, and I skyrocket into space. I feel myself clamp down on him, struggling to keep him hostage in my passage as my release continues to pulsate around his dick. Even my body knows how much we need him.

  “Fucking vice grip on my dick,” he states as I feel the warmth of his seed coat my insides. He lowers his upper body over me as he rests his sweat-soaked chest to my own sweaty back. “You undo me, little savage, sending me soaring into the unknown and it’s a hard one to return from as you always leave me craving with need to be buried inside of you.”

  “Know that feeling well, my dark prince. My need to feel you inside of me never dulls,” I manage to say. “We’re gonna be all sticky. Care to join me in the shower?”

  “Yeah, we both need a good scrubbing after that.” He lifts up, pulls out of me and slaps me on the ass. “God, the sight of my cum leaking from your pussy is causing my dick to get hard.”

  “Again?” I tease.

  “Again, now to the shower we go.” He lifts me up and carries me into our bathroom.

  Needless to say, the water ran cold before either one of us managed to get cleaned up. My lips lift in the corners as I watch him shuffle through the cabinets and pantry. I’m sipping on my morning cup of joe as he looks for something substantial for us to eat. Neither one of us has made it to the store lately, but I know we’ve got some eggs, milk and bacon in the fridge.

  “Omelets?” he asks, as he holds up the carton of eggs.

  “Yeah,” I answer, clearing my throat. Thinking back on our first morning spent together. He made me that same exact thing.

  “Wanna cut up some bell peppers and mushrooms for me?” he asks as he pulls out the last pepper we have and the carton of mushrooms we bought for stew.

  “Are those mushrooms any good?” I question him, looking skeptically at them.

  “Do mushrooms go bad?” he asks, with a tilt of his head in my vicinity.

  “Umm… y
eah, they get slimy and smell funny,” I respond, not sure that I’m willing to take the chance.

  He gets a sly look in his eyes as he saunters my way with them firmly gripped in his hands. “Wanna smell for me?” he asks with a teasing grin on his face.

  “Not really. Let’s just toss them and not take any unnecessary risk.” My nose is scrunched up as I lean further away from him.

  “You’re no fun, you should live a little, Shara.”

  “If your meaning of living a little means me crouched down in front of a ceramic bowl… I’ll pass.” He winks at me then tosses them into the garbage can.

  “Can’t say that’s how I wanna spend my day either.” As soon as he dumps them, he walks back over and cracks some eggs into a mixing bowl. Adding a small amount of milk to fluffen the eggs; he begins beating them. I start cutting the peppers into small squares, once that’s done, he adds them to the mixture.

  Once there are three plates, Dad walks in to join us. We all eat silently, there’s an uncomfortable tension in the air as Dad and Pyro stare each other down between bites, every so often, each one stealing a glance in my direction. What did I miss? As I go to ask this, Pyro’s phone rings.

  “I’ve gotta take this,” he tells us before leaning over and quickly kissing my lips. He walks out of the room heading to the back porch.

  “Did I miss something?” I ask Dad.

  “Nope, nothing,” he states, taking a sip of his coffee. “Gonna go hit the shower, be back shortly.” He dismisses me by pecking my head with a kiss and taking off. Oh yeah, I missed something. And these hardheaded men are not going to share with me what that is.

  Getting up, I gather everyone’s plates and load all of the dishes into the dishwasher. I look out the window and see Pyro pacing the back porch with his cell glued to his ear. “Oh, boy. That’s not good,” I say to myself as I watch his head lift up and he stares up at the sky. He only does this when he’s trying to control his temper. “Hope I didn’t do anything this time.” Grabbing the towel off of the handle on the stove, I dry them off, never once taking my eyes from my man.


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