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Certainty (RiffRaff Records Book 7)

Page 12

by L. P. Maxa

  Yeah, that was more the reaction warranted for this particular situation.

  Brax was in there with some random chick he’d picked up for the drive to the next tour stop. Neither one of them even seemed all that surprised when Brody threw the door open, letting it slam against the wall. “Get out,” he growled, jerking his thumb over his shoulder. “We need a minute.”

  Brax slapped the girl on the ass before climbing out of bed naked. He scratched his chest, yawning loudly. “That’s cool, I could use some lunch anyway.” The girl seemed to be only slightly more modest, quickly slipping on Brax’s t-shirt before following him out of the room.

  Life on the road was cringe-inducingly germ-ridden. I’d have to burn these sheets the way I’d had to burn the five other sets that came before them.

  After they left, Brody slammed the door shut and crossed his arms over his chest, standing in front of it like he was trying to keep me from running. “You want to tell me why Marley is calling you? And why the hell you were so quick to try to hide it from me?”

  Did I want to tell him? Hell yes. I’d wanted to tell him for months now. Like I’d said before, it was killing me to keep that part of my life from him. Did I think I should tell him? I had my reservations, obviously.

  “We’re friends.” I shrugged, going for a casual vibe to diffuse the tension. “We’ve been talking for about a year now actually. Letters and texts, a few phone calls.” None of that was a lie. None of it. And it showed that I had staying power and was a good friend to her.

  “Have you seen her? When you’ve been on the compound a lot. Have you two been seeing each other?” His forehead wrinkled. “Have you spent time alone…wait a fucking minute, you two babysat Wyatt together.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Did you two bang on my couch?”

  “What? Jesus, Brody, no.” Not that we’d been completely innocent that night. “We’ve hung out a few times, here and there. I’ve helped out in the lab with harvesting and stuff. She’s always down there alone and—”

  “That sounds sketch, Tal.” He cut me off, cocking his head to the side with his ocean blue eyes narrowed.

  I nodded, agreeing that talking about a girl alone in a basement wasn’t the best way to begin. “The first time I followed her to the barn, it was the middle of the night and—”

  “Not much better.” His eyes narrowed further, and he took a small step toward me, like the thought of hitting me was beginning to form.

  “Ugh, I know.” I threw my hands in the air and sank down onto the bed. Then I screamed and jumped back to my feet when I recalled who had been doing what in that bed mere minutes ago. I chose to lean against the wall instead. “Look, please, please let me try to get this out, okay? And if you want to kick my ass at the end, then you have my permission.”

  Brody nodded, but didn’t let up on the death stare.

  “When I came into town to meet Wyatt, that was the first time I spent time alone with her. I was going to my room after putting the baby to bed and I saw her walking all by herself across the field toward the barn. I was worried about her, so I followed her. Jett was partying, her parents are clueless, and I had this urge to protect her, you know? I helped her work that night, but that was all. Then yeah, we watched Wyatt together and hung out. And I only saw her once the last time or two before we headed to Florida. I’ve kissed her, but that’s it, I swear, Bro.”

  “Are you into her?”

  “Yes.” That was the simplest answer I could give him. But my feelings for Marley were so much more than a simple yes. “I tried to forget about her, over and over again. I even tried to end our friendship. I tried to tell her that it wasn’t right. That our age difference would always make things impossible.” I chuckled as I remembered how well that conversation had gone. There was no one tougher than Marley Van Connor.

  Brody raised an eyebrow at my laughter. “She call you on your shit and make you feel like you were the only dumb teenager in the room?”

  “Yeah.” I nodded, smiling even though I was sure my best friend was seriously contemplating hitting me in the nuts.

  “Yeah, she’s good at that.” His face relaxed, his arms uncrossed. “My wife is a damn surgeon, but I never feel dumber than when I am talking to Marley.” He reached out and put his hand on my shoulder. “I’m your best friend, man, and you’re mine. I don’t ever want you to feel like you have to hide anything from me.”

