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A Christmas Spirit

Page 10

by Cindy Miles

  Paige thought she couldn’t get much happier.

  That is, until Gabriel Munro tucked her hair behind her ears, tilted her head, and covered her mouth with his . . .

  Chapter Fifteen

  Paige glanced in the mirror at herself.

  She could hardly believe it was her.

  Amelia had helped her plan everything. Paige had decided to wed at the Munros’ ancestral ruins, at the small abbey there on the property. Ethan had gained a permit just to allow it, and he’d acquired a priest for the ceremony, as well. Small though the wedding was, the other she Munro had not wanted Paige to miss out on one single bride’s moment. They’d bonded quite fast and had shopped for only a day before finding what Paige thought was the perfect bridal gown.

  She stared at it now and wondered how Gabriel would like it.

  She hadn’t seen her fiancé in almost two days. The other Munros had whisked him away for a bit o’ rousin’.

  He’d truly looked as though he’d rather not have gone. Running her hand down the soft lines of the simple antique white shift, she stared at her image. Sleeveless, it had beautiful pearls sewn to the bodice, and the low-scooped back buttoned from the middle to just below her hips.

  Gabriel was going to have a heck of a time, what with his big fingers.

  Paige blushed at the thought.

  Gently, she eased her feet into like-colored mules, and she drew a deep breath as she applied the smallest amount of lipstick. Staring at her image, she tucked her hair behind her ears and tapped her powder brush at the fading purple moons under her eyes.

  “Oh, now I think I’m going to just die,” said Amelia, stepping into the room. She looked her over with a big grin. “Honestly, you are the most gorgeous bride I’ve ever seen, bruised eyes and all.”

  Paige smiled. “Thanks.” She picked up her headpiece; a small pearl clip with a chin-l ength chiffon skirt.

  “Here, let me help you with that,” Amelia said, and adjusted it to Paige’s head. She smiled. “There. Perfect.”

  Paige glanced in the mirror, then at Amelia. “Thank you. For everything.”

  Amelia smiled. “You are more than welcome, future Mrs. Paige Munro.” She cocked her head. “No regrets about quitting the Smithsonian? I mean, that’s a pretty cool place.”

  Paige smiled. “No regrets. I’ve worked more hours in my twenties than most people work their entire lifetime. I’m ready for a change.”

  Amelia grinned. “That you’ve saved most of that money really helps,” she said. “Ethan tells me you’ve an inheritance as well?”

  Paige nodded. “Yes. My grandmother left me a healthy sum. I just saved it right along with the rest.” She smiled. “I am still speechless over yours and Ethan’s gift. A castle?” She shook her head. “It’s too much, Amelia.”

  Amelia laughed. “Are you kidding? Ethan would do anything to keep Gabriel and you close. Besides, it’s just a small tower house, close to ours. And you’ll need to do some renovations.”

  Paige grasped her cousin to be and hugged her tightly. “Thank you. Again.”

  “Och, are you sure you wish to wed that lunkhead cousin o’ mine? I’ll gladly take you, lass.”

  Paige and Amelia both jumped as Aiden stuck his head in the door. He grinned.

  “Sorry,” Paige said. “But I’m afraid I’ll have to choose the lunkhead. Thanks, though.”

  Aiden Munro burst out laughing. “Right. Well he’ll lay me flat if I dunna bring you to the abbey right away. He’s used Ethan’s mobile to call at least three times in the last twenty minutes. ’Tis time.”

  Aiden walked over to Paige and draped her antique white shawl over her shoulders. He jutted out an arm to her and Amelia. “Let’s go then, loves.”

  It took less than twenty minutes to reach the Munro ruins. Truly, they weren’t nearly as ruinous as Gabriel had thought them to be. The abbey had been restored to a lovely medieval building.

  Ethan met them at the abbey’s entrance, and as Paige stepped out of Aiden’s Rover, she drew a deep, calming breath. The snow had stopped for several days now, and a crisp, clean scent filled the air. Hogmanay, nearly midnight. Gabriel had insisted on the time, and she’d heartily agreed.

