Out of Darkness

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Out of Darkness Page 15

by Billie Turner

  “You said you don’t have friends.”

  “I don’t remember saying I don’t have friends. And you’re right. I don’t really. Sabine is someone I’ve known for a very long time. She likes to think we’re friends and I guess we are for a lack of a better word. She might help if I ask.”

  “Sabine?” Was that jealousy?

  “She’s a witch.”

  “Then why’s she your friend?”

  “No, I mean a real witch…as in casting spells witch.”

  “Ohhhh.” She looked thoughtful for a moment. “Have you two ever…?”

  “No. Would it bother you if we had?”

  “Depends. If you say she’s nothing more, I have no reason not to believe you. I don’t think anyone has ever been as honest with me as you have. Jealousy would be a wasted emotion between us.”

  Kai swept her up in his arms and strode to the bed. He knocked the packages onto the floor and the two of them dropped to the bed. He locked his arms and covered her body with his own. Kai dipped his head and kissed her, sweetly. “With you here, I have every reason to hurry back,” He crushed her lips beneath his own.

  Desperate hands quickly removed all barriers between them. They came together with an urgency Kai had never felt before. If this was the last time they’d be together for a while he wanted to make the most of every second. Emma rose to meet the surging power of his thrusts. The pressure built and burst like a geyser exploding upward then cascading in a shower of pleasure over them.

  “That was amazing,” Kai moved off Emma to give her breathing room.

  “Will it always be like this?”

  “I hope so.” He kissed her again then rolled off the bed. He started the shower then came back to the bedroom and carried Emma into the shower with him.

  Chapter 21

  Emma lay on the bed watching Kai dress. They’d made love in the shower and again when they returned to the bedroom. Fully dressed, Kai leaned down and kissed Emma tenderly. “Promise me you won't leave the ranch.”

  “I promise.” Emma looked away. She twisted the worried bed sheet through her fingers.

  Kai tipped her chin up and looked her straight in the eye. “I’ll be back as soon as I can. You won't even have time to miss me. ”

  “You know that's not true. I miss you already, and you haven't even left.” She understood why he had to leave but she didn’t have to like it.

  “Come on. Kiss me goodbye.” Emma rose to her feet on the bed, dragging the sheet up to cover herself. Her steps bounced as she crossed to the edge and fell into him. She clutched the sheet with one hand while she wrapped the other behind his head and pulled him into for her kiss.

  “Hurry back to me.”

  “Just try to keep me away.” He smiled then turned and left.

  Emma sank onto the bed depressed. She’d become attached to his presence in the short time they’d been together. A separation of a few days shouldn't be so hard to bear. They’d known each other for less than two weeks. They were an intense two weeks in each other’s continuous company. She’d miss him but worse, she worried she’d be anxious every minute until they were reunited. He was going after Garrick with either no back up or very little, depending on whether Sabine chose to help him. What if she said no? Kai said he couldn't die. What if he was wrong?

  Too many what-ifs. Thinking about what might happen would drive her crazy if she let it. Determined to spend their time apart in more productive activities, Emma gathered the packages from the floor and piled them on the bed. She opened them one by one. He’d outfitted her with a western wardrobe. There were western cut jeans, T-shirts and button down shirts strewn across the bed along with a pair of cowboy boots, some socks and plain cotton underwear. Wait a second. No Bra. She searched the paper bags and the pile of clothing once more. It was too much to expect a ranch gift shop would carry every clothing need including bras. She counted herself lucky the shop carried underwear. At least she didn't have to hide out in the room with nothing but his shirt. She'd be able to leave the room and try to enjoy the ranch. She’d never gone anywhere special while growing up. Since meeting Kai, she’d stayed in a luxury hotel, spent over a week in a cabin in the mountains and now she was staying at a dude ranch. And he’d worried life was tough hiding out with him.

  Emma dressed in her new clothes and left the guesthouse to explore. She wandered down to the paddocks to watch a couple of ranch hands exercise horses. She climbed the fence and sat on the rail to watch as the Cowboys put the horses through their paces. She was fascinated with the graceful power of the magnificent animals.

