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Uniform Desires (Make Mine Military Romance)

Page 42

by Sharon Hamilton

  Her breaths deepened. Her thighs tightened.

  He felt the heat of her pussy through the pants he still wore. With both hands, he gripped her waist and lifted her to her knees, bringing her breasts level with his mouth.

  Maya cupped her flesh and presented her breasts, angling her chest to deliver a nipple to his lips.

  Groaning, Angel licked the soft velvety circle then latched his lips around it. With the first draw, air hissed between her teeth. Her hips moved forward, pressing her pussy against his abdomen. Angel sucked harder and drew the tip between his teeth, clamping down and tugging until her fingers raked his scalp.

  Fluid wet his belly, and suddenly, he couldn’t wait a moment longer to be inside her. Clamping an arm around her back to anchor her, he reached down and opened his pants, lifting his ass to shove the garment down his thighs, and then he sat with his legs spread and lowered her, forcing her to widen hers as he gripped her waist to center her over his cock.

  Her fingers dug into his shoulders; she tossed back her hair, emitting a guttural moan.

  Angel lowered her in increments, enjoying the feel of her opened channel enveloping his cock. Glancing down, his attention was snagged, watching his cock, glistening with her juices, disappearing inside her and her sweet little pussy pushing slightly inward on each downward plunge, then stretching, clinging to his cock when he lifted her.

  Maya’s hands flattened against his chest and she leaned forward, cutting off his view of what was happening below. A dark brow arched. “I’m right here.”

  One side of his mouth inched up. He shoved her a little hard down his cock, and watched her jaw ease down, her eyes grow unfocused. The woman liked it rough, which pleased him, since he seemed to run out of patience quickly with her. He doubted a month of fucking would ease the urgency he always felt when he was close enough to catch her scent.

  “No fair,” she groaned.

  “Want fair?” He pushed her down again, growling when she tightened around him. By the glint in her eye, he knew she’d done it on purpose.

  “Not really, but I don’t want you mistaking me for an easy girl.”

  “Baby, there hasn’t been anything easy about you from day one.”

  “Good.” She gripped his shoulders and forced her way down faster, taking control of the rhythm.

  Something he allowed because he liked watching her breasts bounce.

  Her hands cupped his face and lifted it until their gazes met again. Her head was shaking.

  “What? A man likes to watch things…bounce.”

  “And a woman likes knowing you know exactly who you’re fucking.”

  As if he’d ever forget. Angel wrapped his arms around her and lunged off the sofa.

  With a squeal, Maya slung her legs over the crest of his hips, her arms encircling his neck.

  He strode straight for the wall and pressed her against it, easing his arms away, using just his hips jutted against hers to hold her in place. He pulled her arms from his shoulders and threaded his fingers through hers, placing them too against the wall, and then began to rut against her, grinding his cock, rasping crisp pubic hairs against her mound. “I know who I’m fucking. I’ll never forget our first time. Won’t forget this one either.” He ground again, circling his hips as he screwed deep inside her.

  Her thighs began to quiver, and he felt convulsive pulses rippling up and down her channel, massaging his dick tip to root. She was wet and hot, and so close, he knew she’d blow if he gave her just a couple more twists.

  But he held still, pressed as hard against her pelvis as he could without crushing her. His cock as deeply embedded as it had ever been.

  Biting her lower lip, she shivered and shook and tears filled her eyes. “I won’t forget either,” she said, and then hiccupped.

  Angel lowered his head and kissed her. “I wish things were different.”

  “I don’t expect promises, but I want to know you care.”

  “Baby, I do, I swear I do,” he said, nibbling at her cheek, her ear. His heart thudded in his chest as he realized just how much he cared, and the thought scared him a bit. Not that he believed she’d hurt him, but he didn’t know how he’d let her walk away—and he had to.

  He let go of her hands and reached down to cup her ass. Stepping away from the wall, he walked with her to the bedroom, then lay her down sideways on the bed, her ass at the edge. Leaning over her, his feet spread wide to lower his hips, he pumped against her while his hands molded her lovely curves, memorizing each—sweet breasts, narrow waist, lush hips. Churning against her, he watched sweat sprout on her forehead and upper lip, lending her golden skin a glow. Her dark lashes were black and spiked from tears, her irises a soft and dewy brown. Fuck yeah, he’d remember.

