193 –194, 229
associative nature of memory; memory-
manuscripts 175 –176, 415
images; order; Plato;
reminiscentia ; Thomas
medieval study/commentaries 153 –155, 156–159 ,
161, 178, 181–182 , 186, 187
, 191, 198
–199, 409,
recordari 59–60, 214
412 , 418 (see
also Albertus Magnus; John of
Reginald (friar-companion of Thomas Aquinas)
Garland; Thierry of Chartres; Thomas
3 , 5–6 , 7– 8, 249 Aquinas)
General index
metaphors for memory
25, 40, 47
rumination see digestion–rumination metaphor
on prudence 81
Rutland Psalter 170
revival, in thirteenth century
154–155 , 182 ,
281 –282, 416 –417
sacculus (money-pouch), as metaphor for
on solitude 216
memory 40, 45–46, 329
textual variants 456
Hugh of St. Victor’s use of
45 , 101, 116–117, 329, see also ‘‘Alanus’ gloss; De memoria artificiale
adquirenda; locus; memory-images
Richard de Bury’s use of
200 –201
rhyme, internal, use of
439, 446
Sacks, Oliver, The Man Who Mistook His Wife for
rhythm see prose
a Hat 391– 392
Ricci, Matteo xii–xiii
St. Albans abbey
Richard de Bury
292, 401, 422–423, 433
St. Bartholomew’s priory, Smithfield
on collecting and memorizing of books
Decretals: Smithfield
200 –202
St. Mary’s abbey, Holmecultram
use of bees and honey trope
44 –45
view of scribal copying
St. Victor, cathedral school of
100– 101, 102 –103,
Richard de Fournival
277–278, 291, 292, 305
178, 283–285
Li Bestiaire d’amours
277–278, 443
Richard of St. Victor
(alleged) memory feats
14, 89
Richardson, J. T. E.
2 6, 372, 373
lives of, in
bas-de-page pictorial narratives 315
Riche´ , Pierre 17, 111 , 112, 399–400, 417
Sallust (C. Sallustius Crispus)
Ricoeur, Paul xi , 17, 28
Sandler, L. F.
332, 414
Ridevall, John 292, 452– 453
Sandys, John Edwin
rimor, used for meditative reading
215, 429
sapientia (wisdom, knowledge) 104
Rivers, Kimberley 405
arbor sapientiae 258–259, 439 (see also under
Robert of Basevorn
256, 440, 446
archa Noe)
discussion of quoting
130, 233
prudence as 81–82, 83, 219
and sermon division
131–133 , 134 , 158–159
see also arca sapientiae
Robertson, D. W.
Saussure, Ferdinand de
Rolle, Richard, English psalter of
Saxl, Fritz 332, 418
Romance of Sir Bevis of Hamptoun
‘‘scanning’ (ability to move around memory
Romberch, Johannes Host von,
instantly and securely)
8–9 , 21 –22
, 79 –80,
Congestorium artificiose memorie
161, 413,
90, 140– 141
419, 450, 452
see also order; starting-point; texts: backwards/
Rome, ancient, cultivation of memory
forwards recollection
see also Greece; rhetoric
scatological imagery, use of
207–208, 425
room, as memory-place
Schmitt, Jean-Claude x
Root, R. K.
scholasticism 16–17, 89
Rorty, Richard 17
Scott, Kathleen 445– 446
rosary 99
Scotus Eriugena, John
Rossi, Paolo 17, 89 , 419
scribere 242–243
Rota Virgili 329–330
scribes 255, 264, 422–423
‘‘rote’ memory
editorial powers 441
advice against 92–93, 113
as ‘‘painters’ 280–281
distinction between memoria and xii
, 22–23,
Thomas Aquinas’s use of5 –6, 7
77 , 103 –104
unreliability 202
etymology 330– 331, 374, 453
scrinium, as metaphor for memory
0, 46–49 ,
role in medieval education
102–104 , 111
see also recitare
scrinarius 46
Rouse, Richard/Mary 17, 128–129, 134 –135, 199
scripts, use of different, for text and commentary
220, 403, 421
265– 267, 271, 423, 436
Rowland, Beryl 414
see also littera inintelligibilis ; textualis formata
rubrics/rubricator 117, 278–279, 302
, 307
seal-in-wax model
‘‘pictorial’ 281
applied to moral character 89, 224
Rudolph, Conrad 446 –447
basic to Thomas Aquinas’s analysis 70
General index
seal-in-wax model (cont.)