  Several horses grazed in a field adjacent to the paddock. Two foals cavorted and trotted about weaving around the larger animal’s while they ate. Emma watched, mesmerized by the adorable young horses as they pranced and chased one another. Their endearing antics delighted Emma and distracted her from her melancholy. She had no idea how long she’d watched the foals play when she noticed a cloud of dust in the distance. Minutes later she saw a large group on horseback returning from a trail ride.

  She would have to participate if she was gonna get through the next couple days. Emma hopped off the fence and walked over to the main office. She’d ridden a horse only once before so she was grateful Kai made arrangements for lessons. The young man who organized the bookings helped her schedule the private riding lessons and signed her up for an afternoon trail ride on the following day. It was too late in the day for a trail ride. However, she could begin her lessons after supper. Emma went to the dining room. She was a little disappointed she couldn't go riding right away and eager to get the mealtime over with. As soon as the riders came in, the staff would serve the evening meal.

  Emma enjoyed the home-cooked food. It was delicious and the company was entertaining. A boisterous older couple in their mid-to late forties introduced themselves to her as Tim and Brenda Johnson. They sat with Emma and regaled her with their afternoon horseback adventures.

  “We’re going out again tomorrow why don't you join us?” Brenda invited.

  “I've already got myself set up for the novice trail ride tomorrow afternoon,” Emma said.

  “This is our third time here. We're old hands at this now, but we can switch and ride together.”

  “Won’t you be bored on the novice ride?”

  “It doesn’t matter to us. We like a slower pace anyway.”

  “What do you say? We could even meet for breakfast tomorrow.” Brenda's husband Tim suggested.

  “That sounds really nice. What time would you like to meet?” Emma asked.

  “Breakfast starts early around here because of all the group excursions. How does breakfast at eight sound?” Tim asked.

  “It sounds lovely,” Emma agreed. “I thought I might be bored here on my own. Thank you for inviting me.”

  “Boring? Nonsense, There are tons of things to do here. I'd be happy to take you under my wing.” Brenda preened with delight. “You remind me of my daughter. You’re about the same age. I can only hope that if my daughter was in a situation where she was by herself that she’d have someone there to help her feel less alone.”

  “Oh, I'm only here for a few days on my own. My…um…friend will be joining me.” Emma wasn't sure what to call Kai. Of course they were more than friends, but the term boyfriend just didn't feel right applied to a thousands of years old immortal. Could one call an ancient warrior something as mundane as boyfriend?

  “Friend? Would this be a male friend?” Tim asked polite yet oddly protective at the same time.

  “Oh, Tim stop.” Brenda smacked his arm. “It’s none of our business.”

  “It's all right Brenda. I don’t mind.” Emma liked the gentle concern. “Yes, it is a male friend joining me.” Emma felt the blush creeping up her neck and into her cheeks. She didn't know why it felt awkward admitting to perfect strangers Kai would be joining her. Was the sudden shyness because of the implied intimacy of their relationship? She didn't care if people knew. Who in this day and a
ge still judged people for premarital sex? It was 2017 for goodness sakes, not 1817.

  Regardless of her modern views she still felt uncomfortable at the thought of this lovely couple’s disapproval. Maybe it was because she’d never had a mother or father figure of her own and they were so open and friendly and caring. They were exactly the type of parents she’d dreamed of having while growing up in foster care. A dream that never came true. Brenda seemed delighted for her. She’d worried for nothing.

  “Perhaps we’ll get to meet your young man when he arrives,” Brenda said.

  “I'm not sure when that will be,” Emma improvised with a misleading truth. “He has business to attend to first. I might be on my own for the next few days.”

  “Well, no matter. You’re not alone now. Jim and I will do our best to keep you plenty entertained.”

