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Hayden's Verse

Page 17

by A. C. Bextor

  “I’m sorry. I should’ve picked her up and not called Travis.”

  “You did what you thought was right.” She reassures me in a way I wish Lacey would have. It doesn’t make my decision right, but it justifies my intentions were good.

  “Trav will call you later,” I offer before she walks out.

  “No. Maybe not tell him I was even here this morning.”


  Closing the door on one of the sweetest and kindest people I’ve ever met, I hear Lacey come in behind me.

  “She’s sick.” Her arms go around my waist before she finishes, “I hate puke. I’m going to give her some bread.”

  “I’m going to talk to Travis.”

  “He’s about done. I heard the water shut off.”

  “Go, hang with Sarah if you would. We’ll go soon.”

  As she lets me go, she kisses my back between my shoulders and reminds me, “Different friends serve a different purpose. Be the purpose for them both, Hayden.”


  A few minutes later, Trav comes out of the bathroom. He looks tired, but still angry.

  “What was that?” I ask calmly, headed toward his small dining room table and taking a seat.

  “What the fuck was what?” he snaps back. His quick mental reflection is his giveaway.

  “Travis.” I take my time to explain the obvious, hoping for absolute denial. “When we got here, Kate was sleeping on your couch and Sarah was in your room.”

  He tenses while adding water to the carafe, prepping to make coffee. “She wasn’t ‘in my room’ like that, so don’t fuckin’ say that shit again.”

  “Looked it from where I was standing.”

  “She wasn’t drunk, Hayden,” he continues to explain. “She was annihilated. Trashed. Blitzed. When I picked her up at the station, she refused to get in the goddamn Jeep, screaming at the top of her fuckin’ lungs for Hayden.”

  I don’t have time to feel the guilt I know I’ll feel later. I press him for more. “And so, tell me how she ended up in your bed.”

  “When we got back, she said some things to Kate. Not nice things. She didn’t mean them, but she was crazed. When she went to my room and passed out on my bed, I was fucking thankful.”

  “So you left her there.” I finish his story for him, relieved that maybe I mistook the situation I had walked in on.

  “Fuck yeah, I was relieved. I had never seen her like that.”

  He finishes readying the coffee and starts the machine before coming to the table and sitting across from me. I sense there’s more to the story when he says my name, his soft voice unusual.


  “Last night, when I was trying to put her in my Jeep, she was running off at the mouth. Like, really running off at the mouth. Not just Sarah ranting either.”

  “And?” I’m bracing but he’s stalling. “Say it. What?”

  “She had sex at that party.”


  Thoughts of everything Lacey was telling me last night come rushing back. Sarah is a teenage girl, searching for a place to feel wanted and a place where she belongs.

  “It was her first time,” he adds, not letting me process. “I’m going to kill him.”

  “Travis, wait.”

  His eyes rise to mine across the table. I’ve only seen Travis like this a few times in our lives. “She was drunk. He fucked her, left her, so she drank more. Men were in that house, and he wasn’t watching her once he was done with her.”


  “He’s dead.”

  “Travis.” I exhale, trying to find words to calm his anger. He’s not pissed at Sarah as I thought he’d be. I understand why he’s not, especially in light of more information.

  “By the time we got home, she was crying and screaming. She was out of control. I never wished for Ace as much as I did last night. I thought about calling him. I should have called him.”

  “God, I’m sorry.”

  “After I got her settled and she lay down, I didn’t want to move her. She wouldn’t stop screaming. Kate was upset. Sarah was crying. It was messy.”

  “I bet.”

  “Fuck, Raegan should be here for this.” He hesitates before he finishes telling me more about last night. “She kissed me.”

  “Who kissed you? Kate?”

  “No.” The answer hangs between us and I don’t have words. “It wasn’t deep and meaningful or anything like that, but she kissed me. I wanted someone to know.”


  “Yeah, not good. Like I said, it wasn’t like that. It came out of nowhere. I was trying to get her to lie down, and she just did it.”

