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To Be Chosen

Page 38

by John Buttrick

  With those chores out of the way, Daniel started on the next, and scanned a five span radius, one that included twenty strides below ground. He sensed a tunnel stretching north, beyond his self-imposed range, directly toward the mud hut where his attacker now slept above ground. The Aakacarn was beyond the radius of the spell, but not beyond Daniel’s spies.

  He sensed every person within the camp, including the three dead, and all of the animals in his swirl, except those sent out to spy. He was glad none of them that took part in the skirmish were seriously injured and sent his thanks to all for their efforts. Forty sasquatches lay dead two spans to the south. About three spans north, he sensed forty more sasquatches, some sitting and some walking around amongst themselves, while three of them were in the trees half a span south of the main group. Those had to be lookouts.

  “Gurrumble,” Daniel focused his thought on the huge mail.

  “Daniel/Alpha, want something?”

  Daniel pictured where the forty sasquatches were waiting three spans to the north and sent the image into the mind of the huge male. “Bring them within fifty strides of me,” he instructed, knowing the stride of a sasquatch was twice that of a human. “I want them to join our pack.”

  “Gurrumble biggest male, others will follow. They join pack, they come recognize Daniel/Alpha,” the sasquatch’s thoughts came back.

  Terroar and Rumble went along on the mission, without being asked, all three sasquatches moved quickly and soon met with the beasts waiting in the trees. The six of them went over to the remaining thirty-seven, and then all of them headed south. By the time they were within fifty sasquatch-strides, meaning one hundred human, Duncan Hawk returned with Sergeant Keenan, Silvia, and David. Daniel not only heard them enter, he sensed them through the spell while keeping his eyes closed. He raised his hand to let them know he was aware of their presence, but kept his concentration on the forty new beasts. He summoned the potential for, Mind Touch, and focused, at the first ten, then the second, third, and fourth, successfully linking with all forty, bringing the total of sasquatches in his swirl to sixty-one. Introductions were made and all accepted him as their new alpha. He suggested to them that humans were not food, were to be avoided, and the sasquatches were free to do as they will. They retreated back into the woods and would stay at least two spans away from the humans.

  Daniel opened his eyes. Duncan was standing at the tent flap, which was closed, and the others were seated on the fold-up chairs. The young guardsman started to step outside. “No, you can stay, if you can keep what we say to yourself,” Daniel told him.

  Duncan turned around. “I can keep my mouth closed.”

  Daniel nodded acceptance and motioned for the young man to sit, which he did, cross-legged. The mood was tense. Keenan’s shoulder was braced and bandaged. The man had shallow cuts on his face that seemed to have clotted without any need of stitches. Silvia and David, while appearing concerned, and perhaps a touch frustrated, seemed to be completely unharmed. Daniel gave a nod of the head, which they all took as a greeting and nodded back, but the nod had actually been a result of his realizing the couple was still shielded. He removed the Da Capos from the shields, allowing them to cease.

  “Thanks,” David said, but the gravity of the situation made a smile and a witty remark seem inappropriate, the juggler apparently knew it, and so his expression remained somber.

  Sergeant Keenan glanced at the Teki, no doubt wondering what the gratitude was for, but immediately got down to business, as was his habit. “I was afraid you would never wake,” he stated, eyes studying his commander. He cleared his throat. “I’m ready to give a full report, if you feel up to hearing it.”

  Daniel nodded toward Duncan. “Guardsman Hawk gave me a summary of events and a listing of the dead, and yes, I am ready now to hear a complete report from you.”

  The Sergeant gave a precise accounting of the facts, ending with, “Eighteen sacks of oaks were destroyed, along with all of our water packs, and eleven sacks of beans. We have six sacks of grain, five sacks of beans, and no hams, bacon, or bread. Eight warhorses died, along with nineteen pack horses, four survived the initial attack but were so badly wounded they had to be put down, leaving us eleven.”

  Daniel began thinking of who would have to ride double on the pack horses, seeing as there was not much in the way of supplies for the surviving ones to carry. The tents had only minor damage and, he stopped in mid-thought, these decisions did not have to be his alone. “Sergeant, do you have any recommendations?”

