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Slay Me (Rock Gods #1)

Page 9

by Joanna Blake

  She smiled and said something that warmed his heart.

  "It's okay. I'm on the pill."

  He groaned and let himself sink into her welcoming warmth. She was so snug that he had to go slowly, but he didn't mind. He'd never felt anything so bloody good in his life. She was sweetness personified. And her hot little box was the tightest he'd ever felt.

  But it was more than that. Electricity seemed to jump around between them. His dick felt like it was in heaven, yes, but so did his hands where they clasped her hips. And so did his chest when he finally pressed it against her gorgeous breasts.

  Slowly he inched his way inside. Nick knew he was well above average at 9 inches. And she felt almost virginal. She was a dainty little thing but it was more than that. He could tell that she hadn't been with anyone in a good long while.

  And she was letting him in.

  She'd chosen him.

  The thought filled him with a huge swell of pride. More than all the music awards and accolades in the world. She'd chosen him.

  That was the best and biggest prize in the world.

  She whimpered beneath him and he froze, staring down into her beautiful face.

  "Am I hurting you love?"

  "No- I just want you to- hmmmmffff-"

  "What is it my sweet?"


  Oh Jesus.

  Nick didn't need to be told twice. Slowly he started rotating his hips, making small circles as he slid in deeper with every thrust. He held that tempo for a while, watching her face as she started to get close again. Then he paused and shifted his position.

  He sat up and fitted his knees under her firm round bottom. This way he could watch her as he ground his cock into her sweet hole. He kept his pace slow, not wanting this to end. He was fighting back his own rising desire tooth and nail. And hers.

  "Please Nick."

  He groaned and picked up his pace, shifting again so that he was cradling her in his arms as he tirelessly worked his cock inside her. God, she was getting him so hot!

  It was the worst kind of torture, holding himself back like this. But also the best thing he'd ever done in his life. He kept it up for another ten minutes or so before he took pity on the writhing beauty beneath him.

  Nick stared down at her, watching her reach her peak. Feeling her quivering flesh tugging at his shaft sent him over the edge at last. He pulled back and thrust forward, hard, until his pelvis was pressed against hers. Then he unleashed, riding her relentlessly until he felt his cock pulsing hot streams of his essence inside her.

  It seemed to go on forever as he emptied himself again and again. She was trembling underneath him when the orgasm finally started to subside. He stayed inside her for a while longer, kissing and stroking her. Murmuring words of love.

  Finally he rolled onto his back, bringing her with him until she was nestled up against his side.

  He was dazed by what had just happened between them.

  He'd never come so bloody hard in his life.


  Sabrina must have dozed off after they'd showered because it took her a moment to figure out where she was. But she knew immediately who was behind her, nuzzling her neck. And whose stiff prick was pressed into her lower back.

  She glanced at the clock. 3 AM. They were still in London for a few more hours then. She should get up and check her email or pack but she could barely move. He'd made love to her three times already. And now apparently he wanted to go for a fourth.


  He chuckled against her ear and circled his hips against her bottom.

  "Yes love, again."

  She sighed and closed her eyes, her fingers digging into the bedspread. There was no use fighting it. She would do anything he wanted. But in this case, she wanted it too. He'd done things to her - made her feel things - that no one ever had before.

  No one had even come close.

  She knew she was a goner. There was no way they could sustain this level of passion. He'd have his way with her and then forget her. If she was lucky this affair would last as long as the tour, that's if he could resist the lure of groupie sex for that long.

  She no longer dreaded being stuck with him. She knew this was all she was going to get of the man she loved. So she decided to soak it up and grab it with both hands.

  He slipped his cock back inside her from behind and reached forward to play with her breasts.

  She moaned.

  "Hmmmm… love you feel so good."

  She could barely speak so she just arched her back, pushing her breasts into his palms.

  Yes, she was going to enjoy every minute she had with Nick Falcon.

  Starting now.



  Someone was knocking on the door.

  Nick rolled over in the enormous bed. The enormous, empty bed.

  He sat up sharply.

  Where the bloody hell had she gone?

  He turned his head to the bathroom. Of course. He climbed out of bed and stalked over there, knocking softly. He pushed the door open. Empty.

  She'd bloody left him! After the night they'd shared, he'd been certain he had her under his spell.

  Just as he was under hers.


  "Hold your horses I'm coming!"

  Nick grabbed his robe and slipped it on. He opened the door to see Marley standing outside.

  "I got the tour bus waiting in Paris mate but we have to go if we're going to make the train."

  Nick ran his hands through his hair.

  "Did you tell Sabrina?"

  "Yeah I texted her. The band is meeting us downstairs in twenty minutes."

  "Right. Do me a favor and pack for me would you?"

  "Already done."

  Nick slapped Marley's shoulder.

  "Good man. Thanks."

  He walked past him to the door.

