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Flamed with Courage: Notorious Devils (Cash Bar Book 3)

Page 22

by Hayley Faiman

  Quickly, walking into our house, I rush to the bedroom. Grabbing a garbage bag, I quickly start shoving her clothes inside. Once everything from the closet and dresser drawers is shoved into the bag, I move to the bathroom.

  I’m bent over grabbing some shit from a drawer when something slams against the back of my head. I hear the crack before my body falls. Everything happens in slow motion and then there’s complete blackness.


  I take another sip of the liquor that Snake has practically forced down my throat. It feels warm, and the taste isn’t too bad anymore, now that half of the glass is gone. I don’t know what it is, but it’s brownish in color. For whatever reason, I find it fascinating and continue to stare at it.

  “Look at me, Whitley,” Snake demands.

  My eyes lift to his without hesitation. He’s commanding, alpha, in control and reminds me so much of Free.

  “Is he dead?” I ask.

  Snake shakes his head, but it isn’t in any way an answer. “I don’t know,” he admits, and I nod once. He isn’t lying, he doesn’t know.

  “Tell me everything you do know,” I demand.

  He cocks his head to the side, his eyes roaming over my face before he smirks. “Strong girl. Just like Hayden, just like Esme, and just like Ginger. You’re perfect for him. You’ll make him happy, won’t you?”

  I want to scream at him right now. I want to know where the fuck Free is, where is my Mason? I don’t though. He’s the president, and as much as I want to scream, and kick, and throw shit at him right now, he deserves my respect because I know that Mason respects the hell out of him.

  “I love him,” I simply state.

  Snake nods, his eyes still roaming over my face as I sip the amber colored liquid. “I knew where he was headed. I knew he’d been gone too long. I sent a prospect over. His truck is there, his bike is there, however, he is not. There was a bag of your clothes in the bedroom, and an open drawer in the bathroom, but no sign of him, anywhere.”

  “He’s been kidnapped,” I guess.

  Snake drops his head slightly but looks up at me with his eyes. They stay connected, never wavering, as the realization sinks in.

  Mason has been kidnapped.

  He’s been taken, and the odds of him surviving at the hands of an Aryan are slim. Tears automatically stream down my face; my lips tremble and I know that I’m alone in this world now.

  Mason is gone.

  “We’ll get him back, Whitley,” Snake mutters.

  I shake my head, my tear-filled eyes meeting his. “No, you won’t. I’ve seen what they do, how they punish. Once he’s finished with Mason, then he’ll come after me.”

  Snake stands, his face turning a deep shade of pink. He lifts his hand and points his finger at me. “I will get him back. You will be safe. None of those fucking assholes are taking anyone else from me again, do you fuckin’ understand?” he shouts.

  “I understand,” I breathe.

  He nods, turning away from me and stomps out of the room. The door slams behind him and I take another sip of the alcohol in my glass. I want to believe that Snake will find him and that I’ll be safe too.

  However, I know the reality of life. He won’t find him, and if he does it will be too late. I will never be safe. Maybe Ginger and Hayden will be, because they’ve had children with their men. But me? I’m fair game, and my father was one of them, they feel as if they own me.

  I will never be free of them, not ever.


  My head feels heavy. I try to move it, but I can’t. I force my eyes open and am assaulted by the bright light in front of me. It hurts to look at it. Squinting, I try to move, but I’m weighted down, and tied down. At least I’m sitting upright. Shit could be worse. I could be hanging from a hook in a ceiling. I could be already fucking dead.

  “So you thought you could take one of my breeders, and keep her for yourself. That nothing would come back on you, as long as you destroyed the compound?” a voice asks.

  It makes my skin crawl, its sickly sweet and not as gruff as a man should be. This is no soldier of the compound, this is a leader.

  I grunt, refusing to answer him. “You killed one of my women, which is no loss since she’d fucked every single one of those men in Idaho, with no care to their race or background beforehand. I had no desire to stick my cock into her unclean cunt again, anyway. Whitley, however, she was pure before you ruined her.”

