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Wild One (Summer Rush #5)

Page 14

by Cheryl Douglas

  He gripped her hips, staring into her eyes. “Not just for tonight though. I want you to need me for… a long time.”

  She knew he’d been about to say forever, but he was scared, like she was, to put it all on the line so soon. “I will.”

  She reached between them, but before she could guide him to her entrance, he flipped her over, pinning her to the mattress with his weight.

  She pouted. “I thought I got to be in control tonight.”

  He grinned. “How ‘bout we take turns?”

  “I guess I can live with that.”

  He reached between them, stroking her. Oh yeah, I can definitely live with that. He eased into her slowly, his eyes penetrating her, letting her see all that he was thinking.

  This man loved her. She had no doubt about that, and the way he was willing to expose himself made her want to do the same. “I love you, Dec.”

  He closed his eyes as though he was absorbing her words the same way she was gripping his body. Taking it all in. “I love you too, baby. This, you and me, it was worth waiting for.”

  “It was.” Four years ago, she’d been a harried resident. Her career had meant everything to her and there’d been no room for anything else. Now he was teaching her about balance, making her crave it because her time with him was as important to her as her work—maybe more so. “I needed you in my life. I didn’t even know how much until you showed up and…”

  He was moving in and out of her slowly, sending the message they had all the time in the world to explore each other. He was probing deep, making it difficult to think.

  But she had to say this. She needed him to know. “You showed up and made me realize all I’d been missing.”

  “I want to give you everything,” he said, closing his arms around her head. “Can you let me do that?”

  She wasn’t used to anyone wanting to take care of her, but that’s what people in committed relationships did—they took care of each other. She nodded, wrapping her arms around him, feeling the heat radiating from his body into hers. Letting him take care of her meant trusting him enough to relinquish some of her hard-won control. Was she willing to do that? Yes. It was the only option.

  “I want you to take care of me,” she whispered, feeling his body’s response. His heart beat faster as he swelled inside her. “If you’ll let me take care of you too.”

  “In and out of bed,” he said huskily. “In every way, Mar. That’s what I need.”

  She’d never had a conversation like this while making love, while feeling so connected to someone, but she’d never had anyone like Dec in her life before. She was ready for a life partner. Someone to share everything with. “I need that too.”

  His body took over where his words left off, making her feel so… cherished.

  She was so close, but rather than peaking alone, she wanted him right there with her. “Come with me.”


  His release was swift and his surrender allowed her to let go too. In a way she never had before.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Marika was in a meeting with Jack, getting updates on the patients he’d seen while she’d been away. “Thanks again for covering for me,” she said with a smile. “Any time I can return the favor, just ask.”

  “I believe I still owe you one.”

  “You might be right.” And she intended to collect if it meant she could spend more time with her man.

  “So you and the baseball player. Is it serious?”

  She’d anticipated this question eventually. Jack had made his interest in her known, even though he knew she wanted to keep their relationship strictly professional. “It is.” She slipped her purse into the cabinet next to her desk. “He makes me very happy.”

  “For now.”

  She wasn’t surprised he was trying to plant a seed of doubt in her mind. It served his purposes. “For the foreseeable future.”

  “What happens when he has to go to spring training?” He crossed his legs, linking his hands over his knee. “You know, baseball is a long season. Could get pretty lonely without him.”

  Her smile was strained, but she was determined to keep her answer professional, instead of telling her colleague exactly what she thought of his unsolicited opinion. “We’re both well aware of the sacrifices we’d have to make to continue seeing each other. But thank you for your concern. It’s duly noted.”

  She felt his eyes on her when she got up to slip on her white lab coat over one of the crimson dresses Dec had bought for her on his little shopping excursion. Wearing the things he’d bought for her reminded her how much he cared and helped her feel closer to him during the day.

  “I’ve known you a while now, Marika. Never known you to let a relationship come before your work. In fact, I’ve never even known you to date.” He chuckled. “I was beginning to think you played for the other team.”

  She stared him down, hoping he understood she didn’t appreciate his crass sense of humor. “I prefer not to discuss my personal life at work. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have patients to see.”

  “You must know he’s not right for you,” he said, standing. “What could you possibly have in common with a man like that? Really, Marika? What do you talk about? Or did you move right past the talking phase?”

  “It’s none of your business what we do.” She reached for the door handle, opening it for him. “Just know that when we’re together, there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”

  Jack stepped into her personal space, but before he could respond, Dec asked from behind Marika, “Is there a problem?”

  “No problem at all,” Jack said, faking a smile. “Dr. Boyd and I were just saying our good-byes.”

  Marika had a waiting room full of sick patients, yet when Jack left, she pulled Dec inside and closed the door behind them.

  “What was that?” he asked, gesturing toward the closed door.

  “What was what?”

  “That exchange. ‘When we’re together, there’s nowhere else I’d rather be’?”

  If he was seriously accusing her of cheating on him, she was going to lose it. “I was talking about you and me!” She raised her hand. “You know what, I don’t have time for this right now. I have patients to see.”

