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MENAGE - Public Humiliation ( MFM, MFMM, MFMMM , DP, TP, White Female Shared Hard and Fast) - Volume 3 - 3 Short Stories Book Boxed Set Anthology + BONUS STORY

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by Diaz,Nicola

  I didn’t really know how to respond. On the one hand, he sounded genuine enough. Maybe he wasn’t even connected to any gang in the area. For all I knew, he was just a nice guy who wanted to express his concern over the fact that I was out walking the ghetto streets alone. I thought about how I could respond, and just as I opened my mouth, I heard him shut his car door.

  I felt instantly intimidated and alone. Who would see me if anything went sour? I knew that Max and Elsie would come quickly if I texted out a distress signal, but for some reason I felt overcome with a sort of mental paralysis that prevented me from doing anything other than just standing completely still. What would happen if he found out that I was undercover? What if he was already suspicious? I tried not to let my thoughts wander. Then I drew in a deep breath and finally lifted my head to face him.

  Chapter 5

  Our eyes met and I felt a current of adrenaline course through my body. “I really need to know…” The man was dressed in black and he circled quietly behind me. I could almost feel his breath on my shoulder, but I continued looking straight ahead. Maybe if I just kept walking, he’d decide that I was better off left alone and then turned around and go back in the direction he came.

  “I really need to know what a fine looking white woman is doing out here, on west side of the Bronx, alone, dressed like you are. Come on, now. You’ve got some kind of intention.” He raised his eyebrow and then waited for my response.

  “To be honest…” I could feel myself loosen up slightly. The man was muscular and broad, and I could sense that he was pretty slick when it came to women. I licked my lips and then flicked my hair over my shoulder.

  “I was out here looking to score.” I cocked my head to the side and then put my hands on my hips. I knew that he would have to guess as to whether I was referring to scoring drug or scoring sex. He seemed to intuitively sense that I was there for drugs.

  “You know I saw you back there earlier. It was hard to miss you with that tight ass dress on.” He chuckled and then licked his lips.

  “I know all about you white women and your weed. I had a white girlfriend once. Biggest stoner I ever met.” He shook his head and then looked me up and down again. “Listen…” He moved in closer.

  “I can get you all the weed you want, baby girl. All you need to do is hop inside my driving machine.” With that, he laughed again and this time I broke a smile.

  “My name’s Tyrone.”

  “I’ll have to think about it, Tyrone.” I wondered where Max and Elise were, and if they had any leads about this guy. Was he one of the gang members? Was he anyone to be particularly concerned with? Maybe he was just a single guy out looking for a good time. I reminded myself that I had to be careful about how I moved because the wire was positioned delicately under my bra. I didn’t imagine that this guy would have any reason to be down my shirt, but then it was hard to predict exactly what would transpire in a situation like this.

  “The stuff I got has a little kick to it, if you know what I mean.” Tyrone grinned and then nodded his head.

  “I don’t mess around with any of that weak shit.” He looked at my breasts once more and I began to feel slightly self-conscious. I smoothed down my hair and then batted my lashes with a smile. I could tell that he wanted to get me inside his vehicle, so I took one long pause and then waited for his cue.

  “It’s unlocked.” He whispered and then opened up the driver side door and got behind the wheel. I looked around the alley and saw that we were only people around. Then I slowly lifted up the handle to what I realized was a black Mercedes, and climbed into the passenger seat.

  Chapter 6

  I had no sooner closed the door when Tyrone reached across the seat and started groping me with his large, muscular hands. I wasn’t too surprised by his advances, and a part of me wanted to let him explore me. I liked the fact that he seemed interested in me, even if it was just for sex. After going through the perils of such an elaborate dry spell, I was happy to get any kind of male attention that I could. Besides, he smelled good and I had already accomplished part of my mission, which was to complete a sale with one of the Cold Drug Gang members.