  Emma returned to the guesthouse a couple hours later. She’d had her lessons after supper then drinks in the ‘canteen’ with the Johnsons. They were a very nice, very chatty energetic couple. Emma enjoyed visiting with them but found Brenda's exuberance a bit exhausting. For someone like Emma, who’d spent most of her life alone, keeping to herself, the Johnsons company was a bit overwhelming.

  Emma stripped off her clothes, yawning as she ambled to the washroom to run a bath. She'd been up since before dawn. The long, full day had taken its toll on her. Her lips tilted into a lazy smile as thoughts of Kai and their incredible time together at the cabin replayed in her mind. Until she remembered the early morning interruption. Tortured by the unwanted separation, she wondered where he was and what he was doing. Had he found Garrick? Was he okay? It was the worst kind of agony not knowing.

  The shrill tone of the telephone interrupted her reverie. She stood poised with one foot over the edge of the tub, half-hovering over the steaming water. She flicked the water off her foot and ran naked to grab the cordless phone from the living room wall.

  “Hello?” She breathed hopefully into the phone, almost breathless from her scramble to answer. Only one person knew she was here.

  “Hi. Have you missed me?” Kai's deep voice came over the line sliding like silk down her spine. Relief washed over Emma knowing he was okay.

  “As a matter of fact I was. More than you know. Where are you?” Emma returned to the washroom and settled herself in the tub of steaming water with the phone pressed against her ear.

  “I'm in the city. No luck so far. I'm hoping tomorrow will be a more productive day. What are you doing?”

  “Oh not much I just slipped naked into a steaming hot tub,” she teased seductively.

  “Honey you’re killing me,” he groaned.

  Emma giggled. “I’m sorry I couldn’t resist. I like this new found power of mine. I wish you were here.”

  “Me too. We should change the subject or I’ll be driving out there to see you.”

  “If that’s all it takes to get you back here…”

  “Funny. Tell me about your day. What did you do this afternoon?”

  “I went out to the corrals and watched the horses for a while then I wandered around the grounds for a bit. I had some riding lessons…Oh, I signed up for the trail ride tomorrow afternoon.”

  “That's good. I thought you might get stubborn and refuse to leave the room because you were waiting for me.”

  “Are you kidding? If I sat around waiting, I’d drive myself nuts worrying. I met a nice older couple at supper this evening. They invited me to join them on the trail ride tomorrow.”

  “I'm glad. Just promise me you'll be careful.”

  “I will be. You be careful too.”

  “Don't worry about me. I’m always careful.”

  “My head knows that, but my heart won't listen. I keep worrying anyway.”

  “Nothing’s gonna keep me away from you for long. I’ve only just discovered you and you mean everything to me. I’m not letting anything get between us.” Emma's heart flopped over in her chest. Damn! How can a girl resist a guy like him?

  “How can you be so sure? We still don’t know each other all that well. I love you, and I believe you love me too but what if we’re wrong and it's just intense infatuation?” Emma chewed on her lip. He’d shown her how much he cared in so many ways but was their blossoming love enough to last? “Neither of us would know the difference.” She wanted him to be sure she was worth the danger, the distraction.

  “I would know. And I know enough to know I love you. This, what is between us, is no infatuation. I’ve never felt this before. Ever. I’ve never cared about another person as deeply as I do for you. For me, this is a once-in-a-lifetime event. I’ve never loved another and I never will. Only you.”

  “Wow, it's a good thing I was sitting down. My hands and knees are shaking, and my heart is beating so fast it feels like it's going to fly out of my chest. After a speech like that, you’d better come back fast.”

  “I mean every word. Nothing’s gonna keep me away. I’ll always return to you.”

  “You'd better, ’cuz I don't want to be without you either.”

  “Listen, sweetheart, I have to go for now, but I’ll call you as often as I can. I bought cell phones, one for you and one for me. A courier will deliver the phone to you at the ranch. It should arrive by tomorrow morning. I've already programmed my number into your phone. Keep it with you at all times. If you need anything, you call me. Alright?”

  “Okay, I will.”

  “I love you. Be safe.”

