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Hayden's Verse

Page 30

by A. C. Bextor

  “My daughter was taken from me. My dad was dancing with my wife and my apology to Rae is about to start in the next hour. I want to go home. I like our bubble there.”

  Brushing back the hair from his forehead, I leave my palm to rest on his cheek. “I love you.”

  “That helps,” he states with a sullen tone.

  “I miss you.”

  “That helps, too. Keep going.”

  “I can’t wait to feel the weight of you on top of me again.” His body tenses, and he looks down with furrowed brows. I continue. “I’ll say your name for you when I come.”

  Pushing me away, he steps back and out of reach. “Stop it,” he states loudly. “Stop doing that. That’s fucked.”

  I laugh in response; he doesn’t.

  Before I can think of what to say, Hayden pulls me back to him and devours my mouth with his. The room stills as I open and let him take what he’s so desperate for. The crowd around us hollers and claps, but it doesn’t deter Hayden’s attempt to grope me in front of our guests.

  Brian’s voice over the speaker silences the crowd. “Son,” it starts, and Hayden pulls away like a teenager who’s been caught making out in his room on a Friday night. His dad smiles into the microphone and continues. “If I could take you away from your beautiful girl for a few minutes, I have something to say.”

  The crowd laughs and I feel my face turn red from the attention. Brian breaks in with what he intends to finish. “I know it’s the best man’s place to make the toast, and I thank Ace for giving me the floor.”

  All eyes go to Ace. He nods with a straight face then looks to Hayden standing beside me and nods again.

  “My son and his new wife mean something to each of us, or we wouldn’t be here tonight to help them celebrate.” Brian stops, tilts his head to Hayden and lifts his glass of water. “Hayden saved my life many times and in many ways throughout his years. He knows why and how, so I don’t need to explain. Then he met a beautiful, sweet girl. In turn, she did for him what I couldn’t; she saved him from living his life as I had.”

  Brian’s eyes start to water as his voice begins to tremble. Cathy wraps her arm around his waist and eases his tension as she does. “Hayden, your life’s potential was put on hold because of what I had let myself become. I lost focus and you suffered because of it. I gave a lot of thought about what to get you and your new family in honor of your wedding. I couldn’t think of anything more fitting than to get you something that would flourish under the care you and Lacey would be able to give it.”

  Ace’s body stands straight on the other side of Hayden with Rae at his side. When I look to my right, I see Trav standing beside me. He’s got Sarah around the shoulders, resting her on the other side of him in a casual hold as she holds my sleeping daughter in her arms.

  “When I asked Mel what it would take to let me buy The Ward and sign it over to you, he didn’t hesitate. Not even for a moment.” The crowd gasps and all eyes go to Mel as he stands near the exit with a smile on his now reddened face.

  “No fucking way,” Hayden whispers as he takes a step back, taking me along with him.

  “Hayden, son, you spent four very long years earning the rights to that business degree. It’s time you use it. Make The Ward into what you and I both know you can.”

  “He fuckin’ did, brother,” Ace says, slapping Hayden on the back.

  “Congrats, man,” Trav says over me to Hayden.

  Decklan must not have known about this or he would’ve enlightened Hayden and me. I’m overwhelmed.

  Hayden stands speechless, looking to his dad who’s now handing the microphone to Cathy, lost with so much emotion he can no longer continue his speech. Cathy clears her throat and her voice comes over the speakers next, quietly but assuredly.

  “Congratulations, kids.” Cathy raises her wine glass and finishes, “I’m so proud of you, Hayden.”

  Hayden kisses my cheek and lets me go. He starts walking in Brian’s direction as Brian makes his way to us. Hayden’s arms open at the same time his dad reaches out for him. The embrace is strong and expressive. I see Brian patting Hayden’s back then pulling on his shoulders to break free. Hayden wipes his face with both hands before turning back to take a quick glance at me.

  No more pain, only happiness.



  I DIDN’T BELIEVE in love at first sight. I do now.

