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Flamed with Courage: Notorious Devils (Cash Bar Book 3)

Page 20

by Hayley Faiman

  They didn’t like the types of guns I brought them, bitched that I didn’t have enough AR’s. Since this isn’t some fucking special order bullshit, they got what they got.

  Not my fucking problem that they didn’t tell Snake or Fury they had particular needs. That shit is up to them, not me. After they threw their little bitch fits, I left as quickly as I could.

  I hurry across the hall and shower quickly, then go back to my room and grab some clean clothes from my bag to change into. Once I’m dressed, I decide to go to the bar, in hopes of finding my woman.

  I’ve missed her, every fucking part of her, more than I thought possible. I want to bury myself inside of her as soon as I can, maybe stay there for days.

  The music is loud, the men milling around, most with a girl or two, on their arms. I see Crooner, his hand planted firmly on his woman’s ass and I look in their small group for Whitley. She’s not there. I see a woman standing with them, and then Gracie as well but she isn’t anywhere to be seen.

  I stomp up to them, bound and determined to find out where my woman is. I’m only a couple feet away when I freeze. The woman standing at their side, her eyes meet mine and my entire body locks up. It’s Whitley, except it doesn’t look like her, not in the slightest.

  She’s wearing heavy makeup, her eyes rimmed in dark, her lids much of the same. On her lips, she’s wearing red lipstick and all I can think about when I see them is how that red would look wrapped around my cock.

  Tearing my eyes from her plump lips, I scan down to her chest. Her tits are pushed up, her top tight and cut into a deep V, showing off more cleavage than I’m comfortable with. But fuck me is it sexy as shit at the same time. Her top is tight around her small waist and tucked into a tight black skirt. The skirt is shorter than I would prefer too, stopping around mid-thigh and on her feet are bright red fuck me heels.

  “Kitten,” I growl.

  I can’t walk.

  I can’t fucking move.

  Lifting my gaze back up to hers, I watch as her golden eyes widen, and her mouth drops slightly. She doesn’t hesitate a moment longer. Abandoning, her group she quickly makes her way toward me. Without stopping her body slams into mine, as her arms wrap around my neck and her lips press against my own.

  My tongue slides inside of her waiting mouth, I moan at the soft feel of her wet tongue. One of my hands drifts down to grab ahold of her plump ass, the other tangles in the soft curls of her hair. I kiss her like I fucking missed her, with everything that I goddamn am, because I did.

  “Mason,” she rasps, once I break the kiss.

  “Everything you’ve got on is too tight and too sexy,” I mutter, my eyes searching her.

  I see the instant my words filter, and she looks down, her face turning pink. Tugging her head back, with the hand that’s still fisted in her hair, I force her gaze back up to meet mine.

  “I fucking love it, Kitten. But only when I’m around, and only here. You’re safe inside these walls, Whitley,” I rasp.

  She nods, her tongue slipping out to wet her lips. “I want you to be proud to have me at your side. I want to look like the others,” she admits.

  I shake my head, unbelieving her words. “I’m fucking proud of you, Kitten. Even if you wear a goddamn trash bag as a dress. You’re mine, Whitley, and you don’t look like anyone else because you’re fucking you. I like you just as you are. Never change for me, Whitley, not ever,” I mutter, my lips crashing against her own.

  “I missed you, Mason,” she smiles.

  Lowering my forehead, I let it rest against hers and close my eyes as I suck in a breath. “Kitten, I missed you more than you could even imagine.”

  “Will you tell me about whatever this threat is?”

  I grunt, not wanting to tell her a goddamn thing, and tonight I’m not going to either. I will, however, tell her tomorrow, she needs to know and if we’re on lockdown this place is like a fucking gossip trap, she’ll find out anyway.

  “Tomorrow, Kitten. Tonight, we’re going to party, and fuck until we’re so exhausted we pass out,” I grin.

  Her lips tip up into a soft smile and she licks her lips again. She leans forward and brushes her lips against mine. “Sounds perfect,” she breathes against my mouth. I grunt, squeezing her ass a little harder.

