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Her Enemy, Her Lover (The Ladies of The Burling School Book 1)

Page 10

by Elizabeth Lennox

  Then she saw him walking towards her, his dark suit making his shoulders look even more impressive. He’d shaved recently, so his cheeks and jawline were smooth, maybe even soft? No, that was impossible. There was nothing soft about Christoph. He was hard angles and rough personality. He could act refined, but underneath all of those layers was a lion ready to pounce.

  She shivered, thinking about him pouncing.

  “Damn it!” Tamara hissed.

  Lana pulled her gaze away from Christoph to look at the man walking beside him. Sheik Jurad? Why in the world was he here?

  Before Lana could answer, Christoph was there, right in front of her. He took her hand, lifting her fingers to his lips. “You look beautiful, Lana,” he told her, his voice deeper than normal.

  Lana couldn’t pull her eyes away from him. Her free hand fluttered around the soft silk of her dress, but she forced her fingers not to curl into a fist. “Tam and Willow convinced me to get this dress instead of a simple white suit,” she said, by way of an explanation for the lacy, tea-length dress with a full skirt and scalloped bodice. The bodice hugged her figure, making her feel prettier than she normally did.

  She smelled the clean scent of him, flavored by the citrusy aftershave. He smelled like a man and it was a powerful aphrodisiac. She wanted to move closer, to bury her nose against his neck and just…inhale. And she wanted to feel all of those overwhelming sensations that he could create in her with just a touch.

  Which was all nonsense since she’d asked him to hold off on an intimate relationship just yesterday morning! But over the past twenty-four hours, she’d missed him. She’d missed the challenge of keeping up with him intellectually and she’d missed the powerful desire that swamped her in his presence.

  Was this all one-sided? Did he feel even a small fraction of what she did? She certainly hoped so. She didn’t want this to be a one-sided relationship. She wanted equity in everything. Of course, she could never match his financial prowess. But nor could he paint the way she could, evoking emotions and provoking thoughts and debates based solely off colors and images. She took pride in her talent, considering it something that made her special and unique.

  Of course, he didn’t know anything about her painting. Nor did she feel the need to tell him. It was a secret and she liked having a secret from Christoph. He held so much power over her, she wanted…needed…to feel as if she had something hidden from him. It was as if she needed to hide a special piece of herself that she could savor and nurture if their marriage didn’t last.

  “Thank you,” she whispered back. “You look handsome yourself.”

  “Are you two ready?” Tamara asked.

  Lana pulled away from the warmth of his eyes. “We’re just doing this in the judge’s office,” she explained.

  Willow and Tamara looked at each other, and beamed as one. “Nope! We have a surprise for you,” she announced.

  Willow led the way through the long hallway and out through a side doorway. “Voila!” she announced.

  Lana stepped out into the sunshine and looked around. What had previously been an ordinary space covered with grass and surrounded by grey, stone buildings, had been transformed into a beautiful oasis. There were pots of flowers everywhere! White and purple flowers dotted the edges of the courtyard and the purple shades perfectly matched the dresses Willow and Tamara were wearing. There were evergreen trees in pots at one end of the area and, in between, was a white archway covered in white and lavender flowers. Standing just behind the arch was a man in a suit, smiling avuncularly at the small group of people gathered for the ceremony.

  “What did you do?” Lana whispered, feeling both touched and self-conscious. This was meant to be a simple ceremony, less formal and less….officious! She hadn’t wanted to get a real wedding dress yesterday because she didn’t want Christoph to think she was becoming too involved. But her friends had convinced her to get a prettier dress. She’d compromised by getting a tea-length gown. And now this…this was…beautiful!

  “We couldn’t let your ‘walk down the aisle’ be a walk into a judge’s office,” Willow explained, hugging Lana on one side while Tamara hugged her on the other.

  Tamara laughed, thrilled that they’d surprised Lana so completely. “This isn’t a church, but will it do?” she whispered hopefully. “Willow did all of it, conspiring with her team of crafty experts.”