  “I hated not telling you, it was killing me. But she’s seventeen, and I’m trying so fucking hard to keep my hands to myself and do right by her.” I sank down onto the floor, hoping that Brax had kept his sexcapades to the bed. “We don’t get to talk on the phone often, but we text all the time. It’s not enough because I miss her like crazy, but it helps.”

  “You can always be honest with me. You can always tell me what’s going on.” He joined me on the floor, both of us sitting with our backs against the wall. “You’re one of the best people I’ve ever known, Tal, and I know that you would never, uh, I know that you would never intentionally fall for… You know, she’s young.”

  I snorted. “Tell me about it. I’ve been crushing on her since she was fucking sixteen.”

  “Well, maybe never mention that to Dash.” He reached over and patted my knee. “Marley is an old soul, and she’s hella smart. She isn’t your typical teenager, which errs in your favor.” He smirked before adding, “You fucking creeper.”

  I laughed lightly, appreciating his attempt at humor. “She means a lot to me, and I worry about her all the time. I get stupid jealous when Jett puts his hands on her, and I miss her. Like, I really fucking miss her.” I turned my head to meet his eyes. “This is all new to me. I’ve never felt like this before.”

  “Honestly, dude, I don’t think I’ve ever remembered you having a girlfriend before.” He pursed his lips. “I know you’re not a saint, or anywhere near a virgin, but you don’t fuck around and you don’t use girls for your own entertainment. You’re a good guy, Tal, and if you’re into Marley, then she’s a lucky girl.” He stood, reaching down to haul me to my feet. “And chicks like MVP? They don’t come around twice in one lifetime. So, I’d say you two would be worth the wait.”

  Talon + Marley

  Two months ’til her eighteenth birthday

  Talon: Brody saw your name come up on my phone when you called earlier.

  Marley: What did he say?

  Talon: Nothing, he kind of stared at me and then walked away.

  Marley: Oh, okay, that’s nothing. Maybe he didn’t even put two and two together.

  Talon: Then he came back, grabbed me by my arm and dragged me into the back bedroom on the bus interrupting Brax’s latest romp with a random.

  Marley: Number one, EW. Number two, did you put in a dramatic pause in text? You’re right. I am cooler than you.

  Talon: Harsh.

  Marley: But true. Out with it, what did Brody say?

  Talon: Basically, he told me that you were one of the most amazing people he’d ever met, that he loved us both, and that you and I would be worth the wait.

  Marley: He’s such a big softy. Like a stuffed animal that always smells like weed and sunshine.

  Talon: He DOES smell like sunshine. He always has. It’s weird though, right?

  Marley: Little bit. You’d think he’d smell like saltwater or surfboard wax. Isn’t that called sex wax?

  Talon: You had to go there.

  Marley: Hard to resist.

  Talon: Back on track. I meant his reaction to us.

  Marley: Oh, no, that’s not weird. He’s your best friend. Like he said, he loves you. And he’s right. I am amazing.

  Talon: Humble baby. Did you need something when you called? We had shit service on the bus and now we’re in the car headed to a radio interview.

  Marley: We broke ground today on the new building. Jett and I had a mini celebration down at the red barn.

  Talon: Congrats! What’s going to happen to the red barn now that you won’t need it anymore?

  Marley: Jett and I are turning it into a house, we’re going to live there.

  Talon: What’s that now?

  Marley: Jett will move in right away and then I’ll move in after I graduate.

  Talon: You’re moving in with Jett? The panty dropper who never wears clothes?

  Marley: I am moving in with Jett, my best friend and business partner. That’s where the tunnel access is, I have to be able to come and go without raising suspicion.

  Talon: Or you could turn eighteen and tell your parents about MJ Botanicals.

  Marley: Then all the good we do will be overshadowed by our parents’ last names. It’ll be cliché and trite.

  Talon: Do you really think that?

  Marley: Rock royalty growing cannabis? They’ll do all these articles about how hard our parents used to party. And psychologists will be quoted saying that it was hardwired into the children of rock stars or some shit like that. It’ll be a circus, and I’m not ready.