  “How do you know about her history?” I ask, unable to stop myself.

  He chuckles. “Do you think she was untouched because Samuel or Zachary did not want her?” I stay silent, refusing to speak. “She was being saved for me, you idiot. Her father tried to hide her away from me, and I ordered his death. It’s fucking obvious, and yet, you people are too stupid to see what is right in front of you.”

  “She’s dirty as fuck now. She’s been marked with my name, fucked by my cock, and I guarantee my blood isn’t pure fucking white,” I shout.

  The man laughs, its’ evil and harsh. “I have a cleansing ritual. Whitley will be just fine. She is worth it. The other breeder, not so much, but I’ve been waiting for Whitley. I was promised her, and I’m taking what was promised to me. She’ll have my children, as many as I give her, and she’ll take her place at my side with my other breeders,” he inhales deeply as my stomach turns.

  I try to fight against my bound wrists and ankles, but I can’t move. “When I fuck her, I’ll be thinking of you, Mason Kelly. I won’t remove her tattoo either, I’ll take her from behind every goddamn time, so that I can spit on your name,” he growls.



  About ten minutes after Snake stomps out of the office, I gather my strength to do the same. Walking into the bar, I’m met with eerie silence. The entire bar is empty save for a few women. I glance around and find Hayden, Ginger, Gracie, and another woman that I recognize from Cash Bar, who must be Esme sitting around a table. My feet shuffle toward them, and I don’t even care that they’re dressed for the day and I’m still in Free’s clothes. At least I showered, I think to myself.

  “Fuck,” Ginger breathes.

  “I should just stand in the middle of the road and wait for them to pick me up,” I announce.

  I hear Esme and Gracie gasp, but Hayden and Ginger don’t say a word. They get it, and they’re probably scared for their own selves. I don’t blame them, I’m terrified.

  “Snake will find him. We’ll be fine,” Ginger states with a nod.

  I can tell by the worry in her eyes that she’s trying to convince herself as much as she’s attempting to convince me. I know the truth though. I know what will really happen. They will find me, and they will take me.

  We sit in silence for what feels like an eternity. A few men mill around, but none talk to us or even approach us. The only thing I can think about is Mason. If he’s alive, and if he is, how hurt is he?

  Then I think about what will happen to me when they eventually take me. They won’t make it easy. I’ve seen what they do to women. Hayden only saw a taste of the group’s cruelty when she was there. I’ve seen so much more.

  “What are you thinking about?” Gracie asks me.

  I lift my gaze to her, giving her a small smile. “After all of this is over, do you need any help with your daycare business? I love kids, and I’m really good with them,” I blurt.

  Her eyes widen, and she smiles. “I would love to have an extra set of hands, especially during the lunch hours, and after the children come off of the bus after school.”


  She nods, reaching across the table and taking my hand in hers. “Really, Whitley. Hayden told me how you took care of all those little ones. I would love to have you on my team. The girl that helped me moved out of state. You’d be a lifesaver,” she winks.

  The front door opens, bouncing off of the wall with a thud, and I spin around to see Snake standing with the sun coming in behind him. I can’t tell i
f he looks pissed, relieved, angry, or sad. Although even if I could see his face, I’m not sure I would be able to tell which one of those emotions he’s feeling. I don’t really know him that well.

  “Whitley,” he shouts.

  My entire body jumps from his loud booming voice. Standing, I hurry toward him, but he’s already walking down the hall. I follow close behind, as he walks into his office, and I close the door after I step over the threshold.

  “Snake, just tell me,” I whimper.

  I’m too afraid to look up, I focus on my bare feet, wishing like hell that I had some clothes and shoes of my own right now, but also kind of glad that I’m surrounded by Free’s things and smell.

  Snake walks behind his desk and slowly sits down. I want to scream and reach for him and shake him, maybe even slap him. I want to know what the fuck he knows, what he’s found out.