  Lana wanted to push everyone back inside, to be married in front of the judge in his office. A simple business ceremony where she exchanged rings with Christoph. Nothing else.

  But this…this was so much more! This felt like a lovely, intimate wedding. This felt…real!

  Lana could see the hope and excitement on Willow and Tamara’s pretty faces and she forced herself to smile and hug them back. “Thanks!” she replied, trying to gush but she just wasn’t in a gushing mood.

  “Ready?” Christoph asked.

  Willow and Tamara turned to face him, shaking their heads at his question. “Nope! You need to go to the front and wait for her. We know that this isn’t a formal wedding ceremony, but you’re still giving your future wife something to remember,” Tamara explained firmly and pushed…well, nudged, Christoph towards the front of the courtyard, ordering him to stand next to the judge.

  Tamara turned to face her fiancé who was standing back, looking amused and indulgent. For a long moment, the two of them simply stared at each other, the tension crackling in the air between them. Of course, the tall, handsome sheik won their glaring contest, but Tamara didn’t let him win everything. With a disgusted sound, she turned away from him. “Fine! If you’re going to be here and annoy me, then you’ll be put to work.” Lana and Willow were shocked at their friend’s harsh tone, but Sheik Jurad’s response was a simple lifting of his dark eyebrows.

  He bowed slightly, although the gesture was more mocking that anything else. “I’m at your service, my dear.”

  Tamara rolled her eyes. “Oh, if only you’d take orders from me all the time,” she muttered, then took his arm and dragged him to Lana’s side. “You’ll walk her down the aisle.” She kissed Lana’s cheek. “I know this isn’t what you want now. But I also know that, deep down, you want a pretty wedding. Under the circumstances, this will work, okay?”

  Lana hesitated, feeling tears threaten. Tamara was right. She’d always pictured her wedding to be beautiful with lots of flowers and color. “Thank you. This is perfect,” and she leaned forward, hugging both women as she fought back terror and overwhelming love for her friends who stuck by her no matter what.

  “Let’s do this,” Lana said, pulling back and carefully wiping the tears from her eyes.

  “Yes! Let’s do this!” Willow chimed in, her natural optimism a perfect counterpoint to Tamara’s more cynical outlook on life.

  There was a pause, as if the world was waiting for something, then the music started up. Lana was surprised when a violinist started playing, sitting off to the side, half hidden behind a cluster of flowers. Another surprise, she thought with affection for her friends. Willow smiled, winked at Lana, then turned and walked sedately towards the front of the courtyard. Then Tamara, who paused to glance back at Lana with a more serious expression, before she glanced at Sheik Jurad. There was an odd moment when their eyes clashed…Tamara’s gaze was…questioning? No, that wasn’t right. But yes, Lana glanced between the two of them, trying to figure things out. Before Lana could put a name to the emotion sparking between them, Tamara turned and faced forward, stepping carefully, almost defiantly, towards the front of the courtyard to join Willow.

  Lana took a deep breath, feeling herself tremble. “Are you okay?” the deep voice beside her asked.

  Lana looked up at the man, wondering why she didn’t feel as small and vulnerable next to him as she did when she stood next to Christoph. The men were similar in height, although Sheik Jurad might have an inch on Christoph. Why couldn’t Christoph make her feel this…calm?

  “I’m fine. And I truly thank you for doing
this…” she paused, her throat tightening as she thought about her father. About how her father should be here right now instead of this devilishly handsome stranger.

  “I know that I’m not your father,” he said softly, obviously understanding the sadness in her eyes, “but I’m honored to stand in his place.” Sheik Jurad gently placed his other hand warmly over hers where it rested on his arm and squeezed gently. Lana smiled up at him, thinking he was very sweet. Briefly, she wondered why Tamara had such an aversion to marrying him, but then the music changed. He led her down the aisle to Christoph and her thoughts vanished completely. She only had eyes for Christoph and how handsome he looked in his dark suit and snowy, white shirt. She noticed that he wore a silver tie. To make things more formal? Or was that just his normal attire? She didn’t know him well enough to be sure.

