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Santa's Naughty Helpers

Page 8

by Elizabeth Knox

  Sunny laughs, grabs the basket with my barely eaten burger and fries. “Nope, I’ve got my own.”

  She’s the only damn woman I’ve ever let grub down on my food, but I’m pretty damn positive I’d let this woman do almost anything to me. Unless she’s into that pegging shit. Fuck that.

  Agony looks over to me, furrows his brows and I know he’s silently asking if I want more, but I’m not in the mood for a burger now. “Jalapeno poppers, brother.” Agony gives me a nod and he walks through the door behind the bar into the kitchen.

  Sunny chows down on the fries in front of me, squirting ketchup on them in a zig zag pattern like a child would, and scarfs half the burger down, moaning and licking her fingers. By the time she’s demolished my burger and fries Agony brings out my poppers and I shove ‘em one by one down my throat, not using ranch or any sort of dipping sauce. She sits across from me while I eat, not sayin’ a damn thing until I’m on my last popper. “I talked to Octavia not too long ago. I forgot to tell you.”

  Damn. I know Sunny doesn’t mean to do it, but every time she talks about Octavia giving her a call it’s like a knife to my heart. As much as I hate to admit it, my relationship with my daughter is still very much strained. I feel like I’ve tried to do everything to rectify it, but I doubt I can make up for all the damage I did when she was a child. I keep trying my damnedest though. The same way I’m trying to have a decent relationship with her brothers, Troy and Breaker. Breaker is the Prez of our club, while Troy went in a completely alternate direction. He’s a fuckin’ cop. Ironic how my two boys can be on opposite sides of the spectrum.

  “Yeah, what’d she say?”

  Sunny goes on to tell me how the long story short is that she can’t go up to Montana to see Octavia, Zane, and Neo for Christmas because she’s new at the hospital, but says how she’s trying to get up there within the next few weeks. She tells me how Neo is doing so well for his age, how he’s so smart and she thinks he’s going to grow up to be a scientist, doctor, or lawyer. She makes it sound like she’d be jumping for joy if he were any of those things, but she’d be proud of the kid if he was flippin’ burgers at the Waffle House.

  “Anyway, I’ll stop flappin’ my jaws. When’s the last time she called you?” Sunny asks, leaning in a little closer to the table.

  Fuck. She called me once after she moved, but it was while I was in rehab. She hasn’t called me in a long time, but I can’t blame Octavia for it. I was a shit dad and I know it. The only thing I can do is try to be a better one now. “It’s been a minute, but I’m lucky enough to have you to give me updates.”

  Sunny’s smile fades away. “She hasn’t called you in a while . . . I’m sorry, Ice. I’ve tried talking to her about calling you more, but she always gets off the phone when I do.”

  “It’s fine, baby, I can handle this. I’ve handled much worse . . . plus, I think she blames me for what happened to her sisters.” What Octavia doesn’t realize is the way I blame myself, or how I see all my daughters’ faces before I go to bed every night. There will never be a day where I don’t think about all of them, or how if I had acted a little bit differently . . . how they all might still be here with us. Their murders were careless acts, completely avoidable. But I was too high and drunk to notice what that fuckin’ bitch was doin’.

  Sunny frowns a tad. “I just wish things were different.”

  “Yeah, probably wish we were all a big, happy family. Right?”

  Sunny reaches across the table and shoves me. “You don’t have to be a dick.”

  “I’m not, I’m just bein’ a realist. You’re a dreamer, Sunny. Always have been and always will be, but I fucked with my kids too much. I wasn’t there for them when they were young, so I can’t expect her to forgive me for the lack of a presence I had when she was younger. I’ll be here as much as she wants me to be in her adulthood. But what I won’t do is force a relationship that isn’t wanted in the first place.”

  Sunny grabs my hand from across the table and squeezes it, probably trying to heal my aching heart . . . but I’m really alright. It sucks, but it is what it is.

