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TABOO MEGA BUNDLE: Wet & Ready (40 Hot Short Stories, First Time, Menage and More!)

Page 9

by Olivia R. Gasm

  Michael shot me a quick glance and raised his eyebrow, his eyes wandering quickly over my somewhat revealing outfit.

  “What?” I asked and threw my arms out.

  “You’re going to work in that?” He asked. “It’ll get messy, you know. I don’t want you ruining your pretty clothes.”

  “I’ll be fine,” I assured him and stepped into my dark, steel–toed work boots, which I rarely used. “This is just something I dug out from the bottom of the closet anyway.”

  I was more of a high heels and skirts kind of girl. Building a shed wasn’t exactly what I’d do for fun, but I didn’t want to say no to Michael because he seemed so excited. At least I’ll have something nice to look at while I work, I thought and glanced shyly up at him. It won’t be all bad.

  “You done?” He asked when I finally stood up.

  “Yeah, let’s go!”

  “All right,” Michael opened the door and I followed him outside, hoping to get done with the work as soon as possible so I could go back to sleep for an hour or two. “I started building the shed frame yesterday, so today all we need to do is attach the boards on the outside,” He explained while we walked. “You really couldn’t build a simpler shed than this. You know me, I prefer practical to fancy.”

  “Sounds easy enough,” I said. “So what do you need me to do?”

  We’d stopped in the corner of the back yard, where there was a cube built out of wooden poles. Next to it, there were two chairs with a pile of wooden panels resting on them, along with a mechanical drill and a box of screws.

  “Well…” Michael put his hands on his hips and thought for a moment. “Do you want to hold the boards up while I drill, or the other way around?”

  “I guess I can hold the boards up,” I said with a shrug. “You can do the drilling, then you know it gets done correctly.”

  “Sure, if that’s what you want,” Michael said and tossed a pile of panels next to my feet, picking the mechanical drill up in his hands. “Pork chop, sweat shop, let’s get to business!”

  I snorted and held back laughter while bending down to pick up a wooden board. It was heavier than it looked, and the surface wasn’t perfectly smooth. I felt something sharp prick my finger and slip in under my skin, causing me to curse under my breath and jerk my hand back.

  “Fucking ow!” I spat out and quickly pulled the offender out of my finger. It was a small one and it barely hurt at all, but it annoyed me nevertheless. If the whole day is going to be like this, it’s going to suck, I thought and frowned.

  “You okay?” Michael asked and shot me a worried look.

  “Yeah, it was just a splinter…” I muttered. “Can’t you ask Felix to help you instead?”

  “I could, but I want you to help me,” Michael said sternly. “Here,” He added and tossed me a pair of working gloves which looked like my size. “Put these on and lift the board up.”

  “Fine,” I said and slipped the gloves onto my fingers. They fit perfectly, which made me wonder if Michael had gone out and bought gloves just for me—considering his hands were much bigger than mine. When I picked up the board, I found that I could hold it without even feeling the rough texture. Hey, that’s much better, I realized. I won’t be getting any splinters now!

  “Is here fine?” I asked and held the board against the left corner pillar.

  “Well, it looks straight…” Michael said and looked it up and down. He reached out, turning the board one tenth of an inch, barely moving it at all, until it was perfectly lined up with the pillar. “…and now it is straight, too. Just hold it still now!”

  “Okay,” I nodded.

  Michael drilled all the boards to the frame, one by one, while I held them up for him. By the time we reached the end of the first side, I was covered from head to toe in wood shavings and dust, and so was he.

  “One wall done, three to go!” He said and smiled widely at me, holding the drill out in front of me. “Here, you do the next one.”

  “Are you sure?” I asked uncertainly. I’d only used a drill a handful of times before, and I didn’t want to do it wrong and cause Michael a pile of trouble.

  “Of course!” He said. “I can’t get to have all the fun, can I?”

  “I guess not,” I grinned and took the drill from him. It was a lot heavier than I’d thought, and I struggled to keep it straight in the air. Huh, Michael made it look so easy, I thought.