silva (forest, disordered material)
of memory 16, 24–25, 32–33, 34, 60, 70 , 90 , 91, as metaphor for untrained memory
9, 78, 324
374, 378, 395
of Scripture 205
see also wax tablets
Silverstein, Theodore 115 , 400
secretorium 46–47
Simonides 25–26, 110, 183, 250
, 327
sedes, used for mental locations
3, 110
Simplicius, Augustine’s description of
21 –22, 40
Seneca, L. Annaeus
42, 83, 84, 182 , 238, 381, 435 Singleton, Charles 279
Quintilian and 93, 121–122, 180
sins see Seven Deadly Sins
an d t r o p e o f r ea d e r /a u th o r
44, as b ee Skeat, Walter 49
237– 238
sleep see dream-images
senses / sensory perception
6 9–70, 72–73
Smalley, Beryl 113, 177, 292–293, 294, 421–422
errors of perception
on the Bible
inward/interior, conception of
57–58, 64
smell, sense of
memory as final process of sensory perceptionSmith, L. 436
97 –98
Smithfield Decretals see Decretals
see also hearing; sensus communis ; sight; smell;
Smits van Waesberghe, Joseph
taste; touch
Socrates (Greek church historian)
sensus communis 62, 63 –65, 67–68
, 74 , 390
Socrates ( ph il os opher)
24 , 35– 36, 37
– 38 ,
sententia, defined 114 –115
379– 380
sententialiter, remembering material
111 , 114–115,
116 , 169 , 400
synonymous with sollicitudo for Thomas
Serenus of Marseilles, Bishop
274, 275,
Aquinas 216, 429
277, 443
solmization 133 –134, 406–407
Solomon (Biblical character)
composition/publication 198, 255–257
Sommercote, Robert de, Cardinal
delivery 122
sophismata 116 –117, 218, 401
extempore 206, 256–257
Sorabji, Richard 19, 34, 72, 76, 79, 375
numerical division 131, 256
sortilege, using books for
203, 431
‘‘oral’ vs. ‘‘written’ style
‘‘university’ vs . ‘‘popular’ 131
Aristotelian analysis 60, 63–64, 65, 85,
see also Thomas of Waleys
Augustinian analysis 81
Servatus Lupus 416–417
Neoplatonist view 381–382
Seven Deadly Sins, depictions of
288– 289,
sound, nature of
328, 452
see also auditory memory; hearing; noise
‘‘seven plus or minus two,’ rule of
105 , 164
Southern, R. W.
223, 426, 435
spatial memory see under memory-images
in metaphors for reading
Speculum theologiae 332–333
in mnemonic images
168, 171–172
Spenser, Edmund 46
Shakespeare, William 217
‘‘squire who laid eggs’ fable
315 , 450–451
Shereshevski ("S.,’ Russian mnemonist)
starting-point, mnemonic requirement of
77 ,
94 –98 , 104 , 122, 159 , 291
292 , –
396, 416
79 , 109
short-hand symbols 141
Statius, P. Papinius
see also abbreviations; notae
Stock, Brian 14, 17, 263
, 371
Sicard, Patrice 400–401 , 448
stomach–memory metaphor 206, 207–208, 388
Sigebert of Gembloux
see also diet; digestion–rumination metaphor
sight/visual sense
Stone, Lawrence 15
primacy 19, 122
, 274, 373
store-house model, of memory
16, 37–55 , 101,
Thomas Aquinas on special nature of
69 –70
180, 237–238, 318–323
see also memory-images: pictorial nature
importance of structure
signa 184–185
see also apotheca; thesaurus
see also notae
strepitus (loud noise, confusion)
see noise
signs/signification theory 25, 29–31, 308, 450
string tied round finger, as memory aid 314, 450
silence 427
structuralism 37
silent reading see under reading
Suger, Abbot of St.-Denis 453–454
silentium 215, 282, 429
Swift, Jonathan 45
General index
concept of ‘‘intellectual memory’6 2–63,
as basic unit for teaching reading
73, 388
indexing by 150– 151, 410
contemporaries’ admiration for
14, 217
‘ memory for’ (Bradwardine)
169–170, 365–368
on memory as habit / condition for prudence
syllogism, mnemonic 99 , 396
81–84 , 86 –87 , 88, 191–192
synaesthesia 97, 291 –292, 315, 396
memory training advice
9 , 62, 216
on nature of recollection
80 , 81 , 191, 393
Tacitus, P. Cornelius
range of sources
6 , 84, 177
Tale of Beryn
Summa contra gentiles
5 , 146–147
, 251
taste, sense of
69 , 97
Summa theologiae 5– 6, 7 , 67 , 72, 251
