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Page 7

by Chandra Ryan

  “No, you’re wrong. Your grandfather’s law is wrong. Put down the orb and you can come back with me. You’ll be admitted to the temple. You’ll be a hero.”

  “My grandfather was wrong about many things. He was an arrogant, blind asshole. But he was right about the law.” He felt a numb detachment as he let the orb fall from his fingers.

  She screamed as it hit the floor and shattered, but Reuel had already grabbed the next orb.

  “You oaf! What have you done?”

  “If you go back with these, it’ll only be a matter of time before others realize how much essence is out here, just waiting for the taking.” He let the second one slip between his fingers, watched as it shattered on the floor. “And I couldn’t live with that.”

  “You’re killing the Queen!”

  She darted to grab one of the remaining orbs, but Reuel was too quick, knocking it off its pedestal before she could reach it. Her low growl filled the chamber as it too shattered on the floor.

  “Enough! I will get what I came for, even if I have to drain every man, woman and child in this forsaken place.” She turned toward Sophie as she spoke, her wings sprouting from her back. It only took a second for the transformation to be complete and for her to fly straight up, Sophie locked in a talon.

  Wood from the ceiling and roof rained down on him as he quickly transformed, but he didn’t notice. The look of terror on Sophie’s face and the child at his feet were the only things that mattered.

  As much as he wanted to go after Lilith, he couldn’t just leave the child in the dark room to wake up alone, afraid and hurt. He had to get the boy to safety before he could help Sophie. Holding on to the child, he followed the other dragon up, deftly ducking and weaving through the holes she’d left in her wake. As he broke into the night, he saw a small crowd had gathered outside the infirmary, their heads craning upward, staring at the silver dragon hovering above the building.

  He cursed under his breath as he studied the people. Of all the times for them to come out of their houses, they’d picked the moment they could be used as an energy source—or worse, a bargaining chip. Either way, they were a temptation he’d rather not have beneath them.

  Spotting Maria, he swooped down to give her the boy and warn her to get the others back into their homes before flying up to meet the Silver.

  “How many lives will you trade for hers?” Lilith’s wings shimmered under the moonlight as she beat them rhythmically to stay stationary in the night sky.

  He looked from Lilith to Sophie, his chest squeezing painfully.

  “How many?” Lilith’s voice was hard as she pulled a thin line of energy from Sophie.

  Watching Sophie’s face contort in pain he knew his answer. He would give her the whole damn village if she’d stop hurting the one that’d come to mean everything to him.

  “Don’t.” Sophie’s voice was weak. “Please, Reuel.”

  There was no mistaking the words, or their meaning. He felt as if he’d been punched in the gut. He wanted nothing more than to make the deal, but if he did, he’d be sentencing innocent people to their death. He’d be no better than Lilith. He’d be everything his family said he would become. Even worse though, he’d be betraying Sophie. She’d been willing to sacrifice herself for her people. How could he take that choice away from her? Would she be able to live with his decision if he did? Would he be able to live with himself knowing he’d turned his back on everything he believed?

  “None.” It was the hardest word he’d ever had to say.

  Lilith roared loudly and threw her into the air. Reuel could see one of her talons swinging towards Sophie’s body as she fell, its movement seeming in slow motion. But before the Silver could hit her mark, Reuel swung his tail into her talon’s path while diving to catch Sophie.

  As he wrapped a talon around her slight frame, he breathed a sigh of relief, but it didn’t last long. Before he could put her safely on the ground, Lilith was on him, her razor sharp nails raking down his back. Burning pain swept through him, making it hard to stay focused on Sophie. His instinct demanded he turn, fight off his attacker, but his heart demanded he save the woman locked in his grip.

  Roaring in pain, he dove as close to the ground as he dared, and dropped her. She landed with a soft thud, but was quickly on her feet.

  Soaring straight up towards the Silver, he veered at the last minute and grabbed onto a wing with one of his talons. This time it was Lilith’s roar that filled the air.