  “What did you say?” I ask, picturing an already fucked-up Sarah receiving more rejection.

  “Nothing. I couldn’t. I pulled her off me and sat her down on the bed. She fell to her side and landed on the bed shortly after. Thank fuck for that. I doubt she remembers it.”

  “She won’t.”

  “She wasn’t Sarah. Sarah would know better than to fucking put her hands on me like that. It was wrong.”

  “She’s lost,” I tell him, but he already knows.

  “Aren’t we all?” he states quietly, and then silence hovers between us.

  “I am so fucking sorry. I should have gone after her.”

  “To be honest? I’m glad you didn’t. You know how she feels about you. I don’t want to think about her putting her hands on you in that way.”

  “Better you than me, I guess. Ace would fucking kill me. He’ll let it go . . . for you.” Again, I’m reminded of what my friends think of me. The truth slams in my face and I hate my hurt reaction to it. I should be used to being judged and convicted for my heinous acts of seduction.

  “I need to get her up and ready. She and I are gonna talk and I want names, all of them.”

  “Travis, you can’t go off halfcocked on a killing spree.”

  “Can’t I?”

  “No. You can’t. She’s sixteen, I get that. She can give you names but don’t do anything other than talk to the cops.”

  “Be serious.”

  “Be reasonable.”

  “Who should be reasonable?” Lacey asks, standing at the kitchen entrance. Her shirt is wet so I assume Sarah’s still sick.

  “Come sit,” I tell Lacey, appreciating the tension break between Travis and me.

  Lacey makes her way to me, skipping all open and available chairs left at the table and plopping down in my lap. Travis says nothing, offering no smart remark to her choice; his mind is on vengeance for our sick, lost friend in the other room.

  “How is she?” Travis asks her, looking down at his hands.

  “She’s okay. She doesn’t remember much. She remembers some . . . things.” Lacey’s delay causes Trav to raise his head. She nods her head to the un-asked question then clarifies.

  “She told me.”

  “Is she okay? Will she be okay?”

  “Travis, every woman loses her virginity and it’s not always pretty. Sometimes it’s downright ugly. Sarah will be okay. She’s more scared of Ace . . . and you. She said she treated you pretty badly last night.”

  “It’s okay,” he assures.

  “I thought so. I told her that.” Turning in her seat, Lacey grabs my face and says, “She wants to talk to you.”

  “Me? Why?” I hate drama. I hate being caught in Sarah’s drama. ‘Stick a needle in my eye’ type of hate.

  “She didn’t say, just asked for you.”

  Tapping Lacey’s leg, I signal her to let me get up. I stand and look down at Travis who sits looking as miserable as I’ve ever seen him, and that’s saying a lot. I hit his shoulder.

  “It’ll be okay. This mess will fix itself. Ace will be pissed, but he’ll deal.”

  “So will I,” he fumes, with venom aimed to paralyze the man who was with Sarah last night. I shudder in reaction to his stance. They better pray to God it’s Ace who gets to them first. He’ll act first and think in a
ction. Trav won’t think at all.

  Knocking on Sarah’s door, I open it to see her sitting on the bed leaning over a bucket. “Sick, squirt?”

  I hear her sob before seeing her head raise and find me standing in the doorway. “I fucked up.”

  “Yeah, you did.”

  “Why didn’t you come get me, Hayden?”

  I stand firm. “It wasn’t my place.”

  Her voice rises slightly and she winces in pain as it does. “It wasn’t Trav’s place!”

  “You fucked up. Own it. Deal with the consequences and move forward.”

  “Some consequences are forever,” she mumbles, playing with the bed sheet she’s moved onto her lap.

  “Some are; some aren’t.”

  Her face raises, her blonde hair plastered to one side with sweat. “She told you?”

  “No, Travis did.”

  Her hands come to her face, hiding her shame and embarrassment. “Oh, God.”

  “Lace said you wanted to talk to me.”

  “Yeah, thought I’d start apologizing and make you the first.”

  “I accept.”