  Just as Tyrone slid his hand down my thigh, I tensed up. The wire. I had to make sure that he didn’t feel the wire. It would be virtually impossible to have any kind of physical contact without him eventually seeing it or feeling it. I didn’t like being in such a compromising position, so I told myself that I better try to maneuver as cautiously and as practically as possible.

  Maybe if I really focused on just not letting him put his hand on my breasts... I tried to analyze my situation even deeper, but just then he tugged at the hem of my dress and lifted it up over the top of my thigh. It was getting difficult to concentrate. His hands felt so strong and so purposeful on my body.

  “See? This was a good idea, after all.” He whispered in my ear and then ran his hand down my thigh and over my knee. It gave me goose-bumps.

  “You’re right. In fact, I wish I had come out to your neighborhood sooner.” I smiled and then sat back, feeling the sensation of calmness seep over me. Finally, I had a man’s attention, and he wasn’t going anywhere as long as I gave him what he desired. I coaxed him with my sighs and my moans as he worked his hand up under my panties and on top of my hairy bush. Even with the wire, it was hard for me to hold back the pleasurable sensations. What else could I do? I pushed the thought of it into the back of my mind, and then rested my hand on top of Tyrone’s as he slowly fingered my pussy.

  “Yeah, baby.” I whispered in his ear and pressed my body against his. In a matter of minutes, we were grinding hard against each other, and Tyrone was fingering me until I moaned with intense pleasure.

  “Oh my God.” I had never felt such incredible sensations in my pussy. I guess it was the size of his hands, or the way that he maneuvered his fingers inside me. I’m not sure, exactly, but I didn’t want it to stop. Luckily, I didn’t think about Max or Elise or Big J. All I thought about was getting off inside Tyrone’s big black Mercedes.

  “ I want you to try something with me. Climb over the seat.” Tyrone motioned for me to get in the back, and I stealthily slid my leg over the console and then eased my body onto the back seat. The plush leather seats felt soothing on my body, and without him even prompting me, I inched my dress up high above my waist so that he could access my pussy and my ass as easily as possible.

  “Yeah. That’s it, bay girl.” He ran his hand over my ass and then smacked it playfully a few times before yanking my panties down to my ankles.

  Tyrone reached his hand around my body and slid a finger inside my asshole. It was a surprising but welcome move since I’d never had anyone finger me in that hole before. I recalled an old boyfriend of mine telling me that he thought it was nasty to touch a woman’s asshole. Needless to say, I had developed a little bit of a hang-up when it came to anything related to my ass. Luckily, Tyrone was showing me that it could actually be a tantalizing experience. He shoved a second, then a third finger inside me and I moaned in pleasure.

  Before he could slow down, he had gotten behind me and was rubbing his hands all over my back and my thighs. I felt so wanted that it was impossible for me to even think about stopping. He ran a hand over my back and then kissed the back of my neck. Then he leaned against me and I cried out softly as I felt the shaft of his cock resting firmly on my back.

  “I want to feel it inside me.” I reached behind me and grabbed it, then squeezed it gently in my hand. It was thick and warm and hard.

  “I’m putting it inside that ass, so get ready.” Tyrone whispered in my ear and then, without any further explanation, gently slid his giant cock right inside my ass. I moaned with intense emotion. It was a feeling that pierced through the core of my being, and it sent me reeling with waves of ecstasy. He backed up and then rubbed my ass cheeks with his large hands. It was just enough time for me to re-group and get ready for the next thrust.

  “Yes!” I wailed as he drove his
cock inside my stretched asshole. How was I even able to bear it all? I had never even had anal sex, so this was a completely new experience for me, and one that I wasn’t sure how to handle. I felt my pussy drip with moisture, and reached down to feel the top of my clit. It felt so good to play with my pussy while Tyrone jammed his cock in my ass. Before I knew it, he was jamming it in and out with such a rapid pace I was panting to keep up with his rhythm.