  “Are you ready, cousin to be?” Ethan asked, offering Paige his arm with a smile.

  Paige smiled up at him. “I am,” she said. He kissed her cheek and led her into the kirk.

  Raftered ceilings, six lovely stain-glassed arched windows, and dark wooden benches filled the small kirk. Tiny candles covered the surfaces on either side, as well as the altar. Munros filled the benches, Mr. and Mrs. Craigmire sat with them, and a priest awaited her at the front.

  As did the handsomest man she’d ever laid eyes on. Gabriel sported a billowy white shirt beneath his sexy red-a nd-black Munro plaid. Black boots, polished and gleaming, reached his knees.

  “Breathe, lass,” whispered Ethan.

  Then he walked her to Gabriel.

  Ethan placed Paige’s hand in Gabriel’s, then moved to his cousin’s other side. Amelia stood for Paige.

  The ceremony was short, spoken first in Gaelic, then in English.

  The priest looked first at Gabriel. “Will you take this woman as your beloved, to forever protect and cherish until you breathe no more?”

  Gabriel’s eyes softened as he squeezed Paige’s hands. “Aye, I will.”

  “And you, lass,” the priest said. “Will you take this man as your beloved, to forever protect and cherish until you breathe no more?”

  Paige felt a tear slide down her face, and she smiled at Gabriel. “Yes, I will.”

  “The rings?”

  They’d agreed on simple platinum bands, and as Gabriel pushed hers gently over her finger, his green eyes softened. She followed, placing the wide band on Gabriel’s finger.

  “Kiss her, then, man,” said the priest. “She’s yours.”

  Gabriel’s eyes grew dark as he lifted the small chiffon veil and pushed it from Paige’s face. With both hands, he angled her face just so, then lowered his mouth to her ear. “You’re mine.”

  Then, he kissed her.

  And she kissed him back.

  They were in an ancient kirk, after all, so the kiss was kept short. Much shorter than Paige would have liked.

  Congratulations were passed around the small kirk, with many a Munro hugging and slapping their joy, and finally, Amelia came to her side.

  “Welcome to the family,” she said, and pulled Paige into a fierce hug. “Now the Craigmires are visiting us for a few days, so you two will have Gorloch to yourselves.”

  “Oh,” said Paige, and felt her skin grow warm. “Thanks.”

  “The official reception is next week, and it’s unavoidable, I’m afraid,” she continued. “In case you didn’t realize it, you’ve entered into a strange and elite world of mortals marrying medievals.”

  Paige laughed. “Yeah, I see that.”

  “Well,” Amelia continued. “One of the biggest and loudest medieval men you’ll ever want to meet has caught wind of the wedding, not to mention more ghosts than you can wrap your brain around. His name’s Dreadmoor, and, well, you’ll see. They want a reception. Demand it, actually.”

  Paige grinned. “Sounds fun.”

  “Just you wait. Now, until then.” Amelia turned and latched onto her husband. “We’ve stocked the fridge at Gorloch with everything you two will need.” She grinned. “I promise, no one will bother you.”

  Paige gulped.

  Ethan laughed.

  “Can I please have my wife now?”

  Paige turned and Gabriel pulled her close. “Ready?” he said, his voice steady.

  She stared into his stormy green depths. “I think so.”

  Another chuckle from Ethan, just before his wife elbowed him in the stomach.

  “Okay,” Amelia said. “Directions for Gorloch are already programmed in,” she said, nodding toward the Rover. “Cell phone in the glove box. Call if you need anything.”

  “She won
’t,” growled Gabriel, tugging Paige away. “Come, Mrs. Munro.”

  Paige waved goodbye to her new family and hurried toward the Rover, her husband all but dragging her.

  She didn’t think they’d get to Gorloch soon enough.

  Gabriel couldna keep his eyes off his wife.

  His wife.

  He could hardly believe ’twas true.

  They reached Gorloch in less than half an hour.

  Paige stopped the Rover and turned off the ignition. She drew a deep breath and smiled. “Here we are.”

  Gabriel grinned at his bride, jumped out, and ran to the other side to collect her. He easily scooped her up.