Taylor-Briggs, Ruth 416 –417
understanding of knowledge/perception/
Terence (P. Terentius Afer)
memory 60, 62–63, 69–73
see also littera inintelligibilis ; sight
ancient/medieval attitudes to
239– 240
Thomas of Celano
3, 217, 429–430
backwards/forwards recollection xiii, 21 –22,
Thomas of Ireland,
Manipulus florum 435
113, 168
Thomas Waleys 182, 235
distinguished from books
a d vi ce o n p r ep a r at io n o f
11 s
3 e
– r
11 mo
5, 1 ns
31, 256
etymology of term
and citation 126, 130, 405
see also accuracy; authority/authorship; books;
Thomson, S. Harrison
composition; divisio; glosses; manuscripts;
Thoth see Theuth
reading; res (of literary text); writing
Tich fie l d Abbe y, H a mpsh ir e, medi eval libr ar y
textualis formata 267
of 411
textualism 13
time, and memory
54, 74, 83– 84,
‘‘textualization’ 11, 14
238–240, 377
see also ‘‘familiarization’
see also historical consciousness; ‘‘occasion’
textus/textum 14
tituli (s umm ar y phras es on manuscripts)
Thammuz (Ammon) 35–36, 95–96
109, 450
‘‘theatre’ aspect of medieval culture
see audience
enclosed in images
310–314 , 450
themes, memory for (
memoria orationis) 169 ,
topos, topica 33–34, 38 –39
185–186, 315
defined 417
Theodectes, prodigious memory of
relationship with mnemonic ‘‘places"/topics
thesaurus 37, 40–41, 101, 200 –201
79, 222, 395
see also store-house model; treasure-house/
touch, sense of
69 , 97
treasury, memory as
‘‘tactile memory’ 19
Theuth (Thoth) 35 –36
‘‘Tower of Wisdom’
Thierry of Chartres
398, 418
Towneley plays 49
commentary on Rhetorica ad Herennium
tractare, tractandum 136, 424
187–189, 447
see also forma tractatus/tractandi
contemporary/later influence 189
Tracy, Theodore 85–86 , 387, 390, 394
thing(s) see imagines rerum; memory for things;
p; treasure-house/treasury, memory as
37– 38, 107,
res; word verbum: representational
142, 252, 339
relationship with thing
see also thesaurus
Thomas Aquinas, St.
2 –4 , 9 , 244, 276, 382, 437 tree diagrams see
arbor sapientiae; diagrams; Tree
analysis of mental imagery6 9–73
of . . .
and Aristotelianism 15, 83 –84, 190 , 374, 375, Tree of Jesse 328
389, 390, 394, 455
Tree of Life 301, 323, 333
Catena aurea 3, 6 , 113
Tree of Vices and Virtues 333
commends architectural mnemonic
155 , 192 ,
triads 79
193 , 203
Trimpi, Wesley, Muses of One Mind 17,
commentary on Isaiah
5 –6
commentary on Psalms
tropology 210, 343, 447
commentary on Rhetorica ad Herennium
Tully/Tullius see Rhetorica ad Herennium
82–83 , 216, 429
authorship of
compositional habits 4 –8, 242, 245, 246, turba ("crowding"), as mnemonic enemy 249,
248–249, 251, 252 , 261 , 421
269, 273
General index
Uccelli, Pietro5
voces animantium 138, 304
umbra 162
mnemonic function 158–159 , 160
unicorn, as memory-image for ‘‘one’
voice-level, association with different reading
universities, medieval 156 , 186–187
, 192–193 , 199
functions 214–215, 278, 417, 427–428, 439
247–248, 269, 399–400, 423, 446
see also murmur of meditation
Urban IV, Pope
Von Nolcken, Christina
Urban VIII, Pope
Utrecht Psalter 282– 285, 404, 445
Ward, John O.
199, 412
Watts, Isaac 45
Valerius Maximus 84, 228
wax tablets 24–25, 117, 374
van der Horst, Koert
us e i n c o m po s it
2, n
251 – 252 , 253,
Vance, Eugene 450
260– 261
Varro (Reatinus), M. Terentius
9, 84 , 437
writing on, to aid memorizing
0, 141, 195, 215
Vatican library 45
see also codex; seal-in-wax model
Vegetius 84
Weinrich, Harald xi–xii
Venus, Albertus Magnus’s comment on
West, Philip J.
vermis 68
wheel-diagrams see diagrams; Rota
wheels, moving 331
authority of texts
will see desire
memorial artes 193
William of Alnwick
148, 411
performance and 432
William of Champeaux
178, 187, 416
sermons 193
William of Moerbeke
71, 85 , 375
texts, decoration 287
William of Ockham
196 –198, 199, 203, 219, 315
The Book of Memory Page 92