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To Be Chosen

Page 52

by John Buttrick

  Simon quickly cast Manipulate: Tree, and focused on the honeylocust directly above the enemy Accomplished, and then bent toward his toes and slammed his hands together with a resounding clap, and the tree did likewise, bending all of its thorny branches low and crushing the enemy Aakacarn.

  Samuel was so startled he lost concentration and dropped to the ground. Fortunately he landed on his feet. The tree went back to its normal position, leaving a mangled body in silks on the ground. “Watch your back!” Simon called down to him.

  Samuel stared at the dead Aakacarn and then up at Simon. “Thanks for the assist,” he shouted.

  Evidently Silvia was correct her cousin did need Simon’s help. With this done, all he had to do now was help prevent a war.

  Half a mark before sunrise the Accomplisheds of the Stone Guild raised a stone fort that was higher than the hill and the guardsmen filed into it. When the sun came up, Simon could see the bodies on the other side of the wall. Men with their throats ripped out and others torn open in the middle, exposing intestines. One man, insides spilled on the ground, was lying near a dead panther with a sword in its neck. They both died together. Three dead coyotes were also among the lifeless Pentrosans. Flocks of crows burst out of the trees, all heading for the feast below. Soon the dead were covered by the black-feathered birds.

  Carlin coughed. “Sir Daniel’s swirl is one to be reckoned with,” he stated and cocked his head to the right as if listening for something, and then smiled. “Hear that buzzing, I’ll bet the Champion’s army is bigger than the legion heading for us.”

  Simon did hear a low and persistent buzzing. Did Daniel’s swirl include insects? “You seem confident of your facts.”

  Guardsman Rainbird, obviously from the Mount Geble region, stepped forward. “Swarms of bees came to our assistance once before, it is not unreasonable to expect a little help from them.”

  Simon did not want to dampen their enthusiasm by mentioning that smoke will stop the bees. If the commander is quick thinking enough, the bees would only slow him down. Even so, help from any quarter is welcome.

  Silvia exited the cave and climbed the hill, showing no signs of exertion. “Daniel has finished restoring the last Condemned, they are all still asleep, and will be so for several more marks. The bad news is the Pentrosan legion will be here within a mark.”

  Simon pulled an amulet from his inner pocket and placed it against his forehead. “Sam, that legion will be joining us within the mark, I think we Accomplisheds should meet with Sergeant Keenan, and work out a coordinated defense plan.”

  “Agreed,” Samuel sent. “We also need a get away plan for when Daniel decides it is time to go.”

  “I’ll be in your fort soon,” Simon informed him and then put away the amulet. “Corporal Carlin, I would appreciate it if you and your men will keep watch here on the hill.”

  Carlin spit a wad of tobacco on the ground. “There wasn’t anywhere special I needed to be. Right here is a good enough place to spend the morning.”

  “Good man,” Simon replied, and then he and Silvia went down the hill and into the Stone Guild fort.

  Chapter Twenty-Four: Realm Alert

  Daniel opened his eyes. The young man he restored had a dark beard and long hair, just as it would be if he never shaved or cut his hair. It was the same for all of the formally Condemned males.

  “Move aside and I’ll put some clothes on him,” Miriam said while approaching with the garments.

  His mother had been a huge help, along with his father, Tim, and Gina. It would have taken quite a bit longer if he had to dress each of these people, nearly all of whom were non-Aakacarns. The only fully Condemned Aakacarn had been the tall black one who Daniel recognized as the man he once shielded and suspended back in Aakadon. The Accomplished is a Two-bolt, but he had no lightning bolts now, those had been ripped from his body during the Condemnation.

  “Thanks for your help,” he told his mother and then stood up.

  “Your chore was the harder,” his mother said, and then went to work dressing the young man.

  Time was passing, yet Daniel still had one more major chore to accomplish while his patients rested, and hopefully before the Pentrosan legion arrived. Gina, with her dark wavy hair and pink-dyed buckskins, reminded Daniel of Val, yet he realized the memory of his first love was stronger than his actual feelings for her, which had been altered. He still loved her as a friend, probably always would, but Sherree is the one who held his heart in her hand.

  “Have some water,” Gina said while offering him a mug.