  Like I told her, I’ll be fine.

  Plus, I can’t blame her for shit. I did this to myself.

  Chapter Four

  You’re worth every sin

  ~ Unknown


  Why isn’t Octavia calling her father? God, I told her calling him once every two weeks wouldn’t kill her. Not to mention it helps him with his sobriety. The two of them have issues, sure, but . . . at the end of the day he is her father. I know Octavia loves him, but she’s afraid to grow too close to him, worried he’ll choose the cocaine or the alcohol over her. I’ve never told her this, but I understand why she feels the way she does. My father was an addict too. But unlike her father, mine couldn’t be saved before the alcohol killed his liver and he went into liver failure. It was a horrific way to go, but something he did to himself.

  I take his hand from across the table and give it a squeeze. “I know, but damn, I wish things were different and I’m not giving up hope on the two of you just yet. Things can change, Ice. I know you aren’t optimistic, but there’s always an opportunity to make things better.” I give him an encouraging smile and he gives me a curt nod. “Why don’t you come up to Billings with me when I go? It won’t be for a few weeks, but I think it would be nice. I was thinking about road tripping and this way I won’t have to do it all alone.”

  He raises both of his brows. “You were plannin’ on driving across the country to go see our daughter? The woman who wrecked my brand, new Jeep Wrangler when I got it? I don’t think so. I’ll go with you, on one condition.”

  “Let me guess. You want to drive?”

  “I don’t want to drive, but if you want us to get there in one piece, I’m gonna have to.” Ice cackles at the end of what he’s saying and I grab his soda, taking a drink for myself, and then I realize I don’t know anything about what his life is like these days. I mean, I know he’s sober and he’s not using drugs . . . but that doesn’t mean he isn’t the sly dog he’s always been.

  “You look disgusted, like you’re gonna vomit all over the table.”

  “Okay, first of all, I’m not going to throw up. I’m just wondering if you’ve . . . been with anyone lately, like any risk of . . .” my words fall flat and I stop talking. And even though Ice jokes about not being too intelligent, he’s not an idiot.

  “I don’t have herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea, or anything else. But, I mean, if you wanna come upstairs with me you can check for yourself.” A playful smirk tugs at his lips and I roll my eyes while shaking my head. The man’s fifty-six and acts like he’s still in his prime.

  Ice grabs his soda from where I set it down on the table and takes a sip, keeping his eyes trained in on me. Holy shit. He’s not kidding.

  “Ice,” I start to tell him why this is a bad idea, but he interrupts me before I’ve said anything except his name.

  “I haven’t fucked a woman since the last time I got high, Sunny.” His words almost cause me to choke on my saliva.

  “You’re joking.” He has to be. There’s no way Ice of all people has been abstinent for this long. There’s no fucking way. Not with the way he was fucking around on me back in the day. I mean, he was the dirtiest dog I’d ever been in a relationship with. I know many women who would’ve let the man slowly kill himself with cocaine and alcohol, but I couldn’t do that. I’m not saying he didn’t deserve to die a slow, painful death . . . but he really didn’t deserve my compassion, but no one deserves to die like that.

  “Why would I be joking? I’m not gonna go stick my icicle in anyone’s pussy unless I know them. Not after Armor told us about the time he got crabs from this chick. And to think for so long I was good, but, hearin’ about him scratchin’ his dick so much he thought it was gonna fall off was a bit much for me. I’ve been a member of the spank bank for a while now, baby. The question is are you gettin’ your needs met, and if not, maybe we
can service each other. You know?”

  I haven’t gotten laid in so long I know there are cobwebs up in my hoochie. It’s been so long that I’m debating taking Ice up on his offer. Yeah, we have history . . . but it sounds like the dirty old man is just looking for sex . . . and he knows how to use every tool he has. I was thinking about getting on one of those online dating sites to have a constant hook-up . . . but . . . maybe this won’t be such a bad idea after all.

