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Charmed by the Alien Pirate

Page 16

by Kyle, Celia

  “They were going to kill all of us, Solair.” Grantian’s jaw is set hard. “It was us or them.”

  “I understand, Grantian, and if I had to do it again I would, but that doesn’t mean I have to be happy about it.”

  I take a long drink of my glass and then scowl when I realize I wish there’d been at least one survivor from the Prestige.

  “It’s too bad Captain Zayne didn’t survive.”

  “What?” Swipt peers at me as if I’ve grown a second head. “For what possible reason?”

  “Simple. He was a wellspring of information about Project Blue Dawn, and now that well has gone bone dry.” I chuckle and swirl my drink around in the glass. “Emphasis on bone.”

  After the gentle laughter dies down from my quip, Swipt slips his arm around my shoulder and pulls me in tightly.

  “Don’t worry, beloved. Sure, Zayne could have probably sped up our quest a little bit, but look how far we’ve come without him or his information. It’s only a matter of time until we unravel this tangled web, one thread at a time if we have to.”

  “Swipt speaks the truth.” Solair rises from his seat and straightens his coat before refilling his glass from Varia’s bottle. “On this ship, we don’t give up just because the front door is locked. We go around the back door and try to sneak in.”

  “You know I’m always up for some back-door action, Cap’n.” Swipt’s smile fades. “That came out a lot more creepy and vulgar than I’d intended.”

  “It’s all right.” I kiss him again. “We all know you have a penchant for putting your foot in your mouth.”

  Fiona swivels around and clears her throat.


  “Yes, Fiona?”

  “We’re currently without a course or heading. Should I set one?”

  “Hmm.” Solair turns his gaze to his mate, and his face stretches in a wide grin. “You know what? I think this hard-working, blended family crew could use a little well deserved and well-earned down time.”

  “Down time?” Grantian sputters. “But—but there is no profit to be had in down time. This is a business ship, not a pleasure cruise.”

  Solair shrugs.

  “Why can’t it be both? Besides, with our luck, I’m sure we’ll stumble into some opportunity or another.”

  Solair turns to Fiona, his golden eyes glittering with glee.

  “Fiona, see if you can locate a planet in a nearby system—far away from any IHC outposts, of course—that might be a suitable destination for a little rest and recreation.”

  “I’m on it, sir.” Fiona really seems to be settling into her new duties. We talk, laugh, and drink while she spends a few minutes consulting her charts. Then she looks up to Solair with a wide smile on her face.

  “I think I’ve got it, Solair. Planet Udrillon, in the Ulion system.”

  “Udrillon?” Solair frowns, and turns to his first mate. “Never heard of it.”

  Grantian shakes his head in denial.

  “Neither have I, Captain.”

  “Well, let me tell you about it.” Fiona taps on her screen, bringing up the data literally to her fingertips. “Temperate climate, white sand beaches, crystal blue lagoons and little tectonic activity.”

  “That sounds like paradise. I assume there’s a ton of sapient life there?”

  “Not really. It was recently terraformed, and there’s less than fifty thousand people on the entire planet.”

  “Then plot a course for a superluminal jump to Udrillon.”

  Fiona punches her keys and grins.

  “Course set, sir.”

  “Swipt, if you’ll do the honors?”

  “Of taking us on our first ever vacation? With utmost pleasure.”

  We make the jump, stars turning into streaks of light, and I snuggle up closer to Swipt.

  I really hope I can steal Swipt away for some quality alone time on Udrillon. Once Swipt is finished with his task, I grab his chin and turn his face toward me.

  “Once we land on the planet, your ass is mine.” Then I kiss him fiercely.

  He grins and whispers in my ear.

  “Isn’t that my line?”

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  Udrillon appears in our main monitor as a blue and white marble, beautiful and haunting in equal measure. Ilya leans forward, her eyes intense as they sweep over the image.

  “It looks a lot like Earth. Less continents, though.”

  “Indeed.” Solair turns to his first mate. “Grantian, would you scan and see which one of the two land masses has the settlers upon it?”