  “Thanks,” Daniel replied and sipped gratefully, enjoying the cool freshness flowing down his parched throat. Power wielding is thirsty work.

  “The people are sleeping peacefully and dressed in the clothing you conjured. Is there anything more we can do?” Gina asked.

  Daniel smiled at her, appreciating her helpful attitude. “Just watch over them. I need to alter a Melody. The Queen is dying, but I can save her with what I learned here. That is, if I get to her in time.”

  Gina’s left eyebrow arched up. “How much time do you have?”

  “About ten to fifteen days at this point,” Daniel was quick to reply, seeing no reason to be evasive.

  “Then you can’t go by horse. Maybe we can use the Javelin. It is the fastest way I can think of,” Gina stated, making a good suggestion.

  Daniel shook his head. “I’m going to travel a much faster way, just as soon as I alter the necessary Melody.”

  “You are the Maestro, do whatever you can,” his long time friend told him, using a title no one had ascribed to him before. Her fear of his power wielding seemed to be long gone.

  Daniel thanked her for the vote of confidence and then played Teleportation; the Melody composed by Tarin Conn, but did not summon the potential. The purpose was to add enough harmony lines to make the tune into a Symphonic requiring only one bolt of potential. Daniel added a four part harmony and knew it would do the job but not at the power level he wanted, so he added parts of his own composition, notes and rhythms, and altered the Melody until he had a masterpiece with a sixteen part harmony, and titled it; Conveyance.

  He opened his eyes. “Mom, Gina, I’m going to heal the Queen, and hope to be back within a mark,” he told them, and then summoned the potential for, Conveyance, while picturing the room in the palace where he often chatted privately with Her Majesty, and three heart beats later he was there.

  Comfortable chairs and an elegantly carved table occupied most of the room along with several paintings on the back and side wall. One was a picture of the palace and the other a portrait of the Queen’s mother. Daniel heard feet pounding on the floor out in the hall and opened it. A slim young man in his teens, wearing green palace livery, one of the royal couriers, was running at full speed away from him. “Barney, come back, I need to see the Queen,” Daniel called out.

  The teenager came to a stop and turned, still breathing hard, and took a few moments to recognize who had called him. “Sir Daniel,” he said, after catching his breath. “I almost didn’t recognize you in blue cloak and silks. I heard a loud pop like a whip crack and, well, I was scared.”

  Daniel caught up to him. “These clothes were necessary. Where is the Queen?” he replied without explaining about the sound of displaced air accompanying his arrival.

  Barney blinked. “She is likely still in bed, seeing as it is not even a mark since sunrise. I don’t think Chamberlain Bercassie would approve of anyone disturbing Her Majesty so early.”

  “I am not here for an audience. Ask her to meet me at the door to the royal apartments.” Daniel replied and started walking toward the Queen’s private quarters. “Thanks for the information,” he added while glancing back at the young man.

  By the time he reached the outer doors of the royal apartments, Chamberlain Bercassie was there along with two Royal Guardsmen. “I’ve been told you intend to see Her Majesty without being granted an audience,” the stately gray-haired woman said,
hands folded together, while standing in front of the gold-leaf covered door.

  Both guardsmen seemed nervous. Ben Tucker and Jo Talpin were men Daniel had met in the Whetstone, and they were none to eager about getting in the way of a Royal Knight of the Realm. “We cannot allow you to pass without permission,” Jo sounded apologetic rather than authoritative.

  Daniel focused on the Chamberlain. “Would you be so kind as to enter the royal apartment and inform Queen Cleona I am here with a matter of extreme importance?”

  Cherian Bercassie raised her pointed nose toward the ceiling. “Everyone believes their matter is most urgent. Her Majesty will rise on the third mark of the day, break her fast, and will be ready to grant audience at the fourth mark. I will place you on the schedule, but several persons are ahead of you.”

  Daniel stared at her, causing her and both guardsmen to take a step back. He wondered why people kept doing that. “I am declaring a Realm Alert. If you do not go to the Queen right now, you will be in violation of the law, and I will have these Royal Guardsmen arrest you.”

  Both of her eyebrows seemed to climb her forehead and her face went deathly pale. “Is the realm truly in danger?” she gasped.