  “The humans are so important to you. But are they really worth your own life?” As she asked the question, she rolled out of his reach. “Fly away and I’ll never tell any of the others. Keep up your fight, however, and you’ll face exile. That is, if you survive.”

  “If the Queen has started stealing from unwitting subjects, then she is no queen of mine. And if you aim to kill me, you’d best to do it quickly.”

  He started to pump his wings again, seeking to get higher than she was, but she charged him, her talons digging into his soft underbelly. The pain left him breathless.

  With her talons embedded in his flesh, he had no way to stop her from draining his energy. No shield was that strong. And as both blood and essence flowed out of him, he began to feel cold. Tearing his body away from hers, he nearly passed out as he felt his skin go with her. This wasn’t going well.

  As she dove for him again, he dug his talons into her ribs and wrapped his wings around her, using his weight to drag her down. Together, they plummeted toward the ground. When they hit, he lunged for her throat, but he had little strength left. His wings were already numb and his vision was dimming. If only he could kill her, it would make it all worth it.

  Her neck clamped tightly in his jaws, he could taste the metallic acid of her blood, but he was fading quickly. As his vision began to blur he wondered who would protect the people, who would protect Sophie, if he died?

  His blood pooled wet and sticky around his feet and the comforting blackness of unconsciousness beckoned to him. He’d just started blinking rapidly to stay conscious when he heard Lilith cry out and felt her head fall still in his mouth. Spitting her out, he looked down to see Sophie holding a bloody dagger. He stared at her in disbelief for a moment, but his injuries were too great for him to ignore.

  His legs collapsed underneath him as a series of blood-filled coughs rattled his body, but the smell of jasmine comforted him.

  “A…dagger?” The question was strained as he fought to breathe.

  “It was laced with Firesting wasp venom.”

  His chest shook with silent laughter.

  Sophie knelt down in front of him and laid his head across her lap. “What can I do, Reuel?”

  The numbness had enveloped his entire body now. Looking into her eyes, he saw the sparkle of unshed tears and the sight almost made his heart stop. “You’re safe and that’s enough.”

  “No, there must be something…”

  “She did too much damage to my body and took too much essence for me to heal. There’s nothing left.” As if proving his words, he fell into another bloody fit of coughs.

  Her hand moved to stroke the scales above his brow as she looked away from him, her eyes searching out the night. “You could take it from me.”

  He felt nauseous just thinking about her suggestion. “I won’t, Sophie.”

  “I’m offering it.”

  “It’s too painful.”

  “I survived her taking it from me, and I’ll survive you taking it.

  “She took a thimble, I’d need so much more. I won’t do it.”

  “There must be something.”

  He shifted back into his human form, a process that used most of his remaining strength, but it was worth the cost just to feel her skin on his once more.

  “Please Reuel.” She pulled him closer to her, holding him in her arms.

  He could see how much pain she was in. Her aura was so black he could barely see her light. “I can’t take your essence, Sophie.” He paused, thi
nking carefully about what he was about to say. “But there is another way.”

  “Tell me, I’ll do it.”

  He almost couldn’t say the words. He was so scared she’d say no. Not because he’d die, but because of what the word would mean. “The bond…”


  Relief washed over him. “It’s forever, Sophie. There is no going back. No going our separate ways.”

  Her kiss was the only answer he waited for. Wrapping his arms around her, he wove their auras together until there was no separation between the two. Now he was free to use her energy without stealing it. Feeling his magic begin its healing, he closed his eyes, welcoming the comforting blackness of exhaustion.

  Chapter Eight

  Reuel wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but the sun shone brightly as he woke in the bedroom of Sophie’s abbey. There was no mistaking the delicate arm that was thrown over his side, nor the distinct smell of jasmine. Rolling over, he found Sophie soundly asleep, her hair in beautiful tangles on the pillow.

  He nuzzled her neck as he stroked her thigh with a hand.

