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Semipro Page 2

by Kit Tunstall

  His lips twisted. “Except for a bum knee and no future.”

  Sandra kissed him again, aware of the tension leaving him as she worked her mouth on his, her lips tracing his. She sucked in his lower lip to nibble on it, and Jake’s body jerked beneath her. “Perfect,” she said against his lips.

  For the moment, he seemed to have forgotten his woes. Jake lifted her higher, breaking contact with her mouth, to bring her breasts closer. She closed her eyes, letting her head fall back when he lowered his head to taste one of her breasts. Exhaling through her teeth kept her from shouting her pleasure when he licked the contour of her breast, slowly swirling his tongue around the areola before homing in on her nipple. When he sucked the bud into his mouth, she couldn’t stifle a whimper. Nor could she keep her hips from bucking against his stomach. Liquid heat pooled in her pussy, and her clit pulsed with need as he sucked.

  Jake tested the contours of her breast with maddening thoroughness. His tongue swirled over every inch before his lips repeated the process prior to returning to her nipple. She moaned, once again thrusting against him in search of relief. He raked his teeth across the sensitive bud, and she grasped handfuls of his hair, not sure if she wanted to end the discomfort by pushing him away, or if she wanted to pull him closer, to encourage him to bite harder.

  He made the decision for her by slowly, carefully applying more pressure with his teeth. A prick of pain accompanied the action, but it faded when he soothed the nipple with his tongue. The swipe of his tongue over the peak made her cry out. In an attempt to ease the ache, she tightened her thighs around his hips and lifted herself higher to push her pussy more firmly against his tight stomach.

  The material of the dress chafed her skin, and she shifted restlessly, wanting to feel her naked skin against his.

  Jake cupped her hips. “What do you want, babe?”

  “I want to be naked.” Sandra licked her lips, still tasting his essence on them. “I want you naked so I can touch every inch of you.”

  He chuckled. “That’s doable.” As he spoke, Jake leaned forward, hands at the hem of his polo shirt.

  Sandra wriggled off his lap, deliberately rubbing her pussy against his thigh in the process. Liquid heat pooled between her lips when she stood up to kick off her shoes and push down the dress. The miniscule black panties and stockings followed, landing somewhere in the vicinity of where she’d tossed aside the dress.

  “You’re beautiful, Sandra.” Jake shed the rest of his clothes, but his eyes never left her pussy. “I can’t wait to taste you.”

  When he’d disrobed, Jake leaned back against the couch, palms splayed on the cushions. He didn’t move, making it clear that she should take the initiative. While she could easily envision climbing atop him again and sliding her body against his, it took her a moment to stride forward. She was too taken by the mouthwatering sight of his erect cock jutting upward, as if challenging her to look away. Long and thick, it curved slightly, angling the purple head in such a way that she could see it perfectly. A drop of liquid quivered on the tip before rolling down his cock.

  She yearned to intercept the droplet before it disappeared into his curly, blond pubic hair, but it was gone even as the thought crystallized.

  Finally, Sandra stepped toward him, kneeling in front of the couch. Jake’s sharp inhalation and the spasm of his stomach muscles betrayed his assumption that she was going to take his cock into her mouth. She gave him a wicked grin and primly kissed the tip before moving lower. She let her hands wander freely over his muscled calves while alternating kisses across each thigh.

  He stiffened when she reached the injured knee. The surgery incision was healing, but still red. Carefully, Sandra kissed the wound. Jake relaxed as she moved lower with her mouth, clearly relieved she had moved on.

  The scar didn’t bother her, but she knew it bothered him. It didn’t take a degree in psychiatry to know that. Sandra paused, moving her mouth to the knee. He started to stiffen, and she massaged the calf muscles of that leg. “It doesn’t bother me.”

  He snorted. “You’re paid not to care.”

  She blinked, having almost forgotten the pretense that had brought them here. Clearing her throat, she said, “You don’t have to pay me for tonight, Jake. Being with you is reward enough.”

