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Marblestone Mansion, Book 1 (Scandalous Duchess Series, #1)

Page 15

by Marti Talbott

  That, Cathleen understood perfectly. “I give you my pledge, Mr. Hannish. I often wished for a place to hide in the orphanage. But...where shall I say I was?”

  “Say the truth, just don’t tell them where it is.” He smiled when she nodded and then showed her how to get out.


  The dog with no name followed Cathleen everywhere and occasionally Hannish called him a traitor. Thus the name was firmly set and even the dog seemed to approve. ‘Traitor’ was neither American nor Scottish and it suited everyone very well. Still, when it came time to eat the table scraps, the dog was eager to respond to any name.


  It was a full two weeks after Alistair, Egan, Dugan and Cathleen arrived, giving them a chance to rest after their journey, before Hannish took everyone on their first big outing. The cooks prepared picnic baskets, the men piled hay in the back of a wagon and they all went on a hayride.

  Everyone was excited to be leaving the house and getting outside in the fresh air that smelled like pine trees, and sunshine that felt like a soft blanket of warmth. It was still a little chilly when they passed through the shaded areas, so blankets were handed out to see that the women were warm enough, especially the older women. To reward the hard work of all the women, Hannish gave each a long, new ribbon for their hair. Sassy and Cathleen were especially excited to have them and he was happy to make them happy. He even had a spare for Traitor, should anyone manage to get the dog to sit still long enough to tie it around his neck.

  Hannish and Prescot sat on the high seat facing front, while the rest sat in the soft hay in the back, chatting and explaining what everything was to Cathleen and Sassy. It seemed they would never run out of questions, but no one minded; most of the Scots didn’t know the answers either.

  They were nearing Colorado Springs when they finally ran out of questions and Cathleen asked, “What do we do now, Mr. Hannish?”

  “Well, we could sing songs,” he suggested.

  “Mr. Hannish, I know just the song,” said Shepard.

  “American or Scottish?” Jessie wanted to know.

  “American,” Shepard answered. “It is called, Wait for the Wagon.” Not one of them expected it when he began to sing in a rich, deep vibrato voice.

  Wait for the wagon,

  Wait for the wagon

  Wait for the Wagon

  And we'll all take a ride.

  Where the river runs like silver

  And the birds they sing so sweet

  I have a cabin, Phyllis,

  And something good to eat;

  Everyone sing,” Shepard shouted! “Wait for the wagon,” Before long, they were all singing the chorus and by the time they reached the middle of town and turned north, they had attracted the attention of nearly everyone.

  Pearl and Loretta rushed out of the general store to see what the singing was about. “Mr. MacGreagor does not look so very unhappy today, does he?” asked Pearl, watching the wagon come toward them.

  “Not at all,” Loretta answered.

  Standing on the corner, Claymore Whitfield shouted, “Hannish, where are you going?”

  Hannish turned to look back and smile, “To picnic at Palmer Lake, Claymore.”

  “Mind if we come along?”

  “Not at all.” He watched Claymore hurry off to find Abigail, noticed Pearl and Loretta standing outside the general store and tipped his hat to them as he passed.

  On the other side of the street, Shepard nodded to Mr. Palmer, the owner of the railroad, and was reminded of another song. “I've been working on the railroad. All the livelong day...” he began to sing. The Americans knew this song too, so Shepard taught the Scots the chorus, and soon everyone was singing, “Dinah, won't you blow, Dinah, won't you blow, Dinah, won’t you blow your horn.”

  As soon as the music stopped, McKenna began to giggle. “Brother, have you looked back lately?”

  “What?” He turned to see and to his amazement, there were five carriages and two wagons following them. He shrugged, “Our private picnic will not be so private, I imagine.”

  The climb to the top of one hill was a bit steep for the four-horse team, so most of the riders got out and walked, letting the elder women stay aboard. Cathleen tried to pick all the wild flowers she could along the side of the road, and Sassy kept running back to hurry her along, while Hannish, Alistair and Traitor brought up the rear. At the top, they stopped to admire the view for a moment. Then the men helped the women get back in the wagon and off they went.

