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Page 6

by J. F. Jenkins

  Cheyenne felt tense sitting so close to her, and she shifted in her seat uncomfortably. She wanted to protest and scream and cry. She didn't want to be anything like this woman. Just to be sure Dr. Warhol knew this, she thought about it in a particularly loud manner.

  “So you just want to talk about boys all afternoon? Is that what you're telling me?” Cheyenne finally asked.

  “Is there something else you'd prefer to talk about?”

  That silenced Cheyenne quickly. She wasn't entirely sure if she was ready to talk about anything, nor was she sure where to begin. There was so much for her to wrap her head around. Talking may have been one way to help her collect everything together, but she didn't feel ready to just yet.

  “No.” she said at last. “We can talk about boys if you want.”

  “Do you want to talk about boys?”

  “I don't know what I want to talk about.”

  “Perhaps we should talk about a specific boy.” Dr. Warhol flipped through her notebook. “I was told by your adviser you were attacked by a boy recently. She's concerned it's left you traumatized, and to be honest, I'm wondering this as well. Your thoughts about the encounter don’t match up with most other women who have experienced the joys and pains of a bite.”

  “Fine,” Cheyenne mumbled. Her thoughts of Denver came and went. She blamed him for starting all the craziness in her life. She normally tried to do everything in her power to push him out of her mind. It worked, most of the time, until she saw the bite marks still remaining on her neck.

  She prayed silently every time she saw them, every time they ached, that they would go away quickly, but they seemed to only be getting worse. Her skin was less inflamed around the puncture wounds, but the holes themselves wouldn’t remain healed. They kept opening up again, and when she checked her bandages, she'd find them soaked through with blood that accumulated over the day. She felt fine, so she didn't see the need in going to get medical aid. It wasn't normal, but nothing about her life was normal lately. She didn't feel a need to be concerned about it and tacked it onto her list of weird changes she could do nothing about.

  “Might as well, right? We met at a club, he decided he was going to bite me, and he did. I told him he could, but I didn't know exactly what he wanted to do, either. I didn't even want to be at the club, but for some reason I went. Because of that, my plants are talking to me, and because my plants are talking to me, I'm a freak, and that's why I'm here. Am I missing anything? Do you need me to say more, or are you content with just pulling it out of my brain without my permission?”

  Dr. Warhol wrote quickly as she listened to Cheyenne speak. “Is there anything else you would like to say? I do not pry into my patients’ minds, by the way. I can't help your thoughts being loud and explosive, and intentionally so. If you don't want the mind readers to observe your thinking, then you may want to practice some self-control. I'm not the only one here. In fact, it's a fairly common ability among our kind.”

  “Look, all of this is new to me. I've never had to deal with people trying to read my mind before. I didn't know any of this was possible. How the heck am I supposed to learn how to protect myself?”

  “I've frustrated you.” The doctor put her notebook down on the coffee table again. “I recommend finding someone who knows how to protect their thoughts, if you dislike the idea of your mind being read so much. I wouldn’t be that someone, seeing as I don't care who pokes through my mind anymore. I've grown comfortable with my way of thinking, and I'm confident in my mind. I hope you have some progress by your next visit.”


  “So you didn't ask for him to bite you, but he did it anyway?”

  “Right, we were just talking, and okay, so he was flirting a little bit. I won't lie. I liked the flirting, but I don't know a lot of girls out there who wouldn't. I thought he was going to kiss me at most. He said he wanted a taste, led me on, and then he bit me.” She stopped and looked down at the floor. She felt disgusted with herself, because as much as she wanted to blame Denver, it was her fault. She knew if she had said no, he wouldn't have done it. “I never should have left with him.”

  “You were deceived, correct?”


  Dr. Warhol stood up from the couch and headed toward the back of her office, where a large wooden desk rested. She pulled out a piece of paper from a drawer and wrote something on it, taking time to also write on a Post-it note and stick the two pieces of paper together. “Interesting indeed. Are you scared?”

