Out of Darkness

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Out of Darkness Page 14

by Billie Turner

  A deafening boom thundered. Emma's head whipped around to witness flames enveloping the remaining structure of the cabin amid falling debris and plumes of smoke. A little piece of her cried inside as she watched their sanctuary burn in the rearview mirror. Emma veered from the road toward the ditch. Kai’s steady hand gripped the wheel and corrected her steering.

  “What the hell happened?” Emma turned to her passenger. She veered again.

  “Do you want me to drive?”

  “No, I’ve got this.” She fixed her eyes on the road.

  “I threw a grenade. If the blast didn't kill them, it will at least slow them down.” Kai leaned over and kissed her cheek. “You were magnificent.”

  “I was scared to death.” Emma placed a shaky hand against her chest and sucked in a deep breath. “When I saw you going toward the cabin and motioning me to go I didn't think you were going to make it.”

  “I told you I'd be here. I'm fast,” Kai grinned. How could he make light of the horrific situation? He blew up his cabin!

  “Don't ever do that to me again,” she said smacking his leg. “You could've told me you were that fast. I wouldn't have worried as much.”

  “I told you before. I have some gifts.” He shrugged.

  “So, now what do we do?”

  “We go back to the city. I think it's time I took matters into my own hands. I can see now that unless we want to look over our shoulders every minute of every day, I need to take the fight to Garrick.”

  “Who is Garrick?”

  “He's an old enemy. It's complicated and I’d rather you had as little involvement as possible.”

  “Don’t you think it's a little late for that? I'm already involved. Don't you think I deserve to know what's going on?”

  “Yeah, I guess you're right.” He sighed. “It's a long story though.”

  “Aren’t they always? What else have we got to do on the drive back?”

  “I guess you're right. Pull the car over. I'll drive.”

  “I told you I’ve got this.”

  “Well I’d like to arrive in one piece and that’s not likely the way you’re swerving all over the place.”

  “Fine! My driving isn’t that bad you know. I’m just a little shook up.” She pulled over and they switched places. “I bet you have lots of stories,” she said as she buckled her seatbelt.

  “I do, but I'm not that good of a storyteller. I'd rather leave most of them in the past where they belong.”

  “But you’re still going to tell me what happened, right?”

  “Yeah, I'll tell you the story. It's not pretty are you sure you want to hear it?

  “I want to know everything.”

  “It happened a long time ago. There was a war. It wasn’t always easy to remain an observer. I found there were times when I couldn’t just sit on the sidelines. I was here to protect humans from the underworld. I had no place in a war between men, so I never enlisted. Even though it wasn’t my fight, it’s not in my nature to sit back and ignore injustices. That’s how I met Garrick in the aftermath of war. He was an evil sadist then, thriving on the misery of others. He’s never changed. He’s only gotten worse. But the real reason I hate him is because he murdered Aiden.”

  “Who’s Aiden?”

  “Aiden was my friend. One of the rare few I’ve had. I don’t make friends easily. It’s a bad habit for someone like me. My life is complicated. Aiden wouldn’t take no for an answer. He was different. Contagious is more like it. If he decided something, that was it. It was happening.” Kai snorted. “He decided I needed a friend and he was gonna be it. I’d never met a more outgoing, loyal and protective man. I couldn't help but like him. We were surprisingly similar, and yet still polar opposites.”

  “How so?” Emma turned her full attention to him. She guessed this was a rare moment where he allowed a glimpse into his past.

  “He was a big man, not quite as big as I am but tall and leaner. I was the dark, quiet, solitary one. Aiden was lightness, laughter and fun, everything I'm not.” His vulnerability was heart shattering.

  “I disagree. I’ve seen your playful side. Aiden sounds like someone I would’ve liked though.”

  “He would’ve liked you too. I don’t think there was a person around who could resist his charm or personality. Larger than life. That’s what he was. If he’d been given the chance I bet he’d have passed the challenge.” Kai looked out the window at the passing scenery.

