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Marti Talbott's Highlander Series 1 (Anna, Rachel & Charlet)

Page 6

by Marti Talbott

  Athena was lost in her memories and it took her a moment to react, “She is fortunate to be alive.”

  “Aye, she is. Tell me all of it, Athena, the lad has sworn his revenge and means to attack.”

  She scoffed then. “He does not have the courage to attack us. He is a coward.”

  “He told Anna my father tricked him. Do you know what happened?”

  “I do.” Athena had to think where to begin and it took several moments. “Stoneham was one of your father’s most trusted men. He was a mean toerag and everyone knew it except your father, God rest his soul. “

  Kevin feared she would start mourning his father so he hurried on. “Did my father find out his true nature?”

  “Aye. One night Stoneham beat his wife and thought he had killed her. He knew your father would kill him and he had to think of something fast. The moat and the walls were just started and it was easy for a lad to slip past the guards. He carried her into the woods and left her for the animals to feed on. The next day, he claimed she had wandered off in the night but he didn’t know she...”

  “She what?”

  Athena looked tortured when she grasped his hand as though she needed his strength. “She crawled on her belly. One of her legs and one arm was broken, but she was determined not to let him get away with it. So she crawled nearly all night. Just after sunrise, one of the guards found her. She begged the guard not to sound the alarm and go get your father instead. The guard took pity on her and did as she asked.”

  Kevin moved his chair closer and put his arm around her shoulders. He could see she was ready to collapse and he wasn’t going to let that happen, at least not until he heard it all.

  “Your father was so furious he could hardly stand on his own two feet. He carried her inside the keep, woke your mother and put the lass in his very own bed. By then she had blessedly passed out.”

  “But how did father trick Stoneham?”

  “He pretended he had not found her and when Stoneham reported his wife missing, he believed your father’s lads were scouring the land looking for her. Your father returned with a scrap of cloth wrapped around a fresh bone and when Stoneham looked relieved, your father no longer had any doubts. He would have struck him dead right then, but he wanted the clan to see so others would remember.”

  “I have heard this story.”

  “Aye, you have. Your father whipped Stoneham in the glen until he admitted he had beaten the lass. Then he put his sword through the lad‘s stomach.”

  “But he did not kill him.”

  “Nay, he wanted Stoneham to suffer, left him alone in the glen and assumed he would die a slow, painful death in the night. It was a mistake. The next morning, Stoneham was gone and so were three other lads your father thought were loyal. His true followers hunted them down and killed the other three, but Stoneham‘s mother was English and he found sanctuary with her family. It was his mother’s name he took.”

  Kevin gently encouraged her to put her head on his shoulder before he asked, “Are you the lass?” He wondered if she would cry, but she only nodded. He let her rest for a moment more and then the time came to tell her what the problem was. “Stoneham has chained Anna’s mother to her bed.” Kevin had never seen such fury in a woman.

  She leapt out of her chair, grabbed her sword and started out the door. “I will kill the toerag myself!”

  He quickly grabbed her around the waist and hauled her back inside. “I will be happy to save you the trouble.”

  As Kevin left Athena’s cottage, his jaw was clenched tight when he started to speak to his men, “A MacGreagor did this to my wife. My father should have killed him outright, but he did not and Anna pays for it. I will not make the same mistake!”


  In the beginning, he had not planned to spend so much time with a wife. Nevertheless, she was his wife and he thought she would be furious in the morning when she learned he left without her. She might be even more upset when her guards wouldn’t let her leave even to ride a horse when she was able. And he was worried she would break away from her guard and ride all the way back to England alone. All manner of horrible things could happen to her, he didn‘t want that on his conscience too and asked everyone to keep a close eye on her.

  After their evening meal, he asked if she would enjoy another walk and she quickly agreed. Anna was still wearing the gown with the open back, but she walked much better and seemed far more cheerful.

  She let him take her hand even though she was certain she wouldn’t fall, and they turned up a different path. The cool air felt good on her back but the warmth of his hand felt even better. They were halfway up the slight incline when she stopped to look at the stars. “I love the stars. Perhaps someday we might sleep outside.”

  “You would not mind?”

  “Heavens no, I love the outdoors and if you are with me, I will have nothing to fear.”

  “Except me.”


  He liked her honesty. “Are you afraid of what will happen when we consummate our marriage?”

  “I was only allowed to spend a few hours with my mother and we did not talk of it much. I am afraid I know very little. Is it the same as horses?”

  “In a way, but it is far more enjoyable for people.”

  “It does not look enjoyable.” She turned away and started walking again. “I would ask Katie, but she is unmarried.”

  “My sister’s husband was lost at sea.”

  Anna was surprised. “She never said a word.”

  “I do not think she liked him much. She told me he was dull witted.”

  “I see, then I will ask Katie.”

  “Would you rather ask me?”

  It took Anna a full minute to mull it over in her mind. “I have heard it is very pleasing for a lad.”

  “'Tis pleasing for a lass as well.”