  “Thank you.”

  “We’re gonna head out. You and Trav need to talk.”

  “He hates me.”

  “He loves you. We all do.” She knows the truth of this deep down, but she’s struggling to find anything she knows to be true.

  “I don’t know why.”

  “You’ll figure that out, but ’til you do, go easy on yourself and try to stay out of trouble.”



  FOR THE LAST two weeks, Lacey and I have spent more time together than apart. Shelby and Mel have been training her to run the bar in their absence and I’ve been helping Mel balance and adjust the books to bring in a healthier profit. We’re working more and more during the day and end up spending our nights together.

  The sex is thoroughly satisfying and never ending.

  Her appetite for sex matches mine. Since she’s all but moved into my place, we’ve been exploring each other’s likes and dislikes in and out of the bedroom. Going to sleep with her in my bed and waking with her body against mine has been refreshing in comparison to how I once was. Each evening is different from the one before. We watch movies, play cards, hang out with the others, but most of all we talk.

  She hasn’t once pressured me for more than what we already have.

  Tonight, we’re at The Ward having a drink with the rest of the group. Thursday nights aren’t generally as packed as it is tonight, but with Dragon’s Mansion playing for the last time the crowd has piled in. It seems Sheridan has finally put his money where his mouth is and possibly set his temper and ego aside. He and his group have found a bigger venue downtown and he won’t be playing here anymore.

  Thank fuck.

  “Kate’s here,” I tell Travis as he sits at my side talking with Raegan and getting an update regarding Sarah.

  Sarah refuses to speak to Travis or me. Against her wishes, we told Ace what happened, including her kissing Travis in the midst of her drunken state. As we all knew, shit hit the fan and Sarah has been sentenced to the confines of her house with Bean until she turns eighteen. Lace and I agree this is a mistake because knowing Sarah, she’s plotting her escape and it’ll be a big one.

  “I tried talking to her, but she hates me,” Travis answers with embarrassment and shame in regards to Kate.

  Raegan, who is all for Travis finding someone who loves him, chimes in with her advice. “Try again, Trav. Keep trying. She really liked you.”

  “Fuck that. If she doesn’t want to talk to him, Rae, why bother?” Ace is annoyed. Raegan’s attention not being on him always annoys him. It’s gotten worse since his fallout with Sarah.

  Lacey comes up behind me, wrapping her hands around my neck and sliding them down my chest. It’s been rumored, as I’ve been told from Jenna, that Lace and I are a couple and not just sleeping together. I’ve gotten used to the idea, but she and I have never discussed it openly.

  “I’m going for another drink. Do you want anything?” she whispers in my ear, biting it softly.

  “No. I thought we’d be leaving soon.”

  It’s too crowded here. Crowds at The Ward when these morons are playing have always made me nervous.

  “One more drink?”

  “Twenty minutes, Lace.” I’m ready to go.

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  I smile as I look at Travis across the table wincing at her hands on me as well as the nickname she coined me with. It’s a fucking turnoff and she uses it from time to time to deter me from touching her when she’s not in the mood. A simple ‘no’ would work just as well, but women aren’t so easy.

  Not able to hold his tongue as she walks away, I get the brunt end of his mood. “That’s fucking sick. Does she call you that a lot?”

  “Lighten up.”

  “It’s not right.”

  “I like it,” Rae says while sipping on her water, the only drink Ace has pushed on her tonight. The last time we were all together hanging out must still be fresh in Ace’s memory.

  “Thank you, Rae,” I tell her, still looking at Travis and smiling.

  “I’m gonna head out.” Travis stands and drops a few dollars on the table. “I’ve gotta get up early for work tomorrow.”

  “Tell Kate I said hello, will you?” Raegan sucks at being discreet.

  “Not goin’ there, Rae. Stop.”

  When he bends down to kiss the top of her head, she admits, “I’m trying for you since you won’t.”

  Sighing, he fist-bumps Ace, nods to me, and walks away. I watch as he passes Lacey at the bar and says his goodbyes to her before leaving.