  “You forgot this in my car,” he said, handing over her cell phone.

  They’d been too busy kissing good-bye for her to remember she’d plugged it in to charge. “Thank you.” Their fingers brushed when she took the phone, but she ignored her body’s reaction as she stepped past him.

  His arm shot out, grabbing her wrist. “Why were you talking to him about us?”

  “Oh, so now you believe I was talking about us?” She couldn’t believe, given how close they’d gotten over the past few days, he was still insecure about her feelings for him.

  “I’m sorry.” He shook his head, looking at his hand wrapped around hers. “This is just going to take some getting used to for me. I’m not used to caring about someone so much, and I can’t shake the feeling that bastard’s trying to take you away from me.”

  She touched his face, wanting to erase the torment in his eyes. “He’d be wasting his time even if he tried, Dec. What do I have to say or do to convince you of that?”

  He curled his hand around the back of her neck as his forehead touched hers. “I want to, and I’m getting there. To the point where I believe what we have is untouchable. But I hear something like that, or see you with him, and it shakes me.” He tugged her against him. “All the old insecurities come back and I start wondering what the hell you’re doing with me.”

  She often felt she should be the one asking that question. She wasn’t a cover model or a pop star. She wasn’t an A-list actress or a socialite. Yet she was dating one of the hottest guys in baseball. If she fed her fears, she’d convince herself Dec was way out of her league, but she refused to give in to self-doubt when they were so close to having everything she’d always wanted.

  “I love you.” She sm
iled when he closed his eyes. “You either believe that or you don’t.”

  “I do.” He kissed her, lingering long enough to make her toes curl as she leaned into him. “And I love you too, baby.”

  “That’s all I need to know.” A look of understanding passed between them before she said, “Now I need you to get your sexy ass out of here so I can get some work done.”

  “Okay.” He kissed her hand. “Before I go, I’m thinking of buying a place here.”

  “You are? Why?”

  He shrugged. “I’m getting tired of hotels, and your place is cute, but it’s a little small for two of us.”

  “Oh.” Did that mean he expected to come back and visit her during the off-season? Was that what their relationship would consist of, a few months together when the baseball season ended?

  “You wanna come look at condos with me? The realtor has some places lined up for me to see tonight. Eight o’clock work for you?”

  “Um, sure.” He’d dropped her off at work, so she didn’t really have a choice.

  “Cool. Have a good day, beautiful.”

  Before he could get away, she grabbed him and kissed him once more. She wanted to tell him a few months wasn’t enough, that she needed more, but instead of voicing her feelings, she bit her tongue and kissed him again, hoping that by the time he left, he’d want to take her with him.


  Dec knocked on Jack’s office door even though the sign on his receptionist’s desk said “Back at 2:00.”

  “Come in.”

  Dec walked in to find Jack eating a sandwich at his desk, his eyes glued to his computer monitor.

  “You got a minute?”

  Surprise flashed in Jack’s eyes before he set the sandwich down, minimized the screen he’d been reading, and wiped his hands on a paper napkin. “What can I do for you?”

  “You can tell me why you’re messing with”—my woman—“Marika. Why the hell do you keep questioning her about us? Like it’s any of your goddamn business!”

  “Calm down,” he said, frowning. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. If Marika’s having doubts about your relationship, it’s not because of anything I said.”

  Dec wanted to wipe that smug smile off Jack’s face, but he knew that wouldn’t score him any points with Marika. She’d be pissed if she knew he was there, but Dec couldn’t walk out of the building without confronting the asshole trying to come between them.

  Dec clenched his teeth, letting his words seep through. “Marika’s not having any doubts about me, or us, which I’m sure she’s told you. But for some reason, you’re too dense to take a hint, so I’m here to spell it out for you. The lady’s not interested in you. Got it?”

  “For a guy who supposedly has so much going for him, you seem pretty insecure about your relationship with Marika.” His lips twitched, obviously trying to suppress a smile. “Why do you suppose that is?”

  “I’m not insecure. We’re solid.”

  “You sure about that?” He tilted his chair back, lacing his hands over his flat stomach. “I’ve known Marika some time and I can honestly say I’ve never seen her show the vaguest interest in”—he raised his hand, gesturing to Dec—“someone like you.”

  “Oh, but I suppose she’s shown an interest in you?” he asked, crossing his arms. He knew she hadn’t, but he wanted to hear this guy lie through his teeth, trying to convince himself that Marika wanted him.

  “We’re very good friends. We have a lot in common, and if you weren’t in the picture—”

  “But I am.” Dec stepped forward and leaned over the desk. “And I’m not going anywhere. Marika and I are the real deal, buddy. So I suggest you start looking elsewhere.”

  “Is that right?” he asked, quirking an eyebrow. “Does Marika know you’re here… staking your claim?”

  Dec knew his visit would upset her, but he didn’t regret it. Some guys needed to have things spelled out for them. “She knows how I feel about her. She knows that I’m not going to stand by and watch some asshole make a play for her. That’s all she needs to know.”