  “You should already know the answer to that question.”

  “Yes, I do.” She returned to her spot next to Cheyenne. “How silly of me.” Dr. Warhol paused to take a look at the clock on the wall. “I do believe we're finished. Good progress.”

  “Sure,” Cheyenne grumbled as she gathered up her things and straightened out her clothing. She only hoped Mrs. Orinda remembered to pick her up so she could have a guide back across the campus.

  Cheyenne still doubted her ability to get around by herself. That morning she and Halyn had attempted to get to the dining hall on their own and had gotten lost inside the main building for nearly an hour, almost missing their meal. The only reason they’d found the dining hall was because Cheyenne had stopped and asked directions from the first decorative plant she could find. For some strange reason, it seemed less humiliating to her than to ask an actual human being for help.

  Dr. Warhol waved at Cheyenne with a small and polite, almost smug smile. “I'll see you again next week for a full appointment, but do stop by tomorrow to check in. Have a good first day of classes. Try not to let anyone push you around out there.” The doctor opened the office door, and on the other side was Mrs. Orinda, looking as though she was just about to knock.

  Cheyenne rushed from the room, holding back every urge she had to hug her savior tightly. Somehow, she managed a polite smile and wave back to the beautiful doctor before turning forward again and not once looking back. She was so disturbed by the encounter, she declined going to the dining hall for dinner. Part of her felt a tiny bit guilty because she had told the twins they would all eat supper together, but she couldn't stomach the idea of seeing them. They would ask her what was wrong, and then what would she say?

  Her face flushed at the idea of them finding out that after only a day of knowing them, she was already attracted to the boys. Even if it was purely physical at this point, what would that tell them about her? Weren't crushes supposed to develop over time? She wasn't even aware of the fact that she was thinking about them so much until Dr. Warhol pointed it out. She felt like even more of a freak. Halyn noticed her roommate's distress as soon as she got back to the room. Once Mrs. Orinda left the girls alone, she gracefully made her way over to join her roomie on the living room couch.

  “Your face is pink,” was all Halyn said. It caused Cheyenne to laugh and to flush even more.

  “This is going to seem kind of weird to you probably,” she whispered to the girl, “but can I have a hug?”

  Halyn's face brightened. “Girl, you don't have to ask. Just come up and take it.” She wrapped her arms around Cheyenne tightly, holding her close and keeping her safe.

  She couldn't help but cry a little as they hugged. Halyn was smart enough not to ask what was going on. All she did was gently hold on to her friend. That was when Cheyenne broke down and told her everything.

  Chapter Six

  Five minutes late to her first class wasn’t a good way to make a first impression on anyone. Not only did Mr. Thantos have a scowl conveying annoyance on his face when she interrupted his lecture for World History I, but she also was thrust into the spotlight. She nervously fingered the collar of her shirt, promptly stopping when she remembered she didn't want attention drawn to her neck. She scanned the room for a place to sit—preferably somewhere close so there would be less time for everyone to gawk at her.

  Her eyes searching, she found a familiar face among the fifteen other students in the room. It was hard
to miss Anj as he waved his right arm back and forth at her excitedly. He motioned for her to sit in the seat in front of him, which was conveniently empty. Quickly, she sat down and pulled out a notebook. She was there to learn. However, it was difficult for her to bring herself into that frame of mind when all she could do was stare at Mr. Thantos's back.

  Protruding from it, and through his rather expensive and stylish black suit, were a pair of delicate, black feathered wings, which had previously been covered by his clothing. What was even more interesting about them was that they were ripped, torn, and otherwise broken beyond the point of ever being useful again. They were beautiful and depressing at the same time. He must have been a magnificent creature when they were full and in their prime.

  “Now that we are all done staring at a new student—because we all know you have never seen one of those before—I believe we can now take our test.” Mr. Thantos said dryly as he walked over to his desk in the front of the room. He paused his speech, picked up a stack of papers, and proceeded to hand them out one by one. “Or I should clarify, you will be taking a test, and I will be watching you to ensure you are not cheating. Not like any of you would do that. You are all smart enough to know better.”

