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Bad & Bold - A 7 Book Bad Boy Romance Collection!

Page 10

by Rhodes, Ashley

  Tess was horrified at his words, and a sudden swell of anger surged through her. She grabbed him by the shoulders and turned him back round, despite his groans of pain. She met his eyes again and held his gaze, even when he tried to look away.

  “And what do you think they will do with me once they’re finished with you, huh? Do you think they’ll just let me go, send me off with a pat on the back as long as I promise not to tell anybody what happened? No, Eli, that’s not what will happen to me. You know what will happen to me. If you’re just going to roll over and accept that, then you’re not the man I thought you were.”

  She was breathing heavily, her chest heaving with fury. Something entered Eli’s eyes that wasn’t there before, a glint that told Tess her words had gotten through to him. He dragged himself upwards into a sitting position, and then scooted backwards so that he leant against a wall. From there he looked at her, with something approaching mirth.

  “Can you go ask them to get me a new nurse please? Your bedside manner is appalling, and I don’t even think you’ve been trained properly for this job.”

  He even managed to crack a wan smile, which Tess couldn’t help but return. Her anger melted away as quickly as it had come, and she went to sit next to him.

  “Hey, I might not have received all the proper training, but I fill out a nurse’s outfit pretty damn well if I don’t say so myself. Maybe I should ask Tex if he has a spare one lying around so I can show you.”

  Eli chuckled, but then winced and clutched at his ribs.

  “Don’t make me laugh,” he said, “I think I’ve cracked a few ribs.”

  He turned his head to look at her, his expression earnest and serious.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me, and I’m lucky I have you here with me. If it was just me, I would still be lying there on the floor feeling sorry for myself and waiting to die.”

  “Don’t beat yourself up about it,” Tess said. “Now, can you remember anything about the outside of this room? How many men do they have guarding us? I think I can remember the way to the exit, but we need to think about some way to distract the guard so I can sneak out.”

  Eli’s brow furrowed as he tried to recall.

  “I think that there’s only one guy out there. The rest of them are in the big warehouse-type room getting drunk and celebrating. It’s a regular old party they got going on out there.”

  Tess thought for a moment.

  “Then I bet the guy outside probably isn’t too happy being relegated to guard duty, huh?”

  Eli shrugged.

  “I guess not. But that doesn’t mean that he’s gonna just let you out if you ask nicely.”

  “Well, how about if I just invite him in? I may stink, and my clothes might be all ragged, but I think I still have a few of my feminine charms about me.”

  Eli nodded.

  “Well, I certainly won’t argue with you on that one.”

  Tess took a breath.

  “Well then, I think I have an idea.”

  She leaned over to Eli, and began to whisper in his ear.


  Chapter Seventeen


  Eli lay there on the ground, curled up in the same fetal position that Tess had so unceremoniously dragged him out of a little while before. His eyes were closed, and he made an effort to keep his breathing deep and slow and steady.

  Every inch of him ached, and he was certain that at least two or three of his ribs were broken. Nonetheless, if their plan was going to work he would need to muster every last remaining ounce of strength that he had.

  “Are you ready?” Tess whispered.

  Eli gave her a thumbs up, mentally preparing himself for what he was about to do, and praying that it would work. It was the only chance they were going to get, and he just hoped that his memory of the guard was accurate.

  He listened as Tess shuffled to the door and wrapped on it loudly with her knuckles.

  “Hey,” she said, “can you come in here a sec? I need something.”

  No response. There was silence for a short while, and then she tried again, knocking louder this time.

  “Open the door! It’s important!”

  Eli’s heart pounded as he heard the old rusty door squeal in protest as it was suddenly thrown open.

  “Shut the fuck up!”

  The guy sounded young, and Eli didn’t recognize his voice. He must have been a new recruit to have landed the shit duty like this.

  “We need some more water,” Tess said.

  The guy laughed dryly.