  Keenan gave a brief nod of the head. “I recommend that you promote Guardsman Chuc Carlin to Corporal. He’s a solid, capable man. He and I can organize and prepare the men to follow whatever course you set, whether it is to retreat or press on with the mission.”

  Daniel appreciated the way the man did not rub in all the stuff about the butcher’s bill, a reminder not needed, and a lesson well learned. The suggestion was good. “I will promote him after you assemble the men in the morning.”

  Silvia, eyes radiating concern, reached out and touched him. “Can you tell us what was done to you? I felt so helpless, you on the ground unconscious, and me unable to get you to respond,” she paused and managed a weak smile. “I would have slapped you, if I thought doing so could’ve done any good.”

  Daniel studied the current occupants of his tent. Hawk was staring wide-eyed, as if certain all would be made well now that Sir Daniel was awake. Sergeant Keenan seemed to have the staying power of a spruce, able to bend to an extent when necessary, but ready on the instant to snap back up straight. David and Silvia seemed to have complete faith in the Chosen Vessel, watching him like a legend made flesh, and expecting miracles to swirl in his wake. He could not blame them, seeing as he had become cock sure of himself over the course of the journey, although not so much now.

  Keenan’s eyes widened at Silvia’s remark, but his attention stayed on his commander. “Why did the animals come to our aid?”

  Daniel decided the two members of the Royal Guard before him were trustworthy enough to learn a little more about him. “I was struck by, Sleep, a spell composed by Tarin Conn. Even I am vulnerable to what was cast at me,” he spoke in answer to Silvia’s question. “What you two should know and these two do know is that I can summon potential, which is what I was doing when you four came in just now, and no, I am not prepared to share what I was casting. The Silencing placed on me by the Grand Maestro caused me to forget my entire repertoire of Melodies and prevents me from relearning them. It does not, however, prevent me from learning new Melodies that were never in my repertoire. I’m limited because of the Silencing, but have managed to work around it to a degree. That said, the animals that fought for us are caught up in my swirl and have become my allies, to an extant. They chose on their own to help out against the sasquatches sent by the Aakacarn who attacked me.”

  Keenan nodded his head and then turned to Duncan. “Remember, none of this is to be shared with anyone else. Sir Daniel will reveal what they need to know when they need to know it.”

  “It will be as you say, Sergeant,” Hawk replied. “I just want to know if we’re gonna chase after the Aakacarns or be going home.”

  They all looked to Daniel, who had never considered giving up the mission. “We are going to get back what was stolen,” he announced. “And then we will confront Serin Gell.”

  Chapter Nineteen: Treachery

  Vance Cummin sat in his cherry wood-paneled office and was pleased at how his plans were progressing. King Jarred Suchen fell from his balcony earlier in the evening and Prince Xavier was still somewhere in northern Ducaun being escorted by the Ducaunan Royal Cavalry. Not a soul suspected the man of having any prior knowledge of the accidental deaths in his family. After all, he was in a foreign country, representing Pentrosa, and could not possibly know his father would die, leaving him the throne. Some of the ministers believed the king threw himself off, having been overcome by grief at the deaths of his two older sons.

  The sedition planted in Taracopa is on the verge of breaking into civil war, virtually guaranteeing the strongest military power in the world will be so occupied with its own internal problems, that it would be incapable of supplying the rest of the kingdoms with warhorses, or sending its huge cavalry to assist other realms. King ZuShong of Zune, with his powerful navy, was prepared to back Vance when the time came for all out war, and covertly beforehand, as was the wealthy royal family of Demfilia. Most importantly, the Mount Shantear Project was well underway.

  The only hardship came from Serin Gell abducting Accomplisheds of Aakadon assigned to the Tomlin Project, and drawing a closer scrutiny by the Eagle Guild of all suspected Serpent Guild activities. The notoriety was not making Vance’s work any easier.

  “Vance Cummin, this is Jordan Simms,” the One-bolt Accomplished sounded in his head, apparently to make a report that was way overdo.

  Vance conveyed a sense of disappointment through the mental connection. “I was beginning to believe you no longer considered yourself one of those who are loyal to me.”

