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His Irresistible Darling

Page 16

by Sarah Randall

  “You know,” he said, nodding towards the pillow she held with a wickedly teasing smile on his face, “that’s exactly what started last night’s, er—”

  He was clearly struggling with how to classify what had happened between them last night, and she couldn’t bear the wait to see what he was actually thinking, so as usual she jumped in to save potential heartache.

  “Fun?” she suggested and watched his eyes widen as he paused from rubbing his hair with the towel.

  “Erm, right yeah,” he said, shrugging his broad shoulders. “It was…” her eyes were drawn to his jaw, which seemed to be flexing a muscle “…fun.”

  Pip tried to fight the unjustified sense of disappointment that threatened to swamp her with his agreement that it had just been a bit of harmless fun. Of course, she knew that this was just a one-off. Hell, that was her whole justification for her behaviour last night—but still…

  It had meant so much more to her.

  She wasn’t a needy person, not at all, quite the opposite in fact, but she still had the sour taste in her mouth from Jumal agreeing and uttering that word fun. So she was just his bit of fun until he found someone to replace Faridah. He would keep her keen in the meantime while she played sloppy seconds to the long-legged freak. She took a deep breath and organised her thoughts; she wouldn’t allow him to see her disappointment. Perhaps if she repeated the mantra enough even she would start to believe it.

  She offered him a tight-lipped smiled and pulled up the covers to hide her chest.

  “Pippa?” He stopped and lowered the towel.

  “What?” Oh yeah he was waiting for her answer. “It was…fun,” she finally agreed, the word almost sticking in her throat. “I’ve got to get ready.”


  Jumal stared intensely at the closed bathroom door. Pippa had darted in there about twenty minutes ago and appeared to be staying in there for the day. He wanted to talk things through with her. Sure he was disappointed that she thought last night was just casual. Fun. Yes it had been but he’d thought it had been so much more too. He’d never felt such a close connection with a woman like he had with Pippa—and they hadn’t even had full sex. Not technically, although it had blown his mind and made him anxious for an extra speedy recovery.

  He was grateful that she had uttered her thoughts before him. He had just been about to say something that was clearly not what she would have wanted to hear. She’d have run from the room if he’d managed to get his words out before her. Christ didn’t that just make him sound weak?!

  So, why was she hiding from him now? Regretting what they’d done last night? He’d been so close to putting his heart on the line for the very first time to reassure her that despite the numerous hurdles they’d face in having a relationship, he wanted to do it and he just prayed she was on board with that plan. A plan that had evaporated like smoke the moment she’d uttered one little word and all but run into the bathroom, her face ashen. He paced his room and raked a hand through his hair while he tried to come up with a Plan B.

  It terrified him that she might think that he wasn’t even boyfriend material, that she hadn’t even entertained the idea. How many times had she made reference to his older age and general stuffiness? An easy-going, relaxed, carefree persona; that’s what he assumed she’d want from a prospective partner—from him if he dared to allow that thought.

  He decided that he needed to back off with the whole “Let’s spend our lives together” plan. He was a man used to getting what he wanted and had little patience—but, for Pippa, he could do it. He was sure that there was some English proverb he’d heard whilst he’d been at university, something about a monkey…or was it about a hare and a tortoise? He could never remember the strange English idioms and folk tales so uncharacteristic of his native language and culture.

  He’d stick with the original plan for her to get to know him, perhaps even begin to like him a little. Ha, well he did love a challenge, he thought drolly. This would be the greatest challenge of his life…

  He dressed rapidly and sat waiting at the end of his bed; finally the bathroom door opened.


  “So I was thinking—”

  Pip shrieked and went to grab the towel from her bed to cover herself. “Jumal, a little privacy.”

  He tilted his head. “Really?” he asked surprised. “After last night?”

  She gave him a wide-eyed look that she hoped loosely translated as “duh”. He seemed to get the message and reluctantly turned his back to her to face the door.

