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Naked Hustle

Page 23

by Trey Parker

  Latoya went to the parking lot and got in her car. She had no idea where she was going but she just started driving. She wanted to get as far away as she could.

  Best Western Hotel, Montana

  After driving for awhile, Latoya ended up at a hotel in Montana. It was one of the quietest places that she had ever been to. The people were very nice. She spent most of her time in the hotel room pondering on what her next move would be. She thought about what her life would be like hiding out in a rural place like Montana, or maybe Kentucky. She could grow old there and probably marry a farmer. Or maybe she should move out of the country and lay low there. Taq’s reach would never find her there.

  Two days had past and she was still in Montana. Latoya was bored. After sitting and staring at the duffle bag on the hotel bed, she came to a realization. The thought of her living in fear for the rest of her life scared her. Latoya hated living in fear. To her, that was like a mental prison. She wanted to choose faith over fear. She didn’t want to hide, she wanted to thrive. She then asked herself where she would go if she wanted to pursue her wildest dreams. She closed her eyes. After a moment of silence, she opened her eyes and smiled.



  43. Pursuit of Happiness

  New York, New York

  Latoya made it to Manhattan. A month after she had got settled in New York, she was at restaurant dining by herself and she saw that CNN was on one of the televisions. The headline read, “Well known mafioso in Atlanta, sentenced to life in prison without parole,” Latoya didn’t know how to feel about Taq’s conviction. A part of her was sad and felt sorry for Taq. She felt like she had a lot to do with his arrest. The other part of her felt a sigh of relief, knowing that she was at least safe; for now.

  Three years later at the Women’s Empowerment Awards Ceremony in New York City

  “I am so pleased to be the host of the 5th annual, Women’s Empowerment Banquet in New York City.”

  Everyone clapped for the lady as she smiled and blushed.

  “For those of you that don’t know, let me explain to you what this magnificent occasion is all about. The Women’s Empowerment Banquet is an award ceremony that honors women from all across the country that exemplify excellence in their chosen careers and have been a positive influence on the communities that they serve.”

  Latoya sat at the banquet style table with the other guests. She sat there alongside her assistant Karen, who she had hired a year and a half ago. Everyone was dressed eloquently. The men had on tailored suits and the women had on long fancy dresses. Everyone talked and laughed amongst themselves. There were six more people around the table that looked very sophisticated. They looked well-polished and put together. They looked like success. They looked rich. Five years ago, she would never had imagined sitting alongside such people. And if she did she would have felt inferior to them; as if she was lesser than them and she didn’t belong. But now, she felt like she had earned the right to sit at the table. Especially since Latoya was one of the women being honored.

  The award presenter spoke, “This next woman exemplifies what it means to be a true hustler. A relentless entrepreneur, a business mogul. And she came out of nowhere. Just three years ago she drove from Atlanta, Georgia to New York City to pursue her dreams. You may not know her, but you may have heard of her make-up brands like Vanity Kisses, which has become a multi-million-dollar brand in less than three years. But some people don’t know that she’s also a real estate tycoon. She is the perfect example of a rags to riches saga. Her story will absolutely blow your mind. She’s what the American dream is all about. I am honored to present this Mogul of the Year Award to Latoya Robertson, aka Black Vanity. Congratulations!”

  Everyone clapped as Latoya got up and made her way to accept her award on stage. She grabbed her trophy, waved at the crowd, and made her way back to her seat. She looked at the golden heart shaped award with her named engraved on it and started reflecting on her journey.

  “The next award is probably the most important award of the night. This award goes to a woman that has made a huge difference in her community. Her story has inspired millions of people. She has turned her life’s devastation to determination. Determination to plant seeds of hope and faith for little troubled girls that have been broken. As a motivational speaker, she is based out of Atlanta, Georgia but she has touched lives all over. The Ultimate Fighter Award goes to Martha Robertson!”

  Latoya almost broke her neck when she heard the name. It couldn’t be who she thought it was. She was flabbergasted when she saw her mother, Martha, walking up to receive her award.

  “Wow. Thank you all! This is truly an honor! But I will not be standing here if it wasn’t for Lisa Smith, and the TEA CUP organization for believing in me and taking me in when I was at my worst. Stand up, Lisa, so they can see you.”

  In the crowd. Lisa stood up briefly and waved at everyone.

  “The TEA CUP organization helped to bail me out of jail when I had lost all hope for my life. Not only that, but they helped to mold me into a woman, that for the first time in my life, I can honestly say that I am proud of. If it wasn’t for Lisa, and TEA CUP, I don’t know where I would be. This is a dream come true. Thank you all!” The crowd cheered as she left the stage.

  Latoya got up out of her seat and began to walk to the table where Martha and Lisa were sitting. Once she got close, Martha saw her and looked at her with the biggest smile. To Latoya’s surprise, Grandma Betsy was sitting at their table as well. Latoya opened her arms with tears rolling down her cheek. Martha embraced her and they both wrapped their arms around each other tight. Grandma Betsy got up and joined the hug as well. All three of them began crying hysterically in joy. Lisa watched and teared up as well.

  That night the TEA CUP received a $1,000,000 donation from an anonymous donor. The organization also added a new board member. Latoya Robinson.

  Knock, knock, knock. Latoya knocked on the door of Martha’s and Grandma Betsy’s hotel room door. She wanted to join them in her hotel room to catch up after the ceremony. Latoya had a visitor with her. She held him in her arms.

  Martha opened the door surprised. “Who are you babysitting for?” asked Martha.

  Latoya laughed. “I’m not babysitting for anyone. Say hello to your grandson.”

  “What?! I’m a grandma! You have to be kidding me! He’s so cute! What’s his name?” asked Martha.

  “Emmanuel. But just call him Little Manny.”

  “Uh oh. Looks like we have a lot more catching up to do. Come on in and have a seat next to your mama and your granny. I made some tea, grab a cup.” said Martha.

  Naked Hustle

  The End

  I want to give a huge Shout out to Desiree McGowan and Mia Graves for assisting with the book!

  If you enjoyed the book, leave a review on or reach out through email or via instagram @Treyparker_





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