  “Scanning now.” Grantian punches keys on his console, brow furrowed in concentration as he does so. Then he lifts his gaze to meet the captain’s. “They are concentrated on the continent in the southern hemisphere. The northernmost one is sparsely populated.”

  “Can you find us a pleasant place to touch down, preferably a good distance from those settlements?”

  “Of course.” Grantian punches in the coordinates and then transfers them to my console. “Did you receive that, Swipt?”

  “Yes, I did.” I set the descent vector and then angle us in for the tricky journey through the atmosphere. If I take us in at too steep an angle, it might burn up the Queen from the friction. On the other hand, it it’s too shallow, we’ll either skim off the surface of the atmospheric bubble or take hours to make the descent.

  But I’m not worried. I know I can handle it, especially with Ilya riding shotgun for moral support. I hope wherever we set down, there’s a place she and I can slip away to for some private time.

  The Ancestral Queen’s nose glows red, streaks of super-heated air flashing around in a nimbus as we cut through the thicker air lower in the atmosphere. I adjust our angle slightly because the heat is growing excessive and then grunt when my corrections solve the problem.

  So far, so good.

  Then we burst through the cloud cover, and are greeted by a gorgeous, crawling green sea. The waves whip up into white caps as I bring us in a few hundred feet above the water’s surface and point our nose right at the northern continent’s shore.

  The Queen sails over high bluffs, which drop steeply down to a rocky beach far below. We pass out from under the cloud cover, and the bright sunlight dapples the verdant landscape with gold.

  “It’s as beautiful on the surface as it was in orbit.”

  “You can say that again.” Varia sighs and gazes wistfully out the view port. “I’d like to string a hammock up between two of those trees and stay in it all night.”

  “We’ll be here for at least a day, so perhaps you’ll get the chance.” Solair says with great confidence. Then his lips purse, and he cocks an eyebrow at his mate. “By the way, what’s a hammock?”

  “It’s like a suspended cot, sort of.” Varia chuckles. “I’ll see if I can find a picture on a holonet site.”

  While she taps away at her pad, I set us down in a wide clearing circled by a dense tropical forest. A few monkey-like creatures scatter at our approach, rushing on four legs to the tree line where they stand up on their hind legs and stare at us with wide, curious eyes.

  “They’re so cute.” Ilya throws her hands over her face and squeaks. I don’t know how else to describe the sound.

  “If they follow you back to the ship, you may not keep them.” Solair softens the blow with a chuckle. “Besides, there’s enough primates on this ship, like the first mate.”

  Grantian frowns at Solair’s jibe, but the rest of us laugh easily.

  The Queen settles onto her landing pylons, and then I shut off the engines.

  “Landing complete.”

  “Nicely done, Swipt.” Solair turns to Grantian. “What’s it look like out there, number one?”

  “The temperature is a somewhat warm eighty degrees, but humidity is quite low. Winds at less than two knots. I’d say it’s a paradise.”

  “I would too. I wonder why more people haven’t settled here?” Solair purses his lips a
nd then turns suddenly toward Fiona. “Fiona, can you scan for large life signs? Anything that might be predatory?”

  “Scanning.” Fiona punches keys at her console and then looks over at Solair. “There are a dozen large life signs coming from deeper in the forest, but I believe they’re a docile breed of forest swine according to the Udrillon database. At any rate, they’re many miles away from our current location.”

  “Excellent.” Solair gets on the all-ship comm and announces that everyone has been granted shore leave until sundown.

  Ilya and I make our way down to the cargo bay, where the gangplank has already been extended. She touches my arm and smiles up at me as we stand in the sunlight.

  “I’ll be back in just a moment.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “To get my swim suit.”

  “What’s a swim suit?”

  “You’ll see.”

  It turns out Ilya is not kidding about me seeing. In fact, I can pretty much see everything in the minuscule bit of fabric she wears into the cargo bay. Little red triangles cover her nipples, but leave her swinging breasts largely exposed but for the thin twine tying the top to her body.