  She grabbed her jeans and top and quickly dressed, hopping around the side of her bed, trying to get jeans over her still-damp legs. Finally dressed, she grabbed a comb from the dressing table and started work on calming her wayward tresses while looking in the mirror. “Okay, I’m decent. So what were you saying?”

  He turned and smiled boyishly at her and she almost melted. She had the feeling that very few people had ever seen this particular smile.

  She really did try and listen to what he was saying but all she could think about as she stared at his reflection in the full-length mirror was PHWOAR!!! Jumal was rockin’ it in a pair of distressed, vintage jeans, which were ripped and sat low on his hips. His deliciously tanned feet were bare on her carpet. A long-sleeved black T-shirt couldn’t hide the outline of his powerful chest and biceps. She swallowed, trying to concentrate on his words, but all she could think about was her regret at never having got her hands, lips or tongue on what was beneath that T-shirt.

  “I er…” He let out a short, humourless laugh. “Wow this is harder than I thought,” he admitted, dropping his head and raking a hand through his hair. She chuckled lightly at the dishevelment. He was usually so well put together, but this morning his hair was sticking up all over the place and it looked like he’d run his hand through it a lot!

  “So, how do you feel about us spending some time together?”

  What the hell did that mean? At her puzzled reflection, he quickly added, “I mean, time together,” he emphasised, “so we can get to know each other a little better.”

  “You mean, just until I go home?” she queried, turning to face him and knowing that she was putting him on the spot. She had to make sure she understood the terms of his proposal so she could at least try to protect herself.

  A look she couldn’t quite make out washed over his face before he quickly recovered and shrugged his shoulders. “Er, sure. If that’s er, yeah okay,” he agreed, running his good hand over his still-damp hair.

  So it was just a short-term fling he wanted, just as she’d suspected and feared. She forced a smile to her lips. “Great. Sounds like—” She paused, looking for the right word.

  “Fun?” he suggested, in a thoughtful, quiet murmur she didn’t think she’d heard from him before.

  “Hmm, fun,” she agreed, almost spitting out the word before turning away from him, unable to maintain her fake enthusiasm at his proposition any longer. She turned on the hairdryer and dropped her head upside down. If he said anything further she didn’t hear it.

  As the blood rushed to her head, she told herself to get a grip. She was here now and had Jumal all to herself. She should enjoy every minute of the next few weeks. No regrets. Life was too short and was meant to be lived. She’d learnt that valuable lesson in life much sooner than most.


  A week later they were guests at Mr Ansari’s home. His daughter and new son-in-law were visiting from Italy and it was apparently a cause for celebration. Pip had grabbed a bottle of champagne as a thank-you gift from Jumal’s supply. He hadn’t even thought of taking something and Pip merely shook her head at him and rolled her eyes. She did that a lot.

  The company had been welcoming and entertaining and the meal delicious, and he was now enjoying a post-dinner drink with Daniel Vincini, whose family was well known in the cruise line industry.

  “So how long have you two been engaged?” Daniel asked, tipping his glass towards him and then Pipp

  Jumal choked slightly and felt the burn of the brandy rage down his throat. He cleared his throat before answering, “Oh, we’re not engaged.”

  “Oh sorry, I just assumed—”

  “What?” Jumal asked, genuinely interested in what it was that made people think they were a couple.

  “Look, I’m sorry, I meant no offence,” Daniel said, holding a palm up.

  “No, I’m just interested,” Jumal assured him. “You’re not the first person to assume we’re together. I just wondered what made you think it?”

  “Oh,” Daniel said, nodding in understanding. “Well, I guess it’s just the way you look at each other and interact. I mean you’ve barely taken your eyes off her the entire time you’ve been here and, well, I’m newly married so I know,” he added with humour. “Plus you just acted so comfortable with each other over dinner, like when she ground the pepper on your salmon. You didn’t even ask, she just knew—just like a couple would—and my father-in-law mentioned that you were engaged.”

  He hadn’t even noticed the pepper. “I stare at her,” Jumal said in a low voice to no one in particular. It was more of a statement than a question.