  Neither said a word as he carried her inside. Gently, Gabriel set her down.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked, lacing his fingers through hers.

  Paige shyly shook her head and leaned into him. “Maybe later.”

  That’s all the urging Gabriel needed. He latched the bolt on the front door and tucked Paige’s hand in the crook of his arm. He smiled down at her, and together they climbed the steps.

  They’d have made it to Paige’s chamber earlier, but he hadn’t been able to quit pulling her to a stop, pressing her to the wall, and kissing her senseless.

  Rather, ’twas he who was senseless. He couldna get enough o’ her.

  The castle was quiet, except for the wind blowing through the cracks in the stone. Once inside, Gabriel lit several candles, then knelt and built up a roaring fire. When he turned, his bride still stood directly where he’d left her, near the door. He rose and walked to her. With his hand, he lifted her chin until their eyes met.

  “Is somethin’ wrong?” he asked, feeling her unease.

  Paige’s eyes softened. “Nothing’s wrong.” She lifted her hand to his jaw. “Everything’s perfect.”

  With that, Gabriel pulled her close, sliding his hand round her waist, the other hand cupping the back of her head. He lowered his mouth to hers and settled there, tasting first her top lip, then the bottom. Already a fire burned within him, he wanted her so badly. So much so, it pained him.

  Slowly, as they kissed, Gabriel guided her back, toward the bed.

  Lifting his head, Gabriel searched his bride’s face. Her eyes had darkened with passion; her lips, plump from his kisses. “Christ, Paige Munro,” he said, grazing her throat with his fingertips. “Christ.”

  Without a word, Paige slowly unbuttoned the white linen shirt and loosened it from his plaid. Gabriel stood statue still, waiting. Her fingers trailed his abdomen, and he suddenly felt powerfully grateful for his fine form, as she eased her hands over each muscle there and then explored the ones on his back and over his chest.

  It all but drove him daft.

  Then, her hands covered his, and she moved them to her shawl. He needed no coercing as he unclasped the paltry piece of cloth and tossed it aside, leaving her delicate shoulders bare. He lowered his head and pressed his lips to her collarbone, and she sighed.

  That small sound alone nearly drove him over the edge.

  With the wood crackling in the hearth, Gabriel slowly turned Paige round and began to loosen the buttons on her gown. Once he’d reached the last one, he pushed the silky material from her, and it pooled around her feet. Another shift, made of even flimsier cloth, still clung to her, and he pushed it away as well. A small swath of silken cloth covered her breasts and bottom, and he sucked in a breath as he took in her slight form, so different from his own. As tenderly as possible, he turned her round to face him, then lifted her to the bed. With one hand, he unclasped the pin holding his plaid together, and it fell in a pool of linen atop his wife’s gown.

  Paige’s eyes remained locked onto his.

  Quickly, he kicked off his boots and the rest of his garb, slid her shoes from her feet, then joined her. With one arm, he braced himself over her. Paige’s eyes were wide and glassy, and Gabriel found he couldna stop touching her. Skin that felt like velvet beneath his hands made him shudder with anticipation, and he dragged his fingers over her collar, down her arms, and over her flat stomach, her hips, and then, she reached for him and pulled him down.

  As soon as their bodies touched, Gabriel came undone, his hands left nothing undiscovered, and the fire burning low in Paige’s stomach all but scorched her. She ran her hands over his bare back, tracing the muscles there, and when his mouth came down on hers, she kissed him back with a fury she hadn’t known she possessed.

  At first, Gabriel kissed her hard, frenzied, as though a wild and feral animal. Suddenly, he stopped, and rested his forehead against hers.

  “I’m verra sorry, love,” he said, out of breath. “I canna seem to control myself.”

  Paige’s own breathing was ragged, and she held on to him. “I don’t want you to,” she said.

  He drew back and looked at her. A small smile pulled at his mouth. “Aye?”

  She smiled and pulled his head down to her. “I want you now,” she whispered. “I can’t wait any longer.”

  When Gabriel pulled back and locked his gaze onto hers, she smiled, gathered her courage, and unclasped her bra. His eyes darkened and he pushed the material aside.