  “Cleona’s very life is in danger. I could go in unannounced under the circumstances, but prefer to go through your office, as is appropriate. I’ve no doubt you are far better at approaching the Queen with this sort of thing than I,” Daniel said, feeling it did not hurt to give the woman the respect due her.

  The color returned to her face. “Of course, Sir Daniel, I will go in and inform Her Majesty you have declared a Realm Alert. Should I also send runners to the Prime Minister and cabinet?”

  Considering the possible result the healing might have on Cleona’s physical appearance, the notion was not a bad idea, and was also appropriate when a Realm Alert is declared. “I would greatly appreciate it if you would do so,” Daniel replied.

  Cherian gave a quick nod of her head and went into the apartment. Jo and Ben stood watching him. “When did you return to the capital? I doubt you can enter this city without rumor running ahead of you,” Ben spoke up. His dark mustache twitched, showing he was still nervous.

  “I arrived recently because the matter is urgent,” Daniel replied, deciding not to give any more details.

  A tenth of a mark later, Cherian returned and led him through the family room and on back to the bed chamber. Prince Consort Collin Tirana, the third son of Lord Jacsun Tirana, was sitting on the right side of the bed, and frowning, clearly displeased by the early awakening. Cleona was lying on the left side. Both royals were still in their violet silk night gowns.

  “I hope the situation warrants this interruption of my wife’s rest,” said the Prince. “You can see how her illness takes a toll on her.”

  “Col, Sir Daniel is the one best suited to help me,” Cleona assured her husband.

  The Queen’s face was gaunt, hers eyes bloodshot, and her hair seemed brittle as straw. “You have declared a Realm Alert. What is the danger to my realm and how did you get here?”

  “The danger is, the Queen of Ducaun will die if I do not heal her,” Daniel declared, and decided to press on when the Queen opened her mouth as if to say something before he was finished speaking. “I know the spells necessary to heal you of the Lethal Growths. I declared the alert because the spells will not only eliminate the growths; they will repair all of the damage done to your body over the years. In essence, after the healing, you will look the way you would if the growths had never been.”

  “That is wonderful!” Prince Collin shouted. “Go ahead and heal her.”

  “Wait,” the Queen insisted. “Daniel, if you heal me in such an obvious and formal way, certain facts about you will become almost impossible to keep secret.”

  Everyone in the room was staring at him now, yet none of them knew he could summon potential, except the Queen and apparently the Prince Consort. “I executed Serin Gell and healed all of the people he Condemned,” Daniel began to explain as his listeners gasped at the news. “I had to break the Silencing. Efferin Tames must have felt the spell fail and sooner or later Tarin Conn will learn about what I did to his faithful minion. Keeping quiet about the fact that I can summon potential is now pointless, but other secrets should stay as we agreed.”

  The Queen nodded her understanding. “It will be as you say, Sir Daniel. Is there anything you require in order to perform the healing?”

  Prince Collin stood up from the bed. “Shouldn’t the healing be done in private?”

  Jo and Ben stared at Daniel in awe, the Chamberlain was blinking rapidly, and all seemed to be eagerly awaiting his utterance. “I need a pan about one cubit long, half a cubit wide, and a hand deep filled with water.”

  “Cherian, see to the fulfilling of Sir Daniel’s requirement,” Cleona commanded.

  “It will be as you say, Your Majesty,” the Chamberlain replied and made a hasty exit.

  “Col, the Prime Minister and cabinet should be here to officially witness my healing for the sake of the realm, especially if my appearance is drastically altered. The healing must be legally certified. My modesty takes second place to the needs of the realm,” Cleona explained to her husband, for which Daniel was glad.

  “It will be necessary for me to place my right hand on your forehead and my left on your abdomen over your navel. No other part of you need be exposed,” Daniel assured both royals.

  The Queen looked at him askance. “How are you going to heal me without cutting me open? You mentioned having found a way in your report.”

  “My life force energy will flow into you, our hearts will beat as one, and my only physical contact with you will be by having one hand on your forehead and the other on your tummy. Through the use of multiple spells I will be casting simultaneously, I will destroy the Lethal Growths and cause your body to be what you were born to be,” Daniel explained, deliberately simplifying the process.