  “It’s not just you,” Daniel quickly clarified before he pointed his glass towards Pippa. “She watches you just as keenly, and especially when she thinks you aren’t looking.”


  “So anyway, Jumal—”

  Jumal tore his focus away from Pippa and turned his attention back to Daniel, still distracted by the idea that she watched him. “Hmm?”

  “I wonder if you’d be open to a new business proposal.”

  “Always,” he confirmed, taking a sip from his glass and glancing over to the other side of the room where Pippa and Rana were giggling together. Pippa added a scream of delight and grasped Rana’s arm. The woman was like a chameleon, he thought, she could fit in anywhere with anyone.

  Daniel hit his open hand against Jumal’s arm forcing his wandering attention back to the here and now. “Great, let’s meet up soon. I think you and I would work well together. We’re looking to branch out and catch the western European cruise market. Think that might be something you could be interested in—building cruise ships—or are you a military man only?”

  Jumal thinned his lips and nodded slowly. “Could be just the diversity I’m looking for.”

  Pippa and Rana made their way over to them. “Here try this,” Pip offered, holding up a small dessert treat to his mouth for him to taste. “Good, huh?” she asked, nodding.

  “Hmm-hmm,” he agreed and licked his lips where her fingers had lingered for a moment. He spotted her slight blush before she regained her composure.

  “Anyway, guess who designed Rana’s wedding dress, Jumal?” she quizzed.

  He swallowed the food before pursing his lips. “Erm, no idea,” he said, taking a sip from his glass.

  “Only Alix,” she exclaimed excitedly, grabbing hold of his forearm. “She flew into London to meet up with him and have him design it for her. Isn’t that amazing? Such a coincidence.”

  Pippa went on to explain to Rana and Daniel that Alix Anderson, the world famous fashion designer, was Pip’s sister-in-law’s best friend. Jumal had met the man both at Matt’s stag party in London and also at their wedding, and he let his mind wander back to the wedding, which he’d literally had to fly straight in and out for. He had a business meeting in New York, or at least that’s what he’d told Matt. Truth was he couldn’t trust himself to be around Pippa in such a setting, especially when he was then newly engaged to Faridah.


  A few days later, Jumal was finishing up his call with the owner of the garage dealing with Pippa’s car, when he heard the apartment door open.

  “Salam! I’m home,” she called out.

  He waved as she barged through the door into the apartment, her arms full of files from the office and a large pizza box balanced on the top. He gestured that he was on the phone and she nodded. She lunged for the table in the living room and dropped her heavy load.

  He ended the call as she popped into the kitchen and dumped her new handbag on the counter—another gift from him.

  “I come bearing gifts and a large spicy pepperoni—no jalapenos on your side.” She grinned at him before popping a kiss on his cheek and cheekily adding, “You wuss. Oh hey, the slings gone.”

  “What? Oh, yeah, the physio said it’s okay to start taking my arm out for a bit.”

  Her smile quickly dropped as she noticed the concerned look on his face.

  She straightened and took a step back from him. “What’s the matter?” she asked, worry evident in her voice. He opened his arms and she happily accepted his offer of comfort, resting her head low against his chest.

  “Nothing serious,” he assured her as she looked up at him. “It was just the garage calling about your car.”

  “Oh yeah.” And he felt her body relax against his. “So what’s the damage?”

  “Water in the fuel line, apparently,” he told her, his brow creased with concern.

  She pulled away from him and looked up at his face. “What?” she asked, screwing up her face in confusion.

  Jumal had already worked through the problem and concluded that it must have been done on purpose. There was no other alternative. That meant that someone was intentionally targeting Pippa. There were too many “unlucky” incidents for them to be random: the spiking of her drink, the slashing of her tyres, her bag being stolen and now this.

  “Who knows?” he shrugged. “A prankster probably. Anyway,” he continued, unwilling to let her thoughts linger on it, “I need to go up to my home. There are some things I need to sort with the equestrian centre. Will you come with me?” he asked, trying to keep his voice upbeat.