  "Where are you going? You're naked mate!"

  Nick glanced down at his body without breaking his stride.

  "I'm wearing a robe Marley. Get your mind out of the gutter."

  He strode barefoot into the hallway and took the elevator down to Sabrina's floor. He smiled at everyone he saw. But inside he was seething.

  She'd left him.

  If she tried to pull that 'one night only' bullocks again he'd throw a fit. He'd tie her to her bed and refuse to leave the hotel until she agreed to-

  What exactly?

  He wasn't sure but it involved her in his bed, every night, for the rest of his God Damned life.

  Or else. He'd do something drastic.

  She opened the door after one knock. She'd showered already and was dressed in clean clothes. Another plain black t shirt with black jeans. Her hair was damp and her face bare of makeup. She looked like an angel. He had to resist the urge to lift her up and toss her on the bed.

  "Nick, what are you doing? We have to leave for the airport soon."

  He strode into her room, slamming the door behind him. Her eyes widened as she stepped backwards- right into the wall. He put his hands on either side of her face and leaned down.

  "You left."

  "I had to get ready Nick."

  He narrowed his eyes at her. She didn't appear to be rejecting him.

  "I want us to share a room in Paris. And for the rest of the tour."

  She took a deep breath. She was getting ready to argue, he could tell. He scrambled his mind trying to come up with valid arguments to whatever reason she gave for wanting her own room.


  All the air left his lungs in a big whoosh. She'd said yes. That meant he would have access to her whenever he wanted it.

  And he was going to want it a lot.

  "You weren't sneaking off then?"

  "No Nick, I wasn't. I promise."

  He grinned at her goofily. Then he kissed her. She kissed him back sweetly. He started to pull her against his body, to show her what she was doing to him already.

was hard as a rock again.

  "Nick- we have to go!"

  He lifted his head again, cursing.

  "Bloody hell, it's my tour! We leave when I say so!"

  She rolled her eyes at him.

  "It doesn't quite work that way Nick."

  "Fine! But I expect you in my bed as soon as we arrive in Paris."

  She blushed and looked away before nodding.


  He growled and scooped her up, making her squeal.

  "You're going to drive me insane woman you know that?"

  "Because I keep agreeing to whatever you say?"

  He let her slide down his body.

  "No, not that. That's what's keeping me from losing my mind entirely. Don't stop doing that."


  "Good. Well, hurry up woman we have to get on a train."


  "Yes love. I promised you no flying didn't I? We'll take the train to France and then drive everywhere else."

  She was staring at him, her little mouth opened in surprise.

  "Oh and love? The tour bus had a nice big bed in the back."

  She blinked at him and he grinned.

  He stormed to the door, eager to be on their way. Outside in the hallway was a fresh stack of newspapers. On the front cover was a photo of Nick carrying Sabrina into the hotel the night before. The caption read 'Sleeping Beauty.' In the picture Nick has his finger on his lips hushing them, and the paparazzi around him are laughing.

  He glanced back to make sure she wasn't looking and scooped up the papers, tossing them into a waste bin on his way back to his room.

  He was whistling the whole way.


  Sabrina held Nick's hand as they sped through the canal underneath the English Channel. The train felt like it was going nearly as fast as his jet but she felt totally safe. She told herself it had to go with being on the ground, instead of miles in the air.

  But it was more than that. It was Nick.

  He was making her feel safe and secure. And adored. She knew this was probably part of his repertoire. Sweeping his the flavor of the month off of their feet and then losing interest.

  It didn't feel like that though. It felt real.

  She couldn't help but be afraid though. Of the day when he would stop smiling. Stop treating her this way. When he'd disappear. If she could have a few more weeks of this though, it would be worth the heartbreak.

  That, at least, she knew was inevitable.

  When the train pulled into Calais, two enormous buses were waiting. One for Nick and her, and another for the band and Marley. She stared around the bus in wonder. There was a dining area, two huge sofas. A full sized bathroom including a porcelain tub, and in the back, an enormous king sized bed.

  "How did you arrange all this?"

  "Can't take all the credit. Marley managed it."

  She shook her head and sat down at the table to check her email. On the ride to Paris, Nick laid out on the couch while she made calls, confirming all his interviews and any press that would be attending the shows. She also confirmed the rehearsal time for later that day.

  Every time she looked up from her laptop he was watching her.

  They were there by noon. He smiled at her when she finally shut her laptop and looked out the window. They were just pulling up to the hotel.

  "How much time do we have?"

  She glanced at her phone.

  "About six hours before you need to leave for the amphitheater."

  He grinned at her.

  "That's plenty of time."

  "What exactly did you have in mind?"

  "Let me show you Paris. My Paris."

  "No hats this time?"

  "No disguises. That's part of the fun love. Or don't you want to be seen with me?"

  She took a quick breath and held it.

  "Alright. Let's go."