  “We think we found him. There’s a cabin not far from here and it has a man guarding the front and back. Do you recognize either of these men?”

  I watch as he presses some buttons on his phone and holds it across the desk. Reaching for the device I take it in my grasp and look down at a close up of a man. He’s pale skinned and wearing what looks like military cargo pants and a long-sleeved shirt. He’s also holding a gun across his body and looks ready to point and shoot at any given second.

  “I don’t recognize his face, but he’s one of them,” I say handing the phone back.

  Snake nods. “We’re going to rush the cabin immediately then. We’ll get him back, babe,” he softly says.

  I wish that I could believe him. Then an idea pops into my head. “Let me go first.”

  Snake blinks, a smirk appearing on his lips. “No way in fuck, Free’d kill me where I stand.”

  Shaking my head, I lean over the desk, placing my palms on it, and leveling him with a glare. “This is because of me. Let me go first. I’ll be a welcome distraction, then you can take him out of the back or something,” I offer.

  “She has the courage, let her use it,” a voice says from the doorway. I turn around and see Crooner standing there, his shoulder leaning against the jamb.

  Snake looks over at him and lifts his chin. “You want to deal with the fallback from Free?” he asks Crooner.

  Crooner chuckles. “I wouldn’t worry about Free. I’d worry about this little hellcat if she doesn’t get her way,” he grins toward me.

  My chest puffs up and I nod. “Let me go. I’ll wear one of the dresses from the compound. I’ll pretend to go willingly. Anything to get information and set Mason free.”

  Snake’s head drops and that’s when I know that he’s agreed. “Your shit is all in your room. Hurry,” he growls.

  Turning away from him, I don’t say a word. My feet move quicker than they ever have before. I run toward Free’s room and I slam the door closed. Riffling through the bag of clothes, I pull out a dress and sandals, then grab a bra and panties.

  Once I’m dressed, I find a comb and quickly comb my hair out, then braid it down the back. I try to look as meek and sweet as possible. Whoever this man is, he won’t want someone who looks strong, or brave. He wants someone that he can control. I’m going to appear that way, at least for the moment.

  Rushing back toward the bar, I see Snake standing with Ginger pressed against his chest. I don’t know where the children are, but I assume they are hiding them, as an extra safety precaution and I don’t blame them at all.

  “I’m ready,” I announce.

  Ginger’s head snaps around and I give her a smile. I try not to show my fear in the smile, but her eyes narrow and she whips her head back to Snake. I don’t hear what she says, but he gives her a stern look and replies quickly and effectively shuts her down. Snake lifts his chin toward me, then turns around and begins to walk out of the bar.

  “Be careful,” Hayden calls out.

  I follow behind Snake, unable to look back at the women who are staring holes in the back of my dress. I know they’ve got to be worried, as I would be if the situation were reversed, but I have to do this.

  I have to try and save Mason. I don’t know who this man is that has him, or why he’s taken him from me, but I can’t allow anything at all to happen to the man that I love. I refuse.


  The light in my eyes doesn’t fade, but the man disappears for a while. I wish I could see what this fucker looks like. Hell, I wish I could beat his fucking ass. I spend what feels like hours plotting his murder.

  This is the man I’m going to cut from neck to dick and disembowel, rearrange his organs and piss on them. If I could get out of these tightly knotted ropes, then I could get on with my work.

  “Did I ever tell you how I was going to cleanse, Whitley?” he asks, magically appearing again.

  I grunt. “I don’t give a fuck, because you’re not going to get the opportunity,” I state.

  He laughs, but it isn’t anything normal, it’s forced and rehearsed. “I’m going to douche her cunt with bleach. Do you think that would burn? I did it once to a breeder and her screams filled the room, they were so intense that I had to fuck her ass while I had the other breeder douching her. It was beautiful,” he sighs.

  My stomach churns at his words. I won’t let it happen. He will not touch her. No fucking way. I pull against my restraints only to have him laugh again.