  Nervous tension came ahead of Jordan’s reply, as there should be. “Serin Gell Condemned Jeremiah Lassiter and told us Tarin Conn had chosen him to be the Maestro of the guild, so we followed him.”

  Vance sighed, but did not allow his emotions to flow through the link established by the communication amulet. Jordan was one of the dimmest witted individuals Vance had ever come across, but he had his uses. By, “We,” he no doubt meant Olivia SuCalla. The potential of both Aakacarns was discovered when they were children, she attached herself to him as a way to survive among the candidates for the academy, and then the rigorous challenges and exams that needed to be passed in order to graduate to the level of Accomplished. They were inseparable ever since. “Tarin Conn has determined that the office of Maestro will be granted to me or Serin Gell, depending on which of us has built the strongest, most effective, organization within the guild. What has caused you to reconsider your faith in Serin Gell? There must be a reason or you would not be contacting me.”

  “Serin Gell has the flute of Della Lain and refuses to destroy it until he has the trumpet of Tarin Conn in his hands. I don’t understand why he doesn’t destroy the thing and free the Supreme Maestro right now,” Jordan sent, along with a sense of bewilderment and frustration.

  Vance had a good idea as to why Gell would postpone destroying the crescendo. Serin clearly believed Tarin Conn would grant him the office of Maestro on the spot, and wanted the Master’s crescendo in his possession when it happened. “What makes him think he can get his hands on the trumpet?”

  The confusion transmitted through the link began to clear as Jordan focused his mind on the answer. “A member of his web is going to steal it from Serena Lowell.”

  Vance could not allow that to happen, but first had to deal with Jordan and Olivia. “Why are you informing me of this?”

  “It is not right for the flute of Della Lain to be found and then not destroyed immediately afterward. I’m not sure he will destroy it even after he has the trumpet, him being so eager to capture and Condemn Daniel Benhannon,” Jordan replied with disgust. “I thought we were supposed to leave him alone, that the Supreme Maestro had plans for Benhannon.”

  “You thought correctly, the instruction has not changed. Why do you think Daniel Benhannon is on his way?” Vance sent back, while trying to work out the consequences of what Serin Gell planned on doing. Would destruction of the flute and possession of the trumpet put the wretched schemer in enough favor with Tarin Conn to be granted the office of Maestro? Would he be forgiven for Condemning Daniel Benhannon, and ruining whatever plans the Supreme Maestro had concerning him? These were important questions, yet could be left mute if Vance acted quickly enough.

  The connection broke off as if the amulet had lost contact with Jordan’s forehead, which meant he could be conferring with Olivia. The connection resumed moments later. “Serin Gell’s spy was told to leave a message inviting Daniel Benhannon to be reunited with his friends from the Battle of Bashierwood in the Foothills of Pentrosa, which is where we are. They have all been Condemned, which is why I think he plans the same thing for the man who killed Balen Tamm.”

  No, Gell’s motivation would not be for the defeat of the former Maestro of the Serpent Guild, the revenge would be for the humiliation at Bashierwood, and later being captured by Benhannon. Vance had no doubt in his mind about the reason, and also knew this fundamental flaw in Serin’s character would provide a window of time to act. “Jordan, I want you and Olivia to slip away from Gell’s Nest in the Foothills, and head for Serpent North. I am going to send someone who can infiltrate the Nest and destroy the flute without being detected, but want you far from there when it happens, Gell will figure out it was you who informed on him, and will punish you and Olivia for it.” Vance added the last part, knowing how important protecting SuCalla was to Simms, therefore making him more likely to obey, and as a reward for giving such valuable information.

  “I will be guided by you in this,” Jordan formally replied, and then the connection ended.

  Vance immediately grabbed Lowell’s amulet and placed it against his forehead. “Serena, this is Vance Cummin. Serin Gell has a member of his network in your team and has ordered him or her to steal the trumpet of Tarin Conn from you.”

  What came back at him was a mental fog, which usually meant the person you were trying to contact was asleep. He focused a boost of extra potential into the amulet, giving the equivalent of a shout, but had no success. The mental fog was unbreakable, meaning she was not in a natural sleep. Serin’s spy must have made his move. Vance cursed Gell and his minion.