  He looked stunned, but she didn’t wait for his expression to change. Sandra kissed the incision again, working her way upward with determination. Wanting his thoughts off the injury called for something that would definitely focus them elsewhere.

  She cupped his shaft in one hand as her mouth neared the head. Sandra shifted slightly, to be more comfortable, and licked the tip of his cock. Jake jerked in her hand, and she pumped her palm up and down the length slowly, alternating between squeezing tightly and holding him loosely.

  “Oh yeah,” he said as she lowered her head.

  Sandra detoured from the expected target to explore his balls. The soft curls posed little deterrent as she licked, nibbled and sucked him as her hand continued to work the length of him.

  Sandra glanced up, pleased to see he’d thrown back his head. His eyes were closed, and the tendons in his neck had distended under the pressure of how tightly he’d clenched his teeth. In a flash, she replaced her mouth with her free hand and took his cock inside.

  Jake pumped his hips in response, feeding more of his cock to Sandra. It took her a moment to adjust to the length, but relaxing her throat helped her accept all of him. While bobbing her head, she cradled his balls in her palm, stroking him gently. She tightened her palm around the base of his cock and pumped him to the rhythm she set with her head. Jake groaned and arched as she sucked him, making Sandra want to send him over the edge. It was about pleasing him, but also about asserting herself and establishing that she had the power to make him come. The idea of having authority over any aspect of a man as strong and virile as Jake thrilled her in a primal way, making her folds slicker than ever.

  The convulsions from his cock pulsed against her palm, letting her know he was about to come. Sandra waited until his stomach was tight and his cock was stiffer than it had been. As he reached that moment, she slipped her finger behind his balls to massage the sensitive area there. The fluid oozing from him increased copiously, and she tongued the vee of nerves under his head.

  He tangled a hand in her hair as he let loose with a shout of satisfaction. Sandra drank in his completion, milking him of the last drop as his cock spasmed several times. Even after he had stopped trembling and had gone semi-rigid, she held him between her lips for a few seconds longer.

  Eventually, Sandra had to break the connection, and she met his gaze as she stood up to straddle his thighs. Satisfaction warmed his eyes, and his lazy half-smile bespoke of how much she had pleased him. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” It was such a formal response that was at odds with the intimacy of the act, but seemed appropriate. It seemed like Jake was thanking her for more than the blowjob. The therapist in her sensed he was expressing his appreciation for her acceptance of his injury.

  “My turn.” Jake wrapped his hand around her waist, lifting her higher.

  “Um hmm.” Sandra arched her hips, rubbing her pussy against his skin as he slowly dragged her up his body. The subtle changes in texture stimulated her in different ways, having her thrusting against his stomach, and then clenching her muscles when his chest hair tickled her sensitive lips.

  After what seemed like an eternity, Jake finally had her where he wanted her. He had slid down while sliding her upward, and she was now kneeling on the sofa, knees on either side of his head. She held her breath when he penetrated her folds with his finger, working the digit deeply inside her. It was beyond her limits of self-control to resist thrusting against his hand. She cried out with relief when a second finger joined the first to fill her more completely.

  “You have a beautiful pussy, Sandra.” His breath washed over her trimmed hair, tickling and making her surge toward him, wanting to feel his
mouth against her. “So tight.” He wiggled the fingers inside her, as though stretching her. “I can’t wait to feel this sweet, little pussy riding me.”

  She mumbled something unintelligible, trying to give her consent to bypass oral pleasure and just take her. Every nerve in her body sang, crying out for his cock.

  “First…” He licked her slit. “Just a taste.”


  Jake chuckled, and her clit tightened at the rush of warm air it produced. “You sure are bossy. Ever thought about being a major-league coach?”

  “My job keeps me busy enough.” Sandra clenched her teeth when Jake licked her again, this time plunging his tongue inside her folds to swirl around her clit a couple of times. When his mouth withdrew again, she could have cried with frustration. “Dammit, Jake, will you—”

  When he engulfed her with his mouth, she broke off in mid-sentence, no longer capable of speaking as he sucked and licked her pussy. The heat of his invading tongue made her hotter than she’d been, and she bucked her hips, pushing down against his mouth as he sucked her clit. His fingers continued to pump into her, while he worked her clit and the surrounding area.

