definition of ‘‘author’s intention’’ 235–236
of oral and written transmission 199–200
distinguishes between ‘‘natural’’ and ‘‘artificial’’
see also inaccuracy
memory 88, 348, 373–374
adaequatio, use of word in medieval philosophy
distinguishes between vis formalis and vis
28–29, 30–31, 140, 376
imaginativa 457
Adam (Chaucer’s scrivener) 242–243,
on ethics and memory 191–192
422–423, 436
influence on Thomas Aquinas 62, 87
Adam of Dryburgh, meditation on Exodus 439
on memory as habit / attribute of prudence
Adelard of Bath 115
87–88, 345–360
Adeliza of Louvain (Henry I’s second wife)
on nature of recollection 22–23, 24, 29, 84, 191,
159, 413
Aelred of Rielvaux 413
quotations from pagan authors 177–178
Aeolus (description in Aeneid), Petrarch’s
see also alphabet(s); locus
interpretation 209–210, 211
Alcuin 47, 122, 126, 181, 383
Aeschylus, Prometheus 34
discussion of memory 179–180, 184, 416
Aesop, Fables, as bas-de-page pictorial
Aldhelm, ‘‘De arca libraria’’ 384
narrative 315
Alexandrine Greece
Aesopus (Roman actor), as mnemonic image
anatomists 59, 386–387
bestiaries 138, 159, 183
‘‘affection’’ (affectio, affectus) 296
florilegia 217
Aristotle’s conception of 69, 85
library 151–152, 422
memory and 75–76, 85, 87, 217
philosophy 64
Alan of Lille 134–135, 142, 407
algorisms 75, 170–171, 365–368
On the Six Wings (of the Cherub) 333
allegory, allegoria 55, 210
‘‘Alanus’’ gloss (on Rhetorica ad Herennium)
Allen, Judson B. 161
142–143, 154, 186–187, 189, 191
Alberic of Trois-Fontaines 452
Albertus Magnus’s alphabetical ordering
Albert, Duke of Austria 197, 421
system 150, 151
Albertus Magnus, St. 19, 99, 172–179, 186–187, Aristotle recommends use of, in memory
204, 418
scheme 34, 129, 137, 143
commentary on Aristotle 173, 178, 190, 345, florilegia arranged alphabetically 220
346, 348–349, 357–358, 359, 373–374, 391, 414
foreign/imaginary, use of 137–139
General index
full alphabetization, use of
409, 410
history, first–thirteenth century
153–155 ,
human/animal figures in shape of
13 7, 160 –161
John of Garland’s alphabetical ordering of
medieval revival 156 –159
voces animantium 157
modern use 94 –98 , 396
learning of 134, 138, 140–141 , 408
similarity to Hugh of St. Victor’s mnemonic
mnemotechniques based on
34 , 135 –152, 157
scheme 101
partial alphabetization, use of
144–146 , 150
see also Albertus Magnus; Bradwardine;
used in design of concordances
143 –150
Cicero; John of Garland; Julius Victor;
see also Jerome; Peter of Ravenna; syllables
locus memory-images; Quintilian;
Ambrose, St. 117, 240, 258, 416 –417, 451
ad Herennium
Aquinas’s quotations from
6 , 84
architecture, mnemonic usefulness of design/
habits of study
212–216, 233, 281 , 429, 433–434
ornamentation 274
Ammon see Thammuz
see also building metaphors
anatomists, ancient, theory of memory
59 , 64
Aristotle/Aristotelianism 15, 18 –19, 165
, 218, 276,
Andrew of St. Victor
388–389, 393
anger, experience of / guarding against
20 9–210
analysis of memoria 18–19, 27, 56–57, 62–67, animals
191, 375, 456
as manuscript decoration
161, 310 –314
Arabic/Hebrew commentaries 57, 64 (see also
mental faculties, compared with human
Averroe¨ s; Avicenna)
62–63, 86
artificial memory system 33–34, 90, 101, 109, 129
mnemonic use 157 –158, 159 –162
conception of cogitative activity 244
see also alphabet; bear; bestiaries; birds; coops;
and distinction between ‘‘philosophical’’ and
ram; Zodiac
‘‘rhetorical’’ concerns 29, 375–376
Anselm, St. 242, 243, 250
, 395, 437
and dream-images 73–74
attitude to written works
on energeia 444
compositional methods 246–247, 248, 249, on forgetting xi, xii
hylemorphism 15, 390
genesis of work
idea of knowledge composed of experience
Monologion 263–264, 440
constructed from many memories 40, 50–51,
motives for publication
65, 83–84, 86, 134
Proslogion 260–264
idea of memory as part of prudence 83–84
response to criticism
influence on medieval thought 57, 71–72,
Anselm of Laon
265, 429, 430, 441
Anthony, St. 14, 223
insistence on primacy of visual over other
Antonius, Marcus (orator)
25–26, 32, 93 , 257
sensory modes 32, 122
Apocalypse see Revelations