  “Was he going to try?”

  “No. He never knew about the spring. I was just thinking that he had the kind of character that would pass any challenge. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for someone he cared about. And family meant the world to him. Because of our friendship, I believe he included me. He and his family welcomed me like one of their own. I’d forgotten what it felt like to have family. In that brief moment of time I felt the closeness of family again. Aiden became like a brother to me. My friend. We were close to inseparable.”

  “So what happened?”

  Sadness and anger warred in the dark clouds gathering in his eyes. “Garrick murdered Aiden. He died trying to protect me. He didn’t know I was immortal. It was the one thing I’d never shared. I was selfish and didn’t want them to look at me differently. And Garrick didn't stop at killing Aiden. He executed the entire family.”

  “Oh Kai!” His grief broke the dam holding a flood of her tears at bay. “That’s horrible.”

  “He tortured and murdered every family member. The women, the children, Aiden’s twelve-year-old son. I can’t even tell you the unspeakable horrors they suffered. Garrick forced Aiden to watch as he tortured them. When Aiden still refused to give me up Garrick killed him too. He cut off his head and staked it on a pike. His men threw the bodies of the family into a pile and burned them. A gruesome message to taunt me. And I rose to the bait. I searched for him. I found some of his men but never him. He’d disappeared without a trace.” He gripped the steering wheel. “If I’d been there none of it would’ve happened. I could’ve saved them.”

  Emma’s heart ached. Who comforted this man when he hurt? She placed her hand on his balled up fist. “You don't know that. He might not be able to kill you but you’re not invincible There are plenty of things he could’ve done. You shouldn't live your life wondering about the things you might’ve changed.”

  “Knowing that’s true doesn't stop the guilt. They all died because of me! And I wasn't there to protect them. It took years for me to accept that I couldn't change the past. I’d have never allowed Aiden to sacrifice himself for my sake. Damn it! I’d have turned myself over to Garrick in a heartbeat rather than risk the lives of Aiden and his family.” He turned his hand over and entwined his fingers with hers. He raised them to his lips to kiss then rested their joined hands on his thigh. He needed that small moment to settle his emotions. “My guilt has more to do with not being there. The worst part is knowing that I’d have survived whatever Garrick could’ve done to me. If I’d shared my secret with Aiden, he might’ve given Garrick what he wanted in order to save his family. I wanted him to. He knew me well enough to know that I would’ve understood.” He gave a small shrug. “I learned to accept that it wouldn’t have made a difference anyway. Garrick is pure evil and given the chance he would’ve killed them anyway. Knowing Aiden as I did, I figure he knew that too.”

  Emma dug in the glove box for a tissue. What’s with these damn tears always clogging my throat? “You shouldn’t have had to bear this alone. I wish I could’ve been there for you.”

  “No! That’s the last thing I’d want. That man would’ve destroyed me if you’d been there back then. The underworld has some pretty nasty creatures and Garrick would fit in there just fine. He’s eluded me ever since that day. He resurfaces regularly. I catch up with him every now and then. But his ability to disappear is unnatural. I know I sound vain but I'm a great hunter, the best tracker in the world and can’t figure it out.” Kai shook his head, frustrated. “Where does he go?”
  “Is it possible he goes underground?”

  “It’s possible, but there should be some...” His voice trailed. “That’s it he’s hanging out in the underworld. It’s the only explanation that makes sense. Everything and everyone leaves some sort of sign to trace. Humans, animals, earth, water, fire; even the wind leaves signs of its passage as it blows up dirt and rifles through the trees. Not Garrick though, he's like a ghost or a chameleon. The underworld is the only thing that makes sense and it explains how he found a way to cheat death!”

  Emma was relieved to see Kai’s excitement renew. He thrived on challenge. She wasn’t any more comfortable with his melancholy than he was. She preferred the tough focused Kai. “I thought there was something protecting the two worlds from converging.”