  “Christ, Paige,” he said, wonder in his voice. “You’re beautiful.” His eyes softened, then turned stormy. “And you’re all mine.”

  Paige held her breath as he lowered his head to hers, and when their mouths met, the frenzy began again, and this time, Paige met Gabriel’s with equal passion. He tasted every inch of her, his mouth moving erotically over her lips, her throat, and her breasts. When his warm tongue touched the sensitive peaks, she groaned and arched into him. Gabriel trailed erotic kisses down her stomach and ribs, and then his fingers hooked the silken panties and pulled them off. They joined the pile of wedding clothes on the floor.

  He came to her then, once more holding his weight on one arm, his other free hand skimming her skin, touching her in places and with a passion Paige had never before known. Stretched over her, he kissed her gently, softly, his tongue tasting her lips, her teeth, her chin. He looked like an ancient warrior, with his long hair hanging loose around his chiseled chest and broad shoulders, those sexy tattoos encircling his biceps.

  With one hand, Paige wrapped her fingers through that long hair and pulled. “Now,” she whispered, and looked at him, pleading. “Please.”

  Gabriel kissed her once more, then slowly lifted his head. “Dunna close your eyes, Mrs. Munro,” he said, his voice a hoarse whisper. “Watch.”

  With his hips, Gabriel nudged her legs to accommodate him, and then he entered her, hot, hard, and completely delicious. Paige gasped at the tightness.

  She hadn’t expected that.

  Gabriel’s eyes widened, and he froze. “You’ve never?”

  Although there was a slight bit of discomfort, it wasn’t nearly like what she’d heard about as a teenager. “Does that bother you?” she asked, wondering if he preferred someone experienced.

  Gabriel closed his eyes, muttered something unintelligible, then looked at her. “I love you, Paige Munro,” he said, and slowly began to move inside her. “You truly are mine. Forever.” He lowered his head to her ear. “ ’Twill only hurt for a moment.”

  With his eyes locked onto hers, Gabriel moved deeper, slowly at first, but when Paige wrapped her legs around his waist, twisted his hair between her fingers, pulled, and said now, his thrusts became faster, desperate, and all at once Paige exploded inside, tiny fragments of shattered glass scattering behind her eyelids as Gabriel pleasured her. Wave after wave crashed over her as her first orgasm consumed her, and the moment she groaned and arched, he joined her, a low, deep growl emanating from his throat as he discovered his own pleasure. Slowly, they eased, they moved together, and Gabriel rolled to his back, taking Paige with him. He settled her atop him, still deep inside her. Wrapping his arms about her, he brought her to his chest.

  Paige felt his heart thundering beneath her ear, and his large hands skimmed her spine. He pressed his lips to her temple and cuddl
ed her in a tight embrace.

  “I am your first,” he finally said, when his breathing had returned to normal.

  Paige pushed up and looked at her husband, her chin on his chest. “You are my last.”

  A slow smile spread over Gabriel’s face, his dimples pitting deeply. “Never in my wildest dreams could I have ever dreamt up such a tale as this,” he said, tracing her wedding band with his finger. He pushed her hair behind her ears. “I would gladly wait for you again, no matter the centuries.” He brought her close. “I love you, Paige Munro,” he mouthed against her lips. “Always.”

  Paige suckled his lips, caressed his stubbled jaw with her fingertips, and gently nipped his tongue. She cupped his face, and met his gaze. “I think I was meant to be Mrs. Gabriel Munro,” she said softly. “I will love you always.”

  With a grin, Gabriel turned her onto her back, lowered his head, and kissed her thoroughly. Gently at first, and then passion took over, and his hands found even more places on her body to explore.

  Just as their pleasure surged again, he lowered his mouth to her ear, suckled her lobe, and whispered, “Watch, love,” that thick Highland brogue making her shudder. “Watch what you do to me.”

  Paige locked her eyes to her husband’s, smiled, and did just that.

  About the Author

  Cindy Miles is a national bestselling author. Some of her novels include Thirteen Chances, MacGowan’s Ghost, and Highland Knight.




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