  She was sure that wasn’t true and swore she wasn‘t ever going to find out. Still, touching him was pleasing. In fact, she could hardly keep from touching him. “Have you any duties in mind for me? I have helped in my father’s house, but I was not very good at it. Besides, I am sure things are done differently here. I do not want to disappoint you, but...”

  He stopped walking and waited until she turned to him. “Anna, I will not be disappointed. You are our mistress now and you can have and do anything you like. You can plant flowers, move the furniture, order different food or throw everything out the window. You will please me when you make this your home.” For a second he was worried about the sparkle in her eye and wondered if she really would throw everything out the window.

  “I may have anything I like?”

  He hesitated. “What is it?”

  “I would like you to hold me.”

  He was relieved. At least that request he could easily agree to. “I will hold you whenever you like.”

  “I would like it now.” She caught the look on his face and decided he found the idea repulsive, so she started to walk on. He didn’t join her and wouldn’t let go of her hand, so she was forced to turn and face him.

  “Where precisely can I touch you without hurting you?”

  “Oh that, I thought you did not want to.”

  “I want to very much.”

  “You are right, of course, it would be painful.” She started walking again and he easily caught up. Then she stopped and turned to him. “When you were bringing me here on your horse and I rested my head against your chest, I could hear your heart and it comforted me somehow. Even the sound of your voice gave me peace. I think about that and try to understand it.”

  “Perhaps you would have felt the same with any lad.”

  “I did not feel the same when Thomas held me. He was very kind, but I did not feel the same. With you, I felt safe. Do you think it odd?”

  He thought about his strange need to hold her when he first saw her. “'Tis not odd at all, I am your husband, and I want you to feel safe.”

  “Then may I hear your heart now?

  “The same way as before?” When she nodded, he slowly pulled the length of plaid off his shoulder and opened his shirt. He put the palm of her hand on his chest and covered it with his. Then with his other hand, he cupped the back of her head and slowly drew her to him.

  At last she was close to him again. She put her ear against his chest, closed her eyes and listened to the peaceful, steady rhythm of his heartbeat. Yet that was not all, now that she knew who he was, she loved the feel of his touch and his warmth so much more. Without realizing what she was doing, she wrapped her other arm around him.

  Not two hours before, he had been filled with more rage than he could possibly endure. Yet having her so close seemed to wash away his rage and he thought only of the way her touch felt. He wanted to hold her even closer and thought of the day he could without hurting her. Then he felt her arm go around him, so he put his cheek against the top of her head and closed his eyes. Maybe he needed her touch as much as she needed his. When she moved closer still and her body was against his, it was all he could do to keep from holding her the way he really wanted to.

  Anna didn’t want to move away and was glad he didn’t make her. She couldn’t remember a time when she felt so content. Was this love? She hoped so; she hoped so very much.

  He had a feeling he would remember this and didn’t have the faintest idea why. It was the kind of tender moment he had never experienced before with a woman. Was it because she was so vulnerable and he had a duty to protect her? Or was it something else? He wondered, if only for a second, if he was beginning to love her. He didn’t want her to, but when she started to pull away, he let go.

  They walked further than they had the day before and she didn’t get tired as quickly, but when they turned back, she was glad of it. Perhaps she was expecting too much too soon as Katie suggested. They didn’t talk much on the way back either, but she was content just to be near him. He had given her permission to touch him whenever she wanted and her heart was pounding with excitement and joy. She would touch him, she would even kiss him -- but that was all.

  He heard her let out a long sigh. “Why do you sigh?”

  “I just realized I have shared my burden with you.”

  “Nay, you have given your burden to me.”

  “If that were so, I would not still have a heavy heart.”

  He realized she was right. “When Thomas found you, why did you want to die?”

  “There were two reasons. First, I thought if I was dead, my father’s plan would be useless, and he would have no reason to kill my mother or my sister.”

  “And second?”

  “Father told me you were a cruel man who would kill me and never love me. I was dead either way … or so I thought.”

  “Do you still believe him?”

  “I do not believe you intend to kill me, but...”

  “But what?”

  She had to turn away so he wouldn’t see the twinkle in her eye. “You might find me pleasing someday, but you will never love me.”

  His heart sank. He should never have told her about the woman on the horse. What kind of man would give his wife no hope of ever being loved? Katie said he already did love her and he had to admit he enjoyed her touch and her company very much. She seemed so open and free with him. Even now, she was able to tell him what she felt. Yes, he might learn to love Anna, but how the hell was he going to get the other woman out of his heart?

  When they got back inside, he took the time to show her where everything was and then walked her to her bedchamber.

  Kevin leaned down and kissed her forehead. “Good night. Wake me if you need anything.”


  “What is it?”

  She looked into his eyes and if she could have, she would have looked into his soul. What she was about to say was important to her and she wanted him to remember. “When you kill my father, tell him it is from me.”

  He studied both her eyes and her words. “You know we are leaving? Who told you?”

  “No one.” She turned, walked to the bed and sat down. “It is the only way. If you wait until he uses Rachel to draw you out, he will have the advantage.”