  The moment my daughter was placed in my arms and opened those beautiful blue eyes that stared back at me in wonder, I knew it was possible to love someone you just met. The day I met her was the day I was born a different man; I was now a father. I look forward to telling her stories of my childhood with my friends, and how I met and fell, not so easily, in love with her mother. I’ll live my life protecting her as Ace and Travis have lived theirs protecting those they love, because I understand them now. I relate to that condition in a way I never thought possible.

  I didn’t believe in love at all. I was wrong about this, too.

  Lacey and I haven’t had the fairy-tale courtship you find others to have. We’ve laughed, cried, struggled, and fought but after all was said and done, I’m lucky enough to have her promised to me for the rest of our lives. Lacey didn’t give up on us, long after even I did. She filled a place inside me I knew was there all along, but refused to acknowledge it for what it was: loneliness. I’ll spend the rest of my life in her debt, and I plan to repay it by ensuring she sleeps with contentment and wakes up happy.

  Love makes people crazy. This, I was right about.

  Throughout the past year, my life has turned completely around. Not so long ago, I was a lonely man in search of nothing. I was lost amidst nameless faces I allowed to fill a void I thought was meant to be there. I wasted a lot of years avoiding ‘the one’ I was so certain would never come.

  But she did.

  She’s looking back at me now through the crowd of people as they start to say their goodbyes. Her smile is small, and it’s aimed for only me. Her physical beauty, which once held me captive, has become only a compliment to the beauty I see inside her. Although my wife is stunning, it’s her giving heart and kind character that binds me to her.

  The slap to my back hits hard and jolts me from thought. “I don’t want to be a downer, but I want to head over to see Bean again before going home. Just want to see if she’s made any progress today.” Ace’s defeated tone is not well-hidden under the mask of casual conversation.

  Remembering my groveling promise to Rae, I tell him what I need. “I’ve got a song to sing. So, you gotta let me do it.”

  Ace’s eyes reflect the recognition he knows to be true. “You’re doin’ it?”

  “Have to. I told Rae I’d do anything she asked after being such a dick to her.”

  “Fuck, good luck with that.”

  “Thanks, ass.”

  Making my way up to the stage, I hop up and turn to the crowd. Most of the people here know I sing, but they aren’t going to be ready to hear the words of Elton John come from my vocal chords.

  I take a mental note: never be at Rae’s emotional mercy again. Ever.

  The music starts and the crowd stops dancing and turns to face me. This is going to hurt, so I rip the Band-Aid quickly and start belting the verses of “Crocodile Rock” faster than the band can play them.

  I want this over with.

  The older members of the crowd smile, swing, and dance accordingly. Even the kids catch on and start to move themselves to the beat of the music. The generation I was born into, though, stares at me with wide, disbelieving eyes. My friends, also now known as traitors, hold their stomachs and laugh at my angered pose.

  Such bullshit.

  Once the song is over, Rae rushes to the stage and wraps me in her arms. “Forgiven!” she states loudly.

  “Thank fuck for that.”

  “I loved it! Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” I tell her with little patience.

  “We’re heading out
. Are you sure it’s still okay for Sarah to crash here? We can take her home.”

  “No, leave her. She needs a break from Ace. She looks as stressed as he does.”

  “Where’s Liv staying tonight?”

  I hate the thought, but it is my wedding night. Even though I can’t have my wife the way I want her, I will still enjoy our time alone, understanding it’s important.

  “She’s staying with Dad and Cathy.”

  “Dad and Cathy?” Rae’s eyes shine with mischief.

  “Don’t.” I hold my hand up to stop her from talking. “I’m trying not to think about it. Cathy wants Liv for the night and I trust her. That’s all that’s happening over there. Let it go, Raegan.”

  Rae kisses my cheek and smirks before she starts to turn away. “Guess Dad’s getting more sex tonight than his son is.”

  God, women are fucking cruel.


  “Ready for bed?” Lacey asks innocently in the same tone she’s asked before bed over the last four long weeks.

