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Semipro Page 3

by Kit Tunstall

  Sandra nodded, having figured that out for herself. Her lackluster sex life had been unsatisfying enough that she hadn’t been compelled to find a lover until her loneliness had grown to the point it was now. Even when she’d begun her search for a partner, she had resigned herself to finding a man who stimulated her intellectually and emotionally, though he might not provide much physical stimulation. With Jake, she could have it all.

  He withdrew, grasping her hips to lift her buttocks off the bed. She tried not to tense up when the head of his cock sought out her puckered entrance. He eased inside, inch by inch, and she held her breath. At first, it burned, and she wanted to push him away. Before she could give in to the urge, he slipped his hand between them, finding her clit. He fondled her, stroking the slippery bud between his thumb and forefinger, and blotting out the temporary, sharp pain from his possession.

  Sandra slowly exhaled as Jake buried himself inside her back passage. She looked up at him, her eyes wide with amazement. He smiled down at her while withdrawing and then plunging inside her again.

  She grasped handfuls of the coverlet as she arched restlessly against Jake. He continued to stroke her clit in rhythm with the thrusts he made into her ass, his pace gradually increasing. Sandra moaned as he surged deeply inside her, his face tight with exertion. The feel of his liquid heat filling the condom inside her tight walls made her spasm, and she cried out as she orgasmed.

  With exaggerated care, Jake withdrew from her, supporting his weight on his arms as he leaned over her to press a kiss to her mouth. She managed a feeble kiss in return, too exhausted to muster a bigger reaction. She was worn out, but it was a pleasant, boneless feeling, rather than one of frustration and physical exhaustion that usually accompanied her experiences with sex.

  Jake settled beside her, tucking her under his arm. “I’m starving.”

  In response, her stomach rumbled. “I guess I am too,” she said with a light laugh. “I’m not sure I can lift a fork though.”

  He smoothed his hand over her abdomen. “I’ll hand feed you grapes.”

  She giggled. “Don’t forget to fan me.”

  “Of course,” he said with mock solemnity.

  Jake stretched his arm and lifted the phone. “What do you want?”

  “I don’t care.” She really didn’t. Eating with Jake would probably even make pineapple, her least favorite food, taste good.

  He placed a quick order for salads, chicken sandwiches, strawberries and champagne before replacing the phone. A moment later, he sat up. “I guess we should put on some clothes.”

  “Probably.” She groaned with the effort of rising. “It wouldn’t do to embarrass the room service waiter.” She slipped off the bed, padding across the thick carpet in her bare feet. “I think I’ll take a quick shower.”

  He leered at her. “Can I wash your back?”

  She lightly slapped the hand he reached out to touch her breast. “If you do that, we’ll never get the door opened.” He sighed, looking disappointed, but brightened when she said in a husky voice, “There’s always later, after we eat.”

  Sandra welcomed the hot spray of water from the hydro-massage showerhead, her mind conjuring wicked images of what she and Jake could do in the stall later. The thought spurred her to rush through her ablutions, eager to eat so they could resume their marathon lovemaking.

  The hotel thoughtfully provided plush robes, and she slipped one on before padding out of the bathroom. Jake stood near the trolley that had just arrived, appearing to be in the process of tipping their waiter.

  Sandra swallowed thickly when her gaze settled on the uniformed man who had brought their order. Of all the luck…

  He looked up, his eyes alighting with recognition. “Dr. Cho, how are you?”

  Aware of the way Jake’s body stiffened, she managed a polite smile. “I’m fine. How are you, Danny?”

  He grinned. “Better. My mom let me move in again, and I have a job.”

  “Good.” She ran a hand through her wet hair, feeling self-conscious.

  The tension was like a tactile object as Jake finished tipping Danny and the young man left with a cheery parting. Sandra swallowed thickly, turning to look at Jake as he spun in her direction.

  “Doctor?” His expression betrayed his confusion. “What is going on?” His eyes narrowed. “Is he one of your clients?”

  Slowly, she nodded. “Yes, but not in the way you mean. I know Danny from my volunteer work at the Eagle Eye Rehabilitation Center.”

  He frowned. “Volunteer? Aren’t you a prostitute?”

  Sandra shook her head. “I am a professional, and I do charge by the hour, but I’m not that kind of pro.” Seeing his confusion deepen, she forced out her confession. “I’m a psychiatrist, Jake. I was in the bar to meet a blind date, not a paying customer.”

  Jake blinked for a moment, obviously unsettled. She held her breath, wondering if he would ask her to leave.

  He surprised her with a hearty laugh. “I guess I’m lucky you didn’t slap me and storm out when I asked to engage your services for a few hours.”

  Relief made her giddy, and she laughed too. “I guess I should have been offended, but the idea was just so sexy…so taboo… I’m afraid I misled you for my own pleasure, Mr. Reynolds.”

  He grinned. “That’s okay, Dr. Cho. You have no idea how much I needed to feel desired again.” Jake crossed the room to pull her into his arms. “Since we’re not on an hourly basis, I guess I should ask what you’re doing tonight?”

  Sandra grinned at him, feeling mischievous and sexy all at once. “You.”

  About the Author

  Kit Tunstall lives in Idaho with her husband, son and dog-children. She started reading at the age of three and hasn’t stopped since. Love of the written word, and a smart marriage to a supportive man, led her to a full-time career in writing. Romances have always intrigued her, and erotic romance is a natural extension because it more completely explores the emotions between the hero and heroine. That, and it sure is fun to write.

  Kit welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email address on her author bio page at

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  Also by Kit Tunstall

  A Christmas Phantasie


  Beloved Forever

  Blood Lines 1: Blood Oath

  Blood Lines 2: Blood Challenge

  Blood Lines 3: Blood Bond

  Blood Lines 4: Blood Price

  Eye of Destiny

  Heart of Midnight



  Playing His Game

  Sundown Pack 1: Only Love

  Sundown Pack 2:Fortune’s Fool

  Sundown Pack 3: Asking For Trouble

  Tiger Eye

  Wrong Groom

  Print books by Kit Tunstall

  Asking for It anthology

  Beloved Forever

  Blood Lines

  Blood Lines: Blood Oath

  Eye of Destiny

  Lions and Tigers and Bears anthology

  Naughty Nuptials anthology

  Sundown Wolves

  The Twelve Quickies of Christmas, Volume 2 anthology

  Timeless anthology

  Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning publisher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC on the web at for an erotic reading experience that will leave you breathless.



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