  He took her hand and pulled her out of the bus.

  "We will. After."

  Sabrina felt her body respond instantly to his words and the heated look in his eyes.

  She didn't have to ask him what he meant by that.


  Nick dragged Sabrina through the lobby of the Ritz Paris.

  He was acting like a bloody school boy but he didn't care. She was his now. She'd agreed to do as he said. He was going to put that to the test, as soon as he got into his suite.

  A photographer was in the lobby and snapped a picture of them before security ushered him out. Nick ignored him. He didn't care about anything except getting his woman into his bed.

  Thank god for Marley. He already had the key card and was waiting for him by the elevator.

  "Top floor."

  "Marley, you are a life saver."

  He yanked Sabrina into the elevator and had his hands all over her the second the doors closed.


  "Hush love, you promised to be agreeable."

  "But you can't- not in an elevator!"

  He laughed.

  "Alright, we can wait until we're inside if you prefer that."

  The doors opened directly to his suite and they practically tumbled out. She backed away from him, her high heeled boots clicking on the marble floor.

  "Where are you going love?"

  She just stared at him wide eyed as she continued to back up. Then her ankle bumped into a sofa. He grinned and pushed her gently backwards onto it. He climbed on top of her and slowly started stripping her clothes off her body, nibbling at her ears and neck.

  "Nick! What if someone comes in!"

  "You picked the spot love. If you want the bed, you are going to have to wait until I'm finished with round one."

  She laughed breathlessly. He was making her nervous he could tell. Good. He wanted her on edge. He was the one who was on the verge of losing his mind and doing something insane.

  Like proposing.

  There was only one thing stopping him.

  He knew she'd run if he tried it.

  She was more than aware of his track record. But those marriages had been shams. A procession of hot, placid girls who clung to him like glue. Not one of them had challenged him like she did. Not one had excited him this way either.

  He was eagerly suckling her glorious tits when the knock came on the door.

  "GO AWAY!"

  He grinned down at her.

  "See love? Problem solved."


  Sabrina stared out the window at the paparazzi who were huddled together outside Le Baron. Nick's rehearsal had just finished and they were eating the most sumptuous meal she'd ever had in her life. She was wearing the new Givenchy dress that Nick had insisted on buying her that afternoon. It was raw gold toned silk and deceptively simple, fitting her body like a glove. Then there were the Dior shoes. They were shimmering snakeskin pumps with an ornate floral design on the toe and heel.

  He had one rule for the sales women. No black.

  She'd tried to stop him from spending so much money on her but he'd been adamant. He kept reminding her of her promise to be agreeable. In the end, he'd simply worn her down. As a result they'd bought her bags of designer clothing and shoes.

  Two Chanel handbags were back in the hotel room, in addition to the Dior clutch that sat on the table beside her.

  A new Cartier watch was on her wrist.

  She'd seen him eyeing some rings as well. She'd felt panicked already, just from the sheer volume of money he was spending. If he bought her a ring she would faint on the spot. He caught the look in her eyes and wisely moved down to the earrings.

  Pave diamond earrings.

  She fingered the matching pave pendant hanging on her chest. Nick was ordering something for them. Another bottle of champagne. He was in his element, knowing exactly what to get. Surprisingly, his French was impeccable.

  Nick was full of surprises.


  Nick stared out over the throngs of screaming Italian fans. He was in his
element, performing better than ever before. And it was all because of her.

  The last few weeks had been bliss. He wasn't getting much sleep, but neither was she.

  They were insatiable for each other.

  For the first time in years he wasn't drinking excessively.

  All of this was adding up to him feeling better than he ever had before.

  Because of her.

  As much as he loved performing, he was eager to get off stage and finish what they'd started in the dressing room. He'd requested whipped cream from craft services. He'd been eating the foamy spray off her nipples when the call to start the show had come. He'd just licked a whole portion from between her thighs.

  He was ready for a second helping. Sabrina had mentioned that she had a sweet tooth as well.

  Bloody hell. That thought was making it hard almost impossible to concentrate.

  The crowd didn't seem to notice. For once in his life, it felt like he could do no wrong.

  He even thought he was bringing her around to the idea of being his wife. He made casual references to things they would do, far in the future. The first few times she had given him startled glances. But lately she was taking it in stride.


  Finally the show was drawing to a close. He was off the stage like a shot, even before the crowd had started screaming.

  The moment he was off stage he could tell something was wrong.

  Sabrina wasn't there.

  She wasn't in the dressing room.

  He ran down the hallway just in time to see her walking out of the stage door of the arena.


  Sabrina refused to cry.

  She'd known this was going to happen, hadn't she? It shouldn't have come as a surprise.

  But it had. A terrible, gut wrenching surprise. She was still reeling an hour later as she rode alone in a cab back to the hotel.

  If only she hadn't heard them talking. She could have gone on pretending a little while longer.


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