  The judge began the marriage vows. Looking down, she noticed how pale her skin looked against his darker complexion. Of the three of her friends, she’d always tanned the easiest, her skin going from a creamy white to a dark tan in only a few days. Tamara had a creamy, tanned complexion all the time, but she rarely got any darker, no matter how long she stayed out in the sunshine. And Willow’s pale skin turned lobster red in under fifteen minutes.

  The three of them were so different, and yet, they were like sisters, always there for each other, even if it was just a phone call. She and Christoph were opposites, she doubted she’d ever understand him. Could she ever feel more than just…irritation when he was close by? Would they somehow figure out a way to live peacefully together?

  The judge was talking, saying something about honoring and loving. She looked up at Christoph, wondering what was going on. They should have changed the vows, she thought wildly. Why hadn’t she demanded that the “obey” part be left out of the vows? Then Christoph’s long fingers tightened on hers and she realized that everyone was waiting for her answer.

  “I do,” she choked out, then felt her heartrate increase as she contemplated what she’d just promised. Had the judge said ‘obey’? Because there was no way she’d obey anyone! Well, a police officer, of course. She’d obey the laws. She was sort of a stickler for rules.

  But not her husband! She wouldn’t obey her husband!

  “I do,” Christoph replied, his firm voice breaking through the panic that was threatening to choke her.

  She looked up into his eyes, startled and…well, relieved. Whatever she’d promised, he’d done the same. At least, she hoped he had. She’d have to ask Willow and Tamara what the judge had said so she’d know.

  The gold band that Christoph slid onto her finger felt cold. Willow handed her a band and she slipped it onto Christoph’s finger. The band looked…good on his finger. It looked right and powerful. Just like the man.

  Looking up while the judge said something else, she gazed into his eyes. He was a good man, she thought. Lana had to believe that. She had to think that he was good and kind. Otherwise, she’d just made the worst mistake of her life!

  “I pronounce you man and wife,” the judge proclaimed.

  Lana turned sharply towards the judge. “Husband and wife,” she corrected.

  The judge looked surprised, but after a moment, he smiled and nodded. “I now pronounce you husband and wife,” he repeated indulgently. “You may kiss the bride.”

  Oh, wow! She hadn’t really anticipated the kiss! Perhaps that was a good thing, she told herself. Because if she’d thought about it, she would have worried all through the ceremony about…

  His kiss was soft and gentle but his hand slid along her neck, keeping her still as he caressed her lips with his. Back and forth. Over and over again. Lana sighed and moved closer, needing more and silently asking him to provide that “more”.

  He did. The kiss went on and on. Lana lost track of everything as she was swept away.

  The laughter slowly broke through her dreamy haze. The laughter and applause grew louder. Pulling away, she looked up at Christoph. She didn’t think he was nearly as affected by their kiss as she was, but…what did she know? She barely knew the man…her husband. Good grief, her husband!

  And then she realized where the noise was coming from. Looking around, she noticed that several of the office windows surrounding the courtyard were open and had several people hanging out to witness their wedding. The administration office workers were clapping and cheering, thrilled by the mid-morning surprise.

  Lana smiled and waved self-consciously, then heard Christoph chuckle as he pulled her closer, snuggling her against his side as he lifted a hand to wave as well.

  The judge allowed it for several moments, but then he called out a good natured order, “Time to get back to work, everyone!” and the employees waved one more time, then pulled back inside the windows, giving the small wedding party privacy.

  “I have several documents for both of you to sign,” the judge said, bringing Lana’s attention back to the present.

  Christoph was aware of Lana in ways he didn’t completely understand. It was almost as if he could feel her emotions with a simple touch. During the ceremony, she’d been completely unaware of what was going on around her. She said the right words, but he suspected that she hadn’t heard a word of the ceremony. And now, she signed her name where she was told, not even reading the documents. He could be selling her off into slavery and she wouldn’t know it.