  “Oh really? I tell you what, why don’t I bring you some candles and a bottle of wine with that?”

  Eli heard him shuffle back toward the doorway, and his heart sank. But before he heard the door close again Tess spoke, and this time there was something in her voice that Eli had never heard before, but immediately wanted to hear again.

  “I’ll make it worth your while. Really worth your while.”

  Her voice was low and sultry, utterly believable. Eli heard the guy stop in his tracks.

  “Tex said he wants first go at you, while loverboy over there watches. He’d fucking kill me if he found out I’d gone first.”

  Eli listened as Tess’ footsteps approached the sound of the man’s voice.

  “Tex never needs to know, does he? I’m not gonna tell him. Why don’t you just come over here, and we can have a little fun? It can be our little secret.”

  Silence for a few moments, and when the guy spoke again his voice was thick with lust and desire. It made Eli’s skin crawl, but he didn’t move. Not yet.

  “Well, they’re all drinking in there, celebratin’ without me. Why shouldn’t I get to have some fun?”

  “Exactly,” Tess purred. “All you have to do in exchange is bring me some water after.”

  Shuffling sounds as the guy grabbed at Tess. Eli chanced a glance and saw him pawing at her, pressing her roughly up against the filthy wall. Anger and disgust rose up in him, making him forget his pain for just a moment. It was enough.

  He surged up off the floor and raced to the guy, cracking him on the back of the head with the broken piece of pipe that Tess had torn off a wall. He went limp immediately and fell to the ground in heap.

  Tess spat on him, and then kicked him for good measure. Eli was breathing heavily, bent over leaning on the wall with one hand. He looked up at Tess.

  “Go. Run away and try to get some help. Leave me here, because I can barely walk and I’ll just slow you down.”

  She looked angry at the proposition.

  “Are you out of your mind? I thought we knew each other better than this by now, Eli. There’s no way that I’m going to leave you here, don’t be so stupid. Now come here - can you walk? Here, put your arm around me and I’ll help you.”

  Eli protested weakly as she took his arm and draped it around her shoulders, but she was determined and he could see that she wasn’t going to take no for an answer. Before they left, he looked down and noticed their guard’s gun on the ground. It was a revolver. Eli crouched down and picked it up. He’d never much liked guns, especially since the incident in the desert that had led to his arrest, but its weight was pleasing in his hand and at least this way he’d have a way to defend Tess and himself if they were discovered escaping.

  “Okay, let’s go,” Tess said. “I’ll check that the way is clear first, and then come back for you.”

  She went to the door and peered out for a few moments. Eli could hear the faint sounds of laughing and revelry, as the Sons celebrated their victory. He just hoped that they were drunk enough by this point, and confident enough in their guard’s capabilities, that they wouldn’t send somebody to check up on them before he and Tess managed to get out.

  She came back to him, and took his arm once more.

  “I can’t see anybody, but I can hear them. We need to do this in one straight shot, or there’s a chance that they’ll realize what’s going on - and if they do, I really don�
��t think we’ll get another chance.”

  She met Eli’s eyes, her own full of empathy.

  “I know you’re hurting, Eli, but I also know that you’re strong enough for this. Are you ready?”

  Eli gritted his teeth, and then nodded. She was right - he was in real pain, and without her he would have already given up and accepted his fate. But her determination and bravery spurred him on, and he did his best to block everything out and draw from his deepest reserves of willpower.

  She looked into his eyes for a few more moments, and then leaned in and kissed him softly, lingeringly. Her lips were so soft, and even through his pain Eli was aware of the curves of her body against his as she leaned into him.

  She broke away reluctantly after a few seconds.

  “I want you to make me a promise, Eli Flint - promise me that won’t be our last kiss.”

  Eli replied without hesitation.

  “I promise you.”

  She took a breath and nodded, and, taking as much of his weight as she could bear on her shoulders, they shuffled toward the door. Tess checked that the coast was clear, and then they took their first step outside of the room.