  He stopped at Cheyenne's desk and stared down at her. She risked a glance up at him and was greeted with a rather menacing image. His crumpled, dark wings painted him as an even more intimidating man than his cold heart did. She was almost afraid to even think it, but he looked evil. She shivered and quickly stared down at her desktop. For the first time, he showed a real and unexpected emotion: sadness. He hid his deep frown quickly and resumed his rather stoic appearance.

  “Miss Loveless, I am well aware you are not yet familiar with our curriculum. However, I want you to participate. I do not want to backtrack an unnecessary amount with you if I do not have to, but be assured it will not affect your grade,” he explained.

  Cheyenne nodded at him slowly, glancing over the questions quickly. The front page was entirely multiple choice. She felt as if she stood a chance at doing well enough not to look dumb. Still, she was nervous. Anj gave her shoulder an unexpected gentle squeeze, as if he sensed her discomfort. It helped her feel a small bit more confident in herself.

  She carefully picked up her pencil and went over the questions slowly in her mind. She did her best to answer them. She was familiar with some of the material, but much of it was new to her, and soon she found herself stumbling over dates and names. She didn't even know it was time to leave until Anj tapped her on the shoulder, snapping her out of the blank gaze at the questions she still had to answer.

  “Welcome back to the real world,” he said with a tiny smirk, brushing a hand over his eyes gently in an effort to move some of his hair out of the way. After doing this, he scratched the top of his nose. “I believe class time is done. What's your next one? I’ll be sure to escort you there personally so you won't be late this time.” He made a motion for her hand, a rather grand one, as if he were purposefully trying to attract more attention to them.

  Grabbing onto it awkwardly, she took in a deep breath as all eyes turned to them, and she tried to keep from having a panic attack. She gave Anj's hand a tight squeeze, praying silently it wasn't misinterpreted. She only wanted support for this next leg of their journey. She blushed slightly and glanced his way. He stood casually, his body relaxed. She caught some of the students whispering to one another as they watched the two get ready to leave.

  “Is this all part of your master plan to make your ex jealous?” she asked him quietly, her voice just barely above a whisper.

  He smirked, keeping his stare ahead of them and looking as blank as ever. “But of course. One thing you'll learn about this school is the students here have nothing better to do with themselves but gossip. It’ll spread like wildfire, and she’ll pounce my storage locker in a rage in between the next set of classes. Don't worry—you shouldn't be anywhere nearby. I don't know about you, but I always enjoy giving people something to talk about.”

  “I prefer to not be the center of attention,” she mumbled under her breath. She took a shaky step forward, eager to get to her next class. Only one thing—or rather, one person—stood in her way. Mr. Thantos was leaning against the door frame and watching her, his dark eyes never leaving her. He made it blatantly obvious he was waiting for her to pass by him so they could talk.

  “I think I'm in trouble,” she whispered to Anj.

  Anj let out a tiny snort of amusement. “It's how he always looks at people. You'll get used to it after a while.”

  “Yes, you will get used to it,” Mr. Thantos said as they stepped nearer to him. He motioned for her to come closer, stretching his gloved index finger toward her in a beckoning gesture. “And yes, there is a reason I am waiting here ever so patiently for you, Miss Loveless. I would like to have a brief word with you about the test. And I do mean brief, as I would hate for your next professor to feel disrespected if you were to show up late for yet another class. I'd like to schedule a meeting with you where we can compose times to catch you up on course material. I do not suppose you will have time this afternoon after you get done with your last class?”

  A deep and frustrated sigh escaped her lips unintentionally. “I can't, I have a brief appointment with Dr. Warhol. She apparently has more things she wants to discuss with me.” She almost added how much she was not looking forward to it, but her annoyed tone must have given it away. “Maybe afterward? I don't know how long it's going to take. Probably an hour, since that's our scheduled time.”