medieval study/commentaries 22–23, 25, 155, Apostles, mnemonic in
Libellus de formatione
187, 189–190
arche 299
and nature of imagination 69, 244
apotheca, apothecarius 54 , 385–386
Physics, medieval annotation 148
Aquinas see Thomas Aquinas
physiological theory 59, 60, 67, 386, 389
Arabic commentaries on Aristotle
see Aristotle;
and recollection process 58–59, 79–80, 94,
Averroe¨ s; Avicenna
arbor sapientiae see sapientia
on sensory perception 436
stress on emotional accompaniment of
arca sapientiae 51–55, 202–203, 259
memory 76, 85, 387, 392
associated with books
53–54 , 151 –152
topica and system of ‘‘places’’ 39–40, 190–191
association with medieval Scriptural study
on two kinds of knowledge and memory
("singulars’’ and concepts) 58–59, 62–63
memory as 40 , 51–55, 101
use of bird/pigeon-hole metaphors 43, 381
see also Ark of Noah; Ark of the Covenant
use of hunting metaphor 323
arch, as memory-place
118, 173 –174
/> use of seal-in-wax metaphor 24–25, 70–71, 372
architectural mnemonic 16, 44 , 51, 89 –98, 274
view of politics 28
Chaucer’s acquaintance with
on ‘‘wonder’’ as memory component 176
Dominican and humanist sponsorship of
15 5,
see also Albertus Magnus; alphabet; memory-
193 –194, 315
images; soul; time
General index
Ark of Noah, diagram of
and architectural mnemonic 181
see also De archa Noe
; Libellus de formatione
on charity 415–416
arche (both Hugh of St. Victor); Noah
citational style 124, 125
Ark of the Covenant
City of God 177
armarium 151, 382
compositional habits 243, 245–246, 256, 437
Arnaldus de Villanova
61–62, 387–388
conception of memory 60, 375, 428–429
ars dictaminis 157 , 237, 241, 435
Confessions 203, 212–216, 223, 238, 383, 428
ars memorativa, ‘‘art’ of memory
x , 155–156 ,
conversation with St. Monica 214
189–194, 396–397
description of Ambrose 212–216, 258, 428, 429
earliest references 172, 179–182, 186 –187, 445
on desire / free will 427
efficacy xiv
Enarrationes in Psalmis 403, 404, 424
essential features 164 , 178
Enchiridion 310–314
see also Albertus Magnus; Bradwardine; John
extempore speaking 206, 424, 438–439
of Garland; laity
on feats of memory 21–22
ars notataria 142–143 , 157
intimate knowledge of Psalms 112, 123–124
metaphors for memory 25, 41, 46–47
medieval understanding of
50–51, 82
and Neoplatonism 15, 375
of memory see
ars memorativa
Petrarch’s admiration for
203 (see also Petrarch,
artes poeticae 50
artificial memory 396–397
on reading and meditation 276–277
Albertus Magnus’s discussion of
and relationship between inner truth and
Quintilian’s skepticism concerning
language 29–30
see also Aristotle; mnemonics; natural memory
scholarly citations from works 6, 146, 149, 210, Ashburnham Pentateuch 51, 384
293, 427
associative nature of memory
7 6, 80 –81, 91, 393
spiritual journey 239, 246
Albertus Magnus on
22– 23
and trinitarian nature of human soul 81
Aristotle on 80–81
authenticity, documentary 38
Petrarch on 76–78
authority/authorship, connections between
Quintilian on 135
memoria and 234
see also Thomas Aquinas
‘‘authorization’’ of text through public
Atreus, sons of, mnemonic for
175–176 , 188, 189,
comment and response 234, 262–265, 271
351 –352, 415 , 456
glossed book as model of authorship and
Atticus, bishop of Constantinople
textual authority 265–271
Aubrey, John 207
modern vs. medieval notions 264
relationship of medieval authors to their
author’s intention 235–237, 434
antecedents 237
conceived in textual terms
235–237, 279
and vernacular texts 441
etymology 236
see also auctor ; autor ;
composition; plagiarism
relationship with readers/commentators
autor (distinguished from auctor) 236
268–269, 434
Averroe¨s (Ibn Rushd) 69, 71, 192
see also authority/authorship
on direct knowledge of abstractions 64–67, 389
interest in dreams 74
adaptation of speech or text to different kinds on mental imagery and recollection 27, 75,
of 307– 308, 330
76, 87
presence crucial to making of ethical action
as source for Thomas Aquinas 62, 84
Avicenna (Ibn Sina) 62, 63, 68, 71, 388
auditory memory 19, 31, 97
interest in dream-images 74–75
need to fix aural reception by association with
and mental imagery 27, 244