  “I love you too.” Emma heard the click ending the call and severing the connection. As much as she’d loved hearing from him, it made her miss him more. She’d be happy when all of this was over, and they could move forward. She didn't know what that future looked like for them, but one thing she was sure of was, somehow they’d be together.

  Chapter 22

  The sun was bright and the weather unusually warm for so late in the fall. Beads of sweat dripped beneath the band of the cowboy hat Emma wore. She swept her hat off her head and rubbed the moisture away with her shirt sleeve. Whew I had no idea it’d get this hot. She tugged the reins held loosely in her hands and used her knees, like she was taught, to guide her mount off the path into a shady copse of trees. The shade provided a welcome relief from the sun's rays beating down on her. Emma nodded at several riders as they came up behind her on the trail and passed her shady oasis. They followed the narrow path, worn into the landscape by many years of trail rides. There was plenty of room for anyone if they wanted to go off the beaten path to create new trails along the semi-steep hillside.

  “Whew, it sure is hot out here today,” Brenda echo Emma’s thoughts as she and her husband rode their horses into the shaded area alongside her.

  “I could sure use a break,” Jim admitted. “Darlin’, will you hand me your water canteen?” Brenda leaned over her horse’s neck and handed Jim the strap from her canteen.

  “I told you to conserve your water. It’s a lot warmer today. You knew we’d be riding for hours.” Emma grinned at the now familiar chiding and bantering between the older couple. They’d been her constant companions for the better part the week, sharing most meals with her. They’d even signed up for the same horseback excursions. She imagined loving parents would treat their daughter in the same way. As promised on her first night at the ranch, they made her feel welcome and invited her to just about everything the ranch had to offer. It felt strange having these parental-like figures in her life. Strange but good.

  “You know him well don't you?” Emma teased. “You probably brought an extra canteen just in case.”

  A slight blush crept up the older woman's cheeks as she lifted another canteen from her saddle horn. “Guilty as charged.” The three of them burst into laughter.

  “You two go on ahead. Don’t wait for me. I feel more confident about my riding skills now. I thought I'd hang back a bit and enjoy the scenery. I'll catch up in a little while.”

  “Nonsense,” Brenda said. “We wouldn't hear of leaving you all alone. Besides, i
t’d be nice to settle back at a slower pace and take in the fresh air and view.”

  “I couldn't impose on you like that. You signed us up for the advanced ride, and I’d feel like I was slowing you down.”

  “Don't be silly. We enjoy your company,” Jim added to his wife's protest.

  “And I enjoy yours,” Emma assure them, “but it isn't necessary for you hang back with me and miss out on our guide’s colorful commentary while he shows us the sights.” Emma grinned. The guide knew his history.

  “Well I do like learning about the history of the area,” Brenda agreed.

  “Don't worry about me I won't be far behind. I promise I won’t let the last rider out of my line of sight.”

  “Okay honey, if you're sure?” Brenda wavered.

  “I'm sure. I'll catch up with you in a little while.”

  “Okay Hon, we'll see you later then.” With a jaunty little wave, the couple rejoined the group. Emma waited in the shade until the last rider passed her. It was time to rejoin if she wanted to keep her promise. She touched her heels to the horse’s side, urging the mare onto the trail where she rejoined the group a ways back from the end of the line.

  Emma grew up with very few opportunities to participate in outdoor activities like horse-back riding. It was expensive and required too much of a time commitment from temporary foster parents. In the last couple weeks, Emma realized she enjoyed the freedom of the outdoors. It felt liberating being at peace and in harmony with nature.

  Emma fell back from the rest of her group. The subtle creak of leather and the light jingling of the bridle entwined with the rustle of a gentle breeze and the chirp of birds. Emma tilted her face up and basked in the glory of the sun’s radiant heat. The only thing missing was Kai. As much as she liked the Johnsons she’d rather share this lovely place with him. He’d been gone for several days now. She missed his company and the warmth of his body, wrapped around her as she slept. He called each night, but it wasn't the same as having him in the flesh.


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