  “Or I could be merciful and write a note for you explaining how imperative it is for you to attend this session today. Throw in one of my famous 'diva fits,' as they have been deemed by Mrs. Orinda, and I should be able to get you released for the afternoon.” He cracked a small smile in an effort to show he was making an attempt at being funny, almost as if he was trying to prove to her he could be nice.

  “That'll work too,” Cheyenne managed. She couldn't think of anything else to say. What was she supposed to say? She knew she should have probably fought him on it, but spending time with him was more appealing than subjecting herself to the torture of another session with Dr. Warhol. “How will I—”

  Mr. Thantos cut her off. “You will be informed upon your arrival at her office if my performance was successful or not. If it is not, there will be a note with other possible dates and times matching your schedule more fluently. Now run along, or whatever you kids do these days, and go to your next class. Mr. Willam, while the gesture is noble for you to escort her so you ensure her prompt arrival, I hope you are well aware of the fact that your next class is on the other side of campus. In fact, I do believe it is off in another building. You will be late.”

  Anj gave the teacher a coy smile, obviously not intimidated. “I'll just tell Mr. Rutherford I fell down the stairs on my way over and lost my cane. I’ll tell him my mother told me to conserve my magic for important things. I only have so much, and who knows when it will run out.”

  “All you are missing are tears,” Mr. Thantos said. He rubbed his chin and then proceeded to shake his head. “I did not hear a word of that. In fact, I know absolutely nothing. Go before I change my mind.”

  “You're most gracious, sir.” Anj bowed slightly. He gave Cheyenne's hand a firm tug and led her out of the room hastily. “One thing I'm sure you already know about Mr. Thantos is you should never question a thing he says. He will be either your greatest ally or worst enemy here. Most students don't like him. I can't possibly imagine why.” At first Cheyenne thought he was being sarcastic, but as she watched him frown it dawned on her he was being serious.

  Cheyenne scowled in surprise. “You don't get it? He's…” She glanced over her shoulder and checked to make sure they were farther down the hall and out of Mr. Thantos's hearing range. The man didn't appear to be anywhere in sight, but she couldn't be too careful. She waited until she and Anj began to climb a nearby marble staircase before continuing. “He's c

  Anj stopped short on the stairs, holding up his index finger. “One second please, I must reposition myself. Given my condition, it shouldn’t be difficult for you to imagine I don’t enjoy stairs much. However, it would be best to avoid the elevators today. Just a suggestion though.” She was about to ask why when he quickly returned to the topic at hand: Mr. Thantos. “He's not creepy. He's an angel of death. For an angel whose life revolves around something so morbid, I’d say he's quite balanced and kind, wouldn't you? I think he's funny.”

  “He's an, an…” She stumbled over the word in shock. “An angel?” She wasn't sure why she was so surprised. She'd seen so many other unbelievable things since she arrived at the school.

  “Yes. Did you think those wings on his back were put there solely for decorative purposes?” He gave her a wry smile and motioned for her to continue up the stairs with him. “He's an angel of death, but he wasn't created to be an angel of death. That's the story I heard, at least.”

  She waited for him to continue, making it a point to stare at him until he resumed talking again. This sounded like a good story to her, and one she wanted to hear sooner rather than later. Especially since it would help shed some light on what to expect from Mr. Thantos. She wanted to be as comfortable with her teacher as Anj was. Remembering he was blind, she realized staring probably wasn't going to achieve much. Instead, Cheyenne let out a deep sigh. “So are you going to tell me or not?”

  “We have a few minutes. I can give you a CliffsNotes version of the tale, but it might only make you more interested.

  “Once upon a time our professor was a guardian angel. While I'm told his assignment was a man of little significance, the story goes that Lucifer himself chose this man as a key role for one of his most devious plots. Some say it was because he wanted to employ Mr. Thantos and his partner, as angels always work in pairings of two, if not more. Others say it was poor circumstances. Personally, I lean more toward the former, simply because I could see how Mr. Thantos would make for a powerful ally.


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