  “Sarah still grounded?” I prod Ace as he sits across from me looking moody as usual.

  Grabbing his beer, he immediately replies, “For fucking life.”

  “Harsh. Even for you.”

  “She’s not your sister, or your concern.”

  “Ace!” Raegan slams her glass down on the table, expressing her anger.

  “Can we not talk about her for once?”

  Raegan mumbles softly under her breath, looking through the crowd to avoid Ace’s anger. Her eyes dart to the bar and then to me in fear.


  “Ace . . .” She stops, grabbing his arm as it sits beside her on the table. “Ace!”

  When she screams his name, my eyes follow where she’s aiming her terror. Lacey is at the bar near two men standing toe to toe, looking ready to throw down. Once Ace catches it, he quickly stands to make his way over but the frenzied crowd slows his movements from the table.

  By the time we make our way up to the bar, Mel has Lacey cradled in his arms and Lacey’s bleeding from her thigh and clinging to Mel. Trey, the newer bouncer, has a hold of one man, pinning him to the ground. Shards of glass litter the floor around them as the crowd backs up, giving him space to hold him down. Shelby’s on the phone describing the scene as we approach.

  “I’m so sorry, Hayden,” Mel tells me as he hands Lacey to me.

  Lacey whimpers as she’s placed in my arms, being cradled like a child. Her skirt fills with the blood flowing from her leg.

  The breath I was holding moments ago is still struggling to make its way out. My muscles tighten as my chest constricts for desperately needed air.

  Lacey’s hurt.

  The room darkens around the corners of my eyes, and an anger I’ve never felt toward another person is strangling the words I’m trying to say.

  Lacey’s in pain and I’m helpless to stop it.

  Finally, after a few minutes of confusion and doubt surrounding the people centered around us, I force myself to push forward, blocking out all others in order to get her where she needs to go.

  “What happened?” I ask Mel before he has a chance to turn away.

  “It happened so fucking fast, Hayden. The guys were talking about the game last night; I didn’t think anything of it. Then, the bottle
slammed and one went after the other. Lacey was caught in the middle of it when the other guy tried to walk away.”

  “Hayden,” Lacey says into my neck, her voice weak and shaky.

  The blood is everywhere. I can’t stop the bleeding.

  “I called the cops. Get her out of here. If they have questions, I’ll give them her number. She needs to be looked at,” Shelby instructs just as the music in the place stops playing.

  Turning around to head outside, I look to our side and watch as Ace releases his temper and fury to the man pinned under Trey. Trey stands and steps back in awe as he watches Ace pound into him without hesitation. Rae’s screaming at Ace to stop, but he doesn’t.

  This is less about Lacey and more about his anger toward what happened with Sarah. It’s Ace’s way of making up for not getting to her. Mel gets Ace lifted off the now bloody and angered man as I pass Rae on the way out.

  “I’ll go with you,” she says, holding Lacey’s arm.

  “No, stay with Ace. Get him out of here, Rae.”

  She nods, her eyes filling with tears of fear and dread. “I’m so sorry.”

  “I’m okay,” Lacey assures her before we head out the front door.



  The pain radiating from my thigh is so severe I pray I’ll pass out to avoid it. Hayden hasn’t said a word to me on the drive to the hospital. His hand is gripping mine tightly, though, never letting up or letting go.

  “I’m okay.” I gasp as we hit a bump. I try not to wince in front of him, but fail.

  Still he says nothing, his focus only on the dark road ahead.

  “Hayden,” I try again with no response.

  Once moved to a private emergency room, with the doctor just leaving after advising I’ll need stitches, Hayden finally says something.

  “You got hurt.” His face shows no emotion as he says it.

  “Probably,” I say, readjusting in the bed so I can look at him as he sits on the chair across the room. “Can you move your chair over here?”


  He’s scared. I’ve never seen him scared. His knee is bouncing and I watch as he rests his hands on his lap. His thumbs are shaking as he holds the rest of his fingers together in a tight grip.


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