  Talon: You have a real doomsday thing built up in your mind, baby.

  Marley: We’ve worked too hard and come too far to drop the Devil’s Share name now.

  Talon: Do you really have to move in with Jett though? Really?

  Marley: Would you rather me keep living with my parents? Think about what that would mean. I thought you were opposed to sneaking in and out of windows.

  Talon: Fine. But he’s going to need to start wearing pants ALWAYS.

  Marley: Good luck convincing him of that.

  Talon: Oh, I will.

  Marley: Wait. No. You can’t say anything to him. Then he’ll know we’re together.

  Talon: Is that a bad thing? He’s your best friend. Why would you want to hide that from him? Brody knows, and he’s being supportive.

  Marley: Jett will have questions and opinions, and I don’t want to deal with them. Can this be between us for a while longer? I’m not into sharing my life with this whole compound like everyone else is.

  Talon: Obviously.

  Marley: You aren’t a dirty little secret. But I’ve never had a boyfriend before. I’ve never made out and giggled over text messages. I want to keep us in our safe bubble, maybe until after graduation?

  Talon: Marley.

  Marley: Talon.

  Talon: I’m not going to be sneaking around and lying about where I’ve been.

  Marley: I won’t ask you to, I promise. Please, give me ’til after graduation before every single person in my family has an opinion about my personal life. Please.

  Talon: Fine, after graduation. I miss you, baby.

  Marley: Same.

  Talon + Marley

  One month ’til her eighteenth birthday

  Marley: I argued with Jett over tunnel lighting for an hour today. ONE HOUR, TALON.

  Talon: Did he think he’d be allowed actual fire torches?

  Marley: Of course he did. Silly little moron.

  Talon: What else is going on? I got an invite to your birthday party, looks like your sisters are going all out.

  Marley: I know, it’s pretty nice of them considering.

  Talon: Considering…?

  Marley: I don’t know. I don’t feel like I’m all that close to them. I’m not kidding when I tell you that Jett is like my twin. I don’t hang out with my sisters.

  Talon: Doesn’t mean they don’t love you.

  Marley: Did you RSVP?

  Talon: Yes.

  Marley: They rented out my favorite restaurant in Austin, and got a classic rock cover band to come play.

  Talon: You might not spend time with them, but they still know what you like. That’s saying something, right?

  Marley: They know nothing. They had Jett help them.

  Talon: Oh.

  Marley: What are you doing?

  Talon: Thinking about seeing you.

  Marley: Cheese.

  Talon: Truth.

  Marley: I’ll be eighteen.

  Talon: Oh I know. I have a countdown on my phone.

  Marley: What happens next though? I’m getting a little nervous about it, to be honest.

  Talon: What? You’ll be able to put your name on all your licensing and permits. You’ll be that much closer to graduation and moving out. Things will be so much easier on you soon. Why does that make you nervous?

  Marley: Um, I meant that I was nervous about seeing you. I’ll be eighteen and we could…do more than make out.

  Talon: Baby, no. That’s not…I wish I could call you right now, but I’m sitting in a green room with the guys. Listen to me. I will NEVER pressure you or push. EVER.

  Marley: I know you wouldn’t, but you’ve already waited so long and I want more. I swear I do. But yeah, I’m nervous.

  Talon: I will wait for you as long as I need to, M. We go at your pace, always.

  Marley: It’s not a bad nervous, or a scary nervous. It’s almost like an anticipated nervous.

  Talon: Was I your first kiss?

  Marley: You were my first real kiss.

  Talon: So I’m assuming that means I’ll be your first everything?

  Marley: No.

  Talon: Really?

  Marley: I used to be a prostitute that refused to kiss anyone on the lips. Like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman.

  Talon: You’re hilarious.

  Marley: You’ll be my first everything. Does that bother you?

  Talon: Are you kidding me? Knowing that I’m the only…I’m so fucking turned on right now I don’t know how I’m going to walk on set to do this promo spot.

  Marley: Now I’m turned on.

  Talon: Stop.