  With his gaze locked with hers, he slipped a finger into the top of her folds and softly swirled atop her clit. Her reactions were instantaneous—a jerk of her frame, a muffled shout, feet that pummeled the backs of his thighs, and nails raking his arms.

  Her expression was so lovely, tears leaking from her dark eyes, her swollen mouth opened around a soft moan. He cupped her hips against him and rode his own orgasm, shouting as he filled her.

  When his heartbeats ceased thundering in his ears, he heard crashing glass and realized one of the doors had been breached. He pulled away and narrowed his gaze. “Close the door after me.” He reached under the bed for the gun he’d hidden there, then ran to the door, glancing around the corner before entering the short hall, his weapon supported on the opposite hand, his finger on the trigger.

  “Hey, Angel,” came a soft call from outside.

  At the familiar voice, Angel lowered his weapon and strode to the front door, opening it a slit until he was sure Cowboy was alone. Then he tipped the door open and stood to the side as Cowboy entered the house.

  Cowboy’s eyebrows shot up as he glanced down Angel’s body. “I see you’ve been making good use of your time.”

  Angel gave him a blistering glare. “You got everything arranged?”

  “I do, but we have to drive a ways. The helo can’t put down anywhere near here. Calderon’s people have the place covered. Can’t risk them getting shot down.”

  “We going it alone?”

  “Just the three of us. Once we’re on the highway, we’ll have an escort. A roadblock’s being removed as we speak. Get dressed. We leave now.”

  Angel swiped his pants from the floor beside the sofa and made his way to the bedroom. He tapped softly on the door then opened it.

  Maya had a sheet wrapped around her body.

  He looked away from the gorgeous image she created. “We’re going.”

  “I heard.”

  Angel drew a deep breath, and then met her gaze as he walked to her and knelt in front of her. “I’m sorry this is happening so fast.”

  She gave him a small, crimped smile. “Maybe it’s best. I hate goodbyes.”

  Angel closed his jaw and tightened it rather than risk saying something he’d regret. “I’ll get your clothes from the bathroom.”

  “Don’t, I’ll get dressed in there.” Rising, she hesitated beside him, giving him a glance that landed on his mouth, but she turned away and left him.

  Angel had wanted that kiss. Wanted many more of them, but he didn’t have time to contemplate what any of it meant. They might be traveling a gauntlet of Calderon’s forces. He had to keep his head in the game. Not on what Cowboy had interrupted.

  Still, as he dressed, he silently cussed himself for leaving things wide open, for touching her in the first place. He knew better than she that bonds formed quickly when adrenaline was running high. Rarely did those intense feelings last once the danger was past.

  So why did he feel as though something precious was sifting through his fingers? Angel buttoned his pants, put on his game face, and yanked open the bedroom door.

  Chapter 8

  When Angel helped her into the backseat of Cowboy’s Jeep and then climbed in front, Maya didn’t need any furt
her hints their tryst was over. Stunned by how quickly he’d turned from ardent lover to cold operative, she huddled in the back, sucking deep breaths into her tightened chest.

  Neither man gave her a second glance as they trained their gazes on their surroundings. She supposed it was all a part of the training, like turning on a light switch. Still, she could have used a little reassurance to help soothe her fears—even if that reassurance was a lie.

  They pulled away from the house, and she stared back at it. She hadn’t noticed what a dump it was from the outside when she’d entered it or she might have hesitated. Probably a good thing.

  “Keep your head down in back. Folk’s be watching for a woman,” Cowboy said, as his vehicle bumped along the poorly maintained road.

  She scooted lower, noting when they left town when wood shacks with tar-papered roofs gave way to dense forest.

  They’d barely left town before a large black SUV sped into view on their tail. “I think we’re being followed,” she said, darting up in the rear seat to glance behind them.

  “They’re with me, sunshine,” Cowboy said, glancing in his rearview mirror.

