I Fired God
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No doubt, because of the IFB’s sheer size and influence this group is: The Most Dangerous Mind-Control Cult in America.
Joseph and I are still picking up the shattered fragments of our lives and finding ways to mend them. There have been many times along this twisting and arduous path when I’ve wondered why all this happened. Why this? Why me? There have been days when the stress, fear, and hurt from the IFB’s endless campaign to silence me have overwhelmed me.
Why not just let it go? Why not move on and spare my children, my husband, and myself more grief? Because I’ve concluded this is a cause worth fighting for, a battle worth winning. This is the good fight.
If my story can bring lasting change to the laws in our country and improve fellow victims’ lives, then sharing it will have been worth all the anguish, all the tears. To that end, I’ve made myself an open book until the age of thirty-five, sharing the most intimate and sometimes humiliating details of my past.
As a result, my life has been picked apart, ridiculed, disparaged, and even threatened. That’s okay. I have done what I know I needed to do to shed light on this abusive culture—all for the children’s sake.
Along this journey, friends have asked about my progression out of this extremism and what I now know for sure.
I know for sure that God is not a fat, white, angry, Republican, Baptist, male pastor in the sky—with a wooden dowel in one hand and a Bible in the other. I know for sure that She/He/Energy/Source/The Divine is good, loving, kind, and compassionate and there is order and purpose in everything.
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