  “Hmm…” She rubbed her eyes and blinked at him several times before smiling. “You’re awake.”

  “I am.”

  She kissed him gently, her mouth warm and inviting. Unable to resist, his hand made its way to her breast, waves of desire flooding through him as he coaxed her nipple into a taut peak. It was one of the more pleasant side effects of the bonding. With their auras joined, he could feel her emotions as if they were his own, just as she would his.

  She moaned softly as she opened her body to him.

  “I’m sorry.” He pulled away from her teasingly. “You probably have questions, want to know what happened, what’s going to happen?”

  She smiled rakishly as she ran her hand up his inner thigh. “Oh, I know what’s going to happen.”

  He couldn’t help but chuckle at the brazen statement. She was nothing like the human females he’d read about. She didn’t wilt under pressure, manipulate or practice deceit to get what she wanted. No, she faced things, himself included, head on and on her own terms.

  “I love you, Sophie.”

  Her smile went from merely rakish to one of pure wickedness as she stared at him. “Do you now?” Propping herself up on one shoulder, she leaned over him until her mouth was a breath away from his ear and her breasts were pressed against his chest. “Then stop talking and show me.”

  He heard her gasp of surprise as he pushed her over and pinned her hands above her head. “These stay here.” He let go of her imprisoned hands to see if she’d follow the command.

  “And if they don’t?” Immediately, she moved one hand to his torso, her fingers sliding down his skin, leaving a trail of fire. The woman had no need of magic; her fingers were capable of setting his blood on fire without it.

  “Then I’ll tie them to the headboard.” He grabbed the wayward hand and put it back. “Your choice. Now, are you going to be a good girl?”

  He could see the dangerous light in her eyes as he waited.

  “I’m many things, dragon of mine. But a good girl isn’t one of them.”

  “Oh, I was hoping you’d say that.” Jumping off the bed, he grabbed a length of silk and gently bound her hands before beginning his exploration of her body with both his hands and his mouth.

  She writhed under him as he made his way down to the flat plane of her abdomen, his tongue teasing every inch of her skin. He loved the way its salty taste combined with her soft scent. Loved the way she moaned when his tongue dipped into her navel.

  When he’d worked his way down to the black curls that hid her desire, he looked up at her briefly, his eyes locking with hers.


  Her voice was heavy with passion.

  “Please, I can’t take…”

  The sentence ended in a gasp as he lowered his mouth to the sensitive skin, his tongue seeking out its liquid heat.

  The wave of desire that swept through him almost sent him over the edge, but he fought against it, fought to regain control before he sought out the delicate bud again. Sweeping over it with just the tip of his tongue, he heard her moan as she spread her thighs for him welcomingly. An invitation he was all too happy to take advantage of.

  When neither of them could take anymore of the teasing, he made his way back up her body. Her skin glowed and he could feel her heart racing with desire, but she was still bound. His hands deftly untied the knots before he continued.

  “I can use my hands now?”

  He could sense her confusion, but he just smiled. “Next time, my love.” He stared down into her eyes. Storm clouds paled in comparison.

  Her hips came up to meet his as he thrust into her warm depths, their bodies moving in a perfect rhythm. He watched her face as her eyes clouded with pleasure, couldn’t take his eyes off of her as she threw her head back and moaned throatily. And when her body clenched around him, her nails digging into his back, he focused on only her. She was the only thing he desired, the only thing he needed more than the air itself. Finally, when he could take no more, when his body was screaming for release, he relinquished control.

  After his breathing had calmed and his heart slowed, he shared one last, languid kiss with her before lying down next to her.

  She settled into his arms, kissing his chest as she nuzzled against him. He listened to the slow rhythm of her breathing and felt her skin cool, all the while thinking of ways to heat it again. But, as they lay there, he began to feel the stirrings of anxiety from her.

  “What’s wrong, Sophie?”

  “Are you going to leave?”

  He smiled at the directness of the question. “Where would I go?”