  “Oh, yeah!” I cried out just as he sprung back and came on my back. He grunted a few times and then gave me a playful smack on the ass before sitting back and wiping off his face with his t-shirt. Then he slid away toward the door, opened it up, and stood outside. I covered myself to shield from the descending New York temperatures. It was almost too perfect for me to believe, but the wire was still fully intact. None of the intense sex had moved it, and luckily I could still contact both Max and Elise if the need arose.

  “Hey, baby. I got a treat for you up front.” Tyrone reached into the center console and pulled out a bag of weed. As soon as he opened the Ziploc bag, the entire car reeked of ganja. I could tell immediately that it was high grade because the smell was so dank and potent.

  “I’ll roll us up a little spliff and you can tell me if you like it, okay?”

  “Sounds good.” I had managed to get my dress straightened out and I could feel that the wire was still secure. It was a relief to be dressed, even though it had been so enjoyable. Better to be safe than sorry, I figured. If Tyrone had discovered the wire, it might have made for a much different evening together. I leaned forward just as Tyrone lit the spliff he’d rolled. “Here you go, baby. Tell me what you think.” Tyrone’s voice bounced off the windows as he handed me the joint.

  “I’ll just have a little toke, okay?” I didn’t want him to get suspicious if I declined, so I took one long draw of the pungent weed and then passed it back. I smoked on occasion, especially since it was now legal in most states. But the weed that Tyrone had was unlike any I had ever smoked before. I felt high in a matter of seconds.

  “Hey, that’s some really good shit.” I smiled and then leaned forward. Tyrone chuckled and then told me to get back up front.

  “I got more of where this came from, so you just say the word.” With that, Tyrone pulled out several dime bags and sat them on the console. I slid out of the back seat and then opened the door. Then I stepped outside and got back in the front seat.

  “I’d like a quarter if you can swing it.” I looked over at Tyrone and he nodded his head.

  “Sure thing. I can get you a quarter sack any time.” He gave me another long stare, and then went back to smoking his weed. “In fact, if you tell me what time you can come, I’ll be waiting for you at a special address.” Tyrone raised his eyebrows and I smiled. It was exactly what I wanted to hear.

  Act III

  Chapter 7

  When I stepped out of Tyrone’s car, it was almost sunrise. I knew that Max and Elise would want a report as soon as I got back to the station. I stepped cautiously through the alley and then made my way around the corner. Tyrone had given me his address, and I folded the paper neatly and slipped it inside my bra, next to the wire. By the time I got out of the Bronx the sun had started to rise. I panicked, realizing that I wouldn’t even have time to go to bed, but that was the price I’d have to pay for getting the sexual attention I had craved so deeply.

  I slid into my apartment and took a quick shower, and then I inadvertently dozed off on the couch. Even just two hours of sleep was well received. I got up and stretched, then I sent Max a text to let him know that I had gotten home safely, and to let him know that I had a possible lead on the case. I got up and stood in front of my closet, hopeful of finding something provocative to wear for my next interlude with Tyrone. I decided on a short black dress with a pair of red heels. I pulled my hair up in a bun and then applied some mascara and lipstick. Then I headed right back out the door.

  I pulled out the little piece of paper that Tyrone had given me just hours earlier. I still wasn’t all that familiar with the Bronx, but I knew enough to tell that Seventh Street was a notorious hotbed of drug activity. Still not sure about his role in any of the drug-related doings in the area, I decided to let those thoughts simmer on the back burner while I focused on enjoying myself, instead. I thought back to some of the briefing notes that Big J had shared with me about the Cold Drug Gang. According to the documents, this gang was responsible for importing over four million dollars worth of drugs into the country. I was floored. Was Tyrone at the top of their pyramid? Maybe tonight, I’d find out.