  “There is but creatures come over from the underworld all the time. Who’s to say it can’t be breached from our side?”

  “How did he cheat death?”

  “I knew him over a hundred and fifty years ago and he still looks the same. Maybe a bit older but not over a hundred and eighty. That’s for sure.”

  “Is he a vampire?”

  “No. I’ve seen him in daylight. Vampires are different. It’s like time just stops the moment they cross over. Their hearts don’t even beat. And there’s no way he’s found the spring. There’s nobody on earth I consider less worthy. And if by some miracle he’d found the valley he would have stopped aging altogether. I don't age at all. My appearance hasn’t changed since the day I stumbled into that clearing. Well, my style has undergone many changes but my looks have remained the same more or less. I don’t even scar.”

  “You have scars. I’ve seen them.”

  “I was a hunter in a primitive time. My scars are from before I changed. Garrick shows signs of aging. The lines around his mouth and eyes are deeper, his hair is turning gray. He would’ve been in his early thirties a hundred and fifty years ago. When I saw him last he only appeared to be in his late forties or so. So whatever is keeping him young isn’t permanent.”

  “I don't think I'm ever gonna get used to you throwing around big numbers concerning age. Just a couple weeks ago I would’ve never imagined someone could live that long let alone know someone who’d been around even longer.”

  “Believe it. Okay, so now you know about Garrick. It’s time to plan where we go from here.”

  “If he knows you’re here, is there any point in hiding out? Won’t they just find you again? I've recuperated, I have my sight back. Maybe it's time to go back to the city. Face him head on.”

  “I don't want you mixed up in this. I think there's another way.”

  “What other way? He knows about me already.”

  “You're right about one thing I need to go back to the city. We'll find somewhere safe for you and I’ll hunt him down.”

  “You’re not gonna just leave me and run off to confront him on your own. What if something happens to you?”

  “I’ll be fine. This isn’t my first time you know. The only thing that’s changed for me is you. I won’t take you. It’s too dangerous. Garrick doesn't fight fair. If you’re with me, he will target to you just to hurt me.”

  “You don’t have to face this alone. Someone should have your back even if it's just me.” A fat lot of good my help will be but he’s not going in alone!

  “I believe you’d face this with me, and that’s very brave and I appreciate it. I do.” He shifted his gaze from the road to her for a brief moment. “But I won’t let you. You mean too much to me.” He squeezed her hand. “I've fought alone for thousands of years now. I know what I'm doing.”

  “In my head, I know I shouldn't worry. You’re a frickin’ bad ass.”

  “You think I'm bad ass?” Kai shot a grin at her.

  Emma rolled her eyes. “Focus please.” Leave it to a man to take that as a high compliment. “I've seen you in action. I know you're awesome, but my heart aches at the thought of you going in alone.”

  “I’ll b…” She held her hand up to stop his interruption.

  “I know you think I’ll slow you down or that I’ll get hurt and I might. I know it’s a good possibility. But someone should have your back. I could be a look out or something. Keep an eye on the situation from afar.”

  “No,” His tone clearly said she wouldn’t change his mind. “You can't keep up with me I'm too fast, and I have to be. I don’t wanna hurt your feelings but having you there would put both of us in jeopardy. I can't be as fast as I need to be or as focused if you're with me. I can’t do what needs to be done if I’m constantly looking out for your safety.” Kai glanced at her again. “You know I can't die, the only thing they could do is use you to get to me. It’s too dangerous!”

  “I never thought of it that way.” Emma squeezed his hand. “I'm sorry. I should've realized I’d be a liability in a fight.”

  “Look, I know you wanna help and under other circumstances I might let you but not this time.” He reached out and brushed her chin with a finger. “You do help in a way no one else can. Having you to come back to gives me all the strength I need.” Wow, he sure knew how to make a girl’s heart flip.