  Another triangle of fabric covers her crotch, just barely decent if you can call it that. Dark colored lenses cover her eyes, and she carries a small leather pouch tucked under her arm.

  Ilya looks at my gaping expression and titters.

  “Like what you see, baby?”

  All I can do is nod. I’ve seen her naked. Why is this minor adornment making her so appealing? That tiny garment seems to cry out to me to cast it aside and take its place.

  Ilya turns in a tight circle, jutting her bottom out toward me when she faces away. Again I gape, my pants growing very tight because only a pencil thin string runs between her sweet cheeks.

  We head out, me barely able to keep my eyes off of her. Grantian warns us not to stray too far from the ship, but I’ve got to get Ilya all to myself.

  A short trek through the trees, and we begin to hear a hissing sound in the distance. Ilya’s eyes light up, and she tugs me along more quickly.

  “What is it?”

  “That sounds like a waterfall.”

  We come through the tree line and stumble upon a modest grotto, a thirty-foot-high cliff ringing one edge. A torrent of water rushes off the cliff and plunges in a white frothy stream into a crystal-clear blue lagoon below.

  “Wow.” Ilya stares in amazement. “It’s so beautiful.”

  She turns back to me, brow arching in mischief.

  “So, do you want to go for a swim or…”

  My response is to cut off her speech by smothering her with my mouth. Her eyes widen, but then she relaxes in my arms as I exult in her wonderful taste.

  I reach up and tug the triangles to the side, revealing her puffy nipples, and tuck the fabric in such a way they will remain exposed.

  “Keep it just like this.”

  Ilya’s eyes are shining, her lips slightly parted as she stares up at me with lust in her gaze.

  “Okay.” She reaches down and cups her breasts, offering them to me. I indulge myself, mauling her tits with my fingers and enjoying the way I can deform her pliant flesh only to have it return to its normal, appealing shape.

  Ilya’s eyes flutter closed, and she moans softly. I lean down and suckle her nipples, first one and then the other.

  Bit by bit, we wind up kneeling on the soft moss-covered turf. Ilya helps me out of my shirt and trousers and then grabs one of my rigid cocks in each of her hands.

  She leans in, putting her mouth on them, rubbing her face on the shafts and licking the engorged crowns. I moan, tottering on my knees as a wave of ecstasy flows through me, concentrated in my nether region.

  Ilya manages to get both heads inside her mouth at the same time, though the girth prevents her from taking any more length. But when she plies her nimble tongue across my sensitive skin, I find I don’t mind at all.

  She pulls back slightly, tugging on one of my cocks with expert motion while taking the other in her mouth. Between her lips, tongue, and fingers, she has me ready to explode in short order.

  I cry out, shooting a stream of my seed into her mouth and all over her face and hand. Ilya doesn’t react in disgust. Far from it. She eagerly swallows every drop and then begins to clean my rods with her tongue, keeping eye contact with me the entire time.

  Paradise? I think this might be it.

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  I roll my gaze up to meet Swipt’s golden eyes as I continue to lap cum off both his golden dicks. He stares down at me as if I’m a revelation. There’s a point when extremely dirty acts become extremely intimate ones, and I think we’ve reached that point.

  My attentions have taken him from flaccid to rigid in record time. I feel a pang from between my legs and know I need to have him inside of me, now.

  Wordlessly, I stand up and turn in a tight circle, putting my back to him. Then I give him a sultry look over my shoulder and saunter away, swinging my hips aggressively. Judging from the way his mouth falls open slack and his eyes grow wide as the moon, I’d say he’s enjoying the view immensely.

  I reach a moss-covered, smoothly rounded rock about waist high and place my hands on its surface. Then I thrust my bottom out lewdly, like the wanton woman he’s drawn out of her shell.

  He trudges up behind me, and I can feel his body heat against my exposed skin. His hand touches my shoulder and then slides downward. I sigh at his touch, exulting in how he worships me like an idol.