  Fuck yeah it does.



  I lean heavily against Free’s side, and I’m thankful he’s standing next to me because I think he’s the only thing keeping me upright at the moment. Gracie rolls her eyes, taking a healthy swig of her beer, then slams it down and demands another. For someone who seemed fairly shy, and motherly, just a few hours ago she’s a demanding drunk—but a fun one.

  I giggle, lifting my face to press my lips against Free’s neck. His hand around my waist flexes and slides down to my hip. “You ready to go back to my room?” he murmurs against the top of my head.

  “Yeah,” I sigh.

  He grins. “We’ll go soon.”

  My bottom lip pokes out in an immediate pout, which only makes his chuckle turn into a soft laugh. Ignoring my obvious displeasure, he starts talking to Snake. I turn my head to face Gracie again and am surprised to see a man in a Notorious Devil’s vest, or cut rather, standing a little too close to her. I don’t recognize him, but then again, I don’t really know who most of these people are.

  I gasp, my eyes sliding closed when I feel Free’s hand slide down my ass and beneath my skirt. He shifts so that he’s behind me, hiding his movements from the rest of the room. I feel my skirt being shifted, as well, then his fingers slide down to the center of my panties.

  Leaning my back against his chest, I let out a long sigh when one of his fingers slips beneath my panties. Then, I feel it glide along my opening. I want to beg him for more, but I don’t, not in public. He always promised me that nobody else would ever see another part of me, and I trust him.

  I feel like it’s been months since we’ve been together, and with all of the phone sex we’ve had lately, I’m on edge. I don’t know that I would really care if he bent me over, right here, right now at this point.

  My breath hitches and my train of thought is lost when his finger swirls my clit, then returns to my center and slowly slides inside of me. The ache that I felt the last time he touched me is all but gone, and I find that I miss it. I miss the way his body makes me feel, especially when he doesn’t give me a moment’s rest.

  “Mason,” turning my head, I whisper against his skin.

  He grunts, pressing his hips against my ass. I feel his hard length and I whimper. His finger swirls my clit one last time, causing my hips to jerk before he releases me and takes a step back. He removes his hand from between my legs and wraps it around my own. His fingers are wet as they touch my skin and my face heats with embarrassment.

  “Headed to bed,” he announces, causing my face to get even hotter and I know it’s bright red.

  I don’t pay attention to anyone’s response, my gaze, firmly planted on the floor. Free quickly drags me through the bar and down the hall toward his room. Once we’re inside, I finally look up just in time to watch him close the door before he turns to face me.

  “You look hot as shit in that, and I’m fucking you in that skirt tonight, Kitten. Take your top off, your bra and panties. Leave your skirt and the shoes on,” he growls.

  My arms move swiftly before I even realize what I’m doing, I have my top thrown across the room with my bra quickly following, then I shimmy my panties down my legs and step out of them. His eyes hungrily rake over my body, his gaze focusing on my breasts before he prowls toward me.

  “Free,” I whimper.

  He clucks his tongue and shakes his head. “I like when you call me, Mason, Kitten. Especially, when we fuck,” he announces.

  I nod, balling my hands into fists, as my nails dig into my palms. I’m nervous and anxious, and I freaking need him to make me come. Once he’s directly in front of me, he extends his arm and his fing
er slowly circles around my breast. I watch as my nipple hardens to a point, begging for more.

  Mason leans down, gently sucking my nipple into his mouth while his finger swirls around my other one. He releases one nipple, only to move toward the second and suck it between his lips. Lifting my hand, I place it on the back of his head, gently holding onto his dark hair.

  One of his hands slips between my legs, and I widen my stance, my silent beg for more from him. He chuckles against my breast, sucking and lapping, while he slides his finger inside of me. I shamelessly moan, my hips jerking against his touch. His thumb presses against my clit which causes my eyes to close and my head to drop back.

  Mason fucks me with his fingers, while his mouth moves from one breast to the other, kissing, nipping, and sucking me. It feels so good that I’m not sure I ever want him to stop.

  “Fuck, Kitten, ride my hand,” he groans against my skin.