  “You think I’m making a play for her?” He took off his silver-rimmed reading glasses and set them on the desk.

  “You know you are. You think you’ve got a shot with her, though I have no idea why. She’s never given you any indication she’s interested.”

  “Hasn’t she?”

  Dec knew Jack was trying to bait him, plant a seed of doubt. “If you had a shot with her, you would have been dating her already. I haven’t been in the picture for a long time. I know she hasn’t had a boyfriend, so why weren’t you two a couple?”

  “You said you haven’t been in the picture for a long time?” He smiled. “Then you two were involved before?” He waited for Dec to confirm it. When he didn’t, Jack said, “Of course, I should have made the connection. You’re the one!”

  Dec didn’t like where this was going. Jack looked too happy, too triumphant. “Excuse me?”

  “The ball player who got Marika pregnant and wanted nothing to do with the baby.” He tsked. “And you’re the reason she miscarried.”

  “How the hell do you know…?” Dec couldn’t believe Marika had confided in him. She’d said the only people who knew were her mother and best friend. If she’d lied about telling Jack, maybe their relationship was more than she’d let on.

  “I told you we were close,” he said, challenging Dec with a smile. “But now that I know the whole story, I can’t believe she’d give you another chance. A man with so little regard for the woman carrying his baby—”

  Dec reached across the desk and grabbed Jack by the shirt, hauling him out of the chair. “Don’t pretend to know how I feel about Marika or the baby she was carrying. I’m only going to say this once. Keep your relationship with her professional. And mind your own goddamn business.”


  Dec was sitting in the back of the limo after texting Marika to let her know he’d pick her up from work. They needed to talk. All day he’d been trying to figure out why the hell she would have confided something so personal to a colleague… unless Jack was more than a colleague and Marika had lied about that.

  She smiled when she slipped into the car before curling her hand around his neck and bringing her face to his for a kiss. She must have sensed his resistance because she pulled back, frowning. “Is everything okay?”

  “I had a little chat with your friend…” He hadn’t meant to sneer, but he couldn’t hide his disdain for that guy.

  “My friend? Who’re you talking about?” she asked, inching back.


  “Why would you talk to him?”

  “I needed to set him straight. It’s obvious the guy has a thing for you and I wanted to tell him to back off.”

  She sighed, rubbing her forehead. “I really wish you hadn’t done that. He’s a colleague, Dec. I’d really like to keep things professional. I told him we’re together and he knows I have no interest in him.”

  “You sure that’s all he is? A colleague?” He held his breath, waiting for her response. If she told him she’d lied about the nature of their relationship, he didn’t know how he’d react.

  “Of course! Why would you ask me that?”

  “Because you generally don’t share secrets with a colleague. When you told me the only people who knew about the miscarriage were Lorna, her husband, and your mother, I actually believed you.”

  “You’re calling me a liar?” She reared back as though he’d slapped her. “Why would I lie about something like that? And why the hell would I tell Jack, of all people?”

  He wanted to believe her, but if she didn’t tell him, how the hell did he know about the miscarriage? And that the father of the baby had been a professional baseball player? “I don’t know. You tell me.”

  She shook head. “I can’t believe this. You don’t trust me. Not only do you think I’m lying to you about telling Jack, but you clearly think it’s possible I would cheat on y

  “I never said that.”

  “You didn’t have to. If you trusted me, you wouldn’t have been concerned enough to pay Jack a visit in the first place.”

  “Is that what you were hoping, that I’d never have the opportunity to talk to him and find out about your little confession?” His brain told his mouth to shut it, but he couldn’t seem to stop himself.

  “I didn’t confess anything!” She reached for the button to lower the privacy glass. “Driver, can you stop the car, please? I’d like to get out.”

  “You’re not getting out!” Dec cursed before reaching for her hand. “Just tell me why you did it. Why did you tell him—”

  “Take your hands off me.”

  He released her hand but inched closer, careful not to touch her. Even though the driver had pulled up to the curb, Dec had no intention of letting her go without a fight. “Look, I get that you have a past. I do too. If you were afraid to tell me you had a thing with him because you thought I’d be pissed or jealous—”

  “Are you deaf?” she demanded, rubbing her forehead. “I never had a thing with him, and I have no idea how he found out about my miscarriage.” She reached for the door handle. “But I intend to find out.”

  “Let me take you back.” He wanted to hear this conversation. If she was telling the truth, which he suspected she was, her colleague apparently had other ways of learning her personal information. And that pissed him off… and concerned him.

  “I can handle it,” she said, swinging the door open before the driver could reach her.

  “Damn it, Marika, will you at least call me after you talk to him?”

  She slammed the door without responding and Dec was left wondering… what the hell did I do?

  Chapter Fourteen

  Marika was grateful Jack’s waiting room was empty and his office door slightly ajar. He always locked it when he left for the day.

  She opened it without knocking and found him behind his desk, typing on his computer.

  “Hey,” he said, smiling at her. “This is a nice surprise. I was just finishing some patient files. You want to grab dinner? We could try that Mexican place on—”


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