  The rest of this old abandoned building was as rundown and shabby as the small room they had been imprisoned in. It stank of damp and mold and decay, and the entire place was filthy with decades of dust. It hung in the air, kicked up by their footsteps. Every step was agony for Eli, his broken ribs sending daggers through him at the slightest movement. It took all of his willpower not to cry out, to keep putting one foot in front of the other, even despite Tess’ efforts to help him.

  As they made their way through the narrow corridor, the sounds of the Sons celebrating grew louder and more distinct. They had set up camp in the large warehouse at the front of the building. Tess and Eli were going to have to walk past an open door to get out, and that was when their risk of discovery would be highest.

  Eli strained his ears as they got closer, until he could make out words and sentences. Tex’s rough, gravelly voice filtered out to him.

  “ that stupid son of a bitch ever thought he was going to get away with stealing my product. Well, I bet he’s regretting that decision now, huh?”

  Eli’s eyes narrowed and his fists clenched as the Sons of Flame leader laughed smugly.

  This isn’t over. You’ll pay for everything you’ve done to me, Tex. And the price is going to be even higher now that you’ve brought Tess into it.

  Eli wanted to charge in there and put a bullet between the eyes of that abhorrent piece of human trash, but he wasn’t quite ready to make a martyr of himself just yet. There would be time later on to settle the score. He’d get out of here, recover, regain his strength and then reckoning would come.

  The Sons had obviously been drinking, judging by the way that their words were becoming slurred, their raucous shouts ever louder. This played into his and Tess’ hands, but sneaking past that doorway was still going to be a huge risk.

  They reached the doorway and Tess came to a stop just before they would have revealed themselves. She turned to Eli, her eyes wide and her body shaking with fear and adrenaline. Eli held up a finger and pressed it to his lips. She nodded in understanding.

  Eli motioned to her, indicating that she should stand behind him. She looked doubtful, but she didn’t protest. His nerves jangling, Eli craned his neck and peered around the corner of the doorway ever so slowly, ready to hide again at the slightest possibility of being seen.

  The scene gradually came into view, and it wasn’t good news. The bikers were arranged around the room, sitting and standing in a rough circle. There were at least four whose view encompassed the doorway that he and Tess needed to get past.

  The only hope they had was to wait for exactly the right moment, and tried to slip by when nobody’s attention was focused on that entrance. Eli could hear Tess’ breathing behind him, coming in rapid and shallow gasps. The last thing that they needed was for her to succumb to panic, so he reached backwards and placed a calming hand on her shoulder.

  She seemed to instinctively understand what he was trying to tell her, and he heard her take three deep slow breaths to try to calm herself down.

  Suddenly, the moment that he had been waiting for presented itself. Tex stood, clutching a half-empty bottle of bourbon that he raised above his head in a toast. The rest of the Sons followed his example with their own bottles.

  “To the Sons of Flame! To the brotherhood!”

  Eli knew that there wasn’t going to be a better chance than this. He grabbed ahold of Tess’ wrist and tugged on it gently, letting her know that she needed to be ready to bolt. He felt her body tense, heard her take a breath and hold it. Eli waited until the exact moment that each man raised his own bottle to his lips, and then they ran.

  It was just a few feet, but as he took the first step it may as well have been a yawning chasm. He expected at any moment to hear someone call out, a shout of anger - but it never came. A second later, he and Tess were on the other side of the doorway and the Sons were still cheering their toast, seemingly none the wiser.

  They had made it. Now all they needed to do was get out, get away. The hard part was done, and they were still alive, still fighting.

  Tess took Eli’s arm and wrapped it around her shoulders once more. Moving as quickly as they could, and glancing behind them every few seconds to make sure that they definitely weren’t seen, the two of them made their way towards the exit.