  “Hooked, lined, and sunk.” Ice chuckles, and here I am rolling my eyes yet again.

  “I need time to think about it.”

  “Mhm, so, wanna come upstairs and watch a movie? We can pass some time and maybe by the end of it you’ll have a decision for me.”

  Christ almighty. I’m playing with fire and I know I’ll probably get burned in one way or another, but I just have to be the type of woman who wants life experiences. I nod and Ice stands. He leads me through the bar portion and then takes me into the actual clubhouse, up the stairs, and leads me to his bedroom.

  Chapter Five

  The devil doesn’t come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you’ve ever wished for.

  ~ Unknown


  I stand behind him as he slides the key in his door, pushing it open, and know this is my last chance to back out of it, but instead of hightailing it out of here I follow him inside and he shuts the door behind us, locking the deadbolt so we’re not interrupted.

  Much to my surprise, his room is put together like one of the displays at IKEA. The wall his bed is against is matte black and there are a few bookshelves on the sides. His bed has plain white sheets, while the duvet on the top reminds me of that bright color of taupe cowhide. It gives me a modern western chic vibe. This isn’t what I expected to walk into. Honestly, I figured he’d still have white walls and clothes thrown all over the place like he did years ago.

  I look around and realize there’s no television in here. But, there’s a small laptop on a desk. “Didn’t you say we’d watch a movie?” I question, but before I finish the last word Ice’s slamming his lips down onto mine. It’s feverish, hunger-filled and needy, but that’s exactly what I need. I need a man who feels like he’s sucking every bit of oxygen out of me when we kiss. Ice has never been a sensual lover, and more than anything I need a sinful one.

  Before I realize it, I’m pawing at his cut and it’s somehow on his desk, and then his shirt’s on the floor. Meanwhile, he’s thrown my blouse onto the floor and I’m standing here in a lace bra. After I kick my shoes off, he makes quick work of getting my pants off. I run my hand over the imprint of his cock through his jeans then he tears his lips away from mine.

  “Fuck, you’re gonna be on the naughty list.” Ice laughs devilishly, pulling his dick out through the small gap in his jeans, he rams his cock deep into my pussy. Ice pulls me up and drops me onto his bed. He rocks himself into me so hard that his bed shakes and my body moves closer and closer to the wall with every thrust.

  “You and me both,” I moan, digging my nails into his shoulders. I tilt my neck back, forgetting the sinful way he makes me feel. His cock fills me up and I missed the way his body feels as he towers over me. How the man makes me feel small. God, there’s just something about being with a masculine, muscle-ridden man. Add in all the tattoos, the gauges in his ears, and the beard and . . . fuck, I’m in heaven.

  Ice brings his face down to mine, collides his lips with mine, and kisses me savagely. Sliding his hands under my ass, he hoists me up and slams my back against the wall. He holds my hands above my head while he impales his cock deeper inside me. With every thrust he’s gliding against my G-spot and I’m very quickly coming undone for him. I try so hard to hold my orgasm back, to not give him the satisfaction of bringing me to release so easily, but it’s no use.

  “That’s it, tighten your sweet walls around my cock, baby,” Ice grits against my mouth, lapping his tongue over my lips. We’re inhaling each other right now and I want nothing more than to rip my hands from the wall and pull him closer, to beg him not to stop, but then again, I know he won’t. He’s a sly dog, a dirty fuck. He wants this as much as I do.

  My walls constrict around his cock and the rush of warmth shoots through my center and euphoria takes over me. “Fuck!” I scream into his mouth and he swiftly slides his hand between us, fluttering his fingers against my clit like a guitar. I moan his name over and over again while he works my clit and rams me at the same time.

  He pulls his lips from mine, stares deep into my eyes, and moans, “Yes, Sunny. Keep takin’ this cock. Fuck, you’ve got me so damn close.”

  “Ice,” I groan, balling my hands into fists from where he’s holding them above my head. My body begins to shake, unable to stop at the pleasure he’s bringing me.