  Swipt’s hand glides down to my mostly exposed ass and grips it firmly. I coo softly, wriggling into his hand and trying to entice him. Swipt’s clutching hand becomes a groping instrument, reaching between my cheeks for the soft pink nectar of my pussy. The thin swimsuit fabric slides across my moistened pussy mound, triggering the wrinkled flower to open wide.

  I shiver as his nail slightly scrapes the skin at my hip while he fiddles with the ties to the g string bottom. His other hand creeps up and suddenly closes around my throat, clasping me tightly but no so much I can’t breathe. Just enough that I can feel the power in his hands and know I have no hope of escaping it.

  Not that I want to, of course. Or that I don’t trust him not to hurt me. It’s just fun to be the plaything of so powerful a creature.

  With a sudden jerk, he pulls the drawstring loose and I feel the bottoms fall off of my body. Roughly, he shoves my thighs apart and snakes his fingers inside my already dripping wet snatch.

  I groan as he works his digits inside of me, stroking and caressing the soft walls of my cunt.

  “Can you take another finger, Ilya?”

  “Yes…” I took both his cocks the other day, but I was really loose and ready at that point. He adds a third digit, worming it in to join the others, and I feel myself stretching to allow his ingress.

  Swipt finger fucks me, thrusting his digits in and out of me like a cock. He gets me close to a climax, and then pulls them out of me with a wet pop.

  “Awww.” I wriggle my bottom at him, hoping he’ll stick something back in there. Swipt sucks wetly on his fingers, lapping up my juices like a hungry hound.

  “Your pussy tastes so sweet, beloved.”

  I come a little just from that bold declaration. It’s getting to where I can’t stand it anymore. Turning around to face him, I throw my arms around his neck and smother him with kisses.

  He backs up a few feet, dragging me along as we continue the intense lip lock. Then Swipt settles his bare bottom onto a moss-covered log and pulls me onto his lap.

  I grin as I spread my legs wide and straddle him, using his horns for a handhold. Swipt laughs softly and then takes me under my hips, lifting me in the air while arranging his twin cocks so they thrust up like the swords of ancient soldiers.

  With his assistance, I ease myself down on his members. He goes into my ass much easier this time. I think my body is adapting to his unique anatomy. That, or I’m a b
igger anal slut than I ever imagined.

  My fated mate is one lucky man. But perhaps not as lucky as I am to have him.

  I like watching his face as I grind my hips, and it becomes blurry just who is fucking whom. I definitely like it when he’s in charge, but I also love the way that I can make him groan and cry out with audible passion. So many guys are a silent screw or say really stupid shit in the middle of intercourse that kills the mood.

  Swipt and I are perfectly in sync, pleasing each other without having to try too hard. It’s like he knows what I’m thinking before I do, and vice versa.

  I’m pretty sure my screams of orgasm drown out the nearby waterfall, at least somewhat.

  Later, we take a quick dip in the lagoon and find that it’s surprisingly cold. Swipt reasons that a spring might be feeding the lagoon in addition to the stream that plunges over the cliff in the form of a waterfall. I don’t know about that. I just know we can’t stay in the water long because my lips start to turn blue and tremble.

  Fortunately, I have my golden-skinned, hot bodied Kilgari mate to warm me up. I recover my discarded swim bottoms while he puts on his trousers. The tropical clime causes Swipt to eschew his shirt and jacket, and he walks back to the Queen with me bare chested. I have to admit it’s a hell of a view, and I feel a giddy sort of cheesy pride walking next to such a specimen.

  Once we’re on the Queen, he tries to tug me toward his quarters, obviously still very much in the mood. But I resist the pull this time and instead gesture toward my quarters.

  “Wait a minute. I’m all for round two, but we need to take care of something first.”

  “What’s that?” He’s angsty, eager for another dip in my twat, but he’s going to have to wait.

  “We’re a mated pair now, so why don’t we share quarters?”

  “Oh.” His face splits in a wide grin. “Well, why don’t we remedy that situation? Preferably as quickly as possible.”

  He helps me move my meager belongings to his quarters on the upper decks. Once inside, I make a big show of going to the wardrobe built into the wall, throwing it open, and then tossing his garments on the floor to make room for my own.


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