  He picked up another board and placed it against the wall, holding it up firmly with one hand. “Keep a firm grip on the handle,” He instructed me. “Use both hands if you need to.”

  I lifted my hands and pressed the drill against the screw, feeling it wobble unsteadily. Michael’s hand reached out and grabbed my left hand, gently wrapping my fingers around the screw.

  “It’s easier if you hold it in place…” He mumbled into my ear. He was leaning forward to reach, which meant that we were suddenly very close to each other.

  “O–oh okay,” I stammered, feeling my cheeks burn red. Why am I blushing? I thought to myself. It’s just Michael standing a little bit close, that’s nothing to get excited over…

  When I pressed down the power button, I half expected the screw to go flying across the lawn, but it didn’t. It drilled into the wood and, with a gentle push, I secured it tightly inside the wooden panel.

  “It worked!” I blurted out, surprised at how easy it was in the end.

  “Of course it did,” Michael grinned. His hand let go of mine and gave my shoulder a gentle pat, as if to say ‘good job.’ “That wasn’t so hard, was it? Now, let’s do the rest of the walls.”

  The more work we put into the shed, the more I started to like it. I liked the way my muscles burned in my upper arms, and how the building slowly started looking more and more like an actual shed, rather than a pile of wood. Despite having sawdust in every crevice of my clothes and dirt under my fingernails, I was having a great time helping Michael out. He looked a bit silly with sawdust in his beard and moustache, but he didn’t seem to mind. Maybe he’s used to it, I thought and smiled softly to myself.

  When I was half–way done with the last wall, I felt a drop of water land on my shoulder. Michael and I both looked up at the same time, noticing the large, dark cloud that was quickly approaching.

  “Damn it,” Michael muttered. “I was hoping to finish before the rain came.”

  “But we’re almost done!” I blurted out. “Can’t we do the last boards in the rain?”

  The rain was growing in intensity, and soon drops of cold water were rolling down my bare arms and making me shiver.

  “Nah,” Michael shook his head. “It’s no fun working in the rain, trust me. It’s about time we took a little break anyway,” He said.

  “Okay…” I mumbled disappointedly. I’d been looking forward to putting up the last board and looking over the day’s work, but that would have to wait for another time. Truth be told, I’d been having quite fun helping Michael, and I didn’t want to quit yet…

  “You go put the drill back in the garage,” Michael called over his shoulder as he walked back towards the house. “I’m going to get a cup of coffee.”

  I nodded at him. “Make some for me too!”

  “Sure thing,” Michael smiled.

  I carried the drill into the garage and set it down on the work bench in the back, leaving a trail of sawdust behind me on the floor. Ugh, drilling is hard work, I thought and tugged at my shirt, causing a cloud of dust to rise into the air. My shirt had been black this morning, but now it was a shade closer to orange.

  Shooting a quick glance over my shoulder to make sure that the door was closed and I was still alone, I grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head. I gave it a few quick shakes, sending most of the saw dust flying into the air, before hanging it over the backrest of a rickety wooden chair that Michael made last year.

  When I looked down at my half–naked torso, I noticed that some saw dust had fallen into my shirt and caked my bra and cleavag
e. Muttering to myself, I stuck my hand into my bra and tried to shake it off. This stuff really does go everywhere! I thought and shook my head in disbelief. Next time I’ll wear a college shirt or something.

  While I was busy cleaning myself off, I suddenly hear the door swung open behind me. I jumped aside and ripped my shirt off the chair to cover myself up, but it was too late.

  “Allison?” Michael called out as he walked inside. “Are you… oh my God!”

  He stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes staring blatantly on my exposed cleavage. I raised my shirt to cover myself up and let out a shriek. “Michael! Why didn’t you knock?” I shouted at him.

  “K–knock?” He stammered and looked up at my eyes, then down at my half–naked body again. “It’s my garage, for God’s sake. How was I supposed to know that you were… that you are… what on Earth are you doing?!”

  His hand let go off the handle, and the door swung shut behind him with a bang. I hesitated for a moment, not sure of what to say. “I was just… shaking the dust off my shirt,” I mumbled embarrassedly. I wonder how much he really saw? I thought anxiously to myself.