  She lay perfectly still on his chest, like she was afraid he’d disappear that second if she dared to move. “Home.”

  “And where, might I ask, is this illusive home?”

  “You know what I mean, the Dragon Empire.”

  “I just killed the Queen’s healer, pretty much sentencing her to death in the process. I don’t think I’d be welcomed back with opened arms.”

  She arched her head back so her gaze would meet his. “I’m so sorry, Reuel.”

  “I’m not. I knew what I was doing.”

  Her gaze turned uncertain, filling him with the need to reassure her. “My home is with you now.” A small nagging thought pushed itself into his contentment.

  “Then this will be our home.”

  He didn’t mean to, but he tensed at the statement. “What about the church, do you think they’ll accept your bond to me?”

  “Turns out, this is one of those villages that doesn’t care if I’m church-sanctioned.”

  “And how do the villagers feel about dragons?”

  He felt her relax against him, her sigh one of contentment. “I don’t know how they feel about dragons in general, but they think you’re okay.”

  The feeling of her body next to him was intoxicating. “Are you sure you’re not exaggerating?”

  “I’m sure. After Naryn regained consciousness, he confessed to what was going on. Well, most of it, at least. He conveniently left out the parts that made him a complete monster.”

  “How big of him.”

  “It was enough.” She snuggled into him, her head rubbing against his chest.

  “And did he survive this confession?”

  “Just barely. They decided to send him back to his church to stand trial for heresy and murder.”

  “That’s for the best, I guess.”

  “And how does your family feel about humans?”

  He winced as he thought about his family. “I don’t know, but I can tell you how they feel about me.”

  “So Lillith was telling the truth?”

  He hated the thought of her hearing what the dragon had said about him. “My grandfather discovered the healers were using criminals as energy sources. It’d been going on for centuries. Everybody just looked the other way, figured it was ano
ther way for them to repay their debt.”

  “But your grandfather couldn’t look the other way?”

  “No, he thought it was stealing. And it was. Unfortunately, he could never see healing as anything but stealing, taking from one to give to another.”

  “But you don’t steal, wouldn’t steal even if it was to save your own life.”

  “That you know that is enough.” And it was. “You know…” His hand made its way to her hip as they lay together. “It’s traditional to get a tattoo of your mate’s house when you bond.”

  He felt her shoulders shake with silent laughter. “Really? And what would my tattoo be?”

  He thought about the question for a moment. “I don’t know. My family has the scales of justice.” His throat tightened with disgust as he thought of the symbol, but the feeling of her lurching next to him brought him back to the present. “Are you okay?”

  “I don’t know. When you talk about your family, I feel….” She stopped, confusion swirling around her.

  “You feel what I do. It’s the bond.”

  “I see.” Her voice was soft, reflective, as she relaxed again. “Well, given how you feel about your family, I think we should pick a symbol of our own.”

  He relaxed as her understanding flooded through him. “A new symbol for a new family,” he said softly.

  “I like that idea, a new family.” Her eyes caught his, her brow puckered in thought. “What about a dragon? A black one, flying high in the sky?”

  He smiled as he pictured the dragon flying across her slender hip. “Sounds good to me.”

  “You’ll get one too?”

  “If that’s your wish.” As his eyes closed again, he couldn’t believe how remarkably right she felt in his arms.


  Sophie ran her hand over her large abdomen as she tried to meditate. It’d been a rough year. Getting the villagers to work together again had been almost impossible. Those who’d stood behind Naryn had found it hard to win back the trust of the others, especially when the full nature of the plague had been revealed. But a good harvest and having Reuel there to insure there would be no more plagues had gone a long way in healing the wounds of that night. Her finding out she was carrying his child had been the final blessing that’d carried her through that dark time. She still thought of the village children as hers too, some more than others, but this was different, it was a little piece of Reuel and a little piece of her. It was a child of her own, one she’d be able to raise with Reuel.


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