  “Maybe I’ll keep you alive long enough to watch. I think I might enjoy that.”

  “You keep me alive that long and I’ll figure out a way to kill you before you get anywhere near my woman,” I growl.

  I hear him cluck his tongue. “No, you won’t touch me. I do think I’ll keep you though. I think you need to see how a real man, a pure man, plants his baby inside of a breeder. It’s a very beautiful thing, to use their bodies the way we do. You’d enjoy it, I think,” the sick fuck announces. I hear him rustling around and then his footsteps walking away.

  Closing my eyes, I let my head hang as I try and listen to the noises of the place I’m being held. I don’t know where I am, but judging by the wooden floors beneath my feet, I assume I’m in some kind of cabin in the woods. Figures this fuck wouldn’t pick somewhere that was isolated. They love being away from society so that nobody can see the sick shit they do.

  A knock sounds somewhere in the cabin and my head flies back up, my eyes opening, but being assaulted by the light yet again. I hear voices murmuring and I pinch my eyes closed trying to make any of them out. A few minutes go by before there are footsteps again, this time two instead of one.

  “You wanted proof of his life, there it is,” the sick fuck announces.

  I hear someone inhale a deep breath before releasing it. “Will you let him go?” the sound of the voice across from me makes me ill.

  My stomach turns and twists. It’s Whitley. I don’t know what she’s doing here, but rage bubbles inside of me that she’s anywhere near this fuck.

  “No,” the man chuckles. “He wants to watch the cleansing ritual.”

  She doesn’t say anything for long minutes and neither does he. We all stay in silence and then she speaks. “Okay,” she whispers.

  I hate it. I hate that she’s giving herself over to him so easily. Isn’t my Kitten stronger than that? I thought that she was. I was sure of it. But she isn’t, is she? She’s weak just like Gemma. Weak as fuck, and I can’t save her. I can’t protect her just like I couldn’t with Gemma. I die a little more inside, my heart turning a little blacker than it already was.

  My head hangs low, and I wait for what is about to come. It’s going to be brutal and ugly, but maybe I need to see it. Maybe I need to see that I’m not meant to have a woman of my own, to be in charge of protecting my own Old Lady. I need this reminder that to have an Old Lady of my own, to have a family, it isn’t in the cards for me.

  “Stop feeling goddamn sorry for yourself,” a voice rasps behind me. I recognize it immediately.

  “Snake,” I hiss.

  He grunts, and I feel his hands at my wrists,
then at each of my ankles. “Killed the guard out back, Crooner is taking care of the one in the front, but we still have to get Whitley and whoever this sicko is handled.”

  “She’s gone, brother. She’s fucking gone,” I say, trying not to cry like a goddamn vagina.

  Snake smiles. “Brother, she’s strong as shit. This, it was all her idea. Now here,” he says, shoving something at my stomach. I wrap my fingers around the object, as he turns the light off. My eyes take a few seconds to adjust and I notice that it’s a gun in my grasp.

  Standing slowly to my feet, I follow behind Snake. I feel completely out of my element, foggy headed, lost and a bit confused. I trust my brother though, my best friend, with my entire life.

  Walking into the living room of the cabin, Snake already has his gun pointed at the man. Crooner is at the front door, his gun pointed in the man’s direction as well.

  Looking down at him I blink, twice, my eyes still a bit pained from the bright light. I’m unsure that I’m seeing the man I’m seeing, or if it’s some sort of fucking illusion.




  I try to school my features as I look at Gracie’s husband. I only met him once, but he isn’t difficult to recognize. He is, after all, a Notorious Devil. They are a special breed of man, and I would recognize one anywhere. His smile widens as he looks down at me from the opened door. The man standing at my back moves away at the lift of his chin.

  “So, the little lamb has come to the lion on her own?” he asks.

  His voice is softer than I imagined, and I decide it must be his Aryan leader voice. They always try to make themselves seem softer than they are, more gentle. It’s as if they take a class on how to manipulate people.


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