  I glanced back at him and noticed that his eyes were still resting on me, but he wasn’t looking at me in the way a man should look at his stepdaughter. He was looking at me with a hungry curiosity, his eyes wandering appreciatively up and down my young body. I realized that he liked what he was seeing. Suddenly, I started to feel a little bit hot.

  “So… is there anything else I can help you with?” I asked shyly.

  “Well, there’s always the firewood that needs to be stacked…” Michael mumbled and scratched the back of his head, looking away.

  I took a step towards him and let my shirt fall to the floor. “I meant something more… fun.” I said and grinned up at him.

  “O–oh?” Michael shot me a curious glance, letting his eyes wander over my pushed–together breasts. “What kind of… fun did you have in mind?” He asked carefully.

  I stopped in front of him and quietly looked up into his eyes. My hands reached around my back and unclasped my bra before slowly letting it fall to the ground. There was a chill breeze in the garage, causing my pink nipples to stiffen and perk up.

  “This kind of fun,” I whispered and took Michael’s hand in mine, placing it on my breast. His hand carefully caressed my breast, cupping it in his big hand and squeezing my nipple between his two fingers. I held my breath and leaned my head back, enjoying the touch of his hands on me.

  “Are you sure?” Michael asked and looked up into my eyes. There was a different look on his face, a heat in his eyes that I couldn’t describe. I’d never seen him look at anyone like that, not even my mother. “I mean, should we really…?” He trailed off mid–sentence, perhaps too uncertain to say the words out loud.

  “Yes,” I moaned when his fingers pinched my nipple. “You want it too, don’t you? I saw the way you looked at me earlier…”

  Michael reached his free hand around the back of my neck and gripped it, pushing me closer towards him. “It’s true,” He whispered. “I guess there’s no point in denying it.

  I fell to my knees and look up at him with a grin as my hands stroked the outside of his thighs. They were strong and muscular, just like the rest of his body. My mind was racing with thoughts of all the possible positions we could fuck in thanks to his strength, but for now there was only one thing I wanted to do.

  “Getting straight to work, huh?” Michael asked with a grin when my hands reached onto the button of his pants and started to open it. There was a bulge in his pants, hard and big, throbbing against my hands as I worked his pants down over his hips.

  “You’re such a hard worker,” I said and winked at him. “And it’s time for your pay…”

  My fingers hooked around the seam of his boxers and pulled them down, letting his fat, hard cock spring free. It was much bigger than I’d ever imagined—as fat and long as my entire forearm. Suddenly, all of my thoughts of him fucking me seemed impossible. How could that possibly fit inside of me?! I thought and stared big–eyed at his cock. The more I thought about it, the wetter and warmer I felt myself become. There was something about the thought of his big, fat cock stretching me wide open and pounding into me hard and fast that I just couldn’t ignore…

  “Having a change of heart?” Michael asked and raised his eyebrow.

  “No!” I said quickly, my heart pounding in my chest. “I’m just… you’re so… I didn’t realize… How would…” I stammered. “You’re much bigger than I thought.” I spat out finally.

  “I’m sure you can handle it,” Michael grinned widely. “You just need some warming up first.”

  He grabbed my arm and pulled me up to my feet before wrapping his arm around my waist. Pushing me closer against his body, he pressed his lips against mine and hungrily pushed them apart. His mouth tasted like mint and coffee. I closed my eyes and moaned softly, enjoying the feeling of his soft lips against mine. I melted into his arms while his tongue made its way into my mouth, eagerly exploring what was hidden behind my lips.

  Meanwhile, his hands wandered up and down the sides of my body, taking in every turn and curve of my young body. His hands slipped into my jeans and pushed them down over my hips, causing my wet–stained panties to slip down too. His hand slipped into my panties and explored my wet folds, stroking and rubbing them with experienced, excited moves.