  Marley: So, we go at my pace. Does that mean we can like make out in the bathroom at my birthday party?

  Talon: No matter how badly I want you, I will NEVER make out in a public bathroom. Because germs. But other than that, we can do whatever you’re comfortable with. No pressure.

  Marley: You going to stay at the compound while you’re in Austin?

  Talon: Yeah. Brody and I are planning on staying the night at the compound. Brax and Dane are staying downtown. We have a small showcase at the ACL studios for a taping so it’s an earlier gig, but we might still be a little late for your party.

  Marley: No worries. I’m glad you’ll be there.

  Talon: I’ll be there, lurking in the shadows and only touching you when no one else is around.

  Marley: Are you mad that I’m not ready to tell everyone?

  Talon: Mad isn’t the right word. I… I’m ready to get all the initial reactions out of the way, that’s all, baby.

  Marley: I miss you.

  Talon: I miss you more.

  Chapter Seventeen



  It was official, I was eighteen. The first thing I’d done that morning was send off all the changes to our license and permitting. My name was now going on everything, right beside Jett’s. My business was officially mine. It felt good, and like a long time coming. This was something I’d been working toward since we’d first started. Two crazy kids digging in the dirt down by the tank with flashlights on our heads planting seeds.

  And now, it was time to tackle the other half of my life. Talon. I was finally going to see him again. I was excited, and I was nervous. I kept finding myself smiling for no fucking reason. I felt girly and giddy, which in turn made me feel young and dumb. Until I’d met Talon, I didn’t know these over-the-top kind of emotions. But he’d changed me. He’d changed everything.

  “Hey, you getting ready? We’ve got to leave soon.” Jett crawled through my window, for no other reason than he probably didn’t feel like walking all the way around to the front door.

  My hands were on my hips. I was standing in my closet staring at my clothes. I’d never cared what I wore, always choosing a t-shirt and jeans without even really paying attention and then running out of the house. But tonight, I wanted to make sure I looked good. I wanted to make an effort, without making it look as if I’d made an effort. Did that even make sense

  “I, uh, I don’t know what I should wear.” I bit my lips, moving my fingers through the shirts hanging above eye level.

  Jett came to stand beside me, scratching his head. “I’m sorry, what?” He bumped his shoulder into mine. “Since when do you have trouble deciding what to wear?”

  I knew he’d call me on it. But I also knew that he’d help me, and he’d never make fun of me around anyone else. The fact that I was struggling with clothing choices would never leave the safety of my closet.

  I shrugged, trying to downplay my predicament. “It’s my birthday, and you guys have gone all out. I don’t want to look like a slob.”

  He put his hands on my shoulders and steered me out of the overly large space. I plopped down on the mattress, hugging a pillow to my chest as he patted the top of my head. “You couldn’t look like a slob if you tried. But you chill here and I’ll pick your clothes.”

  I lay back, patiently letting Jett choose my outfit. I held my phone over my face, grinning like I always seemed to do when I saw I had a text from Talon.

  Talon: Happy Birthday, baby, I can’t wait to see you.

  Marley: Thank you, and SAME.

  I sat my phone face down on my nightstand, in case Talon texted me back. I didn’t want today to turn into a big coming clean conversation with Jett. I wasn’t ready for the world to know, and Jett constituted the majority of my world.

  “Okay, we don’t want anyone to think you’ve had a lobotomy for your birthday, so we need to stick somewhat with what you normally wear, yeah?” Jett came out of my closet, clothes draped over his arm.

  I climbed out of my bed, standing in front of him, prepared to be his life-size rock and roll Barbie. “Whatcha got?”

  He held up my worn-out Greta Van Fleet shirt. “One of your favorites.” He tossed it to me. “And then, instead of the traditional jeans or tiny cutoffs, leather leggings.”

  I wrinkled my nose. “I didn’t know I even owned leather leggings.”

  “They were at the back of your closet with all your expensive rocker duds that you never wear.” He waved his hand in the direction of my bathroom. “Now go change in there, I don’t feel like a glaring lecture from your dad if he walks in here and you’re naked.”


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