visual 20–21, 31–32, 91
and sensory-consciousness process 57, 64, 69,
see also hearing
122, 389
Auerbach, Erich 239
Augustine, St., of Canterbury
see under Gospels
Babylon, captivity in 300, 301
Augustine, St., of Hippo x–xii, 11, 40, 58, 62, 93, Bacon, Francis 45, 453
171, 183, 216, 229, 230, 250, 267–268, 315, Baldwin, C. S. 412
377, 415–416, 431
Balogh, Josef 213, 429–430
General index
Bartholomaeus Anglicus 64, 421
mnemonic value of presentation 118–122
Bartolomeo da San Concordio 198
monastic study 237
Ammaestramenti degli antichi 194, 221,
number of books in Old and New Testaments
229–230, 291
300, 448
Baxandall, Michael 434
‘‘Paris’’ 102, 121
bears, memory-images of 161–162
pocket versions 121, 402
Becket, St. Thomas 267
Proverbs 116
Bede 125, 206–207, 403, 426
textual authority 236
De loquela digitorum (ascr.) 99
textualist interpretations 14
bees/honey, metaphor for scholarship/memory
Thomas Aquinas’s knowledge of 3, 6
41–42, 44–45, 53–54, 237, 382
three modes of interpretation 53, 55, 210–211,
academic analyses 238
300, 343 (see also tropology)
illustrated in ‘‘The Hours of Catherine of
see also Canon Tables; Daniel; Ezekiel;
Cleves’’ 318
Gospels; Psalms; Revelations; Solomon
Petrarch’s use of 273
bins, memory as set of 30, 166
belching/farting see scatological imagery
Benedict, St., Rule of 31, 109, 125, 208, 212, 325,
associated with memory 41–44, 158, 211, 308
399, 427, 448–449
as manuscript decoration 323
Benedictines 133, 171–172
see also dove; Hugh de Fouilloy
Benton, John F. 431
Bischoff, Bernhard 139
Berger, Samuel 314
Black, Max 18
Bernard of Chartres 111, 188, 222, 272, 273, 447
Bloomfield, Leonard 37
Bernard of Clairvaux, St. 171–172, 198, 243, 440
Blum, Herwig 274
Bernard of Parma 441
Boccaccio, Giovanni 272
Bersuire, Pierre 269
Teseida 20, 271
Ovide moraliseé 177, 269
Boethius 84, 356, 379, 381–382, 395
, battle of (1333), referenced by
De consolatione philosophiae 146
Bradwardine 169, 367–368
influence on teaching of dialectic 190
bestiaries 138, 171, 179, 304, 413
use of bird metaphors 43
in monastic libraries 137–138, 449
Bohun family 414
possible mnemonic function 138, 159–160
Bologna, university 154, 187
see also Richard de Fournival
Bolzoni, Lina xii, 432
Bonaventure, St., of Bagnoregio 429–430
citational conventions 124–128
Boncompagno da Signa 138–139, 154, 184–185,
concordances 128–129, 144–149, 193
187, 408, 418
divisional schemes/chaptering 118–123, 402,
Bono Giamboni 193–194, 229–230
414 ( see also Langton, Stephen)
book covers, decorated 47–49
English (late) 121
Book of Life 301, 323
exegeses 384 (see also three modes of
bookcases 42
interpretation below thirteenth century)
see also arca; armorium; columna
Exodus 302
bookmarkers 128–129
French (c. 1325) 145–146
fundamentalist approaches 13, 371
‘‘eating the book,’’ metaphor of 53–54, 201,
Geneva (1560) 122–123
208–209, 231, 425–426
glosses 145 –146 (see
also Glossa ordinaria)
effect on memoria of increased use and
Hosea 293
availability 153, 195
institutionalization, through interpretation/
glossed see separate main heading
adaptation 11
lay-out, and memorial effectiveness 10, 17,
Jerome’s index and gloss of Hebrew names
240, 265, 268–269, 309, 452 (see also
ma nu s c r i p ts )
King James version 102
metaphors for 43–45, 47, 200–201
Lamentations 300
as model for medieval memoria 240
Masoretic text 122
pocket-sized, carried by friars 436
memorizing 102–104, 112, 217
private collection/ownership 200–202,
metaphors for memory 33, 34, 40, 43
420, 422
General index
books (cont.)
Cassiodorus Senator 182–183, 227, 229,
subsidiary role with respect to
memoria 9 , 11,
267–268, 380
18, 137, 197, 240, 323
divisional scheme 122, 125
see also arca ; book covers; bookcases;
system of ‘‘memory-places’’ 38–39, 222,
codex; literature; manuscripts;
marginalia; memory-as-book metaphor;
cat, lazy, proverb of 324, 337, 451, 454
catalogues 151–152
Books of Hours 49, 279, 318–323, 451–452
rhyming 99, 396
Bower, Gordon H. 378–379
catena (‘‘chain’’)
Bradwardine, Thomas 138, 141, 159, 178–179, 184,
as compositional structure 6, 259
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