  I moaned into his mouth and reached my arms around his body, stroking and feeling every inch of his big, muscular back. His hands gripped my buttocks and lifted me up suddenly, causing me to let out a surprised gasp and open my eyes. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs tightly around his body while he carried me across the room with a smirk, setting my buttocks down on top of the clean work bench.

  Lowering his head down and gently tickling my nipple with his tongue, his hands slipped my jeans shorts down the rest of the way and dropped them on the floor beside us. Despite being completely naked, aside from the thin fabric of my panties that were barely hanging on to my legs, I wasn’t cold. In fact, I was starting to feel hot all over, with a redness spreading over my heaving chest and neck.

  I leaned my head back against the wall and Michael planted his lips on my exposed neck, kissing and biting on my pale skin until I groaned.

  His hand found its way in between my legs and gently rubbed my wet, swollen pussy lips. He played with them, spreading them apart and running his finger up and down my slit until my whole body was shivering.

  “Oh, Michael. Fuck…” I moaned. “It feels so good.”

  “You haven’t felt nothing yet,” Michael whispered into my ear.

  He leaned forward, pressing his stiff, warm cock against my entrance. He wrapped his hand around the shaft of his cock and moved it forward, spreading my wet, swollen pussy lips with the tip of his fat cock. It wasn’t even inside of me yet, but my pussy was already clenching tightly and throbbing with anticipation.

  He thrust forward with a grunt, and his cock slipped inside of me. His thickness spread my walls wide open and stretched my lips, causing me to let out a quiet whimper. I wrapped my arms tighter around his neck and squeezed him tightly.

  “You okay?” He whispered quietly into my ear.

  “Mhm,” I nodded softly, digging my nails into his skin. His cock was still stretching my poor, tight pussy wide open, but it didn’t hurt—it just felt good. My whole body was shivering against him, and I barely dared to breathe. “Deeper.” I moaned.

  Michael’s hands moved onto my lower back and held me firmly. With a gentle thrust of his hips, his cock pushed forward and penetrated deeper inside of me. He grunted quietly, his hands shaking as they held onto my skin.

  “Fuck, you’re tight…” He gasped.

  With a last thrust of his hips, his cock penetrated all the way inside of me. I could feel it ram against my inner wall, which sent a spike of pain throughout my body, while the thick base of his cock spread my hole open. I gasped, dragging my fingernails do
wn his back and leaving long, red marks in his skin.

  “Oh God,” I moaned, feeling every muscle in my body tense up. I’d never felt something so intense and amazing before in my entire life, and I almost couldn’t handle it. I could feel every throb of his thick, fat cock inside of me, pulsating against my inner walls and making me shiver.

  Gripping my body firmly with his hands, Michael started to move his hips back and forth. His cock slid in and out of me, rubbing against my clit with each stroke.

  He leaned his head down and pressed his lips against mine, hungrily sucking and nibbling on my bottom lip. I let my tongue wander into his mouth and curiously explore his warm cave, tasting and feeling him in any way I could. The fact that he was my stepfather had stopped to matter; the only thing I could think about was his body grinding against mine and making me feel wonderful.

  After just a few strokes, I could feel my body climb closer and closer towards the peak. It felt higher than ever before, but each gentle stroke of Michael’s hips brought me closer. He was grunting and breathing heavily into my ear, panting almost, with beads of sweat rolling down his forehead.

  “I don’t know how long I’ll be able to hold it in,” He gasped into my ear. “I’m… I’m going to cum soon.”

  I held Michael against my body in a desperate attempt to stop him from pulling out, determined to reach my peak before it was too late. I was so close, we couldn’t stop now!

  “I’m so close,” I moaned into his ear. “Don’t stop yet, please. Cum inside of me!”

  His cock was swelling and throbbing against my inner walls, stretching them open wider as he grew larger in size. “I shouldn’t,” He grunted. “You could get pregnant.”

  “I don’t care,” I gasped into his ear. After that, I couldn’t do anything but hold my breath. Michael exploded inside of me with a loud groan, and the extra simulation of his semen filling me up made my pussy convulse and throb pleasantly as I went over the edge.

  “Ah!” I gasped and exhaled sharply. “Michael!”


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