  Being at his mercy was just as pleasurable as having him at hers, she decided. That was her last truly coherent thought as Jake alternated sucking, licking and nibbling her pussy. She rocked her hips, thrusting against his face. Tremors radiated from her womb, and she tightened her thighs in preparation of the approaching orgasm.

  Sandra clenched her hands into the cushions of the couch, sobbing Jake’s name as he sucked her clit forcefully, before blowing gently against the little nub. Waves of satisfaction crashed over her, sweeping her into the onslaught. Convulsions racked her body, and she was only vaguely aware of Jake slipping out from underneath her. She settled lower on the couch, still on her knees, and rested her forehead against the back of the sofa as her heart raced.

  Before she had barely had a chance to recover and wonder where Jake had gone, he was back. He sat beside her, and she saw the condom sheathing his erection, which explained his brief departure. Sandra wondered if she had the energy to move to his lap. Maybe he sensed how thoroughly the climax had ravaged her, because he lifted her around the waist and settled her on his lap.

  “There’s a bed,” she managed to whisper in a husky voice.

  “Later.” He dismissed the idea by aligning their bodies. Sandra’s eyes widened when the head of his erection settled into her slick folds. It dawned on her that he was larger than any previous lover, but he’d already surged inside her before she could question her ability to take him.

  Jake filled her up, stretching her completely, almost to the point of pain. Sandra thrust against him lightly, testing the depths of his cock, and found any hint of discomfort rapidly disappeared.

  Jake set a slow pace, thrusting deeply into her before withdrawing almost completely before repeating the motions. Sandra circled her hips to rub her clit against his cock as he filled her. Time seemed to lose any meaning as she rode him, their gazes locked. She took his hands, and they thrust in sync. The moment was more than sexual, and the intimacy she was sharing with Jake, a total stranger, surprised her.

  It was almost an afterthought when they came again. Sandra clenched around his cock as she climaxed, triggering his release. They continued to thrust against each other, their pace gradually slowing until they weren’t moving at all. They remained joined, silence surrounding them. It was comfortable, and she felt no need to speak.

  Chapter Three

  At some point, they seemed to consciously decide to move to the bed at the same time. Jake lifted her, and she locked her legs around his hips. Her head was still spinning from the force of her orgasms, and she briefly wondered if she could endure another round of Jake’s tender mastery.

  He set her on the bed and Sandra rolled away to allow him room. The soft mattress cradled their bodies and she sighed with contentment when he sprawled on his stomach, his chin resting on her stomach. She ran a hand through his thick hair, still awed at how completely they had come together—in more ways than one.

  “I’ve never…” He trailed off, clearing his throat. “I have never had sex like that before.”

  She arched a brow. “Really? We didn’t do anything kinky.”

  “You know what I mean.” He squeezed her hip. “It was pretty amazing, and not just on a physical level.”

  She nodded her agreement while tracing his ear with the tip of her finger.

  “Is it always like that for you?” He seemed reluctant to ask.

  That was understandable, considering he still thought she was a prostitute. She briefly considered confessing the truth but decided to enjoy more of him first. “Never,” she said truthfully, biting back a grin at the way he smirked with satisfaction.

  Jake extended his tongue to lick her stomach, moving his way up her body. He paused for a moment to tongue her rib cage, following the line of her ribs up to the underside of her breasts. She held her breath when he nibbled the delicate flesh, tense with anticipation for him to put the nipple in his mouth.

  “Are you into kink?” he asked against her skin, his warm breath flowing over the tight bud straining for his mouth.

  Sandra blinked, uncertain how to answer. She’d never been with anyone who was particularly adventurous before. Doggy-style was the extent of her “kink” experience. That probably didn’t qualify. She licked her lips. “Um, it depends?” Her answer sounded more like a question.