  I do as he says, happily. Gone is the shy virgin I was just a few weeks ago. I’m a woman who craves his touch. Whatever he wants, I’ll happily oblige because I know he’s going to make me feel incredible.

  I gasp, my belly clenching as I climb closer toward my release. He abruptly removes his hand from between my legs and I lift my head, crying out.

  “I want to be inside of you when you come, Whitley,” he states.

  I watch him quickly undress, wishing he could move even faster. I need him inside of me too, mainly because I feel like I’m going to scream if I don’t come soon.

  Mason wraps his hand around mine and tugs me toward the bed. I watch as he crawls into the center, propping his back against the headboard. Without him even motioning, I quickly climb onto the bed as well and straddle his thighs. We don’t say a word. He aligns the head of his cock with my center and as quickly as I can I take him inside of me, completely.

  “Fuck, Kitten,” Mason groans.

  Placing my hands on his chest, I shift my hips, rising then falling with a moan. I keep my eyes focused on his while I ride him, grinding down with each roll of my hips. Mason lifts his hands, one wrapping around my breast holding me tightly, the other he slides between my legs. I feel his thumb press against my clit and I can’t hold back the shiver that runs throughout my entire body.

  I’m so damn close.

  “Come for me, Kitten. Come on and purr for me,” he urges.

  His thumb at my clit moves faster, and I whimper, my own hips moving faster as well, to match his rhythm. Mason’s grip around my breast tightens and he does something to my clit that sends me over the edge.

  My thighs shake as I cry out a sob, my skirt around my waist. My pussy clenches trying to keep him inside of me, keep him right where I want him. I fall forward, unable to hold myself up. Both of Mason’s hands grab ahold of my ass, and I whimper when he spreads me wide.

  He uses his grip on my ass to move my body up down on his length. I kiss and lick his neck, allowing him to control my body. He slams me down hard, lifting his hips at the same time, my clit is so sensitive every single time he pulls me down I cry out.

  “Fuck,” Mason grinds out, slamming up into me one last time, holding my body against his own, suspended in the air and I let out a long exhale as his release fills my body. “Oh shit, I didn’t pull out,” he mutters.

  I smile, lifting my head from his neck as he slowly relaxes his ass and back onto the mattress. “I went to the doctor, I’m protected from pregnancy now,” I say with a shrug. The doctor told me after seven days I would be good, today is day ten.

  Mason lifts his hand to cup my cheek. “Thank fuck,” he murmurs. “Coming inside of you feels fucking amazing,” he smiles.

  I lean against his palm, feeling the warmth of his skin against my own. “I like it too. I like being this close to you,” I admit.

  His smile stays firmly in place and his thumb runs along my bottom lip. “Not going anywhere for a while, Kitten. I didn’t like being away from you, now that I have you.”

  I bite the corner of my lip as my own smile appears. “Good,” I nod, lowering down and pressing my chest against his.

  Mason’s hands slowly slide up and down my back, soothingly, relaxing my entire body while his softening cock stays inside of me. I’m afraid to move a muscle, afraid he’ll slip from my center and it feels too good having him right there, where he belongs.

  Slowly, my eyes slide closed and my breathing evens out and I’m unable to stop myself from falling asleep.


  I roll over, disengaging myself from Whitley and sliding out from beneath her body. I slip her sexy high heels off, then unzip and tug off her skirt. Then, like a fucking creepy bastard, I just watch her. She’s passed out from a little too much beer, and a whole lot of my dick.

  Grabbing my jeans off of the floor, I pull them on and leave the room. Heading toward the bathroom, I grab a cloth and dampen it to clean my girl up. I have plans to eat that cunt in a little while and I’m not generally a fan of licking my own cum.

  Jizzy is walking down the hall as I make my way back toward my room. “You okay?” I ask her.

  I haven’t talked to her at all since all the shit with DD went down. Jizzy’s sad eyes lift to mine and she just looks plain lost, sad, and dead.

  “I’ll be fine. Just miss her,” she whispers.