  I stopped outside of an old, crumbling brick building with the number 343 on the mailbox. The windows were shuttered close and a line of trashcans littered the walkway. The steps crumbled beneath my feet as I walked to the door, and a shady group of characters stood in a huddle, watching me as I rapped on the metal door. I looked back down on the paper that Tyrone had written on and realized that at the bottom he’s scrawled: Go to the back. I looked over my shoulder and quickly scurried off the porch. Then I rounded the walkway and headed to the door that waited on the other side. What greeted me there took me by surprise.

  “Who you here to see?” A man with a huge nose ring wearing a leather jacket and steel-toed boots looked me up and down. He was accompanied by four other men, each of them burlier and gruffer than the next. I gulped and then smiled.

  “I’m here to see Tyrone. He’s expecting me.” I tossed my hair over my shoulder and straightened my posture.

  I could feel the men’s eyes traveling my body, and while it filled me with a sense of anxiety, and it also filled me with a bit of pleasure, too. I knew deep down that I was here to see Tyrone, that I was on a mission to fulfill my deepest sexual fantasies

  I did a quick breathing technique that I’d learned at a training in California. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply for ten counts. Then I opened my eyes and exhaled for ten counts, as well. I could feel the tranquility permeate my senses, and it was a relief to feel like I was balanced once again. The men didn’t so much as crack a single smile. But the one who asked me who I was here to see unlocked the door with a long. Silver key, and then kicked open the door with his foot. I cautiously and quietly stepped inside.

  “Hey, Macki. Take this chick to Tyrone.” The man called into the house and in about five seconds another man appeared in the doorway. He looked me up and down and then licked his lips.

  “She’s here to see Tyrone?” He looked at the doorman for confirmation, and then took me by the arm down a long, dark hallway. Just as we were about to head down a long series of steps leading to the basement, another guy down the hall pointed at me and cupped his hands around his mouth.

  “She’s a cop!” The man down the hall yelled at me and continued moving forward.

  “She’s got a wire!” He yelled out again. The doorman looked at me with a strange expression, and then shook his head. I froze in my tracks just as Tyrone came bounding up the basement steps with a pistol in his hand. He grabbed me by the neck and threw me against the wall. I couldn’t do anything except hope that he didn’t kill me.

  Chapter 8

  “Let’s go.” Tyrone whispered in my ear and then yanked me by the arm. He dragged me down the hall and into a bedroom. It was dark and damp inside, and I could make out a dank, musty odor throughout. He threw me on the bed and then grabbed me by the hair.

  “Really?” He looked at me with contempt. “A wire?” He snickered and then yanked down the top of my dress, pawing and groping at my breasts with his large, rough hand.

  “I should have known not to trust you.” He shook his head and then patted me down, intent on finding a wire.

  The harder he groped me, the more turned on I became. It was the first time that I’d been tantalized by someone so gruff and intimidating. It filled me with a sense of freedom and adventure, and I realized just how starved I had been for some quality male attention. My body craved Tyrone’s touch, and I knew that even though he was in a
state of anger, he would still end up caving in to his desires in the end. I would make sure that he did.

  He looked at me once more with a scornful expression. I lowered my gaze to the floor and then lurched forward when his hand smacked my ass.

  “You got a wire up that asshole?” He gave me a sarcastic grin and then bent me over to perform a search. He jammed his fingers up my ass, and then spun me around when he turned up empty-handed.

  “How about inside that bra?” He grabbed my tits and pulled me closer, then he reached inside my dress and groped around until he was satisfied that I had nothing to hide.

  For a second I actually wondered if the wire was still attached. I thought that I remembered taking it off before I lied down on the couch, but the events from the sleep-deprived night were now foggy, so I wasn’t altogether sure. What if I had actually forgotten? I felt a wave of fear rise from deep within my core. What if I really did have it attached to the inside of my bra? I wanted to get inside a bathroom and check, but any hopes of being left alone were swiftly crushed when Tyrone looked at me with suspicious eyes. “You’ll be monitored closely for your entire visit.” He gave me a mischievous grin and then sat on the edge of the bed.


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