  “When this is over, I promise I’ll teach you how to fight. I'll teach you self-defense and how to handle weapons if you want. There isn’t time right now to teach you what you’d need to know. This time, I go alone. But first let’s get you somewhere safe. I actually know of a place outside the city where I can take you. You’ll like it.”

  * * *

  Kai turned the car onto a long gravel lane. The lane curved through the trees before opening into a wide clearing. Distant mountains rose up as a backdrop for the large ranch-style house at the end of the lane. Several smaller cabin style guesthouses flanked the house and there was a large red barn with paddocks neatly separated by white board fences. The sign over the barn said ‘Ghost River Ranch’ in bold black letters with a wispy white horse logo nestled in the horseshoe at the end.

  “Where are we?” Emma asked.

  “This is the Ghost River Ranch. I rented horses from here once.”

  “Why are we here? What do we need horses for?”

  “We aren’t getting horses. This is where you’re going to stay. They have great accommodations, and it is a fairly secluded place. You should be safe here while I’m gone. It's a kind of ranch resort. They have a swimming pool, spa and horseback riding.”

  “A dude ranch?”

  “I guess that’s what you’d call it.”

  “Sounds like fun. Why don't you stay here with me?” She knew full well his answer would be no.

  “You know I can't. When this is all over, and I come for you, we can stick around and enjoy the place for a week or two if you’d like.”

  “I’d like that.”

  Kai left Emma in the car while he made arrangements for a guest house. He returned to the car a half an hour later loaded down with a mountain of brown paper bags. He stuffed the packages in the trunk then plunked into the driver seat and drove to the furthest guest house at end of the row. .

  “What are all the packages for?”

  “They’re for you.”

  “Presents? For me?” Her eyes lit up and she clapped her hands.

  “Clothes.” Her face fell a little but she brightened instantly. “They have a gift shop that sells western wear inside. You can’t run around here naked with nothing but my shirt to wear. I mean, don't get me wrong I like seeing you in it, especially when I see your skin peeking through the missing buttons.” He waggled his eyebrows and grinned. “But management might have an issue with it and lately I'm finding that I'm a possessive guy. I don't care to have other guys ogling you either.”

  “I'm a mess.”

  “You're beautiful and sexy.” Kai leaned over and kissed the tip of her nose. “And your mine.” Heat smoldered between them. “C’mon let's get you inside before I change my mind and tell the world to go to hell.”

  The guest house was a bit larger than the other cabins. There w
as a definite rustic feel to the decor in keeping with the ranch theme, but with all the modern conveniences. The entrance opened into a cozy living room complete with a large flat screen TV and satellite. Kai walked straight to the bedroom and placed Emma's packages on the king sized bed while Emma peaked into the en-suite.

  “I could get used to this. There’s a full sized jetted tub and a separate shower stall.” Emma, he’d learned, had a thing for fancy baths. This one was the fanciest by far. The glass-enclosed shower had multiple heads including a rain feature and extra shower nozzles at different angles. No wonder the ranch charged an arm and a leg for this cabin. It was the luxury suite.

  “Yes, and there is a king size bed too.”

  “I didn't notice a kitchen.”

  “There isn't one. You’ll find snacks and drinks in the small fridge and cabinet in the other room. There’s also a microwave. You’ll have to eat regular meals in the dining room. They have my credit card. You can charge anything you need.”

  “How long will you be gone?”

  “I don't know. A few days for sure.”

  “What will I do? It’ll be boring here without you.”

  “Go riding or to the pool and the spa. Enjoy this place. Just don't leave the grounds and I'd feel better if you didn’t go riding unless you’re with the group.”

  “I don't know how to ride.”

  “Before I leave I’ll arrange for lessons. Okay?”

  “I guess.”

  “Come here.” Kai opened his arms. She leaned into him and his arms closed around her. He kissed the top of her head. “I'll be back before you have a chance to miss me.”

  “I doubt that. I really wish you had back up.”

  “I know and I’ve thought about it. I’m gonna make a call. I have this friend…”


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