  Lifting my hand, I wrap it around her shoulder and give her a squeeze. “Wasn’t your fault, Jizz. Not at all,” I say.

  She shakes her head once and gives me a bullshit smile. I was the same way for years when it came to Gemma. It doesn’t matter how many people tell her, or how many times she’s informed that it’s not her fault, she won’t believe it. She has to discover it for herself, if she ever does. I don’t say anything else. Leaving her alone in the hall, I go back to my room, back to my woman.

  Once I’m inside, I grin at her spread thighs. She’s face down on the bed, one knee hitched up and I can see her glistening pussy, pink and swollen from my cock. Walking over to her I gently slide the warm cloth through her cunt, cleaning her and chuckling when she moans in her sleep.

  Shucking my pants to the floor, I crawl in beside her. As soon as my body hits the bed, she grunts and rolls over, pressing her front against my side and hitching her leg over my thigh. I smile, gliding my fingers through her hair, but sleep evades me.

  Reaching for my phone, I start to scroll through my texts, then I decide to check in on our problem. I contacted Keys on my way toward Regina to ask him if there was any way he could find out who could be coming here from the compound in Texas. According to that stripper we killed, he’s headed this way, and I want to know who the fuck he is so I can castrate and kill him.

  KEYS: No news, man. Invading Texas Ranch tomorrow. Need to get the fuck out of this town.

  I frown at his words but don’t ask him why. Maybe Fish wants to get back to his woman, maybe they’re fighting, maybe the town fucking sucks, fuck if I know.


  He doesn’t respond, but my message has been read. I don’t know Keys well, but he seems like a good guy from what I’ve seen, and I’m glad to have him at our club. I think that he’s an awesome asset. Setting my phone down on the floor, I remove Whitley’s hold on me.

  Slowly, and careful not to wake her up I slide down her body. Moving her legs, wide apart, I look up at her shoulder, grinning at the tattoo there. Goddamn, it’s pretty against her soft skin. I use my fingertip to trace the bruises I left on her ass earlier in the evening. I can’t wait until there are even more there, and her hips—marks of my ownership.


  I slide my tongue through her center, grabbing onto her hips and tugging her backward. “Just relax, Kitten. I need to taste you for a while,” I explain.

  She moans, slowly pushing her pussy against my face. I love how she’s still my innocent girl, and yet, her body craves the pleasure that I give it, and she isn’t afraid to take from me. I bury my face between her legs, my only focus on making her come.

I’ll have to tell her about this unknown stranger, tomorrow she’ll be scared, but tonight we’re going to continue enjoying each other.



  “So, you’re telling me this unknown person could be on their way up here, but why?” I ask my brows knitting together.

  Free and I are in bed, completely naked and he’s tracing invisible patterns on my stomach with his fingertip. He’s just told me about the girl they caught, and her partner. He’s unknown, completely and totally down to his name. The thought is unnerving and the idea that he could be coming up this way, terrifies me.

  “I’ll keep you safe, Kitten,” he says. Free bends his neck and captures my nipple between his lips, giving me a gentle kiss.

  Shaking my head, my eyes slide closed and I let out a breath. “I’ll never be safe, will I, Mason? I’ll never be free. It’s comical really, your name is Free, and it’s tattooed on my skin, but it’s something I’ll never achieve.”

  Free’s hand moves from my stomach to the back of my head, and quickly fists in my hair. He tugs my head back, causing my neck to arch uncomfortably. My eyes widen, and my mouth falls open with a harsh gasp.

  “You’re fucking safe, Whitley. You’re free and you’re goddamn safe. Nothing and I repeat fuckin’ nothing is going to happen to you. Not when you’re with me.”

  His voice is guttural, and I don’t know if he’s trying to convince me as much as he’s trying to convince himself, but I don’t respond with anything, but an attempted head nod.

  He dips his chin, his lips pressing hard against mine, then he rests his forehead against my own, his eyes closed and his hand still tight in the back of my hair.

  “Nothing is happening to you. I’m going to find this fucker myself and slice him from throat to dick, then I’m going to take all of his insides out and piss over every single one of them before I burn them.”


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