  “God dammit!” he roars against my mouth, making no more movements he groans and I know he too has found release.

  Ice lets go of the hold on my arms and they instantly fall, but instead of putting them at my side I wrap them around his neck and hold onto him for support. My chest rises and falls, never anticipating when I came over here today that we’d be doing this.

  I came here to ask him a favor, not for this . . . but I won’t be complaining.

  With any luck, keeping our spot on the naughty list will be a regular thing.

  Dear Readers,

  I hope you’ve enjoyed what I’ve written so far in Naughty List. I had full intentions on writing this book in its entirety when I signed on for this anthology, but as I kept writing I realized Sunny and Ice deserve a full-length book, not a novella, and certainly not a short story. I sign on for these anthologies and somehow I keep thinking I can write a short story, but the reality is I fall more in love with the characters and can’t help myself by wanting to write more about them. I think you guys know I never like to rush stories, especially not this one. Just wait and you’ll see what’s going to unfold. I promise it’ll be worth it.

  I hope you guys will be patient with me in waiting for their full story, but just know it’s going to be amazing and exactly what they deserve.



  Coming Soon:

  Are you a fan of my Satan’s Raiders MC, formerly known as the Raiders MC? Inc’s story is coming in a couple weeks! Pre-order the upcoming full-length novels below.

  Inc’s Regret

  Ops’ Obsession

  Stoney’s Gift

  A Devil’s Riot Originals Christmas

  E.C. Land

  To my brother and sister-in-law who inspired me in writing Stoney’s Property. The love they share with one another, even through the rough times, is one I’ve always admired. They’re a team in everything they do, and I look up to them both.

  Timeline Note:

  Stoney’s Gift takes place sometime near the end of Elizabeth Knox’s Bossed Up. Also please note this also takes place before the epilogue in Choosing Nerd and before Ranger’s Fury as well. If you haven’t read Alluring Allies, Stoney’s Property, and Bossed Up; I highly suggest reading those before diving into Stoney’s Gift.

  Otherwise please enjoy the gift that keeps on giving. READING!

  Trigger Warning

  This content is intended for mature audiences only. It contains material that may be viewed as offensive to some readers, including graphic language, dangerous and sexual situations, murder, rape, and extreme violence.

  Proceed with caution, this book does entail several scenes that may very well be a trigger to some. Also, tissues are a must with other scenes.

  Not for the faint at heart.

  If you don’t like violence and cannot handle certain subjects, then this is not a book you’ll want to read.


  Mary Did You Know – Kenny Rogers

  Weakness – Brabo Gator

  Hush – Struggle Jennings ft. Caitlynn Curtis

  Silent Night – Pentatonix

  The Christmas Shoes – NewSong

o This Is Christmas – Celine Dion

  Silent Night

  It’s Christmas time

  The night is silent

  Snow is falling

  Nothing screaming into the night

  Not even a mouse

  Silence moves forward

  Only to be met by the terrible ahead

  Will they hear it when it comes

  Or do they bleed out into the white ground

  Snow is falling

  It’s Christmas time

  Silent Night is playing

  The darkness evoking the night

  Is terrifying

  Please let them survive this time

  For it’s Christmas and Silent Night is playing in my ear

  ~ E.C. Land

  Chapter One


  Over the past year, hell past two years, my life has felt like a roller coaster that keeps wanting to fuck with my head.

  From finding out Boss had my kid without telling me. To Rachel realizing this before I even knew about it myself. I’d flipped my shit and without letting anyone know where I was going I called my son, Horse. Him and I met up on the way to the Iron Vex MC clubhouse. It wasn’t pretty the fight Tala and I had.

  She may be Boss to everyone else but never to me. Doesn’t matter if it was a hate fuck session between the two of us or not. She and I have a connection. One that can’t be explained. Somehow, she’d wormed her way into my heart without me realizing it and her lying to me felt like a betrayal.


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