  “On what?” Jake scooted a little higher, and his mouth finally settled over her nipple. He stroked it with his tongue and she thrashed, arching her back to offer him better access.

  She muttered something incoherent, vaguely aware when he repeated his question. Her thoughts were almost collected when Jake moved his hand between her legs to stroke her lips. She cried out when he pressed his thumb against her clit and lifted her hips to get closer to his hand as he moved away from the slick nubbin. “Jake, please.”

  “Please, what?” He chuckled, clearly enjoying her response.

  “Will you please fuck me?”

  He rewarded her by slipping his thumb between her lips to stroke lightly around the clit. “How?”

  She grunted. “With your cock.” His erotic torture was annoying, but she couldn’t seem to marshal her reaction enough to tell him to stop. Not that she really wanted him to stop.

  A full laugh escaped him. “I know how to fuck, baby. I meant, how do you want me to fuck you? Do you want it slow and sweet? Fast and hard?” His hand slid lower, away from her needy clit, and paused at her entrance. “Do you want me to put my cock in this delightful place…” Jake brought his hand lower still, probing gently at her back passage. “Or maybe here?”

  She let an unintelligible groan be her answer. The idea appealed to her. She had never thought she would actually choose to let a man take her there, but with Jake, it sounded like bliss. “You can do whatever you want to me,” she said through her passionate haze.

  His lips curved into a grin and he looked like a kid who’d just been given a long-awaited treat. “I was hoping you’d say that.” Jake stretched upward to slant his mouth over hers, whispering, “I’m partial to anal. As tight as your pussy was, I can’t imagine how snug you’ll be around me.”

  Sandra parted her lips, sliding her tongue inside his mouth. She grasped his shoulders and arched against his hand. The tip of his thumb slipped deeper inside her, bringing pleasure and a little discomfort. When he withdrew, she stiffened and broke the kiss. “You don’t have to stop.”

  Jake winked. “I’m not, baby. I’m just prepping you.” He plunged two fingers inside her pussy, fingering her as she bucked against his hand. “That’s it.”

  Sandra wanted to protest when he brought her to the edge of orgasm. She wanted him inside her. Before she could verbalize the thought, he circled his fingers like a corkscrew, rubbing against a particular spot that made her come. That he had done that so easily, and so expertly, might hav
e shocked her if she hadn’t enjoyed it so much. Clearly, Jake was a consummate lover, but it didn’t matter who was in his past. She was his future.

  She blinked at the thought, chastising herself. They were having a one-night stand. It wasn’t the start of anything more—not that she would say no if he wanted to see her again. Of course, once he discovered her lie, he might want nothing to do with her.

  Jake’s hand shattered her concentration. He circled the hole of her backside, spreading her own juices around and inside. She gasped when he penetrated her with a finger.

  “Easy. Just relax and let me stretch you.” Jake slowly wiggled his finger, and she found herself going limp, overwhelmed with sensations. The discomfort was gone, replaced by tingling warmth that radiated deep inside her pussy.

  With gentle motions, he opened her untried depths, easing in a second finger. Sandra accommodated his digits and pressed against them, wanting more. She winced when he withdrew his fingers, squeezing her eyes closed as she prepared for his cock to replace them.

  The bed bounced lightly as he rolled away. Sandra opened her eyes and saw him retrieving a new foil packet. When he returned, his cock sheathed, she parted her legs and held out her arms. Jake settled over her like he was made to fit.

  “Do you still want me to fuck you?” he asked, his cock poised to enter her pussy.

  She frowned with confusion. “Yes. I thought you were going to…” She trailed off, blushing at her inability to finish the sentence.

  Jake nodded. “I am. First, I need to get slick.” He plunged inside her. “You are so wet, Sandra. I love how responsive you are.”

  “Only with you.” She looked away from his gaze upon making the admission. “I’ve had orgasms with other men, but nothing like this. With them, it felt like work.”

  He pressed a kiss to her forehead as he thrust in and out of her. “It shouldn’t be work to have sex.”


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