  There were more songs to sing—My Darling Clementine and Sweet Betsy from Pike. Shepard repeated each so they could learn them and then introduced a new song about a place called The Red River Valley.

  This time, when Shepard repeated the song, only three men sang with him and they soon developed such perfect harmony, the others just listened in awe. Shepard, Prescot, Brookton and Egan sounded as though they had sung together all their lives, and McKenna was convinced these could match the talents of any quartet anywhere. When the song ended, everyone applauded and so did the people in the wagons and the carriages following them.

  At last, they passed the vast fields where grain stocks rippled in the gentle breeze, continued through the small town of Palmer Lake and arrived at the edge of the clear blue, pristine water. Once everyone was out of the wagon, Halen and Jessie found a patch of grass and began to spread the blankets while the men carried the picnic baskets. Traitor ran to get a drink of water, and then went off to smell and see everything else.

  Wearing their matching blue/gray servant frocks, Cathleen and Sassy walked to the edge of the lake and stared at the spectacular view of the glittering water, the foothills, Pikes Peak and the snowcapped Rocky Mountains. Neither of them spoke until Cathleen finally asked, “Did you ever know the world was this big, Leesil?”

  “I never did.” She watched an eagle glide through the air and land in a tree. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Hannish coming toward them and turned his way.

  “Can we drink this water?” Cathleen asked. “The purser said we best not drink ocean water for it would make us daft.”

  “He said the same to me,” Sassy said.

  “Aye, you can drink it,” said Hannish. “When it is warmer, I shall bring you back so you can have a swim. Just now, ‘tis too cold.”

  “Do you promise?” Sassy asked.

  “I do.” He quickly glanced back at the arriving carriages. “I suspect you are about to meet our neighbors. You’ll not be frightened, will you, Cathleen?”

  “Leesil does not let anyone hurt me.”

  “I am glad to hear that, but if you should feel the least bit afraid, you come find me.” He waited for her nod and then went off to greet the new arrivals.

  Cathleen made certain he was too far away to hear, before she asked, “What do you make of him?”

  “Mr. Hannish? He is the kindest man in all the world.”

  “He seems to be, but...”

  “But what?”

  “On the ride, he looked back at you again and again.”

  “Did he? If he did, ‘tis because he...he is sorry for what his wife did. She hurt me a little.”

  “Did she hurt you as bad as Old Mrs...?”

  “How could anyone hurt a lovely lady such as yourself?” said a man suddenly standing behind them.

  Cathleen caught her breath and took a step back, but his sudden appearance made Sassy mad. “Dare you sneak up on people?”

  “I do apologize, I thought you saw me. I am Amos Wells, at your service.” He tipped his straw boater hat, revealing his curly blond hair. He had a nice smile and wore loose fitting tan trousers with a dark blue, double button jacket.

  “What sort of service?” Cathleen asked.

  Perplexed, Amos answered, “I...well, any service you desire, I suppose. Who might you be?”

  “I am Leesil and this is my sister, Cathleen.”

  “Leesil what?”

  Still annoyed, Sassy sternly answered, “We have
no last name, Mr. Wells.”

  Finished greeting Loretta and Pearl, Hannish glanced at Sassy and there was no mistaking the chagrin on her face. Just as he was about to go to her, he spotted McKenna approaching them.

  “McKenna MacGreagor,” she announced, extending her hand to the stranger. “And you are Mr...?”

  “Wells, Amos Wells. I heard you were in town, Miss MacGreagor. It is a pleasure to meet you.”

  “And I you. We happened to pass a very large house on our way through town,” she said, turning to look back. Just as she hoped, he turned too and when he did, she motioned behind her for the sisters to slip away. “To whom does it belong?”

  “No one just now,” Amos answered. “Unfortunately, the man building it ran out of funds and has since disappeared.”

  “Truly? Has no one bought the place?” she asked. McKenna saw Abigail coming her way and glanced back to make certain the sisters were gone. “Do forgive me; I must greet my dear friend.”