  Jumal’s main home was situated a couple of hours away, deeper in the desert. It was isolated and quiet. A perfect escape whilst he put the wheels in motion to figure out who the hell was targeting Pippa.

  “Sure,” she agreed, opening the fridge and bringing out a couple of bottles of beer. “When do you want to go?”

  He mentally calculated how long it would take him to make the necessary calls. “Let’s go tomorrow afternoon,” he suggested, planting a kiss on her forehead. “Come on,” he said, as she handed him his bottle. “I fancy pizza in bed.” He grinned, winked at her and strolled out to the living room, grabbing the pizza box before heading down the hall to their bedroom…their bedroom, he thought. A warm, comfortable feeling flooded his chest at the sound of it.


  Pip looked over at Jumal in the passenger seat. His jaw was firmly set and she could tell he had something on his mind, but whatever it was it wasn’t up for discussion. She’d found him having hushed telephone conversations earlier in his study, which he’d quickly ended when she popped her head around the door and offered him a coffee. She’d tried twice to get him to talk about it, but he’d just diverted her attention with kisses. He was definitely up to something.

  She sighed as she brought her focus back to the long, straight road. They’d been driving for almost two hours and had covered the full length of the island. Apparently they were almost there. Her back was starting to ache as was her head from the heavy glare of the sun on the asphalt. She pressed her foot lower on the Porsche’s accelerator as the clear road opened up through the desert landscape, scattered with a few palm trees and cacti grouped together around an underground water source. Traffic was almost non-existent save for the odd tractor or bus. She hadn’t seen another town or village for the last thirty minutes.

  As a rush of adrenalin hit her body she yelled, “Woo-hoo,” at the responsive roar from the engine. She looked over at Jumal and met his knowing smile, surprised that he wasn’t lecturing her to slow down.

  Pip grinned widely, loving the speed and the man sitting next to her… She unconsciously raised her foot from the accelerator. Wait, where the hell had that thought come from?! Did she love him?

  Oh fiddles
ticks, she did—and didn’t that just stink. She’d gone and fallen in love with the most unobtainable man. She increased the volume of the music using the button on the steering wheel. Jumal must have recognised her change of mood as he didn’t interfere with her decision.

  “Something the matter?” he quizzed her.

  She kept her focus on the road. “Nope,” she answered briskly. “Everything’s absolutely bloody perfect,” she complained mockingly, unable to keep the disdain from her voice.


  She was pissed at him. Again.

  Jumal set his head back against the headrest and closed his eyes. He’d managed to get Pippa out of the apartment, bags packed, without too many questions so that part of his plan was going well. The other part, the “getting to know each other better” plan, wasn’t going so well…

  He was still amazed at the level of intimacy she offered. They would lie together in bed for hours talking about anything and everything, from “Who was the best Dr Who?” to the current political atmosphere in the Middle East, but Jumal still had the sense that she was holding something back, something of herself, and it irritated him that he wasn’t able to convince her that she could trust him completely. He hoped that this precious time at his real home would give him the opportunity he needed to break through the shield he felt she still had wrapped around her heart. Following her vulnerable admission back in his bathroom a couple of weeks ago about the bullying she had suffered, he knew that her public persona—the fun-loving prankster—was only a fraction of her true character. He wanted to know everything about Pippa. He wouldn’t accept anything less.

  The vibration of his phone brought his musings to an end and he opened up the message from the private investigator. The kid was back in America and working hard at Goldbergs. Jumal had asked him to try to get hold of the CCTV from the bar Pippa had been at with the kid. Something just didn’t feel right about the incidents. He’d seen first-hand the way Jake had looked at Pippa, and the idea that he would drug her, slash her tyres, steal her bag and damage her car just didn’t fit comfortably with him… It seemed just too…revengeful, and he had nothing to be upset with Pippa about, so far as he knew. The PI confirmed that he’d obtained it on DVD and would forward it to Jumal if he spotted anything suspicious.


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