  Which didn’t exactly leave her with warm and fuzzy feelings, but since Angel wasn’t concerned, neither would she be.

  He remained faced forward, his gaze going to the jungle encroaching on either side of the road, or trained straight ahead as they careened around sharp curves.

  Since she knelt on the floorboard, she had to brace herself with her hands against his seat and her feet against a door to keep from rolling. Her stomach grew increasingly nauseous.

  “You doin’ okay?” Cowboy’s gaze met hers as she glanced to the rearview mirror.

  There was concern in his eyes, but she shook her head. “Don’t worry about me. Definitely don’t stop.” I want out of here. Away from Angel. The way he’d turned off the minute Cowboy arrived had felt as though he’d thrown cold water over her skin.

  She’d been a diversion. Nothing more. Convenient since she’d thrown herself at him. He hadn’t had to work up a sweat to get her into bed.

  Not that she regretted a minute of the experience. Being with Angel only firmed up her mind that she was ready for more than vacation flings. Ready for something deeper and more meaningful.

  She braced against another steep curve.

  Angel touched the ear bud he’d put in before they’d left the safe house. “We’ve got company ahead. And whatever you do, Maya, keep your ass down.”

  So she couldn’t peek, and by both men’s stiffened actions, she guessed there was trouble in the road. As Cowboy slowed his vehicle, Angel pulled his gun and held it between his legs, pointing it toward the floorboard.

  Maya flattened herself against the floor and held her breath.

  “Get ready, Maya,” Angel said under his breath. “As soon as we stop, get ready to hop out to our right. Run for the trees; I’ll be right on your ass.”

  The Jeep stopped. Maya fumbled for the door latch and opened the door, sliding out and running as soon as her feet hit the ground. Behind her, she heard shouts, and then shots exploding in the air. She glanced back, saw that two large trucks had been turned sideways in the middle of the road. Knowing this was what Angel had feared, she didn’t need the shove of his hand to speed up.

  When men in camouflage stepped out from behind the trees in front of her, she screamed, but they moved past her, thankfully, to engage the men who’d set up the roadblock.

  A hand gripped her arm. “Don’t stop now,” Angel said, tugging her so she had to run faster or risk falling. When they were well past the edge of the forest, he halted and pushed her down behind a tree.

  They were far enough from the road they could hear shots, the rapid reports from an automatic weapon, and more rustling as men poured from the trees to enter the fight.

  The gun battle may have only lasted a couple of minutes, but it felt far longer as she hunkered down, Angel crowding her against the tree with his knees as he stood with his weapon held, ready to shoot.

  Leaves rustled beside them, and a man with a rifle and a nasty sneer stepped out of the trees beside them.

  Angel whipped around and pointed his handgun, but the other man shot first.

  Blood blossomed outward from a wound in Angel’s shoulder. His hand opened, dropping the handgun to the jungle floor. His anguished gaze went to her as he leaned sideways and fell.

  The sneering man stepped closer and raised his weapon again.

  Maya lunged for the gun on the forest floor, fell on her back in front of Angel, and aimed at the man, pulling the trigger.

  He jerked, his eyes widening and falling to the hole in his chest, and then dropped to his knees, pitching face first to the dirt.

  “Great shot,” Angel rasped beneath her.

  She rolled off him, dropped the gun, and leaned over him, her hands pushing against the wound in his shoulder to staunch the blood seeping from his body. “I was aiming at his head.”

  Angel chuckled then grimaced.

  Footsteps approached but she didn’t dare let go of his shoulder. A hand touched her back.

  “We’ll take it from here, ma’am,” a man in camo said, kneeling beside her.

  At that moment, her heartbeat steadied. At last, everything fell silent. In the distance, she heard a sound that sent her heart racing again—the whomp-whomp-whomp of propeller blades in the sky. She glanced up and saw the broken outline of the helicopter through the trees.

  Angel touched her arm. “Maya, get back to the road.”

  “Not without you.”

  “I’ll be fine. You have to go. Now.”

  Her mouth formed a thin line. “I can’t leave you like this.”