  He nodded, watched her walk away and turned around only to discover he was alone. He looked down the edge of the lake, and saw the sisters holding hands, stepping from rock to rock along the shore, with the dog right behind them. He was about to follow when Hannish showed up. “Mr. MacGreagor, you are just the man I hoped to see. Amos Wells.”

  Hannish shook the man’s hand. “Why so?”

  “I am a carpenter and I hear you need furniture. Perhaps I might interest you in some of mine.”

  “You have heard correctly. What sort of furniture do you make?”

  “I have a shop just west of town and you are welcome to come see for yourself.” Amos looked once more at the sisters. “Mr. MacGreagor, why is it that Leesil and Cathleen have no last name?”

  Hannish had not given Sassy’s lack of a surname much thought until that moment. “They were raised in an English orphanage, Mr. Wells.”

  “I see.”

  Hannish glanced at the picnic area, noticed that Donnel had sat down on one of the blankets and was struggling to get back up. “You will excuse me.” He quickly went to Donnel and easily lifted her up.

  “‘Tis my bad knee,” Donnel explained.

  “We should have brought a chair.” He waited for her to get her balance, and then wrapped her hand around his arm. “I have neglected you and Blanka. Will you walk with me?”

  Her smile was filled with years of love when she nodded. “You have too much on your mind to bother with us.”

  “That is no excuse. Are the two of you happy here?” He leisurely walked her part way around the edge of the lake.

  “Why wouldn’t we be? You feed us well, our duties are light and we can nap whenever we want. I’d say we are the happiest we have ever been.”

  “I am glad to hear it.” Hannish noticed her slight limp and found a large rock for her to sit on. “Will this do for a chair?”

  “Nicely.” She gladly let him help her sit down. “My Michael died last year, but then, I wrote you about that.”

  He put a foot up on a nearby rock. “You cannae know how much your letters meant to me. Some took a good measure of time finding me, but they were as welcome as the sunrise. Was the voyage very miserable for the two of you?”

  “Blanka had the sea sickness, but Cameron and your sister got us a stateroom and we were very comfortable. She is a good woman, your sister.”

  “The best there is; our father would be very proud of her. How I would love to show him my accomplishments, and mother too, of course.”

  “Well, I am proud of you, if that counts,” Donnel said.

  “Indeed it does.”

  “Blanka and I very much wanted to come to America. We have no other family and wanted to see you again before we die.”

  He frowned. “I’ll not hear talk of dying.”

  “We all must die and if we are here, we can know you will watch over our graves.” She reached for his hand. “You are not happy now and it pains me to see it, but you will be soon.”

  He leaned down and kissed the top of her head. “Have you been reading tea leaves?”

  Donnel giggled. “I do not need tea leaves to see what is before my very eyes. Your...”

  “Mr. Hannish,” Sassy said behind him. “I have brought Donnel a plate, only you are in the way.”

  The tone of her voice surprised him and he quickly moved aside. “Do forgive me, Sassy.”

  She ignored him, carefully handed Donnel the plate and then a fork and a napkin, while Cathleen found a place to set a cup of apple cider. “Mr. Hannish, Cathleen and I have no last name. What are we to do about that?” Sassy demanded.

  She was upset and he had never seen that side of her before. “I imagine you can choose whatever name you like.”

  “Sassy,” said Donnel, “you can have our name. My sister and I would be honored to give it to you. We are the last of our family, you see.”

  Sassy thought about that. “Sassy Donnel Blanka?”

  Hannish smiled. “Perhaps you and Cathleen might fetch Blanka, and eat your lunch here. By the way, their maiden name is Covington.”


  It seemed everyone wanted his attention, although Hannish managed to eat some of Jessie’s fried chicken and Halen’s spicy potato salad before he was distracted again. Pearl and Loretta were being a bit too flirty, and he was far more interested in talking to Claymore about the new trouble in the mines. He often glanced at the two sets of sisters. Blanka and Donnel seemed to be thoroughly enjoying the younger set and it warmed his heart. He was not the only one who watched them, but he failed to notice Mr. Wells keeping an eye on them as well.