  He was quick to sit down on the bed beside her and take both of her hands in his. “As soon as you told me it was your father, I sent lads to watch him. He may well lead them to Rachel. Try not to worry.”

  “I will try.”

  “Good. I will be pleased if you use this time to take good care of yourself and get well. I expect a healthy wife when I return.” He kissed her forehead again and got up. Just as he closed the door, he heard her whisper, “Come back to me, Kevin MacGreagor.”

  He stood outside her door for a while and then went back in. He took her hands and pulled her to her feet. “Listen to my heart and hear my words.” He placed his hands the same as before and waited until she rested against him. “Remember the feel of this and be comforted while I am gone.” He closed his eyes and memorized it as well.

  She stayed close, but this time she felt something deeper than comfort and safety. It was more even than the excitement of being near him. She loved this man.

  When she started to pull away, he said, “I will come back to you, I give you my pledge.”

  It was early in the morning when Baron Stoneham locked the bedchamber door, slipped the key into his belt, and went down the stairs. He had just entered the dining room for his morning meal when he stopped dead. Three giant Highlanders stood beside the table with their arms folded across their chests. He quickly looked around for his two-man guard and found them slumped in the corner, unarmed and unmoving. The woman servant still held a platter of pastries in her hand and looked as though she were going to pass out from fright at any moment.

  “How the devil did you get in here?” Stoneham demanded but none of them answered. “Which of you is Kevin MacGreagor?” Still none of them answered so he tried again in Gaelic. It didn’t help, so he thought of another approach. “I assume you got my gift. You were pleased, of course. If I were you I would kill her, she is worthless.”

  It was all Kevin could do to control himself. The man before him was indeed a MacGreagor, just as large and just as intimidating as any Highlander could be. He wanted to kill Stoneham with his bare hands and do it now. Instead, he nodded.

  The baron couldn’t quite believe his eyes when the woman stepped out from behind Kevin. “Athena?”

  “I am surprised you remember me,” she said in her native tongue. “You left me without children.”

  He laughed. Then he slowly looked her up and down as though he were undressing her with his eyes. She was still a vision of beauty even at her age. “I could give you one now.”

  Kevin could feel the tension rising in both Thomas and Clymer, so he shifted his weight just a little to calm them. Both men eased.

  Athena pretended not to mind what he was doing. Instead, she gave Stoneham a once over with her eyes as well until they rested on the slight bulge in his belt. She looked up and smiled seductively. It made him do exactly what she wanted and when he reached out and pulled her to him, she slipped her hand in his belt and got the key. Her other hand went to his crotch and painfully grabbed hold to remind him what she was capable of. He instantly released her and pushed her back.

  Athena laughed at the giant she once called husband and folded her arms to show she wasn’t one bit afraid of him. “Aye, you could give me a child. I will have Rachel.”

  He didn’t look at all surprised. “So the filthy girl told you about her sister.” He shifted his attention then to the one he assumed was Kevin -- the one in the middle. “We have been expecting you. I hope you brought an army, you will need one.”

  The woman servant couldn’t understand a word they said, but she did recognize Rachel’s name. She couldn’t help herself when she looked at the Highlander nearest her and asked, “Anna?”

  “Silence,” the Baron roared.

  For the first time in years, she ignored him and asked again. “
Anna?” She stared at Thomas hoping for some sign that Anna was alive. When she didn‘t get it, she caught her breath. “Dear God, she is dead.”

  “She is not dead,” Kevin finally said in perfect English.

  The Baron dared to smile. “Of course not. If she were, she would not have been able to tell him about Rachel.”

  “I will have Rachel,” Athena demand.

  He started to slap Athena aside when all three giants took a step forward at the same time. They were a little too close for comfort now and he reached for his sword. Then he thought better of it and folded his arms. “Rachel means nothing to me, nor does Anna, I only wanted a son. You may have them both -- if you can find Rachel.”

  Athena turned toward Kevin and gave him a slight nod. Then she walked to the woman servant, took the platter of pastries out of her hand and set it down on the table. The servant was more than willing to follow Athena out of the room, although she made a wide berth around the Baron to keep out of his reach.

  Upstairs, Anna’s mother was dressed. She didn’t really know why she bothered since she would not be bathing or seeing either one of her daughters today. Yet it was her habit so she took care to wash her face and brush her hair. Her hair wasn’t as dark as Anna’s and they didn’t look a lot alike, but it was obvious Anna had her blue eyes.

  There was one big difference. Anna’s mother had hideous scars, especially the one around her ankle where the chain and the lock often rubbed against it. At least the chain was long enough to allow her to walk about the room. It was the only exercise she was allowed.

  She heard loud voices downstairs, grabbed the chain and rushed to the window to see if anyone was there. The courtyard was empty. In fact, it was uncommonly empty of even her husband’s guards or their mounts. The baron must have sent them away, she thought, but Catherin hadn‘t heard it. Next, she looked up the hill. Sometimes Harold would wave from there and she would wave back to signal she was well. He wasn’t there. She wondered what he would do if ever she didn’t wave back.


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