  Rex Badger was still in Holcum, after discretely helping the king fall off the balcony, he was the man for what needed to be done now. Vance put away Serena’s amulet and picked up the one given him by his second in command. “Rex, I have an assignment for you.”

  “I am listening. Who needs to die?”

  One thing about Badger, he loved assassinations. “Serin Gell, but the Supreme Maestro has forbidden us to kill him, so I need you to travel to his Nest in the Foothills, enter his sanctum, and put him to sleep for a little while,” Vance sent back, dearly wishing he could have his opponent murdered.

  An eagerness mixed with caution flowed from Rex through the link. “That is a challenge I would enjoy, but there has to be more to this assignment.”

  The man was perceptive enough to know and look for more than what met the eye, ear, or internal communication. This was why Vance used him when an assignment required a person who could make sound judgments and react to any unexpected changes in plan. “Serin Gell has the flute of Della Lain. I want you to put him to sleep and then destroy the crescendo. You will have the credit for freeing the great Tarin Conn and the glory he chooses to bestow upon us.”

  Sheer joy flowed through the link and with it a growing sense of lust, no doubt for the power and glory Rex was anticipating. “I can assemble my teleportation team before the sun rises. The closest city to the Foothills that I can reach is Pennaton, and that means fifty spans on horseback, but we will bring extra mounts and ride all day and most of the night to get there.”

  Vance liked his enthusiasm. “Get to it, the sooner the better. And Rex, I have ordered Jordan Simms and Olivia SuCalla to abandon Serin Gell and go to Serpent North, if they are still in his Nest when you arrive, kill them. I have no use for associates who cannot be counted on to fulfill their agreements.” Jordan had his uses, but if he could no longer be depended upon, well, his usefulness ends and so does his life.

  “It will be as you say, if they have disobeyed, they die,” Badger replied without hesitation.

  “Just so you know, Serin Gell is trying to lure Daniel Benhannon into a trap, and he might arrive about the same time you do, or maybe not. Remember, the Supreme Maestro wants him alive, so capture him if you can, but don’t go out of your way. Tarin Conn will deal with the young Accomplished in his own way. You fo
cus on destroying the flute. That is to be your highest priority.”

  A sense of absolute clarity flowed ahead of the words. “I’m going to melt the flute of Della Lain in the hottest fire my potential can summon.”

  “That should do it,” Vance replied and then set aside the amulet, ending the communication. He chose not to tell Rex about the trumpet of Tarin Conn being in the hands of Gell’s minion. It would not be prudent to risk the Badger being sidetracked by a crescendo that may or may not be arriving at the Foothills. It was a long way from where Serena and her team were located in Ducaun to the border of Pentrosa. Stealing the trumpet is one thing, keeping it is another. Knowing Lowell, he had no doubt she would chase down and kill the traitor.

  The counter move was set in motion, all Vance could do now was carry on with his current plans, and trust in the relentless Rex Badger. This was going to be a marathon race. Rex had to accomplish the assignment before Serin Gell takes his vengeance on Daniel Benhannon, and before the flute is destroyed.


  Daniel was back in the saddle, behind the Duke’s son, who was leading the procession north until the field commander felt more alert. Daniel wanted to see through the eyes of his various animal scouts, and learn about his quarry, not that Jonah knew that. He only knew his commander needed a little more time to recover from the spell that had been cast at him. The Ducalin had chosen the direction, based on the scout’s report, and it was close enough to the way Daniel wanted to go that he allowed him to continue on. It was not hard for Adam Avery to find the entrance to the tunnel and then follow the trail underground until it came back up to the surface seven spans later. Exploring the tunnel had not been Daniel’s idea since he had been asleep at the time. Jonah had ordered the scout to find out where it went. It was fortunate there had been no nasty surprises waiting for Avery. It is not wise to follow an Aakacarn into a dark, cramped and confined space. The tunnel was unimportant, it having been created by the assailant, not the possessor of the trumpet, but no one awake knew that.


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