  Hannish did notice two men, whom he did not know, that were very interested in Millie. He was not surprised. Her flaming red hair, green eyes and slender figure attracted the attention of most men. She was married to a man she adored, and she never quite got over it after her husband hung himself. She blamed herself, which of course was nonsense. Perhaps this new country would help her forget. Hannish hoped so—he hoped so very much.

  He found himself watching everyone, as though they were his children. Of course he had help; Alistair was just as studious and protective, especially of the women. It was then Hannish spotted Prescot and went to him. Prescot, he realized was keeping an eye on Millie too. It was the first time he noticed that. “You should rescue her, I doubt she has eaten.”

  “Gladly,” Prescot said.

  Just then, Pearl and Loretta came back. “Who might those two gentlemen be?” he asked, nodding toward the men talking to Millie.

  “Oh,” said Pearl. “You have not heard. We have a new sheriff and that is his deputy.”

  “I see, forgive me ladies, but I wish to make their acquaintance.” Prescot was having trouble stealing Millie away and Hannish was glad to help by distracting the Sheriff. Once accomplished, Millie’s smile, which she meant only for Prescot, was not lost on Hannish. Perhaps her happiness lived right under his roof—he could not think of a finer man for her.

  “How long have you known?” McKenna asked. Lunch was over, the servants were beginning to load up the baskets, the visitors had drifted away and still, the two sets of sisters were deep in conversation.

  “Known what?” Hannish asked.

  “How old Sassy is?”

  He slipped his arm around his sister. “Since the night she told me about Cathleen. She knows she is immature and was afraid the others would laugh at her. I wonder if she knows how quickly she is growing up.”

  “I doubt she does. In some ways, Cathleen is the more mature of the two, and it is hard to tell who mothered whom, all those years in the orphanage. Sassy does exactly what Cathleen tells her to do and Cathleen is not shy about telling her either.”

  “Yet, it makes perfect sense. Everyone at the orphanage thought Cathleen was the eldest.”

  “I see,” McKenna said. “Then it does make sense. What do you suppose the four of them have been talking about all this time?”

  “They are trying to choose a last name. Sassy’s certificate o
f birth says parents unknown.”

  “She will need her birth certificate when she decides to marry. They both will.”

  “You are right, I had not thought of that.”


  Now that he was back in society somewhat, Hannish mounted his horse and went to town to see Amos Wells. The carpenter had recently moved from Denver and was temporarily housing his shop in a barn. He seemed to be a hardworking, honorable man and the furniture he had to show was of good quality. Hannish bought several pieces, with a promise to place more orders later.

  “My sister is holding a garden party soon. Would you like to come, Mr. Wells? You can have a look around the place and get an idea of what we need.”

  “Will Leesil be there?”

  Hannish was not certain he liked that question, but he answered it anyway, “Aye.”

  “I am surprised she is not yet married.”

  “You fancy her?”

  “Indeed I do. She is...well, I cannot seem to get her off my mind.”

  “I see.” He did not know what else to say, so he simply tipped his hat and went back to his horse.

  “I’ll bring the furniture around tomorrow, Mr. MacGreagor.”

  Hannish mounted, nodded and rode away.


  Hannish was not yet home when the telephone call came through. It rang so often now, most had grown accustomed to it and paid little attention. That is, until a call came for Miss Leesil. Sassy was so stunned when Alistair announced it in the kitchen, she could hardly move.

  “You dinna suppose Old Mrs. Forthright found us, do you?” Cathleen whispered.

  Sassy slowly got up, accepted the earpiece Alistair handed to her and put her mouth near the transmitter. “Hello?”

  “It is Amos Wells from the hayride, Miss Leesil. Do you remember me?”


  “I was wondering...I mean there is to be a ball next week and I hoped I might take you.”

  Sassy turned around and looked at McKenna. “You wish to take me to a ball?”

  “I do,” Amos said.

  “I dinna know how to dance. I thank you, Mr. Wells, but I cannae go. Good bye.” She heard him begin to say something more, but urgently hung up anyway. For the first time in days, she was speechless. She looked at Cathleen, at McKenna, at Alistair and then decided she best sit back down.


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