  Chapter Eighteen


  It all seemed so easy. Too easy. They quietly opened the door at the end of the corridor, and found themselves in an overgrown yard, with scrubby weeds growing through the shabby tarmac, and rusted old machinery scattered haphazardly around. It was night, and blessedly cool after the warm,damp stink of the interior they'd escaped from.

  Tess breathed in a deep lungful of the fresh air; she never thought that she'd be so glad to find herself out in the desert.

  She didn't give herself long to enjoy it though, because they weren't out of this yet. After their dash past the doorway, Eli had gotten heavier on her shoulders, relying on her more and more to bear his weight. He needed to get to a hospital, and soon.

  She glanced round at him - he was pale and sickly, his face bathed in a sheen of sweat. He looked terrible, and she was worried about him, but he still managed to flash her a faded smile.

  "We did it," he gasped.

  Tess looked around at their surroundings, and her heart immediately sank. The yard was surrounded by an old chain link fence; it was rusted and had obviously seen better days, but it still looked sturdy enough. Their problem was at the entrance - there was a gate there, closed and locked with a brand new padlock. Tex may have been careless enough to let them escape, but his complacency hadn't extended to leaving the entire building unsecured from the outside.

  Tess allowed Eli's arm to drop from her shoulders, and he immediately slumped to the ground with a soft groan. She went over to the fence and grabbed at the door, shaking it and trying to force it open. However, it was stronger than it looked, and there was no way that she would be able to get it open without something like a pair of bolt cutters.

  Tess glanced over her shoulder, back to the doorway into the building. It was possible that there was something in there that she would be able to use, but there was no way she was going back inside. It was too risky.

  She hurried back to Eli; he was still sprawled on the ground, pale and barely conscious. Tess’ attention was drawn to the handgun he had taken from the guard. An idea crossed her mind, and she leant down and retrieved it. As she did so, Eli’s eyes focused and he looked up at her.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I need to get this padlock off the fence, all we aren’t going to get out of here. I thought that I could just shoot it off.”

  Eli shook his head slowly.

  “That’s a Colt .45. Have you ever heard one of those things go off? Tex and th
e rest would be out here in seconds, and I’m in no condition to be running away from them right now.”

  Tess knew he was right, but she was getting desperate. It was so frustrating to be this close to freedom, yet be unable to take that one last step. She looked over at the fence once more, sizing it up in her mind. The links left enough space between them that she thought she would be able to climb it, and it wasn’t high enough that she couldn’t jump down once she had scaled it.

  “Okay then,” she said. “We need to climb it. I’ll help you, just…”

  Eli cut her off.

  “You know that’s not going to happen, Tess. Look at me; I can barely stand even with your help. I’m gonna tell you what to do, and I need you to listen to me and do as I say. Understand?”

  Tess thought about protesting, about trying to force him to climb that fence - but she knew he was right. There was no way he was getting over it, and so now everything was on her.

  “Okay. I’m listening.”

  “You can make it over that fence, so I need you to leave me here while you go and get some help. Go to the police station and bring them back with you. I’ll hide here until you come back - I’ll have this gun with me too, so you won’t need to worry about me. I can defend myself.”

  Tess could tell that he was trying to appear more confident than he actually felt, but she knew he was right. As hard as it was going to be for her to leave him here, it was their only option for getting out of this mess alive.

  “OK,” she finally said. “Where’s the police station?”

  “It’s on the main street, maybe half a kilometer away. Just turn left when you get onto the road and you won’t be able to miss it. Now go - the longer we spend talking about this, the more time we give Tex to find out that we’re missing.”

  Tess nodded, panic and concern tying a knot in her stomach.

  “Before I go, let me help you find a better hiding spot,” she said, leaning down and hooking her hands under his armpits, grunting with exertion as she lifted him from the ground. He was unsteady on his feet and glassy-eyed, but allowed himself to be led to a nearby pile of tires which he slumped behind, gun clutched loosely in his fingers. He looked barely able to lift the damn thing, and it made it that much harder for Tess to leave him.


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