  His irritation increased when she blithely handed him the pen, then moved off to stand with her friends. He watched for a long moment, intellectually admiring the three beautiful butterflies, one of which was his wife, but he was intensely aware of Lana’s confusion. And she wouldn’t look at him. The other two, Willow and Tamara, kept glancing over at him. They acted as if he were the villain here, instead of the man about to save over ten thousand jobs!

  “Get used to it, my friend.” Jurad’s voice broke through his fury and he turned to look at Christoph.

  He tossed the pen onto the table and turned, nodding his thanks as a waiter arrived, offering chilled glasses of champagne. “Get used to what?” he grumbled, peering over the edge of the crystal glass at his new wife. His new wife that wouldn’t look at him. His new wife that had stepped away from him before the ink was even dry on their marriage license.

  “Those three are the best of friends. More like sisters,” he explained. “They think you’re going to hurt their friend, so they are surrounding her, trying to protect her in the only way they know how.”

  Christoph scoffed, irritated by the suggestion that he would hurt Lana. “I will protect her with my life,” he growled out furiously. “And she simply signed all of those damned documents! She didn’t even bother to read them! She needs a protector!”

  “You have it bad, my friend,” he chuckled and slapped Christoph’s shoulders. “But don’t let them fool you. There are surprises behind those beautiful eyes. The things I’ve discovered about my Tamara make me proud, but they aren’t things she’d want me to know.” He laughed again. “No, my beauty hides herself just as much as your woman does.”

  Christoph glared at his friend, not sure what he meant. “Lana has no secrets from me. I know what she’s thinking and feeling just by looking at her or touching her. She’s…”

  Jurad’s amused eyes told him that he should be more careful. “Secrets. They are all part of the lovely package, my friend.” Jurad turned and looked at the three ladies. “A lovely, brilliant, creative package that…at times, takes my breath away.”

  “And other times?” he asked.

  Jurad’s lips thinned, his eyes narrowing with irritation. “Other times, I want to spank her pert bottom.”

  Christoph threw back his head, laughing at the idea. But when his laughter died down, he glanced over at the trio and realized that he loved the idea. Yes, a good paddling would teach the lovely woman not to sign documents she didn’t read and understand! In fact, he relished the idea and looked forward to the opportunity.

  Willow watched as Tamara argued with the handsome sheik. Ther
e definitely were sparks between the two of them, but Willow was pretty sure Tamara wouldn’t acknowledge anything positive when it came to her fiancé.

  Looking over at Lana, Willow knew that her friend was further gone emotionally than she’d like the world to think. Lana was at least halfway in love with Christoph, if not already completely smitten with him.

  She looked around, feeling awkward. Her friends were moving on with their lives and where did that leave her? Alone. Alone and irritable.

  She suddenly realized what she was doing and hated herself for it. With a sigh, she lifted her shoulders back. A pity party wasn’t the way she lived her life. Willow loved the world and her job! And why in the world was she jealous of her friends? Long ago, Willow had vowed never to marry. She didn’t believe in marriage or love.

  Well, that was a mental argument for another day. Today was a celebration. Watching Lana and Christoph together, and seeing the way he’d kissed her, Willow suspected that there was a whole lot more to Lana’s feelings than her friend realized.

  Again, a subject for another day. Today was all about creating memories and ensuring that Lana felt comfortable leaving with Christoph for their honeymoon. A honeymoon where they wouldn’t have sex, she thought with a mental chuckle.

  She wondered what that would be like.

  Chapter 10

  Lana stood in the middle of the beautiful room, not quite sure what to do with herself. The master bedroom. She was standing in the master bedroom! The enormous bed against the far wall seemed to mock her.

  What about that conversation she’d had with Christoph just two days ago? Or had it been only one day? She was losing track of time now, which wasn’t a surprise. She’d probably slept about three hours in the past forty-eight hours.


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