  “Yeah, just left Travis and Sarah and some of the other lingerers downstairs. He’s too drunk to drive tonight.” Taking off my shoes and putting them by the nightstand, I finish explaining. “He’ll take Sarah home tomorrow morning for me so we can sleep in.”

  She smiles, unbuckling the belt of her oversized man’s shirt and causing it to look like a nightgown, rather than a wedding dress. “You’re going to sleep in?”

  “I thought about it,” I answer, grabbing her waist and pulling her into me. I rest my forehead on hers and close my eyes, reveling in the scent of her. “I’d love a reason to need to get sleep. This sucks.”

  “Take my wedding dress off, Hayden,” she whispers as I find her neck and suck at the flesh.

  “Don’t tease me, Lace. I can’t handle it.”

  “Take it off,” she says with further insistence.

  Raising my head and looking down, I study her face. I’m not sure if she’s trying to kill me or tell me something I’ve missed.

  “Hayden?” she asks, waiting for me to do or say something.

  “If I take this off, I’m fucking you.”

  She doesn’t say anything and my hopes start to fade. My fingers move to the top button of the shirt and I release it, waiting for her to stop me. She doesn’t so I continue to the next.

  “Lacey? Did you hear what I said?”

  She nods, her face revealing no expression.

  “If I take this off . . .”

  “You’re going to fuck me,” she finishes.

  “Yes,” I say, running my hands down her sides and pulling up the shirt at its hem. Her body is still toned, but the evidence of childbirth will always be present. I want to make her feel beautiful. I want her to know the changes in her body don’t matter. “You’re a stunning woman,” I say as I look down at her.

  “You’re distracting me. You said you were going to fuck me.”

  “You said I had fourteen days.”

  “No, I didn’t. You did.”

  Realization hits with full-force. She’s giving me the go-ahead, but before I take time to confirm that, I want to confirm this. “You cheated me.”

  “What?” She’s surprised, but won’t be for long.

  “You told me six weeks. You said . . . let me quote, ‘Fourteen days and I’ll wear it again.’ That’s a form of cheating.”

  “Hayden, it’s not.”

  “Uhhh, Lacey. It so is. All night, I watched you wearing this and there was nothing I could do about it. I could’ve been fucking you hours ago.”

  “I . . .” She stops; the mental images of where I could’ve taken her must have penetrated somewhere in the recesses of her cheating mind. “I fucked up, didn’t I?”

  “Yeah . . .”

  “Take my dress off.”

  This time, I’m not timidly waiting for denial. It’s been months since I’ve had her how I want her. Fuck timid, gentle, slow, whatever . . .

  The buttons on her shirt fly as I rip the rest of it off and push her roughly down on the bed. Her legs spread in front of me with an invitation and the red thong she judged me for memorizing glares at me.

  “You’re kidding?” I ask the open room.

  “It was coincidence.”

  “God, you’re a horrible girlfriend. You were wearing these the entire night?” I ask, motioning up and down her red lace bra and matching thong.

  “I’m your wife.”

  “You were my girlfriend. Now you’re my wife.” Kneeling down, I remove them. “I can’t trust you,” I inform her before sinking my face into her sex and sucking her into my mouth.

  Her moan at contact echoes off the walls. One hand pulls my hair as the other holds my face against her. Her first climax hits hard and my cock tightens in the jeans I’m unfortunately still wearing.

  Standing from my kneeled position, I unbutton my jeans and watch as she sits up and takes her hair down, letting it fall down her back. She reaches for my hands to stop me from undressing and does it herself with speed.

  She’s as hungry as I am.

  I find I’m right when my cock glides into her mouth and she hums her satisfaction against it. She’s taking long, drawn-out pulls while using her hands to massage the sensitive vein along the length of it.

  My hands reach down and hold the top of her head in a tight grip as she moves while taking me in and out of her. Fingernails dig into the back of my thighs, the slightest pain adding to the pleasure.

  “Your mouth . . .” It’s all I can say as I tilt my head to the ceiling and try not to visualize coming down her throat. It would end this too quickly.