  Prime Minister Xan DuTomin entered the room wearing his purple robe of office and royal hawk medallion. His craggy face gave him a distinguished appearance and his stout frame showed him to be a man of many appetites. Behind him came the six ministers of the cabinet, each in their official scarlet robes and slightly smaller hawk medallions. They all bowed before the Queen.

  DuTomin’s eyes swept the room, lingered for a while on Daniel, and then back to the Queen. “I have been informed of the fact Sir Daniel has declared a Realm Alert. We have come prepared to act.”

  Cleona sat up in the bed. “Sir Daniel will brief us fully on what has occurred since his last report.” Daniel knew she would require a detailed and concise reciting of events. “At the time he had finished a task assigned to him and was in pursuit of Serin Gell. As you all know, the Accomplished of the Serpent Guild has been active in the realm of Ducaun and I instructed Sir Daniel to stop this man from troubling our kingdom. Before he gives us his report, you must know that he has overcome the Silencing placed upon him by the Grand Maestro, and is a fully functional Accomplished. You are here to serve as witnesses of the healing he is about to work upon my person and provide legal certification of the fact.”

  Finance Minster Bret Benhooman slapped Daniel on the back. “That is wonderful news,” he said with a broad grin. The man was the friendliest government official in the realm and far less stuffy than his peers.

  All of the ministers began saying much the same thing only with lesser degrees of enthusiasm. They were clearly disturbed by the fact that an Accomplished was in their midst, the same old Ducaunan fear of the Aakacarn, only now mixed with perhaps a little joy at knowing this particular power wielder was on their side.

  Cherian returned with a middle-aged male servant in green palace livery. He was carrying a pan of water and came to a stop in the center of the room.

  “Place the water on the bed beside the Queen. Your Majesty, if you would place your right arm in the water, we can begin,” Daniel said while summoning the potential for Vitality.

sp; “Do as he has instructed,” Cherian told the servant, who quickly complied.

  Cleona laid back, placed her arm in the water, and then pulled up her gown enough to expose her tummy while the sheet covered her from the hips down. She had no muscle tone, her skin being tight and sunken in around her organs.

  Daniel placed one hand on her forehead and the other on her abdomen over her navel. The first thing he did was send, Vitality, to refill her reservoir of life force energy, seeing as she was nearly empty. He pictured a vat containing a few drops of clear liquid and then poured forth his blue flood of power into her reservoir, filling it to the brim. The vat of a commoner was much smaller than one of an Aakacarn and their life force energy was colorless, so he discovered while healing the Condemneds. Now it was time for step two. Hearts Beat As One, flowed from him into her and Cleona’s heart began to beat in time with his own and her lungs matched his breath for breath. It was as if she truly was an extension of his own body and he could feel the Lethal Growths. He added a Da Capo, perpetuating the spell, and then cast, What Is This? He added a Da Capo and tied the Symphonic to his life force. The next step called for, Change It, and then, Hunger, in order to draw however many worlds with their tiny moons the recipe strands called for. Her recipe strands came into his mental view. Tiny nude three dimensional images of what Cleona should look like at thirty years of age appeared in the helix strands. If the Lethal Growths had not ravaged her body, the Queen would have been an attractive woman, but that did not concern Daniel. His priority was healing her and he focused on that with a will. He would not allow this foe to kill her.

  He could sense each and every Lethal Growth, none could hide, and he smote them with Hunger, breaking them down to their tiny worlds and moons, and then using them along with what was needed from the water, to heal the ravaged areas. In her pancreas he went, through her liver, in and around her intestines. His spell took him into her womb, where he destroyed all of the growths, and healed any and all damage they had caused. With the Lethal Growths eliminated, it was time to give her the body she should have had, so he cast Restoration and Sleep Time. His life force energy focused on her recipe strands, Change It and Hunger, worked in tandem with, Restoration, and he could feel her body reforming beneath his hands. He had no idea how long the procedure had taken, yet knew the job was complete, and could feel the pleasure centers in Cleona’s body all working at once. “Cleona, your brain and will are one. Your body is yours to command,” Daniel spoke in her ear, wanting to be sure she would not be enthrall to him, and then released the Da Capos on all the spells.


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