  “Just go.” He got an elbow beneath him and leaned up, although by his wince the effort cost him. “Baby, please. They won’t let me bleed to death, but you have to go.”

  “You’re coming with me, right?”

  Brows wrinkled, Angel shook his head. “I still have work to finish.”

  “But your cover’s blown.” She pointed her chin at his shoulder. “You’re in no shape to stay.”

  “We have the cocaine to retrieve. I have to stay, Maya.”

  Maya’s face screwed up; her mouth trembled. “I won’t see you again, will I?”

  Angel shook his head, his expression hardening.

  Her chest tightened, and she fought back hot tears, but lifted her chin. “Thanks…for saving my life.” She wanted to say more, but tightened her mouth to keep from blurting things he didn’t want to hear. Still, she couldn’t leave without one last attempt at thawing his reserve.

  His lips formed a thin line.

  That didn’t deter her. She leaned closer and kissed that thin, hard line. “I don’t believe this is it,” she whispered fiercely. “That we’re done. Not for a minute.”

  Angel’s expression remained set, but something in his green gaze seemed to soften. “I have to finish this.”

  “Damn you for being a stubborn man.” She kissed him again, tears flowing freely, obscuring her sight.


  She glanced up at another camouflaged man, his face darkened with green and black paint.

  “We have to go.”

  Shooting one last glance at Angel, she slowly withdrew her hands.

  The man beside her shoved a bandage against Angel’s shoulder.

  Angel’s gaze was steady, then flicked to her escort. “Go. Carry her out if you have to.”

  The man beside her grabbed her arm and pulled her behind him. She tried to keep her gaze on Angel, but tripped. The forest swallowed up her last sight of him.

  Again, she was moving at a rapid pace. When they broke through the brush at the side of the road, her stomach lurched. Bodies were being piled into a pickup truck bed by more of Cowboy’s team; Cowboy himself held a mike as he watched the sky.

  Her gaze followed his. A helicopter hovered above them then set down in the road.

  Already, some of the men were run
ning for the bird, bent at the waist, and climbing inside. The man beside her grabbed her hand. “Time to go.”

  She glanced back to the jungle one last time, hoping with all her heart Angel would be fine and that one day, she’d see him again. The man beside her whipped an arm around her back and pushed her forward toward the bird.

  With the blades whipping the air, she blinked to keep more tears at bay. She’d wait until she was alone, and then she’d let them come. For now, she had to believe what she felt was so strong there was no way the emotion wasn’t returned.

  At last, she admitted to herself, that she’d fallen in love with the big, gruff man. She only hoped Angel wasn’t so stubborn and set on his course he didn’t recognize he was equally in love with her.

  Angel squinted at the sun rising on the horizon. Two weeks had passed and his arm was out of the sling, and he still felt the pull of the stitches in his shoulder. They itched like fire. But he was heading home. First, to D.C. to finish his debriefing, and then onto a new assignment. And he had choices. Which meant the agency was happy with him.

  The cocaine haul topped six hundred pounds. That, and the destruction of Calderon’s factory, proved enough of a coup to smooth over the fact he’d blown his undercover assignment.

  He stood on the tarmac at a private airstrip, awaiting a ride back to the States on a Cessna. Cowboy stood beside him, dressed in a Hawaiian shirt and cargo shorts. His bags sat beside Angel’s.

  “For a while there, I wasn’t sure we’d make it out with our asses intact,” Cowboy drawled.

  Angel grunted and jerked his chin toward his shoulder. “Speak for yourself.”

  “That little scratch? Worth a medal, maybe,” he said, grinning. “Why the long face? We’re heroes.”

  Angel aimed a glare at his friend. “We barely got out of there. If we hadn’t turned Yanez’s daughter too, we’d both be stuck at a desk.”

  After they’d retrieved the shipment, they’d descended on the training camp, extracting Maria Cortez, who as it turned out, had no love for her father. The only reason she’d returned was because he’d cut the purse strings, ending her dream of finishing up a doctorate stateside. She’d agreed, with the promise of a fully funded scholarship and new identity, to provide them the intel they needed to take down Yanez’s operation.


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