  Finally, though, I’m close. “Condom.” The word comes out with a heavy breath.

  Letting me drop from her mouth and holding my cock tight, Lacey nods toward the bedside table. I lean over and open the drawer to find condoms and . . .”Lube?” I question, not having any idea why this would be needed.

  “It’s been a long time, Hayden.”

  “Get that, but do you need this?”

  Her hand darts out to take it from me and she’s too quick; I lose it. Opening the bottle, she pours some in her palm as though she’s warming it up. “I didn’t say I needed it, but just in case.”

  Her hands wrap their fingers around my cock and I jump with contact. It’s warm and slick, like her pussy, and God help me I’m about to come.

  “Stop!” I clutch her wrists, stopping her repeating motions.

  “What?” she laughs quietly.

  “Please, Lacey. Please tell me I don’t have to wear this.” I throw the condom next to where she’s sitting and she looks at it then smirks.

  “You don’t have to, no.”

  “Thank Christ,” I say, pulling off my shirt and removing the jeans that are already nearly off.

  “But . . . unless you want another nine months of pregnancy, followed by delivery, recovery, possibly a screaming newborn who is colicky, then I suggest you wear it.”

  “This is how you’re going to keep me from fucking you, isn’t it?”

  “No, Daddy.”

  “Buzz kill.”

  “Sex fiend.”

  I narrow my eyes, unsure of any comeback, and decide I’ll wear the damn condom. Fuck it; it’s been too long to care.

  “You’re done,” I tell her with one thing in mind once the condom is in place.

  Her mocking tone answers with challenge as she lies back stiffly. “Ready.”

  My knees push her legs open and my hips grind against her center. My cock twitches, finding the warmth it’s missed for so long. With the added lubrication, I slide into her with ease.

  “Fuuuuck,” I say, using my arms to cradle her head, pulling it into my chest from under me. “Christ, you feel good.”

  Her head lifts and she licks my neck. After, she leans in, her mouth finds my nipple, and her tongue laps it gently at first then with added force.

  “Lacey, I’m going to come.”

  “Let me on top.”

ck yes.

  Flipping her over, I grab her hips and look up as she rides me. My hands make their way to her chest, so full and heavy, and then fall to her stomach. Pink and white faded lines mar her creamy skin. She stops above me and looks down questioning.

  “Beautiful,” I utter, looking at the stomach that held my daughter and kept her safe. “If I never told you thank you, I meant to.”

  Her eyebrows furrow as she stills.

  “For Liv. I love her.”

  Her face is sincere as she replies, “You’re welcome.”

  “And for you. I don’t remember what my life was like before you. I don’t want to ever remember that person again.”

  Leaning down, she rests her palm on my cheek and sighs. “You’re still that same person, Hayden. If you weren’t, I wouldn’t love you. You’re just all mine now.”

  “My harem’s gonna miss me.”

  Her eyebrows furrow, and her nose flares while saying, “Hayden’s Harem can kiss my ass.”

  “Right, well then, fuck your man like you mean it.”

  Her disposition changes as the laugh takes up the space between us and she does just as I’ve told her.



  “I miss her,” Hayden says into the dark room. “I don’t like this. I feel like I can’t breathe.”

  I know what he’s thinking, and not because his mumbling hasn’t stopped for an hour. It’s because he told me after our second round tonight that he wanted to go get our daughter. This is also after he sent his dad a text message, got no response, then called and woke him up. Thankfully, he and Cathy weren’t going through their own second round.

  “She’s sleeping. Leave it alone,” I remind him, lying at his side as we both stare up at the ceiling.

  “She’ll be up in an hour to eat. We can make it there by then.”

  “Are you always going to be like this?”

  “Yes.” His answer is definite.

  Giving up, I sigh and tell him what to do. I’ve got to end the sulking; I can’t take any more. “Get dressed, and let’s go.”

  Jackknifing off the bed, it shakes with his happy exit. He walks over to my side, leans down, kisses me hard, and grabs me out of my comfortable position. “Thank you. I fucking love you.”


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